My Patients Fall in Love with Me

Chapter 94: The domineering boss loves me


The crazy little husky ran left and right, Pei Lu was panting after chasing him in the pet store, he propped his knees to pant, looked at the little husky's grinning mouth and Yang Huang's tail, and thought it was a silent ridicule.

He said to Shen Feng who was standing by and watching: "Catch him!"

Shen Feng watched the excitement for a long time, saw Pei Lu looking over angrily, coughed lightly, stepped forward and picked up the husky who had just approached and was already lying on the ground in fright by his aura.

The little husky was pinched by the skin on the back of its neck, its blue eyes were turning cautiously, its short, fleshy tail was sandwiched between its legs, it was sobbing pitifully, and it was in Shen Feng's hands obediently. Incredible.

Pei Lu: "..."

He was so angry that he tugged the little husky's prickly ears, "It's terrible, you just watch people cook at a young age, right?"

The little husky stretched out his pink tongue and licked his hand, then stretched out his two front paws to reach him, with a pitiful look begging for hugs and petting.

Pei Lu: "..."

He hesitated for a while, but still couldn't resist his soft heart, and took the little husky from Shen Feng's hand and hugged him in his arms.

Shen Feng paid the final payment, took the dog milk powder recommended by the pet shop owner, dog food bowl, kennel, and some messy things, and walked out. Pei Lu followed behind with the little husky who suddenly became well-behaved.

Maybe it was the sudden unfamiliar environment or maybe Shen Feng's deterrent effect hadn't passed, anyway, the little husky had been lying obediently in Pei Lu's arms, whining occasionally, and then quickly quieted down.

Pei Lu was very happy stroking the dog, and this happy mood ended when he put the dog on the ground—

The two went home with their things, and discussed building the kennel over the gazebo in the garden, where it was sheltered from the wind and rain, and there was also a large open space, so that the little husky could live in it when it grew up.

There is no need to worry that the little husky has nowhere to slip and get depressed.

Great place to call home!

Obviously Xiao Ha is also very satisfied with this kennel with a luxurious garden. Just as Pei Lu put him on the ground, the little husky who was still squatting before rushed out and quickly got into the flowers.

Pei Lu: "..."

He called twice, but he didn't get the dog's attention at all. He was staggering in the flowers, and he didn't know what the dog was doing there.

Pei Lu muttered and went to help Shen Feng, "What's wrong with raising a husky? I can't even think about raising a husky."

Shen Feng was building a kennel with his upper body shirtless, and he had to assemble the largest kennel he bought directly, so he took off his shirt after a few tosses, and worked with his bare arms.

The sun shone through the shade of the tree, mottled and fell on the bronze-colored back muscles. The smooth muscles revealed a sweet and honey-colored halo. Pei Lu's throat was a little itchy. He coughed lightly and handed Shen Feng a hand. Material.

The kennel is very big and the materials used are very strong. Shen Feng used a screwdriver to screw the screws, while Pei Lu absently supported him on the board, his eyes were already attracted by his sweaty muscles.

This is another kind of style that has not been experienced in the memory of the previous two worlds.

The men in this world have a strong aura of roughness, from appearance to behavior style, there is a kind of masculine wildness, which is informal at best, and vulgar at worst.

This is something engraved in his bones from his childhood experience. No matter how much money or status a man has now, he can't change the aura that comes out of his bones, but Pei Lu doesn't hate it.

I even like this kind of man a little bit.

The man is tall, and the muscles all over his body make him more masculine. Those calloused hands that are used to holding knives and guns can bring the ultimate pleasure when walking on him, the man said with red eyes When he wanted to "fuck him to death", Pei Lu couldn't stop.

It is not unreasonable to say that everyone has an m in their hearts.

Pei Lu stared at the man's eyelashes wet with sweat, and unconsciously licked his lips, his delicate Adam's apple slipped slightly, his whole body exuded a GAY air of wanting to have a blast on the spot.

"Have you seen enough?"

The man who was concentrating on building a kennel suddenly came up to him, his hoarse voice was like a heavy hammer hitting Pei Lu's chest, he lowered his head, his eyes didn't know where to fall, and it took a long time before he said softly "Yeah "Sound.

The fire in Shen Feng's heart jumped three meters high. He threw the half-filled kennel aside, and walked around behind Pei Lu's back to cling to his body. The smell of sweat mixed with the man's body odor. Straight to Pei Lu's nose.

Pei Lu stood there motionless as if possessed by an evil spirit, dizzy from the man's strong breath.

It's over.

Pei Lu felt the subtle changes in his body, and his dizzy mind became a little clearer, and he refused with difficulty: "I, I'm a little hot, go up and take a shower."

Shen Feng put his chin on the side of his neck, and his deep voice was deliberately seductive, "Brother will wash with you..."

The scorching breath hit the pinna, and Pei Lu said "OK" in a dizzy state.

The half-assembled kennel behind him was left unattended, and Shen Feng followed behind the swaying Pei Lu, his dark eyes staring at his back like a wolf, and a raging flame was burning inside.

Said to go back to take a bath, but just after entering the door, before Pei Lu took a step to the bathroom, Shen Feng slammed the delirious Pei Lu on the door panel with a wall.

Pei Lu was squeezed into a small space, and his whole body was surrounded by a man's breath. Pei Lu pressed against his chest with difficulty, his legs felt a little weak unconsciously, "You, what are you doing, I'm going to take a bath .”

Shen Feng nuzzled him, rubbing his lips vaguely, making people feel itchy, "Brother, wash it for you... make sure it's clean..."

An unspeakably ambiguous atmosphere rose, and Pei Lu could clearly feel Shen Dazhuang's powerful beating from sticking to the door panel to unconsciously lying on the man's chest.

"Okay, okay..."

Pei Lu promised softly, Shen Feng smiled wickedly, he squatted down slowly, and began to bathe Pei Lu inch by inch...


When Pei Lu woke up again, the sun had already set in the west, and he had just gone through a hearty exercise, like a young seedling that had absorbed enough water, it was watery and tender, and his cheeks were glowing red.

Shen Feng was not upstairs, so Pei Lu looked around but didn't see anyone, so he simply walked downstairs with his slippers on.

Except for meals, the servants rarely showed up in the villa, and the bodyguards in charge of security were hidden in the dark. Pei Lu looked around, but didn't see the person he was looking for, so he turned and walked to the garden behind.

The figure of the man knocking and beating can be seen from a distance.

Not far from him, a gray-black puppy lay low on its body, let out two immature growls, and then rushed up, grabbed the man's leg and jumped wildly.

The man tapped twice, as if he was overwhelmed, frowned and turned to push the puppy aside with his toes, then turned back to continue the work in hand.

Pei Lu watched this scene from afar, with a smile on his lips. It's not bad to have a pet. Although the dog is a little retarded, its appearance can make up for it.

Shen Feng had already noticed that he was coming. After the whole kennel was assembled, he moved the little husky, which was holding his legs, and walked towards Pei Lu, "Are you awake? Are you hungry?"

It's okay not to mention, but when I said that Pei Lu was really hungry, after returning from noon, he didn't eat, and the two of them did exercise for a few hours, Pei Lu's stomach was empty at the moment.

"Wait, brother packs up and cooks for you."

Shen Feng was full of energy, he had done a lot of work, but he didn't exhaust his energy, so he went down to continue assembling the unfinished kennel while the young man fell asleep, and forgot to prepare dinner for a while.

He unscrewed the water pipe in the garden and rinsed himself quickly. The transparent water flowed down from the top of his head. catch a cold.

Pei Lu went upstairs and took a bath towel and a change of clothes and came down. Shen Feng just came in from the outside. He was wearing a pair of wet trousers and walked in barefoot. The wet trousers were tightly attached to his strong legs, covering him with nothing. Can't live.

Pei Lu frowned, and took a bath towel to wipe off the drops of water on his body, "Next time I'll come back and wash, it's easy to catch a cold."

Shen Feng took the opportunity to hug him, and Pei Lu's cold skin shuddered. He pinched him in dissatisfaction, and threw the bath towel into his arms, "Wipe yourself, change your clothes and come over to eat."

Pei Lu ignored him and took his apron to the kitchen to cook.

The aunt who made the recipe made a few ready-made dishes and put them in the refrigerator, as long as they are heated up, Pei Lu put the dishes in the microwave oven, thinking that it would take a while to cook, so he found another bag of noodles and brought them out. Two bowls of noodle soup fell down.

The golden noodles were sprinkled with green onion, Pei Lu quickly rushed into the dining room with the bowl in hand, put the bowl on the table, and jumped up and down pinching his ears until it was hot.

Shen Feng had already changed into his clothes, took his finger and put it in his mouth for a while, and felt relieved when he saw that it was only a little red, "Sit down, I'll serve it."

Shen Feng went to the kitchen, and came over with a bowl in one hand, his face remained unchanged, and he couldn't tell it was hot at all.

When the bowl was put down, Pei Lu took his hand to look at it, and it turned a little red.

Shen Feng tapped his forehead, "Baby baby."

"..." Pei Lu wanted to refute, but it seemed that the man had always been taking care of him. Apart from opening his mouth when eating and opening his legs when going to bed, he didn't seem to have done any other work.

So he had no choice but to snort unconvinced.

Seeing his staring eyes, Shen Feng rubbed his head again, "I like coquettishness too."

Pei Lu's moaning and chirping voice suddenly became quieter, and he ate happily.

Halfway through the meal, the little husky, who was crazy enough outside, found it following the smell of the food, and yelled for food under the table.

Pei Lu bent down and touched his little belly. It was deflated, and it seemed that he was really hungry.

"Where's his milk powder?"

Shen Feng put down his chopsticks to get it, and took out a small food bowl with dog bones printed on it, and took it into the kitchen for cleaning and disinfection.

Rinse half a bowl of milk powder. The temperature was lowered with ice again, and after confirming that the temperature was suitable, Shen Feng came out with a food bowl to let the little husky eat.

The little husky sniffed the bowl with his nose, then tentatively licked it, and soon determined that it was his favorite food, so he happily ate it, wagging his tail.

Pei Lu kicked the man's calf, "What's his name?"

Shen Feng frowned and thought for a long time, and asked Pei Lu to get one, "Brother doesn't study much, so you get one."

Pei Lu scratched his face, clapped his hands and said, "Then it's called Fat Ball." It's fat like a ball, and the dog lives up to its name, so it's very suitable!

Shen Feng: "..."

He flicked Fat Ball's little butt with his toes, and said with a complicated expression: "Okay, Fat Ball."

With a name, Fat Ball is now officially part of the Shen family. He has just been picked up, and he is still young. Pei Lu was worried that he would live outside with a dog, so he made a nest for him to live in the room first.

Then he tasted the consequences of his soft-heartedness that night.

When he was having sex with Shen Feng, Fat Ball played a duet in the den, "Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" as if he was a wolf in the wind.

Pei Lu was almost wilted by it's yelling, but Shen Feng's mental quality was good, and he was unaffected in the slightest and knocked Pei Lu dry to the beat of "Aww".

The next day Pei Lu threw the wagging fat ball into his luxurious kennel.

Fat Ball pretended to whine a few times, seeing that Pei Lu ignored him, he chased a butterfly and ran away excitedly.

The attitude of admitting mistakes was very perfunctory, and he didn't take this master seriously.

Pei Lu got into the car angrily, and Shen Feng said helplessly, "Why are you so angry with a milk dog?"

Pei Lu squinted at him, "You're a good pick, purebred is stupid."

Shen Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he changed the subject and told him several jokes before clearing his anger.

There was no class at school today, so Pei Lu continued to be his little secretary. He walked all the way to the office, checked Shen Feng's mailbox with a decent appearance, picked out important ones and read them to Shen Feng alone, and then replied according to Shen Feng's wishes.

He dealt with unimportant emails directly.

It can be said that he is a very serious and responsible secretary.

A busy morning passed, the company had a lot of things to do recently, Shen Feng personally sent people to school yesterday, and missed work for another day, all the things piled up until today, he was so busy that he didn't even have a chance to touch his hands.

Pei Lu poured him a glass of honey water and put it beside him, then he opened the door lightly and went out.

The mails were all processed, Shen Feng concentrated on his work, he didn't want to disturb the man, so he simply slipped out to get some air.

Shen Feng's office is on the top floor, with a very good view. One wall is entirely made of glass, and there is a circle of high stools beside the glass wall. Pei Lu poured himself a cup of tea and found a place to sit down.

The weather outside was fine, and when the sun shone through layers of shading, there was no intense emotion, lying softly and docilely on the person, making people lazy.

Pei Lu took a sip of tea, looked down at the tiny buildings and vehicles below, and asked 666, "Has the progress bar changed?"

666 said no, "It's still 50% from the previous world."

Pei Lu had a bitter face, "Why is it so difficult?"

666 thought that it was because your man was perverted in the last world, but he still replied officially: "It should be that he was not appeased in the last spiritual world, but was irritated for some reason, which made him more aggressive. In this world, the difficulty of our mission will become greater."

Pei Lu let out an "oh" without any expectation, and lay down on the table in a daze.

Zhao Mu's aggressiveness is so strong, could it be because of his own reasons? When Pei Lu thought of Mu Xiu's world, it seemed that every time the progress bar changed, it was related to him... Pei Lu tapped on the table, and gradually had a guess in his mind.

Maybe he found the key "dragon".

Suddenly a person sat down beside him, Pei Lu turned his head, it was Li Jin, one of Shen Feng's two male secretaries.

It was said that they were Shen Feng's secretary, but in fact they did not directly communicate with Shen Feng, but more to assist Secretary Zhang's work. Apart from Secretary Zhang, Pei Lu was not familiar with the other three people.

Seeing his natural and familiar attitude at this moment, it is unavoidable to be a little surprised, "Secret Li, what's the matter?"

Li Jin took a sip of his hot coffee, looked at Pei Lu wantonly with his eyes hidden behind his glasses, and said politely and perfunctorily, "I saw Mr. Xu sitting here alone, so I came over to take a look."

"Is Boss Shen still busy?"

Pei Lu frowned, and looked at him with displeasure. He didn't like the familiar tone of this man when he mentioned Shen Feng, and realized that the person who came was not kind, and Pei Lu didn't have time to play Tai Chi with him, so his face visibly turned cold.

"Whether Mr. Shen is busy or not is not what Secretary Li needs to care about." He paused, saw the closed door of the secretary's room, and said, "Secretary Li has time to drink coffee, why not share more with Secretary Zhang, I think she is busy. There is no time to eat, but Secretary Li still has time to drink coffee and chat here."

"You..." Li Jin's face turned cold, he stared at him unkindly for a while, put the cup heavily on the table, and said every word: "What "Master Xu" taught is that I'm leaving now .”

" What are you talking about?"

Shen Feng, who had just finished his work, found that the people around him were gone. He came out to look for someone. He happened to see his little friend sitting and chatting with a man. He pursed his lips unhappily, and stared impatiently at Li Jin who was at a loss, " What department are you from and why are you here?"

Shen Feng's body was full of momentum. When he squinted his eyes unkindly and stared at people, he felt full of oppression. Li Jin took a step back with a pale face, and said in a low voice: "Mr. Shen, I am Li Jin from the Secretariat, Li Jin All are my uncles,"

Shen Feng, however, was impatient at all to hear what he said, so he waved his hand casually, "Go back first."

Li Jin shook his body, with a look of humiliation on his face, and hurried back to the secretariat with his head down. Pei Lu shook his legs and gave a "tsk" with great interest.

"What are you looking at?" Shen Feng turned his head to himself dissatisfied, "What's so interesting about him?"

Pei Lu curled his lips and pinched his nose, "Who is that Li or something?"

Shen Feng frowned and thought for a while before he remembered, "It seems that the nephew of some director insisted on stuffing him into the secretariat, saying he wanted to do an internship."

Pei Lu stared at Shen Feng inexplicably, "Don't you think there is something wrong with him?"

Shen Feng was puzzled, hugged Pei Lu and kissed him. I don't want to discuss irrelevant people at all, "What's strange, I haven't seen him a few times, and Secretary Zhang is taking care of him."

Pei Lu hummed twice, Shen Feng suddenly opened his eyes, raised his head from the young man's neck, "You don't like him?"

Pei Lu smacked his lips, but he was innocent, "It's not that I don't like him, it's that he doesn't like me,"

Shen Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and bit his nose, "I don't like that I asked Secretary Zhang to transfer him away."

Pei Lu started whining again, and stopped him without sincerity: "Don't, when the time comes, people will say that you are deceiving the country with your beauty."

Shen Feng smiled lowly, kissed Pei Lu's forehead, and whispered in his ear: "If you are so beautiful... If you make a mistake, you will make a mistake... I am willing to die on you..."

Pei Lu rubbed the goosebumps on his body, and pushed him away muttering, "Stay away from me, it's too nasty, it made me get goosebumps all over."

Shen Feng refused to walk away, leaned up to tickle him, and the two of them kissed each other panting...