My Patients Fall in Love with Me

Chapter 17: Teacher, I want to sleep with you


The operation didn't take long. Three hours later, the door of the operating room opened, and the pale Pei Lu was pushed out.

Li Jun rushed forward eagerly. The chief surgeon was the bald uncle. He took off his mask and stopped Li Jun who was about to rush forward. "The operation went well, but we need to observe it for one night. If there are no accidents tonight, we will be fine."

The nurse behind him swiftly pushed Pei Lu into the observation room.

The effect of the anesthetic had not yet passed, Pei Lu was lying quietly on the hospital bed with the ventilator on, his face was so pale that it was somewhat transparent due to blood loss, Li Jun looked at the thin figure inside with restraint through the glass.

Pei Lu slept the whole night, Li Jun waited restlessly outside the observation room for the whole night, Li Qingyi tried to persuade Wen Wan to no avail, so he had to go.

At this time, it has entered autumn, and the temperature at night is very low. The two sides of the corridor are ventilated. When the wind blows, the chill goes down the bone marrow to the bottom of my heart. Li Jun clapped his hands, and the driver gave him clothes, but no matter how thick the clothes were, they couldn't stop the chill of late autumn.

The light in the observation room has been turned off, and only the figure inside can be vaguely seen. The dark silhouette is the only belief that can keep Li Jun going.

The next day, the morning sun had just risen, and the morning chill hadn't subsided yet, Li Jun, who had been watching all night, hurriedly invited the doctor over. The bald uncle yawned, changed into the sterile suit slowly, and went in to check on Pei Lu's condition.

Li Jun stared at the panda eagerly outside.

After a while, the bald uncle came out and said with a smile on his face, "Congratulations, you are completely out of danger, as long as you take good care of yourself, you will be fine."

The heart that had been hanging all night finally fell to the ground, and a smile reached his eyes. Li Jun bowed to him seriously, "Thank you."

The bald uncle waved his hand, and was also startled by Li Jun's solemnity. He avoided it and said hastily: "You should, you should go and see him, and you can be transferred to the general ward later."

Sure enough, Pei Lu was quickly transferred to the general ward, the ventilator had been taken off, Li Jun was standing beside him, and his fingers were vaguely drawing on his face.

Before Pei Lu woke up, his eyes became even more unscrupulous.

After staring obsessively for a while, the person on the hospital bed suddenly groaned, "Water..."

Li Jun immediately went to pour a glass of warm water, and carefully applied it on his dry lips with a cotton swab.

The lips were moistened, Pei Lu instinctively stretched out his tongue to lick, the pink tip of his tongue licked the lips, leaving a moist luster. Li Jun's eyes dimmed, but his hands did not stop, and continued to carefully wet his lips with a cotton swab.

... Pei Lu opened his eyes in a daze, and in front of him was Li Jun's enlarged handsome face. The smoke in his throat was dry, and Pei Lu made a hoarse voice, "Water... more."

Li Jun stared at his lips, swallowed hard, and refused with difficulty, "The doctor said that he can't drink water yet, so please bear with it, teacher."

Pei Lu closed his eyes wearily, with disappointment on his face.

Li Jun shook his hand, thought for a while, picked up the water glass and took a sip, then leaned forward and gave Pei Lu a wet and steamy kiss. When Pei Luzheng was weak, he could only lie obediently under him and let him be bullied. When he tasted the moisture in his mouth, he couldn't help but chase after the tip of his tongue.

After a long time, my lips parted.

Li Jun bent his eyes and wiped off the water stains on the corners of his mouth, "Be good, teacher, you can drink water tomorrow."

Pei Lu glared at him weakly, and then fell asleep drowsily.

Pei Lu's condition was not serious, but no matter what, he had been stabbed, and it couldn't be regarded as a common illness. Pei Lu was forced to lie on the hospital bed for a full month before he recovered.

After a final reexamination, when the bald uncle announced lovingly that he was in good health and could be discharged from the hospital, Pei Lu finally let out a sigh of relief.

Li Jun was also very happy, and pressed him on the hospital bed and kissed him vigorously for a long time. The two people he kissed directly were panting, so they let go.

Pei Lu pressed his forehead against him, wrapped his hands around his neck and gasped softly.

"Before the operation, what did you say you wanted to tell me?"

Li Jun rubbed his nose against him and laughed softly, "I'll tell you when I get back."

"Where the appetite..." Pei Lu hooked his neck and bit his chin to vent his anger, leaving two shallow tooth marks.

Li Qingyi came to pick him up when he was discharged from the hospital.

Pei Lu was empty-handed, and he didn't need the luggage before, all of which were disposed of by Li Jun. At this moment, he put one hand in his trouser pocket, while Li Jun held the other tightly, and the two walked out side by side.

The tightly clenched hands did not loosen even when they got into the car. Li Qingyi in the driver's seat saw them awkwardly getting into the car, and was stuffed with a handful of dog food.

Very unconvinced.

He stepped on the accelerator angrily, and the car slid out quickly...

Li family.

Wen Wan prepared a large table of dishes to celebrate Pei Lu's discharge from the hospital, and there was a brazier at the gate. When Pei Lu arrived, he stared at the brazier for two minutes before stepping over.

The brazier was unlucky, and as soon as he stepped over the brazier, Pei Lu was sprinkled with grapefruit water again, and Wen Wan stuffed him with a large basket of grapefruit leaves, "Hurry up and take a bath, and come down to eat after washing."

"Okay, thank you mom." Pei Lu smiled and walked upstairs with the grapefruit leaves in his arms, and Li Jun followed closely.

As soon as he arrived in the bedroom, Pei Lu was pushed against the wall. Li Jun rubbed his straight nose against his face, and said in a hoarse voice, "Teacher, I'll wash it for you..."

Pei Lu took the initiative to sip on his lips, still smiling, "The doctor said... the wound is not healed yet, and strenuous exercise is not allowed for the last month."

"..." Li Jun froze for a moment, took the grapefruit leaf in his hand, and complained: "What is the teacher thinking, I'm just worried that you can't wash it well by yourself, and..." Li Jun leaned into his ear , the voice sounded like a hook, "And I helped the teacher wash it before."

Pei Lu: ...

In the end, Li Jun followed up smoothly into the bathroom.

The bathroom is big enough for two people to stay in it. Li Jun filled the water for him, tested the water temperature, and put grapefruit leaves in it to brush, "Teacher, it's ok."

Being stared at like this, no matter how big Pei Lu's heart is, he would feel embarrassed. He turned his back, took off his coat slowly, and then jumped into the bathtub wrapped in a bath towel. The splash of water splashed Li Jun's head. Face.

Pei Lu hahaha, Li Jun took off his wet clothes and stepped into the bathtub with long legs... Soon Pei Lu couldn't laugh anymore. The hearty laughter turned into a keynote, and the ambiguous panting and water sounds may be vaguely heard...