My Patients Fall in Love with Me

Chapter 77: Bring back a husband


The base has encountered a wave of zombies before, and now it is quite experienced in dealing with it. After Xie Yige and the others came forward to appease the restless crowd, they began to prepare for war in an orderly manner.

The supernatural beings are organized into a team of five, patrolling the edge of the base day and night, every hour there will be a small team secretly going out to detect news, the news of the zombie army is updated in real time, everyone tensed their nerves by coincidence, and accelerated their actions.

Ordinary people who were able to participate in the battle were formed into a team of fifteen people. Everyone was issued guns and ammunition and anti-bite combat uniforms. In addition to two guns on their belts, there were also sharp daggers that reflected the cold light.

Zhao Mu followed Xie Yige to inspect the base, and was a little surprised that the base's equipment was still highly efficient, "The base's equipment is much better than I imagined."

This base is at most a medium-sized base, much smaller than the Pingnan base that Zhao Mu stayed in before, but judging by their equipment, it is not inferior to the Pingnan base at all.

A smug look flashed across Xie Yi's face, "It turned out to be a military factory, and it took us a lot of effort to take it down."

At that time, Xie Yige and the others were still a small team of a hundred people, fleeing for their lives among the zombies, and later discovered this military factory by accident, and they had the foundation to gain a foothold.

That's no wonder... Zhao Mu's long-standing doubts have been explained, and he is more confident in keeping the base.

"Let's go, they are all waiting." Xie Yige took Zhao Mu around, checked the time, and went to the meeting room with Zhao Mu.

The army of zombies is less than a hundred kilometers away from them, and they will arrive tomorrow if they are fast. They must be fully prepared.


There are five high-level people in the base who can talk. Apart from Xie Yige and Lao Zhu whom Zhao Mu has already met, the other three are Xiong Zhong, He Yao and Qi Feishi.

These five people were the leaders of the 100-person team before the development of the base. Before finding the military factory, these people fought side by side with their subordinates, saying that they were brothers and sisters, but after the military factory was discovered and the base was established, everything slowly changed.

People's desires are endless. These five people have almost the same strength, and they are all fifth-level supernatural beings. Xie Yige and Xiong Zhong have an irreversible relationship and are in the same camp. Lao Zhu and He Yao formed an alliance to fight against the two of them. Qi Feishi, who was the youngest and joined later, had always been neutral and protected himself, never participating in their fights on the surface.

A large round table was placed in the meeting room, and a huge topographic map was hung on the wall behind the round table. The other three people sat around the round table. Xie Yige and Zhao Mu sat down in the vacated seats when they arrived late. ,

"It's time to start." Xie Yige said.

"Old Xie, your arrogance is getting bigger and bigger, let the brothers wait until now for nothing." Old Zhu Yinyang said strangely, he was still afraid of Zhao Mu's unfathomable strength, so he only dared to say this to Xie Yige.

Xie Yige smiled slightly, and didn't care about him, and showed them the collected information, "The latest news brought back by the investigation team, the zombie army is only 85 kilometers away from the base." He pointed at the corresponding place on the map A little bit.

"According to this speed, the zombie army will arrive at the base tomorrow." This is similar to their initial prediction, but no one can be happy.

"Where are the mutated zombies?" Zhao Mu asked aloud, "These zombies came from a long distance, and it looks like someone is there to direct them."

Xie Yige shook his head, "The investigation team found no trace of the mutated zombie."

"Is the news about the mutated zombies reliable?" He Yao asked, with his sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks and an uncomfortably high-pitched voice, "The news from the people at Qunling Base may not be reliable, and there is no one from them. I’ve seen so-called mutated zombies.”

"The news from the people who escaped from the Qunling base can't be false, and...the Qunling base is indeed destroyed." Xie Yige frowned and looked at him unkindly, "Now is not the time to argue about this."

He Yao wanted to say something, but was stopped by Lao Zhu, and he was unwilling to stop.

Xie Yige tapped the map, "The road in front of the base is all flat, but there are hills and rivers on both sides and behind. If we want to stop the zombies, we can only dig ditches here." He glanced at Qi Fei Shi said: "What I mean is, mobilize all the earth-type supernatural beings in the base, cut off the section of the zombie army's approach, and try to avoid fighting around the base."

Qi Feishi said: "The time is too urgent, we may not be able to stop it."

Xie Yige shook his head, "It's enough to block it, our people will use fire to attack, and there are enough bombs, enough for these zombies to eat a pot."

Xiong Zhong has always listened to this brother unconditionally, and asked, "When shall we start?"

"Sooner rather than later."


Although Lao Zhu and He Yao were dissatisfied with Xie Yige's attitude of being the leader, there was really no better way than this, so they could only hold their noses and go down to gather people.

When the matter was settled, all the earth-type supernatural beings in the base were summoned and began to dig holes on the only way for the zombie army.

Everyone was busy all night, Zhao Mu didn't need to take action at this time, so he went to find Pei Lu.

Untrained ordinary people like Pei Lu have been transferred to the underground part of the base. The men are patrolling with guns, or carrying boxes of ammunition up there, while the women are sewing like flying to make combat uniforms. .

There is a complete production line in the underground part, and the special leather materials produced are processed by the women and made into combat uniforms, which are worn on the soldiers who face the zombies.


Pei Lu was dispensing medicine with the doctor at the base.

There are not many doctors in the base, and they are even scarcer during wartime. Even Pei Lu, a veterinarian, was pulled in to make up for the number.

Pei Lu was carefully labeling the medicines assigned by the doctor. These medicines were researched and produced by the base themselves, and they were usually used as a reserve. Now, they just come in handy.

Pei Lu's task was to pack these life-saving medicines in small portable bottles, and then label them so that they could be carried with him when the time came. This kind of battle was bound to cause a lot of casualties, but carrying the medicine with him might save a life.

"Are you tired?" Zhao Mu squatted down beside him, Pei Lu was so focused that he didn't notice his arrival at all.

With a pause in his hands, Pei Lu looked at the spilled potion in annoyance, and said angrily, "What are you scaring me for?!"

Zhao Mu raised his hand helplessly, "I've been watching you here for a long time, and I called you only because you couldn't see me."

Pei Lu snorted, carefully sealed the potion on his hand, put it in the box, and then heaved a sigh of relief, "Why are you here?"

Zhao Mu pulled him up and took off the gloves for him, "It's not time for me to contribute, are you used to it? Are you afraid?" According to Zhao Mu's thinking, he didn't want Pei Lu to stay here .

But it seemed even more unsafe to bring Pei Lu with him, Zhao Mu wished he could put Pei Lu in his pocket and take it with him.

Pei Lu was much bolder than he thought, he shook his head, "Everyone is here, don't be afraid." He put his foot on his feet and patted Zhao Mu's shoulder pretending to be mature, "It's you, you must pay attention to safety .”

Zhao Mu was directly amused by his serious face, and pinched his nose, "Don't worry about me, just protect yourself..." As he spoke, he got closer to Pei Lu, "You are the only one I have. My weakness, if something happens to you, I will... "

Pei Lu's face turned red again by his whisper of confession, he quickly stepped back a little, and said uncomfortably: "I know, I will take care of myself."

Zhao Mu chuckled lightly, and then mentioned his ultimate purpose for coming here.

He took Pei Lu to a corner where no one was around, and handed him a small pistol and a dagger under the cover of the wall, "I taught you how to use the gun before, and you hide these two things to prevent others Heart is indispensable."

Pei Lu's heart jumped suddenly, he put the things away, and obediently agreed.

Zhao Mu ordered a lot of things uneasy again, and then he left without turning his head.


The earth-type supernatural beings dug a deep pit of more than 100 meters overnight, completely across the road that the zombie army must pass through. Bombs were buried at the bottom of the pit, and many bunkers were arranged around it. The supernatural beings hid behind the bunkers , waiting for the arrival of the zombie army.

The speed of the zombie army was faster than they expected. Almost as soon as they got ready, the leading zombie army appeared in sight.

The corrupt zombies stared at the dull and empty eyes, staggering but advancing in unison, the army of zombies was scattered, and the complete and incomplete zombies crowded forward crookedly. It was densely packed with zombies one by one, and a large black mass spread out, making one's scalp numb.