My Patients Fall in Love with Me

Chapter 24: Even if I become a ghost, I will also have sex with you


Pei Lu had a nightmare all night. In the dream, he was either being chased by a ghost, or on the way to being chased by a ghost. He finally escaped, and was chased by an evil ghost with a bad marriage. He was pressed to the ground to drink blood and eat meat. up.

When he woke up the next day, he had two huge dark circles on his face. The original friend was dumbfounded when he saw him, and his first reaction was to be surprised by his dark circles, "Damn, why did you go last night? up?"

Immediately afterwards, they reflected that something was wrong, Goudan seems to be too clean today, how can he beg for food

"Why did you wash your face so clean? We won't share with you if you don't have food later!"

Beg, beg

Pei Lu widened his eyes and looked at his new partners, a fat man, a bamboo pole, and a little bald head.

The one who spoke just now was Chubby, he was fat, his fleshy face was crowded with all the features, and he looked a bit fierce and not easy to mess with.

The bamboo pole is thin and tall, Pei Lu gestured with his eyes, he should barely reach his chest at present.

Among the three, the one who seemed more talkative was the little bald head. He looked about the same size as Pei Lu, and his face, which had been deliberately smeared with mud, was quite delicate.

Persimmons need to be picked and pinched, Pei Lu doesn't know the market, so he has to move to the little bald head and talk to him, "Shall I come with you?"

The little bald head glanced at him in surprise. Goudan always hung out with Fat Duner before. Fat Duner is strong and strong, and he can always grab food from other beggars. Will fight, can only beg honestly.

Pei Lu bumped him with his arm and winked at him, "Are you okay?"

The little bald man answered in a muffled voice, muttered a few words in his heart, and said, "Okay."

After the team was divided, a group of four went down the mountain. Before going down the mountain, Fat Duner disliked him for cleaning too much. He grabbed a handful of soil from the ground and wanted to wipe his face. Fortunately, Pei Lu quickly avoided it. Otherwise, all the mud from last night would have been rubbed in vain.

Let’s just say where did the original owner’s dirty body come from? It turned out to be here.

The ruined temple they lived in was halfway up the mountain, and they walked down a section to the foot of the mountain. There was a town with many wealthy households and a lively market. If you were smart, you could get a few copper coins to improve the food in a day. .

The territory for begging has been divided long ago, Fatty's territory is the largest, and others can fight fiercely, so the territory occupied is naturally the best.

Compared with the little bald head, it is worse. The land he was allocated is in a slightly remote corner, not bad, not too bad, there are not many people coming and going, but there are always some rich ladies and sons passing by. It is not enough to ask for food and clothing every day. question.

Fat Duner took good care of his own people, and secretly praised his new partner. Pei Lu followed the little bald head and squatted by the corner of the wall. He put a broken bowl with no color in front of him, and then waited.

When he saw someone passing by, the little bald man would say rigidly, "Miss Gongzi, please do me a favor, take pity on me." There may be one out of ten sales methods like this that will throw a coin.

This kid can't do it, Pei Lu sighed, "I suspect that I might not be able to eat today..."

"This little bald man really doesn't know how to do business."

666 sent him a squint, "You do what you want."

"...Can't you chat anymore?" Pei Lu choked for a moment, and was immediately unhappy. Haven't you eaten pork and seen pigs running

What's the matter with the unhappy people making a fuss

In fact, Pei Lu did not guess wrong, the business of the little bald head is not very good today, seeing that most of the day has passed, the bowl in front of him is still empty, in the middle, Fat Duner and Zhu Ganer came over once, and gave each of them a steamed bun , it seems that they have known for a long time that these two will not be able to eat at noon.

Eating the steamed buns in his hand sparingly, Pei Lu said to 666 deeply, "We have to find a way to earn some money, or we will starve to death."

"How to earn?" 666 asked kindly, taking care of his little self-esteem.

"..." Pei Lu hesitated, and said lazily, "I haven't thought about it yet."

"..." 666 made a small suggestion, "Why don't you try shouting together?" Many people are powerful.

Pei Lu was unwilling in his heart, how could he bend his waist for five buckets of rice? !

But the growling stomach made him succumb in an instant, and there was no other way to make money for the time being, so he could only shout along with the little bald head.

"Pretty and kind ladies, do yourself a favor and enjoy your meal..." Pei Lu boasted that as a knowledgeable future person, his way of yelling was a little better than that of the little bald head. At last there was an extra copper plate.

Pei Lu held the bare copper coins with a sad face, what should I do, if I can't get the money, I will be hungry at night.

666 followed him and sighed, losing again :)

Most of the day passed in the blink of an eye, the orange-red sunset was half-set, and the scorching afterglow dyed the sunset red.

There are fewer and fewer pedestrians on the side of the road, and many businesses are starting to pack their things and prepare to close.

Pei Lu hung his head listlessly, begging for a copper coin all day, very sad.

He was suffering from self-care, when a shadow suddenly fell in front of him, a pair of black boots stopped in front of him, Pei Lu was still immersed in his little emotions, and didn't care.

The porcelain bowl in front of him made a soft sound, and a silver horn fell into the bowl, making a crisp impact sound, and asked in a deep voice, "Can you sing?"

Pei Lu stared at the silver horn in the bowl with shining eyes for a while, resisted the urge to stuff the silver horn into his arms, and slowly looked up at the person in front of him.

The visitor was tall, wearing a dark red robe with a layer of black gauze over the robe, and a dragon jade pendant on his waist. Just by looking at this attire, he could tell he was a rich man.

Pei Lu's eyes moved up, and he saw the man's face, a gorgeous but not coquettish face, his facial features were all exquisite, with slanted eyebrows, straight nose bridge, two red lips like blood, and a pair of peach blossoms The eyes are slightly raised, ruthless as passionate.

It was the first time Pei Lu saw such a good-looking man, and he was a little stunned for a moment.

"What do I ask you? Can you sing?" The man asked impatiently.

Pei Lu realized belatedly, "Can...can sing, what do you want to hear?"

The man's thin lips parted slightly, "Eighteen touches."

"..." Pei Lu looked at him with shocked and unspeakable eyes, and found a beggar on the street to sing Shibamo, my friend, are you out of your mind

The man frowned, "No?"

"..." What can Pei Lu say, who can't sing at eighteen, but it's a bit indecent to let him sing on the street where people come and go

"Singing here...isn't that good?"

The man raised his eyebrows, "Do you want to sing in the house with me?"

"..." For the sake of money, endure it :)

Pei Lu cleared his throat, and sang awkwardly, "Touch it, touch it on the top of the eldest sister's head, her black hair is dyed with ink, as if the sky is covered by dark clouds..."

The boy's voice was clear, and there was a little trembling because of his embarrassment. With such a young voice singing obscene songs, there was an indescribable taste, especially when paired with the clean, white and clean little face, it made his whole body His blood was throbbing.

Qu Luocheng glanced back and forth at the little beggar in front of him several times with heavy eyes. Yesterday he discovered that the voice of this little beggar had a strange attraction for him.

At that time, he was thinking that when he sang pornographic songs with such a voice, it must have a special flavor.

Looking at it now, it really is.

After Pei Lu sang a song, his face was blushing. Fortunately, there were no one around, otherwise Pei Lu would really be ashamed to be surrounded by crowds.

"That's right..." Qu Luocheng's voice was hoarse, and he straightened his front placket calmly, blocking his body's reaction, "Very good, I'll come to you tomorrow." After speaking, he threw another silver ingot into the bowl , and left in a hurry.

"..." Pei Lu felt that he had met a pervert, and it would be strange to come back tomorrow!

He carefully put the silver ingot into his arms, picked up the broken bowl, and took the stunned little bald head back to finish work.

When we arrived on the mountain, it was already dark, and there were no entertainment activities at night, and several people went to bed early.

Pei Lu slept on the far side, with his hands neatly placed on his chest, and his sleeping appearance was very quiet.

The room was dark, with only the sound of gentle breathing.

A red figure suddenly appeared. He walked lightly and silently in front of Pei Lu, stared at him quietly for a while, and let out a chuckle, "It's just a little thinner, just get fatter." it's..."

Qu Luocheng half-kneeled on the ground, rubbed his fingers lightly on Pei Lu's neck a few times, found the right position, opened his mouth and bit down...

The author has something to say: Qu Luocheng: Listening to the voice is hard :)