My Patients Fall in Love with Me

Chapter 116: The last world


The liquid near the outer layer has solidified slightly, and the middle part is still in a viscous liquid state, the color is slightly yellow, and the whole egg looks like a giant egg.

Pei Lu salivated at the steaming "Great Egg". The first time he ate this was when he went to the restaurant with Jin Ming, but what he ate back then didn't seem to be the same variety as the one now.

"how long have to wait?"

Pei Lu watched eagerly, with a very eager expression on his face, but whoever took the nutritional supplements for a few days would be a little impatient to have another meal.

Jin Ming tried it with a spoon, and the whole egg had been roasted to about seven or eight matures, and the yellowish liquid had solidified, soft and slippery without being too old.

"Okay," Jin Ming wrapped the hard-baked insect eggs with a big leaf he found outside and took them off and handed them to Pei Lu, "Eat slowly, be careful of burning."

Pei Lu was supported by thick leaves, and he could still feel the heat coming from inside.

He held the eggs and blew carefully, then put the eggs on his lap, held the eggs with one hand, and carefully scooped up a spoon with the other hand.

Pei Lu put the spoon by his mouth and blew, then handed it to Jin Ming's mouth, his eyes were bright, "Try it."

Jin Ming looked into his dark eyes, pursed his lips, and lowered his head to swallow the small spoon completely.

"Delicious..." Jin Ming raised his head, with a smile in his eyes, he licked the corner of his lips intentionally or unintentionally, not knowing what delicious he was talking about.

Pei Lu: "..."

He stared at the spoon in the mouth of the man in front of him for a while, and then looked at Jin Ming's incomparably natural smile. He bit his cheek, dug a spoonful with the spoon, cooled it, and put it into his mouth.

Jin Ming smiled even more happily.

Pei Lufei quickly took the spoon out of his mouth, without daring to touch it with his tongue, his shy ears turned red.

But the instigator was still unwilling to settle down, so he got cheap and said, "Is it delicious?"

Pei Lu always felt that his tone was malicious, so he held it in for a long time before he could say two words, "It's delicious,"

Jin Ming chuckled, "As long as it's delicious, I'm worried that you won't like it."

Pei Lu: "..."

Pei Lu didn't want to talk to him anymore.

Jin Ming roasted another worm egg, and after each person ate it one by one, he rested in the cave for a while, and then resumed his busy work.

Jin Ming sent a message to Gao Zhuang, telling him about his situation.

Not long after, Gao Zhuang also replied to the message, saying that he had confirmed several markers on his side, and there was nothing there.

The base's intelligence was inaccurate.

However, Gao Zhuang accidentally discovered an interesting thing.

When he detected the last marker, he found that many bugs were moving in the same direction.

Now that several markers have been confirmed to be wrong, he plans to follow these bugs to have a look.

Jin Ming thought for a while, and said: "Let's go and have a look, these bugs will not gather together for no reason, it may be related to the female bug we are looking for."

Pei Lu nodded, and put all the tools in the cave back into his backpack.

Jin Ming sent a message to Gao Zhuang, saying that he would also go there, and Gao Zhuang sent a location.

So the two sat on the big bug again, and looked for it according to the location.

The location sent by Gao Zhuang is still a little far away from them. According to the speed of the bugs, it is estimated that it will take nearly two days to arrive.

The two of them didn't rest along the way, they just took nutritional supplements when they were hungry, and when Pei Lu was sleepy, he nestled in Jin Ming's arms and slept for a while, while Jin Ming didn't close his eyes.

The two of them hurried forward and finally reached the vicinity of Gao Zhuang.

Gao Zhuang's location kept moving. Jin Ming sent him a video request, and it took him a long time to connect. Gao Zhuang's dark face appeared in the video.

"Don't come here, run quickly, this place is full of bugs..."

Before he finished speaking, the video vibrated violently, Gao Zhuang should be running, the voice in the video was intermittent,

"Damn... why are there so many..."

Jin Ming frowned, and drove the big bug closer to Gao Zhuang's position, "You find a place to hide, we'll come over right away."

There was no reply, and there were only blurred, fast-moving scenes in the video, as well as noisy and chaotic sounds.

It took a long time before the picture came out again, Gao Zhuang's face was covered with sweat and blood, his voice was hoarse with a slight trembling, "Don't come here... run quickly..."

He leaned against a boulder and wiped the blood on his face with his hand, "I was planted here, if these bugs leave, you can take the corpse back to me..."

"Gao Zhuang!" Jin Ming said in a stern voice, "I'll be there soon, just hold on for a while."

Gao Zhuang shook his head with a wry smile, and moved the video down. His lower body was more terrifying than the exposed wounds on his body. His right calf was completely gnawed off, leaving only sporadic flesh and blood attached to the white bones.

"Damn... these bugs are poisonous, I can't run away, you don't come here to die," he panted heavily, his eyes were already a little loose, "I guess these bugs are looking for female bugs to mate..."

"Damn there are so many bugs, all of them are male, I didn't even see a single female..."

Jin Ming looked at the two red dots that were getting closer and closer, and said in a deep voice, "I'll be right there."

Gao Zhuang's face was completely pale, his lips turned black and blue, and his spirit was weakening at a speed visible to the naked eye. He opened his mouth and turned the camera to the other side.

"Here they come."

The screen is filled with giant bugs of different shapes and colors, and they charge forward aggressively.

Jin Ming pulled the rope, and the big bug stopped.

Pei Lu anxiously urged him, "What are you doing stopping? Let's save him."

"It's too late." Jin Ming shook his head with a gloomy expression.

Pei Lu was stunned, and the anxious expression on his face slowly collapsed.

As if to prove Jin Ming's words, the entire army of bugs in the video came over, the video shook, and soon there was only darkness left.

"let's go."

Jin Ming quickly controlled the big worm to turn around, avoiding the army of hunting worms far away.

Jin Ming finally stopped at a safe boundary.

The atmosphere was silent, and no one spoke.

After a while, Pei Lu approached him as if he lost his strength, "Is he dead?"

Jin Ming gave a low "um" and patted him on the back softly.

After Pei Lu said this, he didn't speak again.

He knew about this past.

At that time, the Federation reported the news that Jin Ming destroyed the illegal laboratory on the abandoned star alone. Jin Ming became famous in the first battle. With this credit, he was promoted to three ranks and was awarded the rank of major by the military department.

But compared to Jin Ming's high-profile on this matter, the people who carried out the task with him were much more low-key.

The federation didn't even disclose the name of the soldier who died, and only vaguely said that the other party also participated in the mission of destroying the star, but unfortunately died, and was also awarded the rank of major by the military department, and his bones were buried in the martyr's cemetery.

It turned out that his name was Gao Zhuang.

Jin Ming was depressed, "Where are we going now?"

Jin Ming patted his head, "Leave after these bugs have mated."

According to the information from Gao Zhuang, there is a 90% chance that these males are going to mate with females.

The female worm is the target that Jin Ming must solve, and they can only wait for the mating period to pass.

Jin Ming found a hidden cave, and the two temporarily recuperated in the cave.

By the seventh day, they could see the worms crawling away one after another.

Jin Ming took advantage of these few days to get a clear idea of the surrounding terrain.

He drew a simple map on the ground with a branch, pointed to the lower right corner and said, "The female insect is probably here."

The branch slid on the ground and moved to the middle position, "The female worm is an important experimental subject, and people from the laboratory must often come to check the situation..."

"We just need to sit and wait near the female worm?" Pei Lu answered.

"Yeah." Jin Ming scratched the map on the ground with his feet, "Let's go and check the situation first, and when those bugs have left, we can go there and wait."

Pei Lu understood and walked out with him.

Jin Ming reached out to hug him like before, but Pei Lu avoided him, "I'll go up by myself."

Pei Lu pulled the rope, stepped on the slender legs of the big bug, climbed up and sat down.

Jin Ming waited for him to sit down, stepped on his wrists and feet to take advantage of his body, and sat behind Pei Lu.

He held Pei Lu in his arms from behind, kicked the well-behaved big worm, and rushed to the place of the mother worm.

Along the way, the bodies of many bugs were lying on the side of the road. It seemed that there was a fierce fight between these bugs before mating.

Occasionally there are live insects that crawl past slowly, and most of them lack arms and legs. When they see large insects crawling past quickly, they will actively avoid them.

Jin Ming and the others were lucky, the bugs gathered in the past had completely dispersed.

According to the location, Jin Ming found Gao Zhuang's body first.

"You wait here for me." Jin Ming didn't let Pei Lu go down, the last incident had made him depressed for quite a while. Seeing Gao Zhuang's corpse gnawed down to the bones, it will probably be even more uncomfortable.

Gao Zhuang's body was bitten to pieces, his bones were scattered all over the ground, and his terminal and backpack fell to the ground, no one cares about him.

Jin Ming stood on the spot, saluted the pile of bones with a solemn expression, then gathered the scattered bones, dug a pit and buried them.

The tall and strong terminal and backpack were taken back by him.

Pei Lu took the bag and put it in front of him. There were two powerful bombs in the bag.

"Don't we take his with us?"

"Take him with you when you go back." Jin Ming kicked the big bug, "Let's go."

They followed the corpse of the bug all the way, and they quickly found a hole.

The entrance of the cave was dark, and faint sounds could be heard from inside.

Jin Ming held Pei Lu's hand, "Go in and have a look, you are hiding behind me." He was worried about leaving Pei Lu outside alone, so he could only take him in together.

Pei Lu nodded and said yes, "They can't see me."

Jin Ming's expression still didn't relax at all, and he didn't dare to relax for a moment when it came to Pei Lu's safety.

The two walked inside one after the other. The space inside was much larger than the entrance of the cave. There were corpses of insects beside the entrance from time to time. Following the guidance of these corpses, the two of them successfully found the place where the female insect was hiding.

Going further inside is a cave. Standing in the shadow of the corner, Jin Ming can hear obvious rubbing and chewing sounds.

Jin Ming made a gesture to Pei Lu, his body moved slightly, and he leaned out a little to see what was going on inside.

Inside is a prototype cave, in the middle of which is locked a huge meat worm.

The fleshy worm was lying on its stomach, revealing its huge abdomen, and it could be faintly seen full of eggs.

There were still many corpses and skeletons of insects lying on its lower abdomen. After lying there for a while, the fleshy insects let out a strange cry, and saw several male insects crawling out of the hole on the other side to surround it.

Several males competed for a while, and the strongest of them climbed onto the female and began to mate.

The mating lasted for two minutes, and then the male worm twitched and became numb, and the female worm stretched out her claws, pulled the unresponsive male worm over, and began to chew.

The following male worms were all like this. One lucky one was half-chewed, and suddenly struggled to escape from the female worm's mouth, dragging the remaining half of its body and running away.

Jin Ming observed the situation in the cave expressionlessly, and took advantage of the opportunity of the male worm to escape, and rolled a bomb out.

The bomb rolled a few times, and finally rolled to the side of the female worm's belly, and was pressed down by the female worm's fat body.

Jin Ming stepped back and gestured to Pei Lu to leave first.

It wasn't until they got out of the cave that the two breathed a sigh of relief.

Jin Ming led the big bug to hide it first, then took Pei Lu to find a hidden place, hid it with Pei Lu, and waited quietly for the people from the laboratory to come.

Jin Ming's guess was correct. Two days later, people from the laboratory came to check the condition of the female worm.

They came here by car, and the two white coats got out of the car and went straight to the cave.

Jin Ming secretly followed and saw them testing the meat worms with instruments.

After the test, one of them took out a glass cylinder and cut the female worm's thin abdomen with a knife, and the ungrown eggs flowed into the test tube along with the semen.

The female worm remained motionless, as if she was still afraid of them. After the cylinder was filled, the white coat sprayed something on the wound, and the wound healed quickly.

After collecting the data in the white coat, he packed his things and prepared to leave. Jin Ming exited quietly, stuck a tracker on their car, and quickly hid.

Two white coats came out of the cave quickly carrying things.

After they drove away, Jin Ming turned on the navigation and followed them on a big bug.

The laboratory was not far from the cave where the female worm was, and they stopped after only ten minutes of driving.

Then the two walked on a piece of flat ground with strange steps for two times, when the flat ground suddenly sank, the two drove up and stopped, the piece of ground was easy to descend slowly, and the hole opened above them went down After that, it quickly rose and closed.

Jin Ming noticed the location and pace of their walking, he walked up and walked according to the location in memory, but there was no change.

Pei Lu watched him go, and wanted to say that he had taken a wrong step. He wanted to speak, but found that no matter what, he couldn't speak.

Pei Lu frowned, moved his feet and wanted to go directly to demonstrate, but found that he couldn't move his feet either.

Pei Lu stood there anxiously, not understanding why it suddenly became like this.

"This is Jin Ming's memory. Everything has already happened. You cannot participate."

666, who hadn't spoken for a long time, suddenly spoke.

Pei Lu was taken aback, "Is that so?"

666 said he was not sure, "This is just my guess."

Pei Lu felt that this might be the case, because this was Jin Ming's memory, so other people couldn't see him.

But now, in the face of these memories that have already happened, even if he knows, he can't say or do it.

He was just a bystander, accompanying Jin Ming to experience this memory again.

He stood there blankly, looking a little sad.

On the other side, after repeating several times, Jin Ming finally found the correct password.

The ground was sunken, and Jin Ming and Pei Lu stood up and slowly sank.

After going down, there is a dark corridor.

Fortunately, there is no guard at the entrance.

Jin Ming walked in carefully, the empty and dark corridor was very gloomy, even the light tubes were cold and pale.

The corridor is very long, and the echo is very loud, and even the slightest sound will be loudly played.

Jin Ming walked lightly on it without making any extra noise.

Pei Lu carefully followed behind him.

There was no shelter in the long corridor, and Pei Lu followed behind with a beating heart, afraid that someone would suddenly come in front of him.

Fortunately, the two tensed their nerves and walked to the end without meeting anyone.

At the end of the corridor is a corner, past the corner you can hear faint human voices and the hum of machines.

Jin Ming ventured over to take a look, and quickly backed away. There were people over there, so it would be difficult for him to pass.

He looked around and suddenly saw the vent above his head.

Jin Mingchong pointed upwards, led Pei Lu back, and then carefully opened the vent cover.

Pei Lu was carried up by Jin Ming, and then Jin Ming also climbed up, and then put the lid back on, so that no one could be seen coming in.

The ventilation pipe was very damp, with moss growing on the pipe, and the smell was not very pleasant. The two dogs walked over the pipe with their arms around their bodies.

There will be a vent at every interval, and Jin Ming observes through the vent to judge where he is.

The periphery of the underground laboratory is mostly robots, with only a few people outside.

The further inward you go along the ventilation duct, the more people are below, and you can even see large and small cages.

There are strange-shaped experimental subjects in the cage, and the researcher in the white coat holds the test record of the instrument, and the monster in the cage roars in despair.

They even saw an experimental subject with a human upper body and a worm lower body.

That experimental subject seemed very irritable, and the expression on its face had completely retreated from humanity, leaving only the brutality and bloodthirsty of a beast.

Jin Ming glanced at it lightly, then looked away, and continued to walk forward.

They went around for a long time, and after several detours, they finally found the way to the central laboratory.

There are fewer people in the central laboratory.

The surroundings are very quiet, and occasionally a researcher walks by cautiously, as if afraid of disturbing something.

Jin Ming followed the passing researchers inside, and soon found the central laboratory smoothly.

The layout inside was very simple, with several cages placed in the four corners, and an anatomy table in the middle, on which lay a woman whose stomach had been disemboweled.

The woman's limbs are slender, but her belly is very swollen, and there is still a living thing moving inside, I want to figure it out.

The fully armed researchers cut open her stomach completely, and what was exposed from the open belly was not a normal baby, but a half-human, half-insect monster.