My Pet Beast is Super Awesome

Chapter 113: Special tasks (monthly ticket replacement)



There was a soft sound, as if someone had thrown a stone in an empty mountain stream.

Shao Zifeng felt a chill all over his body, and his outstretched hand froze instantly.


The harsh friction sounded, and Shao Zifeng came back to his senses and looked at the wide-open elevator door in front of him, and then looked at his outstretched hand.

What are you doing

There was a sudden sense of unreality in his heart.

Putting down his right hand, he shook his head and walked into the elevator. Standing under the dim light of the elevator, Shao Zifeng always felt that he had overlooked something.

Looking down at the time, at 2:30 in the afternoon, he froze in his heart. Wasn't it 2:24 before

Just thinking of this, Shao Zifeng was in a trance for a moment, his eyes were empty and confused, and he muttered to himself: "It was 2:30 just now, yes, 2:30."

Then he woke up again, remembered his purpose, and tentatively pressed the down button.

After waiting for a while, the elevator did not move.

Shao Zifeng breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that this is the three-minute window period Luo Feng said.

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated, walked to the left wall of the elevator car, and tapped seven times three times and four times. The knocking sound echoed in the empty fifth floor, something strange.


The left wall of the elevator cracked open, and a chill came from the crack. Shao Zifeng subconsciously tightened his clothes.

The left wall of the elevator is separated, revealing a dark stairway. The stairs are going up. There is a thick layer of dust on both sides of the steps. Only the middle section is exceptionally clean, as if people often pass by.

The pitch-black entrance of the stairs was like a giant mouth that devoured everything, and there were constant bursts of chills blowing.

Shao Zifeng took a deep breath and muttered to himself, how could the underground platform in Longcheng County be so gloomy.

He stepped out of the elevator carefully, the crack on the elevator wall behind him closed instantly, and the surroundings instantly became pitch black.

Shao Zifeng's heart tightened, and before he could react, his eyes gradually adapted to the darkness, and he could even see the outline of the steps.

Although all this is full of weirdness, there seems to be a force in his mind that guides his decision.

Shao Zifeng gritted his teeth and stepped up the stairs.





After stepping on the ninth step is a platform, and after turning left is another staircase.





Shao Zifeng secretly counted in his heart, and his heart became more and more uneasy. This was the fourth platform he stepped on.

It stands to reason that the stairs going up cannot be that high, and the height of the department store limits the height of the floors.

Finally, on the fifth platform, equivalent to the height of a five-story building, Shao Zifeng saw a long corridor with a wooden door protruding from it, with torches burning on both sides of the wooden door.

It's finally here.

Walking through the long corridor, Shao Zifeng stood beside the wooden door, the burning torches dispelled the darkness, and saw an X engraved in the middle of the wooden door.

It's the same as the X on the platform APP, but the one on the wooden door is bloody.

Shao Zifeng put his hand on the wooden door and was about to push it open, but there was a burst of resistance in his heart.

I just felt a chill coming from the place where the palm and the wooden door were in contact, and the chill came and went quickly, like an illusion.

He became more and more uneasy, and wanted to retreat, but his body pushed open the wooden door uncontrollably.


The wooden door opened, and a stone-built room appeared in front of Shao Zifeng. The architectural style was somewhat similar to a European castle. The burning kerosene lamps on the four walls brought a touch of warmth to the room.

At first glance, this room looks like a study, with several tall bookcases standing against the wall. In front of the bookcases is a sunken wood desk. The desk is full of file bags and books. A simple-style table lamp is placed in front of the table. Next is an old-fashioned rotary telephone.

Shao Zifeng walked into the room, and the wooden door closed silently. Except for the crackling sound of the burning kerosene lamp, there was no movement in the whole room.

"anyone there."

Shao Zifeng shouted, he was anxious but couldn't control his body.

"Cough, who is it?"

Just when he thought no one was there, behind the books stacked high on the desk revealed an old face. The old man's beard and hair were all white, and his face was covered with deep folds. pale.

"Hello, old man, I'm 'Zang Feng', number 9331. I'm here to buy something and see if I have any quests." The moment the old man appeared, Shao Zifeng regained control of his body.

Perhaps because the old man was kinder, the anxiety in his heart disappeared inexplicably.

"Cough, oh, I don't have a computer here, all are handwritten files. Tell me what you need, and I'll get it to you." The old man coughed a few times and stood up with difficulty while leaning on the desk.

It was only then that Shao Zifeng realized that the old man was wearing a black robe, but the old man was too thin and the robe looked loose.

"This is the task file. You first see what task you want to take, and then use a pen to register it on this list." The old man's thin palm held a thick file and gave it to Shao Zifeng, and then took out another one. A form is placed on the table: "There's a pen next to it, tell me, what do you need to buy."

After doing this, it seemed that the old man had consumed a lot of physical strength. He leaned on the table and took a few breaths.

"I need to buy ten dark-type energy potions of type I. I'll trouble the old man." Shao Zifeng looked at the old man who was as old as the wind and candle, and couldn't bear it in his heart.

The old man coughed a few times, waved his hand at him, and walked tremblingly toward the back of the bookcase. Only then did Shao Zifeng realize that there was a dark room behind the bookcase.

After the old man left, Shao Zifeng stepped forward and opened the dossier. A vigorous and powerful pen appeared on the paper. The entire dossier was actually handwritten.

Although he was amazed in his heart, he did not pay too much attention to it and began to look for tasks he could do.

Task: [Individual]: Aunt Zhu of Chengdong Elementary School lost her cat, who was dependent on each other. After helping her find it, she was rewarded with a reward of 50 yuan and Aunt Zhu's verbal thanks.


Shao Zifeng looked confused, how could he feel as if he had returned to the Novice Village.

After roughly flipping through it, the tasks of Longcheng Town turned out to be similar to this. Shao Zifeng simply turned the page quickly and browsed the information at a glance.

Suddenly, his eyes narrowed.

I saw the word "special" marked with a red pen on the last page of the dossier.

[Special] The lonely old man in the west of the city died strangely, and strange things happened frequently after the burial. Task 1: Find out the cause of the old man's death and whether it was caused by mutant creatures. Task 2: Find out the source of the strange thing and whether it is caused by mutant creatures. Reward: unknown

This does not seem to be difficult, Shao Zifeng muttered in his heart.

Picking up the file to record the task, suddenly a page slipped out from under the last page.

Shao Zifeng took it to look at it, and saw that it was the additional information of the deceased for this special mission. Looking at the photo on the paper, Shao Zifeng's body suddenly froze, and a chill ran down his back to the top of his head.

He turned his head stiffly, but did not find the figure of the old man, and then stepped back to the door step by step.


A cold palm clapped on Shao Zifeng's shoulder, and the voice of Yin Qi sounded in his ear: "Are you looking for me."

Shao Zifeng felt a sudden shock in his heart and turned around abruptly. He saw that the old man's originally pale skin had turned blue-black, and his raised black robe was blurred with blood. Biting towards Shao Zifeng.

The old man moved extremely fast, and before Shao Zifeng could dodge, he bit him on the neck.

(End of this chapter)