My Pet Beast is Super Awesome

Chapter 15: Energy Potion Type I


On the field, the ferocious bite of the pastoral dog was easily avoided by the rooster.

The pastoral dog turned his head flexibly after pounced, and continued to pounce on the rooster with a threatening sound of whining.


At the beginning of the battle, Wang Hao's pastoral dog made Shao Zifeng look in a different light. This pastoral dog looked very small. He didn't expect such a fierce fighting style.

The two sides fought back and forth for a while, and Wang Hao occasionally commanded, and Li Yiming stood there with his head down, letting the rooster play freely.

Although the rooster is of higher quality, its talent makes it unable to exert its full combat power at all, and was finally pressed under the paw by the pastoral dog.

Of course, the pastoral dog was not much better. It was drenched in blood by the rooster, and the bald one looked even more miserable.

After the battle, Shao Zifeng was not watching.

In addition to the freshness of this kind of battle, there is no blood in the imagination. It is really meaningless to peck at each other.

"Come out, my colorful swallowing python"

Hearing Wang Hao Zhong Er's shout from a distance, Shao Zifeng's mouth twitched, do you want to be a wild hero or what? .

On the way back to class, Shao Zifeng lowered his head and pondered.

He is thinking about cultivating the little guy, and now there seem to be only two paths in front of him.

One is to continue to study the profession of cultivator. The consequence of this may be that his armadillo lizard is forcibly taken away.

The second is to promise Luo Feng to join the organization behind him.

Today, the school easily approved Wang Hao's application for a battle. It should be because a lot of things happened recently that made the above determined to make changes. From the side, the criminal organization dared to openly commit crimes on the land of Daxia, ignoring the authority of Daxia.

In the end, he was able to retreat completely, forcing the official to use all forces to search for him. It can be seen that the other party is hiding deeply, and there may be some shocking conspiracy brewing.

Thinking of this, Shao Zifeng shuddered, because he had a very bad premonition that it was in the near future.

"Morning, Shao Zifeng."

At this moment, an ordinary and uncharacteristic male voice sounded from behind, um, where have you heard it

Shao Zifeng put on a smile and turned around and said, "You are early too."

An ordinary and ugly boy nodded slightly to Shao Zifeng and passed by.

Shao Zifeng stood there quietly, thinking hard.

This scene is so familiar. Also, what did that person look like just now

After a while, Shao Zifeng shook his head, no longer thought about it, turned and walked towards the teaching building.

In the big classroom, many students have come.

The classroom is already a bit old, and every time I come to class here, there is always a musty smell lingering on the tip of my nose.

"Hey, look, here's a handsome little brother." In a seat in the second row against the wall, a girl covered her mouth with a book and kept poking her partner with her elbow.

The companion who was lying on the table and drooling while sleeping, sat up smartly, "Where, where, how can there be a handsome little brother, hehe."

"I'm walking this way, I haven't wiped your saliva yet," the girl reminded quietly.

The sleeping girl looked up while wiping her saliva, and saw a tall and straight boy with a gentle smile walking past her, and when she saw the girl watching, she nodded.

"So handsome, I feel like I'm falling in love," the sleeping girl said to her companion.

Then she turned her head, knocked on the table at the back, and said to a slightly fat boy: "Three minutes, I want all his information."

"Come on, don't take three minutes. Gao'er, listen carefully, this buddy, don't look at him smiling with you, he is so arrogant."


A sleeping girl knocked on the head of the slightly fat boy, "Give me your tongue and speak straight, who did you learn from?"

Reluctantly, she glanced at Shao Zifeng again, but she didn't ask the fat boy again, after all, licking a dog wouldn't lie to a goddess, right

In the distance, Shao Zifeng was sitting in the last row by the window, looking at the classmates in front of him with some emotion. It was only then that he found a familiar sense of reality. The life of the past few days made him always have a sense of presence. dream feeling.

There was the sound of walking with high heels at the door. When I was young, a middle-aged woman with a slightly fat body and short curly yellow hair walked into the classroom.

"Classmates, today we will continue to study the selection and use of energy potions."

have to.

It seems to have to continue to dream.

Shao Zifeng, who put aside his distracting thoughts, rarely listened to a class seriously, because whether it is a combat trainer or a cultivator, he must have some basic understanding of energy potions.

Energy potions are consumables researched by the National Academy of Sciences and the Pharmacy Society based on the energy intake of mutant organisms, but the prices are not so close to the people. On the market, the most basic "Energy Potion Type I" costs 1,000 yuan, not to mention the several advanced models that follow.

Of course, one cent, one cent, one "type I" energy potion is enough for a first-order pet beast to consume enough energy for 3 days, not to mention, long-term use of this potion will speed up the beast Growth, evolution and healing effects.

Shao Zifeng wanted to buy a few for the little guy, but unfortunately he did not have the official status of a war trainer, nor the certificate of a trainer, and the regular pet item store would not sell him at all.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little irritable.

"dong dong"

A sudden knock on the door interrupted the teacher on the podium. A middle-aged man whispered something to the female teacher.

"Is student Shao Zifeng here?" The teacher raised his hand to stop the students who were a little bit riotous, looked around and said.

Seeing more than a dozen lines of sight looking at him, Shao Zifeng stood up with a smile and walked towards the door of the classroom.

"Is it classmate Shao Zifeng, we are operatives of the Alien Management Bureau in Sucheng City, my name is Qian Cheng, this is my certificate and 'assistance in the investigation', please come with us, classmate Shao" a young man in uniform said. The man said to Shao Zifeng with a smile, while the other Aliens Bureau operator who was with him had a cold face.

Shao Zifeng knew their intentions, and he was not surprised that the Bureau of Foreign Affairs would notice him. Now the Bureau of Foreign Affairs is in full swing, searching for suspicious persons in a carpet-like manner. He, a person who used to appear near the scene, would only feel that if he hadn't been noticed. strangeness.

"Carrier Qian, I will hand this student to you, but you can't hurt me." The middle-aged man who accompanied the clerk of the Alien Management Bureau said with a smile, and patted Shao Zifeng on the shoulder at the same time. He needn't be nervous.

"Director Zhao, according to what you said, we will enforce the law impartially, and we will not spare a bad person nor wrong a good person."

Director Zhao took out his mobile phone after watching the car of the Foreign Affairs Bureau leave.

"Director Luo, Shao Zifeng was taken away by people from the Alien Management Bureau."

(End of this chapter)