My Patients Fall in Love with Me

Chapter 68: Bring back a husband


There was someone next to him... He opened his eyes and closed them again. Zhao Mu waited quietly. The person didn't know whether it was an enemy or a friend. He waited patiently for a long time, but he didn't see any movement from that person.

died? Still asleep

Zhao Mu's mind was still in chaos, but his instincts and habits did not allow him to continue to wait and see. He was like a wounded beast, dragging his weak body to put all his eggs in one basket. He turned over and put his body on top of Pei Lu to suppress him. Clawed around his neck.

"Who are you?!"

His voice was hoarse and hoarse, as if it had been polished by rough sandpaper, and it rang in Pei Lu's ear.

Pei Lu: ...

Pei Lu:? ? ? ?

Before he could turn his head around, his body instinctively made him subconsciously bend his knees and press hard on his lower abdomen, and then put his hands on his shoulders and pushed hard, knocking the person on him to the ground.

Zhao Mu lying on the ground: "..."

Pei Lu with a confused face: "..."

Zhao Mu moved his limp hands and feet, trying to get up from the ground, but just after a high fever, all his strength was drained, and his body was worse than expected.

After Pei Lu overturned the person, he heard a muffled "bang" when he hit the ground, and felt his forehead hurt. He got up and jumped off the bed, and reached out to help Zhao Mu, "Are you okay? I'm not On purpose, why did you say you woke up and scared me... "

He hugged Zhao Mu and dragged him to the bed, still muttering and complaining. Seeing that Zhao Mu was silent for a long time, he stretched out his hand and shook it in front of him, "Could it be that I fell stupid..."

Zhao Mu has not recovered from the shock of being overturned by a weak chicken, his brows are knotted, and his face can be said to be very bad.

Pei Lu snorted and hugged him to the bed, and sat on the edge gasping for breath. After resting for a while, seeing that he was still silent, he couldn't help poking his arm with a finger, "Hey ?”

"Who are you?" Zhao Mu opened his eyes, his long and narrow pupils were dark and dark, even though he was weakly lying on the bed, his eyes still showed the power of a long-time superior.

"Me?" Pei Lu pointed to his nose and said blankly, "I'm Chen Yitang."

Zhao Mu observed him. The young man in front of him had a small oval face, big eyes and high nose bridge, light-colored lips, the upper lip was pointed and slightly raised, and he seemed to be pouting when he spoke, always giving people the illusion of being coquettish.

Is a very beautiful young man.

He was searching for past memories, but he didn't have any memories about such a person.

"I don't know." Zhao Mu frowned and thought for a long time, and finally he was sullen, and asked another question that deserved more attention, "Why am I here?" To die is also to lie on the sand outside.

Pei Lu watched his face change from dazed to contemplative and finally vigilant, and was immediately a little confused. Zhao Mu didn't know him at all, oh no, he didn't know Chen Yitang.

"I'm Chen Yitang. You saved me three years ago." Pei Lu sighed deeply, recalling the information he had read, and reinterpreted the process of their meeting.

"After you left the base, I caught up and found you passed out, so I brought you back."

Zhao Mu quietly listened to him, the doubts in his eyes dissipated a bit, but his expression was still vigilant, "Thank you then, I will leave when I feel better."

"..." Pei Lu suddenly felt that the story he cried just now was in vain, why did he still have to leave, what should I do if you leave? Still ready to hold the thigh!

"You're welcome, you're welcome," Pei Lu waved his hands, tucked him in the quilt, and asked enthusiastically, "Are you hungry? Thirsty? I have something to eat."

Zhao Mu stared suspiciously at his attentive smile, and nodded hesitantly.

"Just wait, it will be ready soon." Pei Lu got the response, and happily went to the kitchen to boil water for instant noodles.

After he left, Zhao Mu looked at this small room. The curtains were open, and one could directly see the scenery outside the window. The outside was completely desolate, except for a house diagonally opposite. If you look further into the distance, it is deserted. sand.

He turned his gaze back and looked at the room he was in. The room was not big, and the decoration was not exquisite. Combined with the scenery outside, it should be a relatively remote countryside...

A strong fragrance came from the door, Zhao Mu looked towards the door subconsciously, and saw Pei Lu walking quickly with the bowl in his hand.

"I'm scalding to death!!!" Pei Lu quickly put the steaming noodle bowl on the bedside table, and rubbed his ears with both hands.

Zhao Mu looked at him like a treasure, and the vigilance in his eyes became a little less. It looked like he was just a young man with no city.

Seeing him looking at himself, Pei Lu felt a little embarrassed after a while, put his hand on his ear, Pei Lu put the chopsticks on the bowl, and then pushed the noodle bowl towards him like a treasure.

"Eat it while it's hot."

Zhao Mu stared at the bowl of hot noodles for a while, then slowly got up, half leaned against the head of the bed, picked up the chopsticks and started to eat slowly.

The hot instant noodles arrived in his stomach, and his whole stomach was so hot that it was ironed. After eating the instant noodles and drinking the hot soup, Zhao Mu felt that the lost energy returned.

"Thank you." He put down his chopsticks, closed his eyes and whispered thanks.

"You're welcome, thank you for saving your life..." Pei Lu paused strangely, "Let's get even with each other."

"How many days have we been here?" Zhao Mu didn't pay attention to the incoherence of his preamble and asked the main point, "Is the food still enough?"

Pei Lu suddenly froze, "I lived for two days, and there is still half a tank of water. I found half a box of instant noodles in the morning, and I have already eaten two packs..." He counted on his fingers that the remaining food can last for a few days. The face that was still smiling suddenly collapsed, "The two of us only have enough food for three days."

Zhao Mu rubbed his slightly aching head, looked at the young man's wrinkled face, and his expression became a little gentler. Now he believes that what the young man said is true. In the last days, no one will divide the leftover food. To a complete stranger.

"I'll take care of the food problem." He said slowly, his body is already recovering rapidly, and after resting for two days, even if he hasn't fully recovered, he won't have any problem finding food.

"But water should be used sparingly," Zhao Mu said solemnly, "don't use boiled instant noodles for the next two days."

It is not easy to have water in this wilderness. Food can be used, but water is essential.

"Ah?" Pei Lu responded blankly, and then realized that instant noodles with water is actually quite a luxury. Instant noodles can be eaten directly, and the gas seems to be almost exhausted.

His eyelashes drooped, and he scratched his face in embarrassment, "I see."

After staying here for another two days, Zhao Mu's body has already recovered. The body of the supernatural being is extremely strong. Even if he is infected with the virus, once he survives, his recovery ability is amazing.

He rested for two days, and when he finished the last pack of instant noodles on the third day, he took Pei Lu out to find food.

Pei Lu had searched the nearby houses before, and he moved all the useful things back bit by bit. Now Zhao Mu is taking him to a farther place to find it.

Since it is a village, there should not be only so few houses.

Zhao Mu walked ahead. He carefully observed the surrounding environment. Pei Lu followed behind him timidly. He still held the steel pipe that smashed the zombie in his hand. At this time, he didn't have the aura of being alone before. With Zhao Mu leading the way, he felt a strange sense of security in his heart.

When he came to a fork in the road, Zhao Mu stopped, frowned and thought about which way to go.

Pei Lu poked his head out from behind him, and pointed cowardly at the road on the left, "Go this way."

Zhao Mu looked back at him and raised his eyebrows, "Why?"

Pei Lu was a little ignorant, "I feel it."

Zhao Mu glanced at him with a smile, and walked to the left, "That's the left."

Walking all the way to the left, Pei Lu estimated that it was about one kilometer away, and then vaguely saw houses gathered together.

"It's really a village!" Pei Lu's eyes lit up and he said excitedly.

Compared to his joy, Zhao Mu was much more cautious. He put his finger on his mouth and made a silent gesture, signaling Pei Lu not to speak and to follow him.

Pei Lu shut his mouth obediently, feeling that the atmosphere was suddenly a little tense, even walking a lot lighter.

The two carefully lurked to the outskirts of the village. Fences and obstacles were set up outside the village. It seemed that people had gathered here before.

The road was still empty, but Pei Lu's face was much paler than before.

The electronic sound of 666 is still echoing: the basement of the village committee is a nest of zombies...

But now, this zombie nest is about to be broken through, and the zombies underground will rush outside soon.