My Patients Fall in Love with Me

Chapter 121: real world


Because Pei Lu had much stronger mental power than ordinary people, Jin Ming had to change his plan.

During the period, he went to negotiate with Grandpa Ming again, and asked Pei Lu's identity and ability to be kept strictly confidential.

Grandpa Ming knew his character well, so he had no choice but to agree for the sake of his grandson.

During this period, the eldest prince came to visit.

Hundreds of years ago, the federation and the empire were a whole, and after the civil war, there was a split, half of which developed into an empire, and one evolved into the current federation.

The federation is a constitutional monarchy, power is concentrated in the hands of the military and the cabinet, and the royal family is just like a mascot.

But the eldest prince obviously doesn't want to be just a mascot, and there are countless little tricks in private. The most important point is that the eldest prince's wife is very close to Mrs. Jin.

Now that there is a fake old marshal, it is impossible for the empire to arrange only one person, and there must be other fakes in the federation.

The eldest prince is the primary object of suspicion.

The third prince and the first prince are siblings, and he has always been a good brother who dotes on his younger brother. Now that the third prince is being forcibly detained by Jin Ming as a guest at the Marshal's Mansion, he has no reason not to visit.

Jin Ming entertained the eldest prince and his party in the living room.

The eldest prince is nearly thirty years old, with a good appearance and a magnanimous appearance.

He exchanged a few words with Jin Ming, and then got straight to the point, "Xiaoxuan is still young, if he offends the Marshal, he should be taught a lesson after reflecting on these days in Bieyuan."

Jin Ming waved his hand, and said with surprise: "The eldest prince misunderstood, it's just that the scenery of the other garden that the third prince loves so much, he only stayed for a few more days. If the eldest prince is worried, he can take him back at any time."

The eldest prince paused, his expression contorted for a moment, and then he laughed, "Really? It seems that I misunderstood the general."

"It just so happened that I came here today, so I took Xiaoxuan back home, and my mother missed him very much."

Jin Ming showed great generosity, turned his head to Zhang Qi and said: "Zhang Qi, go to Bieyuan and invite the third prince over, and say that the eldest prince came to pick him up in person."

Zhang Qi went down in response, while Jin Ming continued to talk to the eldest prince in a neutral manner.

Bieyuan is not far from here, Zhang Qi brought the third prince over after a while.

The third prince lived in the other courtyard for nearly half a month. At first, he was very dissatisfied and noisy. Later, he found that he could not run away. Jin Ming raised him with delicious food and drink. Apart from not being able to go out, he was accompanied by someone to eat, drink and play with. , just live in peace.

Therefore, not only was he not as thin and haggard as the eldest prince imagined, but he was a little rounder than before.

The eldest prince smiled and pulled the third prince over, patted the third prince's head, and said with a smile: "You're fat."

The third prince was spoiled and pampered, and he had no scruples about facing the eldest prince. After sitting down casually, he just stared at Jin Ming blankly.

Jin Ming frowned calmly, without glancing at him.

The eldest prince received the person, and after a few polite words with Jin Ming, he took the third prince to leave.

When the people left, Pei Lu turned around from behind the screen and said jokingly, "Marshal Jin is really charming."

"..." Jin Ming hugged him into his arms amusedly and rubbed him, "I didn't even look at him, you can't touch porcelain like a vinegar bottle."

Pei Lu naturally knew, snorted lightly, and told him the business, "That eldest prince is just like the old marshal."

Jin Ming cupped his face and kissed him, admiringly said: "Baby is so amazing, my husband will reward you with a big baby."

Pei Lu was picked up by him and went to the bedroom to see the big baby.


The suspected candidates have been identified, and the next step is to start the investigation of the close relationship network around them.

Jin Ming did not intervene in this matter, it was all arranged by Grandpa Ming, the cabinet and the military.

When Grandpa Ming learned of the death of his daughter and grandson more than 20 years ago, he was overly stimulated, and he recovered after a long period of recuperation in the hospital. Later, when the body recovered and was still in the hospital, it was purely to pretend to be sick, so as to relax the vigilance of counterfeit goods.

Now that he has caught the thread, Grandpa Ming who is idle in the hospital can finally come in handy.

They quickly locked in the suspect.

It's just that these people are all over the royal family, the cabinet, and the military. Even if the high-level leaders of the Federation have already made complete preparations, they still hurt one thousand enemies and eight hundred.

In order to minimize accidental injuries, their actions had to be more cautious, and the planning time was much longer than Jin Ming expected.

When he was almost impatient to wait, an unexpected visitor suddenly came to the General's Mansion.

The person who came was wearing a black tight-fitting leather jacket, and his muscular muscles held the leather jacket tightly. With a row of sparkling earrings on his ears, he looked very much like some unscrupulous practitioners.

If it wasn't for his familiar face, Jin Ming might have just punched him out.

He looked at the man's empty right arm and raised his eyebrows, "Suzaku?"

Suzaku crossed his legs and poured himself a glass of water with his left hand, with a relaxed posture as if meeting an old friend.

"Marshal Jin has a good memory."

Jin Ming's muscles were tense, and he was always on guard. He smiled on the surface and said, "You haven't changed at all since you were back then."

Suzaku didn't shy away from it, and raised the corners of her mouth evilly, "The experimental results of those lunatics are really good."

Jin Ming looked at his face that was no different from that of more than ten years, and gave a "hmm" in full agreement.

Suzaku put down his teacup and put one hand behind his head, "I'm here this time to negotiate a deal with you."

Jin Ming was sitting upright, which contrasted sharply with his casual look, "I don't think we have any deals to do."

Suzaku laughed, he shook his finger, and said softly: "Master Marshal, don't be so full of words."

He approached Jin Ming, and whispered: "Don't you want to know, how many spies from the empire have been planted by the high level of the federation?"

Jin Ming's expression darkened, and he looked at him carefully, as if he was judging the truth of what he said.

Suzaku still had that foolish look, letting him scrutinize her.

After a while, Jin Ming stood up, "Go to the study to talk."

Suzaku chuckled, and followed him to the study.

"what do you want?"

In the study, Jin Ming turned around and looked at him.

Suzaku smiled, with a hint of bloodthirsty in his smile, "Elder Prince."

Jin Ming raised his eyebrows, "What do you want a counterfeit for?"

Suzaku was slightly taken aback, but he didn't expect them to find out that there was something wrong with the First Prince, but there was nothing he couldn't say. There was a hint of amusement in his tone, "The First Prince of the Federation is a counterfeit, but he is the real Second Prince of the Empire."

Jin Ming's eyebrows twitched, "The empire is willing to spend its money."

Suzaku shook his head with a sarcastic expression, "The empire is not the same as the federation. The emperor has many sons, just one prince."

Jin Ming twitched his mouth when he thought of the emperor's sons, who were too many to count. He didn't bother with this question anymore, "I can give it to you, but what do you get in exchange?"

"Is the list of spies enough?"

Suzaku raised her eyebrows proudly, "I got them from the laboratory, and there are quite a few people."

Jin Ming pondered, "How can I be sure what you said is true?"

Suzaku shrugged indifferently, "Believe it or not is up to you, even if you don't give him to me, I can still get him away."

Jin Ming thought of his appearance in the laboratory, and finally said in a deep voice, "Deal."

Suzaku laughed and jumped out of the window of the study, only the voice came from afar, "Pay attention to the mailbox..."

In the evening, Jin Ming received an encrypted email in his private mailbox. Jin Ming opened the attachment, and the document listed the name and corresponding identity of the experimenter who underwent surgery at that time.

The empire spent more than twenty years carefully cultivating eleven counterfeit products, and then found the right time to kill the real owner and arrange counterfeit products to replace them. . The status of the replacement varies from high to low, but without exception, they occupy an important position in the federation.

If they are allowed to continue to develop and continue to recruit and expand their connections, the Federation may cease to exist in a few decades.

Jin Ming was silent about the list for a long time before forwarding the email to Grandpa Ming.

They had been afraid to act before, worried that mistakes in judgment would cause accidental injury, and they were timid.

Now that the precise list is in place, there is no reason to delay any longer.

The next day Jin Ming took Pei Lu to meet Grandpa Ming, and when he came back, he announced that the two would be officially engaged in a month.

The guests invited to the engagement banquet included almost the top officials of the entire Federation.

The engagement ceremony was held in a grand manner. In order to protect the safety of the guests, the security work of the engagement ceremony was directly taken over by Jin Ming, who was in charge of the First Army.

The people were all looking forward to this grand engagement ceremony, and the topic of Marshal's engagement was everywhere on the Internet, but they didn't know that all of this was just to cover up people's eyes and ears.

Private work has been secretly prepared.

There are too many people involved and their influence is too great. They must quickly and accurately control all suspicious targets. At the same time, they must be able to produce strong evidence to prove the identity of these fakes and appease their families.

Jin Ming was so busy that his feet didn't touch the ground, and he hardly stayed at home except when he came back to sleep at night.

Pei Lu was not idle either. When Jin Ming was not around, he consciously exercised his mental strength, hoping that he could help more.

In the busy work of the two, the engagement ceremony finally ushered in.

The wedding ceremony was held at the Marshal's Mansion, and the scene was grandly arranged. The huge champagne tower reflected the light of the crystal lamp, which was extravagant and splendid.

The guests arrived one after another. The two uncles of the Ming family were helping to greet the guests, while Jin Ming took Pei Lu around to identify people.

Neither the old Marshal nor Grandpa Ming came.

When a guest asked curiously, Jin Ming replied in unison, "Father is going to pick up grandpa, and he may arrive later."

The music played slowly, and the guests arrived one after another. The waiters shuttled around the venue carrying trays, their eyes fixed on the target intentionally or unintentionally.

At ten o'clock, the heavy bell rang, and the warm music subsided. The guests stopped talking quietly and looked up at the reception platform in the center of the venue intently.

Jin Ming walked up in a well-tailored suit.

He raised his hand and pressed down, the final music also stopped, and only his voice echoed in the venue, "By virtue of everyone being present today, I have something to announce, I hope it won't scare everyone. "

His eyes fell on the audience, the hands hidden among the guests were ready, he smiled slightly, and his five fingers immediately gathered into a fist.

Colorful fireworks fell down one after another, and the soldiers who were ready to go were ordered to burst into action in an instant to take down their respective targets.

The guests were stunned by the sudden attack around them, and after reacting, they wanted to resist, but the well-trained soldiers had already pressed the target and retreated outside the encirclement.

The guests turned to look at Jin Ming on the stage, shouting angrily or questioning him fiercely, and the venue became noisy.

Jin Ming's expression was stern, and his voice spread throughout the venue through the loudspeaker, "Everyone, please be safe, and I will give you a satisfactory explanation."

He rushed to the stage to signal, and the soldiers pressed down on the targets and retreated quickly.

Only the dazed and angry guests were left in place.

Jin Ming didn't leave either, he was still standing in the center of the stage.

Shortly after the soldiers escorted the man away, the large high-definition screen behind him lit up.

This was originally intended to show the acquaintance process of the two newcomers, but at this moment a room was clearly shown on the big screen.

The room was very empty, and there were eleven chairs in it. The chairs were specially made, and they were divided into two rows and fixed on the ground. They were used to confine the prisoners for interrogation. At this time, there were already people on the two chairs in the first row, but they had never appeared. The old marshal and the eldest prince.

The guests looked at Jin Ming in amazement, not understanding what he wanted to do.

Soon afterward, the remaining nine people were escorted in by the soldiers and locked up separately.

When these people came in, their faces were originally full of anger, but after seeing the old marshal and the first prince who had suffered the same situation, they suddenly calmed down.

There was a distance of nearly one meter between the specially made restraint chairs. After everyone was tied up, Jin Ming took out a remote control and pressed it lightly, and a prototype glass cover rose around the chairs to separate them from each other.

The guests were whispering and whispering, especially the family members of the arrested ones who dared not speak out and looked at Jin Ming, waiting for his explanation.

Jin Ming said slowly, "This operation is a secret operation unanimously approved by the royal family, the cabinet, and the military. If it has caused shock to everyone present, I am deeply sorry."

He looked around, took the expressions of everyone present into his eyes, and continued: "A total of eleven spies from the empire were arrested in this operation. Since the empire has adopted the latest camouflage technology, in order to give you a true and credible investigation result, this The next interrogation will be open to the public."

"What evidence do you have to prove that they are spies, and he is your father!"

Mrs. Jin in the crowd asked sharply. When she saw the old marshal among them, the panic in her heart burst out uncontrollably. She thought it was Jin Ming's revenge.

Jin Ming looked at her lightly, with pity and sympathy in his eyes, "The evidence will be available soon."

He pressed a button on the remote control, and the glass cover where the old marshal was located slowly lowered. Jin Ming said softly: "Let's start."

Pei Lu appeared in the video. In order to protect his true identity, Jin Ming had someone disguise him on purpose. The one who appeared in the video was an ordinary man who was nearly thirty years old.

He walked up to the old marshal, observed carefully for a while, and then said to the staff behind him holding the instrument: "It's time to start."

The mental power detector was turned on.

There was nothing on the black screen, but as Pei Lu released his mental power and grabbed the small piece of thread behind the old marshal's ear, thin white lines began to appear on the black screen.

As the thin white line was slowly pulled away from the old marshal's face, a gap suddenly appeared on the old marshal's face, which was not displayed on the instrument, and a faint white light glowed on the gap.

Then the gap got bigger and bigger, Pei Lu carefully followed the direction of the thread, and peeled off the delicate mask on the old marshal's face.

Finally, what was presented in front of everyone was a middle-aged man with an old face that no one had ever seen before.

"It's impossible!" Mrs. Jin screamed, and she pointed at Jin Ming almost hysterically, "This is a trick you made to get revenge on your father."

Jin Ming glanced at him, then turned his gaze back, and said in a deep voice, "The next step is genetic matching."

As soon as everyone in the federation is born, they will be entered into the gene bank, bound to the terminal, and their personal information will be collected and stored in the main brain.

In the room, Pei Lu retreated to rest, and doctors in white coats came over with instruments, and at the same time retrieved the gene archive in the main brain.

"This is Marshal Jin's genetic archive." The director of the Federal Hospital who was in charge of the test was known for his straightforward temper, and no one present did not recognize him.

He took out a syringe, drew half a tube of blood, and began to perform complex tests on the instrument.

The test took a long time and took nearly two hours. The dean compared the final test sample with the archive, "It is indeed the Marshal's own genes."

His expression was very excited, such a thing was unheard of, he groped for a while in disbelief on the face of the old marshal, and then did a test with an instrument without giving up - there was no trace of plastic surgery.

He took a deep breath in shock, whether it was blood samples or genetic samples, they were exactly the same as the marshal, but that face was an ordinary stranger.

Jin Ming released the information they investigated again, and a personal information form appeared on the screen. The bareheaded photo on it was almost exactly the same as the face of the counterfeit in the video on the other side.

According to the data, this person was an ordinary soldier of the 54th Army of the Empire, who died in a certain battle.

The guests looked shocked, subconsciously unwilling to believe such a shocking thing, but they had to believe all the evidence in front of them.

Madam Jin looked at the man in the video with a pale face, screamed and passed out.

Jin Ming turned off the video and scanned the people with different thoughts, "Next, they will be handed over to a military court. The interrogation process will be open to the public. If relatives have objections, they can apply for prison visits and audits."

Jin Ming left from the background.

This grand engagement banquet ended hastily, and Jin Ming didn't care about other things, so he went to find Pei Lu immediately.

Pei Lu had already taken off the masks made of spiritual silk for the three of them. His mental strength was exhausted, and his head throbbed in pain. He rubbed his temples in pain, and gritted his teeth to continue dealing with the fourth one.

Even Jin Ming who arrived stopped him.

He found an excuse to drag him away, and when he got to a place where no one was around, Jin Ming picked him up and patted his PI butt, "Why did you promise me?"

Pei Lu hugged his neck and lay in his arms, rubbed it lazily twice, and kissed him on both cheeks flatteringly, "I want to help you, so it's better to end it sooner."

The sooner these bad things are resolved, the sooner they can get married, but Pei Lu didn't have the nerve to say it, otherwise wouldn't it appear that he hates marriage

Jin Ming lifted him up, pressed against his forehead, and said in a deep voice, "I'm sorry."

Looking forward to the engagement ceremony for so long, but it was just a cover.

Pei Lu pinched his ears to play, lowered his eyes in embarrassment, and said softly: "There's nothing to be sorry about, isn't there a wedding?"

Jin Ming pressed him into his arms, "Yes, we still have a wedding, and the wedding will definitely be more grand than it is now."

Pei Lu turned his face away, embarrassed to look at him, and gave a soft "um".

It took Pei Lu a week to remove all the disguises of the spies, and after Jin Ming submitted their original identity information to the military court, the trial soon began.

The prisoners were transferred to the court. They had their own interrogation system. No matter what interrogation method was used, in the final court session, everyone chose to plead guilty.

There are also family members who are unwilling to believe the facts, knowing that the criminal has confessed in person, but still firmly believe that this is a deliberate frame-up.

Jin Ming didn't give any tactful comfort to the self-deceiving family members, but asked instead: "Do you know why the blood samples and even the genes of these spies are exactly the same as me?"

The family members shook their heads with a pale face.

Jin Ming looked indifferent, but what he said pierced people's hearts like a sharp sword, "Because your relatives, including my father, were all skinned and dismantled in the imperial laboratory. counterfeits."

"Even so, you still want to complain about these spies?"

The family members opened their mouths, but there was no reason to refute it. All the evidence was clear, and the court answered all their questions. They didn't want to believe it, and they were just trying to escape by deceiving themselves.

"My condolences to everyone." Jin Ming nodded lightly, turned and left.