My Patients Fall in Love with Me

Chapter 82: Bring back a husband


"Who is it?" Pei Lu stood up and looked around the door.

Zhao Mu patted his head, "You lie on your stomach, I'll open the door."

Pei Lu said "Oh" and lay back on his stomach, but his eyes were fixed on the door.

Zhao Mu opened the door, Xu Xiaoyu stood at the door with four tall and well-armed men, Xu Xiaoyu looked a little embarrassed and uneasy, but the four people behind her looked not polite at all.

"I heard that Yitang had contact with mutated zombies, and the higher-ups want him to have an examination."

Xu Xiaoyu's words were euphemistic, but the meaning inside was very clear.

Zhao Mu looked at them with no expression, but his whole body was very imposing, "Thank you for your concern, Tangtang is fine, she is resting, there is no need to check."

Xu Xiaoyu opened her mouth and looked at him with a troubled expression.

"There are infected people in the house. According to the regulations of the base, all infected people must be eliminated." The man who was the leader of the four said bluntly.

Zhao Mu's expression changed, and the lightning struck the man with lightning speed. The man cried and rolled while clutching his broken arm. The expressions of the remaining three people changed, and they pointed their guns at him.

"Looking for death," Zhao Mu looked at them without emotion, facing the three black-holed muzzles calmly.

"Is this how Xie Yige fulfilled his promise?"

Xu Xiaoyu looked away guiltily, this action was unanimously approved by all the senior management except Xie Yige.

The mutated zombies have been taken away by the research institute of the base for research. In addition, the five people who had close contact with the mutated zombies, Lao Li and Yaya, have all been checked, and there is no abnormality. Yaya's mother died on the spot. The one who came and mutated had already been cremated by Lao Li.

As for the remaining two people, one is Uncle Zhang and the other is Pei Lu.

Uncle Zhang has been confirmed to be infected with the virus. His chest was gnawed out by the little zombies, but he is still alive. Or to put it another way, he has mutated and evolved more advanced than ordinary zombies, but he still has a certain amount of thinking.

It's scary.

Before that little girl, no one thought that zombies would have thoughts.

The little zombie was dealt with on the spot by Zhao Mu, leaving only a scorched corpse that occasionally moved, but Uncle Zhang was still there. The people in the research institute did a test, and the result was that Uncle Zhang could still recognize people. He still has memories of his time as a human being, and can even speak some vague sentences, but he is already a complete zombie.

Eager for blood and raw meat, attacking humans, his thinking has been completely assimilated, and he has become another species different from humans.

Only the upper echelon of the base and their confidantes know this news, which is why everyone except Xie Yige agrees to compel Pei Lu to carry out the test, even at the expense of offending Zhao Mu.

"Sorry, Boss has already worked hard, just do a simple inspection, it won't waste a lot of time."

What Xu Xiaoyu said was very sincere, but the premise of all this was that Pei Lu was not infected.

She didn't know, but Zhao Mu knew. He had a cold face and a bad look on his face, "No, he won't go to check, I will take him away."

"I go-"

As soon as he finished speaking, Pei Lu's voice came from behind. He gently held Zhao Mu's tightly clenched hand and said softly, "If the test result shows no infection, you're fine, right?"

Xu Xiaoyu nodded, as long as it is confirmed that there is no infection, those other people will not be able to act like monsters if they want to.

Pei Lu pondered for a while, "Then go."

Zhao Mu grabbed him and warned with sharp eyes. Pei Lu would still be scared when he first met him, but now that he has been with a man for a long time, he is not afraid at all. A man only has nothing to do with him. , will put on such a terrible cold face to try to scare him.

"It's just a trip."

Pei Lu shook his hand, with a long and soft coquettish ending. He understands Zhao Mu's worry. It's just that firstly he wants to make sure that he is really infected with the virus, and secondly...the two of them are alone, and he even drags back. He doesn't want Zhao Mu to fight for himself and the entire base. confrontation.

Zhao Mu didn't speak, Pei Lu shook him again, and said to Xu Xiaoyu, "Sister Xiaoyu, please lead the way."

Xu Xiaoyu led the way. They closed the door and passed by three other people as they went downstairs. Xu Xiaoyu's eyes were cold, "Take him back and report to him."

Pei Lu was close to Zhao Mu, their fingers intertwined, and the wailing behind him didn't make him look back.

The inspection this time is very strict, and the place where the inspection is done is at the research institute.

Xu Xiaoyu sent them to the door, "there are bosses inside, don't worry, just do a blood test, everything will be fine."

Pei Lu smiled gratefully, and then asked casually, "What if it turns out that I'm infected?"

Xu Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment, and seeing him smiling, she glared at him angrily, "Who would curse herself like that?" But she still lowered her voice and whispered: "But I still want to remind you, there is a The doctor is very abnormal, I heard that Uncle Zhang was tortured inside and lost his shape."

Pei Lu showed her small white teeth, thanked her with a smile, "Thank you, we will be careful."

Xu Xiaoyu waved to them, turned and left.

Pei Lu pressed the elevator and went to the fifth floor underground.

The base's research institute was built underground and was very hidden. Before that, they didn't know that there was such a research institute in the base.

The elevator door opened, and the person Xie Yige arranged was already waiting. It was a man in a white coat with a somewhat indifferent expression.

The white coat sized them up and said, "Follow me."

The two followed behind him.

The three of them walked through a corridor, and then passed a row of glass houses. Behind the transparent glass doors, various creatures were closed. Pei Lu looked at those strange creatures, and unconsciously clenched Zhao Mu's hand.

"These are all experimental products of the research institute." The white coat walking in front suddenly said.

There was still an echo in the empty corridor, which startled Pei Lu. He said blankly, "Oh." Finally, he turned his head casually, but happened to meet a zombie behind the glass door.

Pei Lu's heart skipped a beat and he stopped.

A zombie was locked in a glass cage. The zombie's clothes were fairly neat, but there was a big hole in the chest, and the rotting flesh and blood inside could be clearly seen. At this time, the zombie was lying on the glass, staring straight at Pei Lu.

Pei Lu also looked straight at him, this zombie... looks familiar.

A wave of irritability surged up in his heart, but before he could figure it out, a urging voice came from ahead, "Hurry up and follow."

Pei Lu had no choice but to catch up in a hurry. He was puzzled, but he couldn't help turning his head, just in time to see the zombie slamming against the glass door vigorously, and red, yellow and yellow liquid flowed out of its wide open mouth...

White coats quickly brought them to the examination room.

The examination room was very clean, only a few instruments with unknown uses were flashing lights, and the white coats threw them inside and prepared by themselves.

After the door was closed, Pei Lu expressed his doubts, "That zombie just now... I seem to have seen it somewhere."

Zhao Mu sighed, "That's Uncle Zhang."

"Uncle Zhang?" Pei Lu stared at him blankly, "Isn't Uncle Zhang..." He stopped suddenly when he said this, and he remembered Xu Xiaoyu's words.

"I heard that Uncle Zhang was tortured inside and lost his shape..."

Pei Lu was stunned for a while, feeling chills in his heart, as if thinking about his future fate, if there was no Zhao Mu, would he be the second Uncle Zhang.

"I don't want to be like that..." Pei Lu stuffed himself into Zhao Mu's arms, absorbing the warmth from his body, his voice trembling slightly.

Zhao Mu kissed him on top of his hair, "Don't be afraid, I will take you back."

Pei Lu shook his head, still feeling a little lucky, hesitantly said, "Let's check first, just in case... in case I'm not infected."

Zhao Mu hugged him tightly in silence, restraining his emotions, "Okay."

A white coat came in with a tray.

Zhao Mu didn't go out, just watched from the side.

"Are there any wounds on your body?"

Pei Lu glanced at Zhao Mu, hesitated and didn't speak.

"That's it." The white coat glanced at him, "Is there any abnormality in the body?"

This time Pei Lu quickly answered, "No."

The white coat stopped making any noise, and drew a tube of blood neatly, then ignored him and began to fiddle with the instrument.

Zhao Mu took a cotton swab and pressed him against the needle hole where the blood was spilling out, and half-wrapped him in his arms and leaned against him.

Pei Lu anxiously waited for the result.

Half an hour later, a white coat came over with a serious expression on his face, and Pei Lu thumped when he saw his expression, "What's the result?"

The white coat looked at him, with a hint of fanaticism in his eyes, "The virus you contracted is different from other people, and it's also different from No. 001."

"Maybe it's a variant of the zombie virus..."

The author has something to say: Lu Lu: Different species cannot fall in love~~~