My Patients Fall in Love with Me

Chapter 61: The little sweetheart who flirts with the actor


Mu Xiu took the clothes in his hand, pinched his armpits, picked him up and put him on the bed, "Sit down, I'll tidy up."

Pei Lu had a displeased expression on his face, and when he put his legs on the ground, he remembered that Mu Xiu pressed his head to make him sit back, and slipped his palm to the back of his neck, pinching the soft skin there, "Don't make trouble."

Pei Lu shrank his neck, like a restrained cat, and sat down obediently, watching Mu Xiu take out the contents of the stuffed box one by one.

Mu Xiu frowned, Pei Lu was not a person with strong hands-on ability, he stuffed the suitcase full in a mess, Mu Xiu had to take it out one by one, and then folded them squarely and put them in neatly.

Get rid of everything you don't need, and just enough clothes to fill a suitcase.

Pei Lu watched in amazement as he stuffed all the things that could barely fit in the two suitcases into one, and jumped onto his back, "You are awesome!"

Mu Xiu squatted on the ground, supported him to stand up with his hands, "Go take a shower first, tomorrow's flight, rest early today."

Pei Lu smiled and acted like a baby, "You wash it for me."

Mu Xiu frowned, but he couldn't refuse such a temptation, saying that it might be impossible to go to bed early and get up early.

The next day Pei Lu was indeed carried into the car. It was too late last night, and when Mu Xiu called him to get up, he was so dizzy that he couldn't even open his eyes. Mu Xiu had no choice but to wipe his face with a towel, change his clothes, and then directly carried him into the car to the airport.

Pei Lu woke up when he boarded the plane.

The two walked in together hand in hand, and after more than ten hours, they would return to the familiar land.


The plane arrived at the destination in the afternoon the next day. In order not to cause a sensation among the fans, the news of their return was not told to anyone, not even Chu Hong.

I took a taxi and went straight home. When I got in the taxi, the taxi driver stared at the two of them, especially Mu Xiu, for a long time, probably because their attitude was too open, and the big star would not even have a pick-up person. None, although the driver thought it looked familiar, he didn't take it seriously, and even joked with Pei Lu, "Little brother, your friend looks a lot like that movie star, but your friend is much younger, maybe in the future You can also be a big star."

"..." Pei Lu held back a smile and glanced at the expressionless Mu Xiu, "Hahaha, you think so too, many people have said so."

The driver got a response, and immediately became more enthusiastic, chatting with Pei Lu in a lively manner.

Driver: "You friend..."

Pei Lu: "Hahahaha yes yes yes..."

Mu Xiu:... :)

All the way from the airport to home, Pei Lu and the driver didn't stop chatting. When they got off the bus, the driver obviously hadn't finished chatting. It was a pity that he undercharged Pei Lu by five yuan. "Little brother, we are destined to meet again."

Pei Lu: o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

Mu Xiu snorted from his nose, his eyes were evil when he looked at him, "Go home."

Pei Lu smiled brightly, and took the initiative to hold his hand, and went home together.

Chu Hong's wedding is on May 20th, and there is still half a month before it. Pei Lu took Mu Xiu to the streets to find delicious food. He felt that his tongue was about to degenerate due to such things every day in the Netherlands. Now that I have returned to China, I can't wait to eat ten meals a day without stopping my mouth.

While he was eating and eating non-stop, Chu Hong's wedding day arrived.

One morning, Pei Lu woke up early, found the most satisfactory dress to put on, and picked out a dress of the same style and color for Mu Xiu to put on. Both of them combed their foreheads back, looking Very good husband and wife.

Mu Xiu was always expressionless. He straightened Pei Lu's slightly crooked collar, and then drove to the garage. Pei Lu took the wedding gift to the door and waited.

Chu Hong's wedding was held grandly. Her bamboo horse heard that her family was in business and had a lot of money. Since Chu Hong took over the studio, she has successfully used the original resources to improve her status in the circle. Not low, so her wedding actually came to a lot of big names.

When Pei Lu and Mu Xiu walked in together, they attracted the attention of everyone in the venue. The news of Mu Xiu's return to the country was well hidden, so that when they appeared at the wedding, everyone knew that the actor had returned.

Chu Hong was the first to see them, she took the groom's arm to greet them, she gave Pei Lu a big hug, "Long time no see."

"Sister Chu Hong is getting more and more beautiful," Pei Lu joked with a smile, and handed her the wedding gift, "Happy newlyweds, happy marriage for a hundred years."

"Thank you," Chu Hong let go of him, took the gift, and introduced the groom beside him, "This is my husband, Li Jing."

Li Jing was not handsome, but he had mild features, wearing a pair of silver-rimmed glasses, and had a strong scholarly air. It wasn't until Chu Hong introduced him that he greeted Pei Lu and the others in a gentle and polite manner.

Pei Lu replied with a smile, the four chatted briefly, and Chu Hong had no choice but to entertain other guests.

Seeing Chu Hong's sweet smile, Pei Lu couldn't help sighing when he remembered when he got married: "Time flies so fast, we've been married for two years in a blink of an eye."

Mu Xiu chuckled, "Two years, six months and twelve days."

Pei Lu rolled his eyes with a smile, and pinched his face, "But you are still so handsome, and you have become younger. It's disgusting to grow back."

In the past two years, Mu Xiu didn't know whether it was because the life abroad was too relaxed, or because the life was more harmonious and nourished. He looks like fresh meat in his twenties, and looks much more tender than when he went abroad. No wonder the driver thinks he looks familiar and dare not recognize him.

"You're getting fat." Mu Xiu pinched his double chin.

Pei Lu straightened his face all of a sudden, and said angrily, "I take back what I praised you just now."

Mu Xiu hugged him into his arms and laughed softly.

After the wedding ceremony was over, they bid farewell to Chu Hong. We were all adults and there was nothing to be pretentious about. After saying goodbye, they left.

Pei Lu and Mu Xiu played for another half a month. At the beginning of June, they flew back by plane. Although the country is very good, there are too many entanglements here. Compared with it, Pei Lu still prefers the simple two-person world in the Netherlands.

After booking the air ticket, Chu Hong insisted on coming with her husband to see them off for the last time after learning the news.

Still at the boarding gate, Mu Xiu dragged his suitcase and held Pei Lu with his free hand. Pei Lu turned his head and waved to them, saying loudly, "Goodbye."

Chu Hong also waved her hand, with a smile on her face, "Goodbye, come back often when I have time."


The backs of the two disappeared into the sea of people... There was a roar in the sky, and a huge plane flew across the sky, roaring into the distance.


Pei Lu leaned on Mu Xiu's shoulder and babbled. After being out for a month, he didn't know if the knight had grown up again and would stop kissing him... Mu Xiu took a newspaper and read it slowly, from time to time Answer him.

The announcement suddenly sounded, "Ladies and gentlemen, you are welcome to take this flight. There will be some small bumps in front of you. Please don't panic. The toilet is closed. Please go back to your seat and fasten your seat belts. The flight attendants will stop the meal service, sorry for the inconvenience caused.”

After the broadcast stopped, the cabin really bumped up. Pei Lu frowned uncomfortably, feeling inexplicably uneasy. He held Mu Xiu's hand tightly, waiting for the uncomfortable bump to pass.

However, the turbulence did not stop, and the shaking of the plane became more and more intense. The mechanical broadcast sound repeated over and over again, "There is a turbulence ahead, please don't panic..."

The passengers were whispering uncomfortably, there were no flight attendants walking around in the aisle, Pei Lu looked out from the porthole, and thick dark clouds enveloped the plane like a cloud of shadows.

At this time, the radio sounded again, but it was no longer the mechanical electronic sound recorded in advance. The thick male voice echoed in the cabin, but it was filled with chilling despair.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this flight encountered strong convective weather, and there was a breakdown in the power cabin of the aircraft..."

The captain's voice was drowned out by the panicked cries of the passengers, Pei Lu turned his head to look at Mu Xiu in a daze, and there was such a sense of fate as expected, the vague uneasiness in his heart was finally explained.

Mu Xiu's face was serious. He hugged the dazed Pei Lu into his arms through the armrest, and comforted him with a dry voice, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Feeling his solid and powerful heartbeat, Pei Lu opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything.

Mu Xiu only thought that he was afraid, so he patted his back with his powerful palms and murmured repeatedly, "Don't be afraid, I have..."

The cabin was in complete chaos. The flight attendants tried their best to comfort the panicked passengers, but their own voices were full of panic... Pei Lu and the others were sitting in the back row. They went away, and Mu Xiu sat firmly in his seat, like an unbreakable barrier, separating Pei Lu from the despair outside.

Pei Lu thought a lot of things in an instant, and it seemed to be blank again. The warmth of Mu Xiu's palm was transmitted along the thin shirt, which made him calm down in a panic.

He straightened up, hugged Mu Xiu's stiff body, and gave him a kiss, "I'm not afraid anymore, and neither are you."

Mu Xiu twitched the corner of his mouth, showing a not-so-good smile, "Yeah."

The plane was still turbulent, and the fuselage had even tilted. If it wasn't for the seat belts, they would have been thrown out at this time... But Pei Lu couldn't care about these, he pressed Mu Xiu to himself, and then heavily kissed...

Pei Lu kissed so hard that his teeth collided and almost bled. Mu Xiu pampered him gently, stroking his back with his palm.

"I love you... really love you..." Pei Lu murmured as he kissed him, transparent water stains running down his chin.

Mu Xiu let go of his lips and kissed his wet eyelids lightly, "I know... I love you too..."

Pei Lu hugged him desperately, wishing to squeeze himself into his body.

The fuselage completely lost its balance, turned over and fell down... 666's vague electronic voice sounded, "Mission completed, please prepare to log out..."

No... no... Pei Lu kept shaking his head, his fingers almost pinched his skin, "I won't leave..."

"Don't leave," Mu Xiu kissed the top of his head lightly, "We will always be together..."

"I won't go, I won't leave him alone..."

Pei Lu refused, ignored 666's cry, and kissed Mu Xiu again. Mu Xiu closed his eyes. No one knew Pei Lu's despair and madness better than him. Except for futile comfort, he could only respond vigorously. Him, let him feel his presence.

There was a faint white light between Pei Lu's brows, which was inconspicuous in such a chaotic environment. The white light covered Mu Xiu's body with a shallow layer. Pei Lu pressed his forehead against him, and said in a firm voice, "I will not forget." yours."

Mu Xiu raised the corner of his mouth, "If there is a next life, I will find you later."

Pei Lu gave a nasal "hmm" and said, "I'm not Wen Su, my name is Pei Lu, don't forget me."

Mu Xiu was not surprised, the smile on the corner of his mouth widened a bit, and he hugged him, "Little liar, I will remember you."

The plane rolled and crashed into the sea, causing huge waves.

In 2007, on June 2, flight HL401 encountered strong convective weather and crashed due to a power system failure. One hundred and thirty people were killed and none survived.