My Patients Fall in Love with Me

Chapter 92: The domineering boss loves me


Xu Shu's father, Xu Yingxiong, is a small leader of the branch hall. He looks simple and honest, and has an honest personality. He is not outstanding in all aspects. His only advantage is that he is obedient.

People on the road are precarious, and they have their own twists and turns, but over the years, Xu Yingxiong has never had any problems. Based on this, he became a small boss under Shen Feng's confidants, Dozens of people are in charge of the underground.

The cargo that Shen Feng was intercepted on the way was crude oil smuggled back from abroad. The entire shipment was worth nearly 100 million yuan.

This batch of goods is a favor owed by Shen Feng. Luming Group has a natural advantage in shipping. He promised to help the other party transport the crude oil back, and he will not care about it after the ship docks. However, he did not expect that the news leaked halfway. Was robbed halfway.

Shen Feng probably guessed who did it, but the source of this batch of crude oil was not right, and he didn't catch the other party's handle, so he could only suffer from being dumb.

The most suffocating thing is that the favor hasn't been paid off yet, so what the hell owes another one.

Shen Feng personally questioned, checked one by one, and finally determined that it was Xu Yingxiong who leaked the news. During that time, he had private contact with several waves of people, and the news was leaked at that time.

It's just that Xu Yingxiong disappeared with the oil tanker a long time ago, and he didn't know if he was dead or alive, so Shen Feng found the original owner.

Xu Yingxiong hid this precious son very well. If they hadn't checked on purpose, they would not have known that the man who has been jokingly called an old bachelor has a gentle and handsome son who is studying in college.

But now, Shen Feng held Pei Lu's hand and said, "Your father has been found."

Pei Lu was a little dazed, he had never been in contact with the original owner's father, and he didn't even know what expression he should put on, so he could only look at Shen Feng blankly.

"He wants to see you."

According to Shen Feng's information, Xu Yingxiong cherishes this son very much, but for the sake of confidentiality, Xu Shu was raised by a nanny since he was a child, and his relationship with Xu Yingxiong is not deep.

It seemed that the news was wrong, Shen Feng frowned, took the dazed young man into his arms, and let him lean on his chest, "Go and have a look... probably the last time."

Pei Lu nodded silently, feeling a little suffocated in his heart.

Xu Yingxiong was in the intensive care unit. He had a broken hand and was shot five or six times. When Shen Feng's men found him, he was lying in a pool of blood without a sound. He might have been buried right there.

But he injured his internal organs, and even if he was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment, he could only wake up temporarily.

The first thing Xu Yingxiong did when he woke up was to see Xu Shu.

Pei Lu watched outside for a while, and after he had settled his emotions, he opened the door and went in. After all, he was his own father, so he couldn't show his flaws.

There were only two people in the ward. Pei Lu walked to the bed and called softly, "Dad."

Xu Yingxiong's eyeballs moved, and he slowly opened them.

"Xiaoshu..." His voice was hoarse, as if it had been run over on sandpaper, which made Pei Lu's ears hurt.

"Father is leaving..." He raised his only remaining arm, but it fell back due to fatigue, Pei Lu hurriedly held his hand, "Dad."

Xu Yingxiong closed his eyes and panted hard. It took him a while to calm down and continue talking. He told him where his passbook and bank cards were. Pei Lu looked at his cloudy eyes and his nose was a little sore, "I see."

Xu Yingxiong shook Pei Lu's hand reassuringly, and looked at his young son with reluctance.

He didn't want to die, and regretted that he had kept his duty all his life, but he didn't control his ambition in the last part of the road. As a result, not only did he fail to save his son a rich family business, but he folded himself into it.

People who have been on the road for a long time, how can they have any real duty of honesty

He sighed, gently took his son's hand, and motioned him to lower his body.

Pei Lu bent down slightly and listened to him with his ears sideways.

Xu Yingxiong gasped for a while, and then said with difficulty: "That batch of oil, that batch of oil was robbed by the Lu family, and it was hidden on Pier No. 3..."

He firmly grasped Pei Lu's hand, as solemnly as he confessed his last words, "Tell Shen Feng the news and let him save your life, you understand?"

Pei Lu opened his eyes wide in surprise, and nodded slowly. Xu Yingxiong then let go of his hand and murmured: "Shen Feng will protect you... You go to school hard, and find a stable job after graduation. Don't be like Dad. You have today There is no future, which makes your mother and you live in fear."

Pei Lu nodded and agreed one by one.

Xu Yingxiong closed his eyes, and tears flowed from the corners of his wrinkled eyes... The broken line on the heart rate tester straightened and let out a piercing beep.

Shen Feng broke through the door and hugged the stunned Pei Lu.

Pei Lu buried his face in his arms, tears wet the man's skirt uncontrollably, Pei Lu cried heartbreakingly, and asked 666 while wiping his tears, "The original owner's father is dead, why am I doing this? uncomfortable."

666 said that maybe it was influenced by the original owner.

Pei Lu sniffled, clutching the hem of the man's shirt and continuing to cry.

The subordinate who came to deal with Xu Yingxiong's funeral wanted to poke his own eyes, and bowed his waist carefully and stepped back.

"What are you hiding?" Shen Feng turned his back to the door, with eyes growing behind his back, and scolded, "You arrange someone to deal with Lao Xu's funeral."

The subordinate responded tremblingly, and stuck to the wall of the ward to watch as the boss coaxed Xu Shu out of the ward, half full.

Pei Lu was still crying, crying sadly, his eyes were swollen again, he hiccupped and said, "I'm fine, I'll be fine soon."

Shen Feng felt that this child was so sensible that it made people feel distressed, so he couldn't help but kissed his forehead, and coaxed him softly: "I will arrange your father's funeral well, people can't be resurrected after death, and I will change my brother to take care of you in the future."

Pei Lu sobbed and said "Okay", his nose and eyes were red, making him even more pitiful.

Shen Feng believed that Pei Lu had deep feelings for Xu Yingxiong, and was afraid that he would be sad when he saw Xu Yingxiong, so he didn't let Pei Lu go until Xu Yingxiong was cremated and was about to be buried in a suburban cemetery.

Xu Yingxiong's wife died early, and neither of them had any relatives or friends. The funeral ceremony was extremely simple. Shen Feng and Pei Lu stood side by side, earnestly bowed three times, and completed all the ceremonies.

When he was driving back, Pei Lu was a little lethargic, not because he was so sad, but because he was tired from crying too much a few days ago, his eyes were still red and swollen, and he leaned against Shen Feng listlessly.

When he returned to the villa, he suddenly remembered what Xu's father said, hurriedly pulled Shen Feng upstairs, and closed the door carefully, feeling nervous.

"What are you doing?" Shen Feng raised his eyebrows. The child just lost his father. He couldn't have thought about it in a wrong way. He could only say that he had something to tell him.

After Pei Lu locked the door, he was still worried that it would be unsafe, so he whispered into Shen Feng's ear what he knew,

"Pier No. 3?" Shen Feng frowned. The crude oil tanker was hijacked by the Lu family, which did not surprise him, but he did not expect the Lu family to be so bold as to hide a ship of crude oil on the pier.

"Well, that's what Dad said."

Shen Feng suddenly reached out and pinched his chin, and rubbed his unshaven stubble on his face, "Apart from this... Your father didn't tell you anything else?"

Pei Lu recalled it carefully, and after confirming that there was no missing information, he nodded seriously, "That's all, nothing more."

Seeing the seriousness in the young man's eyes, Shen Feng was stunned for a moment, then he couldn't help but bite his pink lips, "I didn't ask you this...forget it..."

He sighed, "Anyway, I will protect you no matter what, and Lao Xu's last wish has been fulfilled."


Shen Feng didn't go to the company for the next half month. According to the clues given by Pei Lu, he arranged for people to sneak into Pier No. 3 in disguise, searched like a carpet, and finally found the oil vessel.

Shen Feng plans to close the net.

The Shen family and the Lu family are the two biggest forces in S City.

Before Shen Feng appeared, the heads of the Shen family, Shen Duo and Lu Ziqin, were sworn brothers. The relationship between the two families was very strong, and together they could overthrow half the sky of S City.

Mrs. Shen Duo died young, and he didn't want to marry again, so he has no offspring. Lu Ziqin has mentioned several times to let him adopt a child to inherit the family business, and even said without hesitation that he is willing to have another child to adopt for Shen Duo to take care of him.

Shen Duo never let go, no one knew what he was thinking, even his good brother Lu Ziqin couldn't see through him.

When Shen Duo was sixty years old, he brought back a half-grown young man, namely Shen Feng.

At that time, Shen Feng was already nineteen years old. He had climbed from a street gangster to the leader of a small gang. With his bravery and recklessness, he established his own territory in S City.

No one knew how he and Shen Duo met.

Some people speculate that he is Shen Duo's illegitimate son, but Shen Feng looks nothing like Shen Duo. Shen Feng is tall and strong, so he is not easy to mess with, but Shen Duo looks like a gentleman. Clear and shallow.

Two people who don't get along at all.

But Shen Duo really raised Shen Feng as his son, and spared no effort in cultivating him, as if he had already confirmed his heir.

Lu Ziqin's suggestion of adoption was never mentioned again.

Later, Shen Feng was twenty-five years old, and Shen Duo was sixty-six years old. The old man passed his last birthday and never woke up again.

At that time, Shen Feng already had the strength of being the head of the Shen family under Shen Duo's training, but Shen Duo, a big tree that blocked the wind, fell down, and there were always people who couldn't wait to try the depth of the new head.

All those who did the work were mercilessly killed by the young Shen Feng. In just one year, there was a big change in the underground of S City. Everyone knew Shen Feng. Shen Duo fell, but the Shen family would not.

Lu Zi, who planned behind the scenes, had a distorted face, but he could only put on a kind elder face in front of this young tiger.

Shen Feng grew up too fast, and the Shen family grew rapidly under his hands. By the time Shen Feng was thirty-five years old, the Shen family had already firmly surpassed the Lu family. Lu Ziqin, who was over seventy years old, had to be polite to this nephew. gas.

No wonder Lu Ziqin was so restless.

He is over seventy years old, and has four sons and a daughter, but none of them are mature.

The four sons fought for the right to inherit, but the methods they used were so childish that it made people laugh. The only daughter had an arrogant personality and her brain was all over her face.

Once he fell, the Lu family would definitely be swallowed up by the Shen family. He was not reconciled, so he had to take advantage of the few years he had left to live to pull Shen Feng off his horse, so that he could leave with peace of mind, otherwise he would not be able to get along even if he went underground. Eye.

Shen Feng could clearly feel his small thoughts.

For Shen Duo's sake, he has been tolerant of Lu Ziqin's petty actions and Lu Wanwan's arrogance. It's just to show his attitude, his innocence towards the Lu family.

It's a pity that Lu Ziqin didn't believe him. After Shen Feng rejected the marriage, he made more petty moves and repeatedly crossed Shen Feng's bottom line.

Shen Feng is not a good-tempered person, Lu Ziqin has to pay the price for moving his goods and killing his subordinates.

On the day of the fight, Shen Feng went to the cemetery to visit Shen Duo.

Shen Duo's tombstone stood quietly, and there was another tombstone next to him. The one lying on the tombstone was not Mrs. Shen who was said to be in love with Shen Duo all his life, but a handsome and rugged man.

Shen Feng placed flowers in front of the two tombstones, and then lit three more sticks of incense as offerings.

"Dad, Lu Ziqin crossed the line, I can't bear him anymore."

The incense burns quietly in front of the tombstone, and the white smoke blurs the people in the photo.

Shen Feng bowed three times and left.


Suddenly, a whole ship of crude oil of unknown origin was discovered at Pier No. 3 in City S. The owner of the ship was the second son of Lu’s family. City S had a new leadership team a few years ago. Someone anonymously reported that Pier No. 3 harbored smuggled crude oil.

A large number of armed police quietly surrounded the pier. According to the information provided by the informant, they found the oil tanker easily.

The news that the police seized a batch of smuggled crude oil at the wharf was widely reported. The top management of S city paid close attention to it, and several forces secretly wrestled with each other. This matter was finally put on the table, and people who wanted to cover it up couldn't cover it up.

The oil tanker was in the name of Lu Ziqin's second son. Lu's second child was quickly summoned and detained as a suspect.

When Lu Ziqin got the news, his dyed jet-black hair turned gray overnight, and he tremblingly went to visit Shen's villa early the next morning.

Shen Feng was listening to Pei Lu reading to him.

Ever since Pei Lu read him emails a few times, he has fallen in love with this feeling. When he is free, he always likes to let Pei Lu read books and tell stories to him, no matter whether the content is understandable or not, as long as the voice belongs to this person That's fine.

The subordinates came to report that the old man of the Lu family was outside the door. Shen Feng frowned and told Pei Lu to go back first, but before Pei Lu got up, Lu Ziqin had already led people in.

"Nephew, it's getting harder and harder for my old bones to see you now."

Pei Lu, who just stood up, couldn't go any further, so he had to sit down under Shen Feng's hands.

Shen Feng said with a smile: "Uncle Lu is coming, why don't you let me know in advance, you are too old, if there is an accident, my father and I can't explain it."

Lu Ziqin's face darkened, this kid made it clear that he was too old to live for two years, "Don't bother nephew, my old bone can still struggle for a few years."

"Those incompetent people in my family are still pointing at my old bones. If they have half of your worry, I don't have to worry about these things when I get old."

It seems that he came here to intercede for his second son.

Shen Feng smiled lightly and didn't answer, "Uncle, you are serious. I think the younger brothers are pretty good like this. They have the vitality of young people. Unlike me, my father is gone, so I can only take care of it myself."

Lu Ziqin sighed, "Those brats are just spoiled by me, lawless, no, they even dare to move his brother's boat."

Shen Feng looked surprised, as if he had just learned the news, "How many younger brothers are involved in the oil tanker?"

Lu Ziqin cursed inwardly, everything was calculated, but in the end he pretended not to know anything, he was shameless in the same vein as Shen Duo.

"That's right, the second child was also deceived by his subordinates. If he knew it was your boat, he would never dare to touch it."

"Oh? So that's how it is..." Shen Feng raised his eyebrows, poured a cup of tea casually, and said generously: "We are a family, so let's forget about the oil tanker, and it's not worth much."

He spoke lightly, as if he didn't know that this incident had alarmed the higher-ups. It would be difficult for the second son of the Lu family to get out after entering. It would be considered luck if he could save his life.

Lu Ziqin was so angry that he threw the teacup on the table heavily, and said calmly, "Nephew, your father and I have been friends for a lifetime, and now because of such a trivial matter, you are going to be old." Er's life will break the roots of my old Lu's family, is it over?"

Shen Feng was still not salty, and even had a smile on his lips, "Uncle Lu, I am also a victim of this matter, now the police found the goods and arrested people, what does it have to do with me, now is a legal society , we are all good law-abiding citizens, you can't make me confront the police."


Lu Ziqin didn't expect him to be so shameless, and pointed at him "you you" for a long time with trembling fingers, and finally blushed with anger, and was helped away by his subordinates.

As soon as the person left, Pei Lu couldn't help laughing, holding his belly hahaha, tears came out of the laughter.

Shen Feng's expression sank visibly, he pulled the man into his arms, and said viciously: "What is so funny, huh?"

Pei Lu was so frightened that he stumbled into the esophagus, and began hiccupping frantically, "Hahahahahahaha~ I didn't hiccup~ I'm laughing at you, hiccup~"


Shen Feng squeezed his face to the middle with a dark face, Pei Lu pouted his chicken mouth and hiccupped non-stop, the scene was once full of funny and embarrassing atmosphere.

On the other side, after Lu Ziqin was helped out of the villa by his subordinates, he pushed away the people around him and walked straight to the car with his back on crutches.

"The young man next to Shen Feng is Xu Yingxiong's son." His tone was firm. When he asked people to approach Xu Yingxiong, among the information he found were Xu Shu's photos and information.

"Why did Xu Yingxiong's son get mixed up with Shen Feng..." He muttered to himself, and suddenly he had a flash of inspiration: "Are you sure that Xu Yingxiong died at that time?"

The subordinates behind you looked at me, I looked at you, no one dared to answer easily, and finally the subordinate at the front stepped forward tremblingly and answered, "The second son handles people."

Lu Ziqin stomped the ground with his cane and cursed, "Idiot!"

No wonder Shen Feng was able to find the oil storage ship so quickly, it must be that Xu Yingxiong was not dead, he was rescued by Shen Feng's people, and Shen Feng used the location of the oil storage ship to save his son's life

"A bunch of idiots!"

Lu Ziqin was puzzled and cursed a few more words, and ordered: "Don't worry about the second young master, let him grow his memory inside."

"And..." He rubbed his fingers on the crutch a few times, and he always felt that the atmosphere between Shen Feng and that young man was a bit like back then...

"Send someone to watch Xu Shu."

If his guess is true, then this boy Shen Feng will not be able to run away. If a person has a weakness, it will be easier to deal with it.

A cold smile appeared on Lu Ziqin's old face.