My Patients Fall in Love with Me

Chapter 67: Bring back a husband


Zombies are not afraid. In such a wilderness, there is no living thing except this man who is no different from a dead man.

It was this darkness full of unknowns that made Pei Lu feel scared.

Pei Lu exhaled carefully, and lay down next to Zhao Mu. The heat from the man's body was transmitted through the close skin, finally reassuring Pei Lu a little.

He was very hungry, and it was pitch black outside without any light, and he didn't dare to go out to find food at this time, so he could only ignore Gululu's stomach and lie down.

He originally thought that he would not be able to fall asleep, but whoever suddenly came to such a zombie-infested apocalypse, was chased by zombies all the way and was still hungry, would not be able to fall asleep.

But not long after Pei Lu lay down, his relaxed brain was instantly overwhelmed by the surging exhaustion.

He is so tired.

In the room where he couldn't see his fingers, Pei Lu snored a little, rolled himself into two balls, and rolled into Zhao Mu's arms.

Pei Lu was woken up by the heat. The doors and windows of the room were tightly closed, and there was no ventilation. The high heat around him surrounded him, like a large airtight oven. The pores on his whole body were swollen, and he was bubbling out. Oily and sweaty.

The sky was already turning white, Pei Lu rubbed his eyes and tried to sit up, but found that he couldn't get up at all.

Half of Zhao Mu's body was pressed against him, and his face was buried in his neck. The scorching breath he exhaled sprayed on his neck, making him shiver.

I have a fever.

Pei Lu tried his best to pull the people on his body away, and Zhao Mu was thrown over by him, lying limply on his face, his tough face was flushed red, Pei Lu pressed his hand to his forehead, it was hot .

"He has a fever."

Pei Lu was at a loss for what to do. In the deserted village, the sky had not completely brightened, and the outside world was completely unknown.

"What should I do..." Pei Lu muttered to himself, and tried to push him twice, but there was no response.

666 was also worried, "First look in a few rooms to see if there is any water or medicine."

Pei Lu's mind was in a mess, he looked at the unknown Zhao Mu who was burning on the bed, then looked at the sky outside, he gritted his teeth and left the room.

After locking the door of the room, Pei Lu opened the curtains, and the dim light illuminated the room, so he walked along the room one by one in the less bright light.

Every room is very messy. It seems that the owner of the house hastily left after a fierce battle. Pei Lu carefully rummaged through the wardrobe and drawers, and put away useful things when he found them.

Apart from the master bedroom where they live, the first floor is the kitchen. There is a bathroom and a very spacious main room. Pei Lu rummaged in the kitchen, and at least found half a tank of moldy water.

The water tank is very big, covered with moss, the water is still clear on the surface, but no one knows how long the water has been kept, Pei Lu dare not use it casually, saw the gas stove on the side, tried to turn it on fire.

After hitting it a few times without catching fire, Pei Lu kicked the gas tank angrily. The gas tank shook and fell to the ground with a muffled "bang", which was especially ear-piercing in the quiet room.

Pei Lu jumped up in fright, and carefully lifted the gas tank up.

He looked at the water in the tank, it must not be boiled, they must not run out of water. Taking chances, Pei Lu turned the switch of the gas stove again.

The gas stove made a "clicking" sound, the smell of gas escaped, and a weak flame ignited in the middle of the gas stove.

Pei Lu was overjoyed, twisted his hands counterclockwise, and the faint flames really ignited, biting his lips to keep himself from screaming, Pei Lu turned around to find the dusty pot, filled it half full with water, and was careful. The rack is on the gas stove.

Looking at the little bubbles that were gurgling at the bottom of the pot, Pei Lu breathed a sigh of relief, feeling like he was finally saved.

He searched again in the kitchen, and found two stainless steel bowls. The bowls were placed in the cabinet, and they looked clean. Pei Lu held the bowls, and when the water boiled, he threw the bowls in to cook together.

With water and fire, it is much easier. Pei Lu cleaned the pot and bowl, and he was not willing to pour out the leftover water, so he put it in another basin he found. After the second pot of water was boiled, Pei Lu filled it with water. He took a tentative sip from the bowl, but it didn't have any strange taste. He gulped it down, and the scorching water flowed down his throat into his stomach, finally soothing his tortured stomach.

After he finished drinking a bowl, Pei Lu filled another bowl and brought it to Zhao Mu's bedroom to drink half of it.

Zhao Mu drank the water and finally relaxed his frown, but his body was still terribly hot.

Pei Lu gained strength, and ran to the second floor to find medicine.

The second floor is the living room, a row of TV cabinets are embedded in the wall, Pei Lu searched one by one, and found the medicine box in a small cabinet. The medicine box is not big, except for a few bags of Ganmao Ling, a band-aid, and two antipyretics.

Although not much, it is enough.

Pei Lu suppressed his excitement and rushed downstairs, hugged Zhao Mu halfway, let him lean on his body, then opened his mouth, and poured down the fever-reducing medicine with the remaining half bowl of warm water.

I don't know if the medicine has expired or not.

A dead horse is treated as a living horse doctor.

After feeding the medicine, Pei Lu found another piece of thicker clothes, went to the kitchen to wet the clothes with the leftover water from the washing pot, hung them by the window to cool, and put them on Zhao Mu's hot forehead.

Pei Lu sighed, took the medicine and applied the compresses, if the fever didn't go down, he really couldn't do anything.

"Hurry up and wake up..." Pei Lu tapped his chin lightly with his finger, "It's scary to be alone in this damn place..."

Pei Lu hamster seemed to move his nest, and moved all the clothes he could use to the room on the first floor. When he finished his work, the sky was completely bright, and the bright sun had risen.

Pei Lu wrapped himself tightly with clothes, then picked up the steel pipe and went out carefully.

There are several houses next door, Pei Lu intends to go there to find if there is any food or medicine left.

The concrete road is quiet, this place seems to be remote, and all the people living there have run away, except for the empty houses, there are not even a few zombies.

Under the command of 666, Pei Lu explored three small farm villas, and found half a box of instant noodles, a box of biscuits, and some condoms.

"What are you doing with that thing?" 666 swiped the screen full of ellipses, expressing his disgust for his wretched behavior.

"You don't know about that," Pei Lu said with a wicked smile, "Condoms are so useful, they can be filled with water and used as ice packs, so convenient."

"..." 666 was stunned by his strange way of using it, and finally closed his mouth quietly.

After locking the door carefully, Pei Lu put the box in his arms on the ground, boiled hot water first, then took apart a condom, poured cool water into it vigorously, the condom swelled up like a balloon, Pei Lu guessed After a while, I saw that it was almost done, so I tied a knot at the opening, and the most primitive water bag was ready.

Taking off the warm clothes, Pei Lu put the long "water bag" on Zhao Mu's forehead, feeling that he was too witty.

Compared to just now, Zhao Mu's breath became calmer again, and his reddened cheeks receded a little, and he no longer looked like he was so hot that he could spontaneously combust at any time.

After changing the water bag for Zhao Mu, Pei Lu ran to the kitchen. The water in the pot was already boiling, and it just filled two bowls. One bowl of water was for drinking cold, and the other bowl of water was for instant noodles.

The yellow noodle cake was soaked in boiling water, and soon softened, exuding a tempting aroma. Pei Lu gulped, poured the seasoning in, waited anxiously for three minutes, and then held the half-baked instant noodles eat up.

Gobbling down a bowl of instant noodles, and even finished the soup in the bowl, Pei Lu put down the bowl unsatisfied, and sighed contentedly.

"Finally, my stomach is full."

Pei Lu rubbed his stomach, cleaned up the bowl, wiped his body with the remaining water, and then found a clean set of clothes to change out of his dirty clothes.

Zhao Mu was still in a coma, and Pei Lu lay down next to him. He had nothing to do, so he dug out the world information that he hadn't read before and continued to read.

He didn't pay attention to Zhao Mu's uneasy and rapidly rolling eyes.

His head hurts... the pain is about to explode, like a scorching flame scorching his brain, Zhao Mu thought in a daze, if only there was water...

He struggled with the burning flames for a long time, he was exhausted, and when he was about to be swallowed by the flames, a coldness rescued him.

The slightest coolness came in, relieving his dazed brain from being scorched by the flames, and Zhao Mu regained his strength to fight against the flames.

I don't know how long it took, the coldness was like the last straw supporting him, and he finally survived the blazing flame.

The eyelashes trembled, and the heavy eyelids seemed to be glued together. Zhao Mu worked hard for a long time before finally opening his eyes.