My Pet Beast is Super Awesome

Chapter 39: 'Burying the Fox' (recommended collection)


"It's over, it's over now."

Xiao Li, that is, Li Hanying, sat in the back seat of the official car with an ugly face, and his mood became heavier. Pei Yong, this rubbish, can't even handle a second-year student, rubbish, really rubbish.

At this time, he wanted to kill Pei Yong with his own hands, but such a flaw appeared.

Whether Pei Yong's mission was successful or not, in fact, he didn't care, it was just a dispensable secret game, the lowest level. Every organization member lurking in a special unit will have an offline secret chess. These secret chess do not know who their online chess is, and they are usually managed by the liaison in the area.

This is also the reason why Pei Yong knows that there is a secret game in the different bureau, but he doesn't know who it is.

When and how to activate these lowest-level dark chess is up to the online player to decide. Even if he dies, it is no big deal, but the key problem is that Pei Yong is not dead.

No matter how much organizational information Pei Yong has, as long as he is caught, as Pei Yong's online, even if the Bureau of Foreign Affairs does not find him, the organization will never let him go, not to mention that he acts privately.

'Damn Shao Zifeng, why you were so easily identified by me, it's all your fault! Regardless of the consequences this time, I will kill you with my own hands. 'Li Hanying thought of the reason for his own actions, gnashing his teeth and scolding Shao Zifeng in his heart.

'What to do, I can't sit still. ' A large number of members of the Alien Management Bureau were scattered throughout the city, and the pressure on Li Hanying increased sharply. If Pei Yong was arrested, the organization would never let him go. Gritting his teeth, he decided to take the risk, raised his pale face, glanced at Brother Wang who was driving, and quietly touched the dagger in his boot with his right arm, a fierce light flashed in his eyes.


The crisp ringtone of the mobile phone interrupted Li Hanying's movements. He withdrew his right hand as if nothing had happened, and picked up the mobile phone.

"I was ordered to investigate the cause of death of Mina and Li Jianchi. All those who are hiding in Sucheng should not act rashly. If there are special circumstances, report to me first. Law enforcer: 'Burying Fox'"

Li Hanying leaned weakly on the back of the back seat. While he was relieved, he had other thoughts. He hoped that the law enforcer would be better off buying it, so that he would still have a way to survive.

Thinking about it, he picked up his mobile phone, edited a text message, and sent it to 'Bury Fox'.

The bored Shao Zifeng was lying on the bed, and pulled out the blood-stained mobile phone from the backpack on the side. There was no trace of rummaging in the bag. The element egg was lying quietly in the towel, and he was relieved.

Skillfully unlocking the phone and launching the platform's APP, he asked the platform to inquire about the sales of energy potions, and entered the query information in the transaction bar, and rows of goods appeared on the screen, a bit like a game store.

Ignoring the low-level potions, Shao Zifeng turned to the last page, and finally a few sales messages appeared in front of him.

"Energy Potion Type VIII, priced at 275,000 yuan, out of stock"

Shao Zifeng sighed, didn't even the platform sell it

But it is also true that the official limited supply of medicines, no matter how powerful the platform is, it is impossible to provide unlimited supply.

After turning a few pages forward, the potions of types IV, V, VI, and VII were all out of stock. He hesitated for a while, but in the end he did not choose to buy the first three levels of potions.

Not to mention whether this pure energy potion can cultivate element eggs into five-star qualifications, since it has the potential to become high qualifications, Shao Zifeng is unwilling to do so.

At this time, he remembered what Luo Feng said before he left, and he still had rewards to apply for. He sighed, and it seemed that he had to put his mind on it.

Putting down the phone, Shao Zifeng stared at the ceiling in a trance, stretched out his right hand and stroked in the air.

After waiting for a while, there was still no space crack.

I tried to communicate with the beast space again, but there was still no response.

He was very disappointed and a little regretful. It seemed that he was really too strict with Qiuqiu.

"Knock Knock~"

There was a knock on the door, and a little nurse wearing a nurse's cap pushed in: "Hello, Mr. Shao, I'm here to check your body. If there's nothing wrong, you can be discharged."

"So fast?" Shao Zifeng was a little surprised.

He raised his arm subconsciously, and the tear-like pain was no longer there. Then he reacted and shook his head with a wry smile. He was still accustomed to looking at problems with a scientific perspective on time and space.

In this time and space full of incredible creatures, although human beings have not obtained all kinds of magical powers like mutant creatures, their physique has been greatly improved, and all kinds of deadly diseases are like evaporated, and few people will suffer from illness. lethal.

But another problem has become prominent. Frequent battles have caused a large number of casualties. Therefore, the treatment of combat injuries has become the main development direction of medicine in this time and space. Almost 80% to 90% can be recovered within a day.

The little nurse smiled when she heard the words, revealing a pair of cute little tiger teeth: "I'm afraid Mr. Shao doesn't know, but Director Luo ordered us to use the best wound medicine for you."

Shao Zifeng smiled awkwardly, then stopped talking and let the little nurse act on him. Looking at various instruments that he had never seen before, recording his physical condition, he felt very uncomfortable. He resisted anyone's approach, which was somewhat similar to a stress reaction, not to mention that the person who approached him was of the opposite sex.

Hmm. It's not because he's not straight, he's still straight, he just feels uncomfortable.

Simply close your eyes, seeing nothing is pure.

"Congratulations, Mr. Shao, your physical condition is ready to be discharged from the hospital, as long as you don't do high-intensity exercise, um. Including that kind of exercise." The little nurse blushed as she spoke, and secretly looked at it. A look at Shao Zifeng, so handsome!

Shao Zifeng: ? ?

That sport? What kind of sport is that kind of sport, I'm a single mother and child, I'm going to exercise with someone, with a lizard. Bah, I won't be with a lizard.

Shao Zifeng nodded expressionlessly, indicating that he had written it down, and then looked at the little nurse, indicating if she had anything else to say to him.

After finishing her work, the little nurse who was committing nympho saw Shao Zifeng wink at herself, she was a little puzzled, what was he trying to do, could it be...!

The little nurse first came to a realization, then her expression changed a little bit, she turned and ran to the workbench, carrying a pen and paper on her back, she didn't know what she was doing, and then ran to him with her head down, her face flushed and shoved a note. In his own hands, he turned and ran out of the ward.

Shao Zifeng looked bewildered, looking at the disappearing back of the little nurse, he just wanted to ask if Luo Feng had anything else to say to himself, why are you shy, why are you running away.

With some fragrant notes in his hand, Shao Zifeng had a bad feeling in his heart and opened it slowly.

"My name is Qu Xiaoxiao, and my contact information is XXXXXXXX. Well, when I'm resting, I can accept your invitation to eat (ω)"


40 chapters. When I first started writing the book, I didn’t expect to sign the contract so quickly, I didn’t expect that I would write nearly 100,000 words, and I didn’t expect to get great support from some readers. Here, I would like to thank 'Qingyang Qianfan', 'Eternal Starry Sky' and some readers who have disappeared, who have been voting for me all the time. I would like to thank 'Tian Shang Luo Feng' for his encouragement shortly after I started my book. There are also some friends who support silently. Although you rarely comment, you will respond to me when I need it. Really appreciate it, thanks again.

(PS: This book is very likely to have no heroine. But if there is a strong request, should there be a single heroine as appropriate? Ahem, think too far.)

(End of this chapter)