My Pet Beast is Super Awesome

Chapter 63: Wake up to kiss


"It was a good day today."

Shao Zifeng put away the elemental medicine type VIII and placed two coins next to the elemental egg as a reward.

The little guy happily wrapped the coin around the egg with the vine, and the whole egg trembled with excitement.

Now it is an elemental egg with a huge sum of five yuan.


It's a pity that it's just an egg, and it can't show a happy expression.

Anyone who sees it is a circle.

Not being happy for a while, the energy potion worked.

All I saw was the vines drooping down from the eggs to the table, and two coins also fell on the table.

Still expressionless.

Shao Zifeng held his forehead with one hand.

have to.

This fell asleep.

Covering the element egg with its small blanket, Shao Zifeng always felt that something was missing.

After looking around for a week, I didn't see Qiuqiu's figure, and then I remembered, it seems that since entering the rental house, Qiuqiu doesn't know where to go.

In the past, as long as he was by Shao Zifeng's side, Qiuqiu had to rely on him to be cute and playful, but this is gone.

Oh, dog, you have changed.

"Ball ball!" Shao Zifeng shouted worriedly.


Ball responded to him immediately.

Hearing the voice so close at hand, Shao Zifeng was confused. Could it be that Qiuqiu has learned the magic trick of being idiot - stealth

"Qiuqiu?" Shao Zifeng called out tentatively again.


As soon as the voice fell, a bald head stuck out from under the bed and looked at Shao Zifeng innocently.

It's just the funny appearance of the spider silk hanging on its head, which made Shao Zifeng a little stunned.

"Why did you run under the bed? It's so dirty." Shao Zifeng reached out and took Qiuqiu into his arms.

Qiuqiu squinted and enjoyed the service of 'Dandan', and responded to Shao Zifeng perfunctorily.

The tail on Shao Zifeng's legs swayed from side to side, his whole body relaxed, with a very comfortable expression.

Because it was too relaxed, its small claws loosened, something slipped from it, and bounced a few times on the floor. The crisp crashing sound attracted Shao Zifeng's attention.

Putting down the ball in his arms, Shao Zifeng got up and walked over to the thing, only to see a canine tooth lying quietly on the floor, glowing with a cold light under the sunlight.

Picking up the canine, Shao Zifeng looked at Qiuqiu suspiciously and asked silently.


The confused Qiuqiu looked at Shao Zifeng, and then at the canine teeth in his hand, and turned his head in a guilty conscience, saying that he didn't know anything.



Another thing fell out of its mouth and bounced a few times on the ground.


Qiuqiu gave Shao Zifeng an embarrassed look, and opened his mouth and claws as if resigned.

For a while, the sound of "ding ding ding ding ding ding dong" was heard incessantly.

That's really

Noisily cut the miscellaneous bullets, big beads and small beads fell on the jade plate.

All kinds of enamel-like teeth are like jumping beans, bouncing and bouncing everywhere.

Seeing the teeth in this place, Shao Zifeng took a deep breath...

This is so special.

Canine molars with incisors.

Damn, even the wisdom teeth were dug out.

He really wants to thank you.

I didn't expect you to be such a ball.

Qiuqiu was a little embarrassed to see Shao Zifeng, and quickly swept away the teeth on the ground.

Without even looking at Shao Zifeng, he got under the bed again.

Shao Zifeng was stunned for a moment, then shook his head amusingly, Qiu Qiu was getting more and more naughty.

In my heart, I gave a few moments of silence to Brother Gang. Even the wisdom teeth are gone. Life will be very hard in the future.

Not the same time, but still the same evacuation sewers.

There was a hairy chewing sound in the silent sewer, and then...


The sound of vomiting, accompanied by a violent cough, spread far and wide in the empty sewers.


The dim blue fluorescent light lit up, and the lighting rod flickered on and off, apparently it couldn't last long.

Under the fluorescent light, a tall and thin man could be seen curled up against the wall. He buried his face deeply into his knees, trembling all over.

After a while, the man made a difficult swallowing motion and slowly raised his head.

It was a haggard and pale face, with deep sunken eye sockets, a pair of bloodshot eyeballs without any luster, sunken cheeks, blue-black eye rims, blood stains on messy stubble and minced meat with fur , looking like a vampire.

The original silver ponytail turned gray, but due to the lack of timely care and dyeing, the newly grown hair roots were still black.


There was a slight hissing sound in the distance, and a messy rattling sound got closer and closer, and eight strange red spider pupils appeared in the darkness.


The tarantula threw the mouse in its mouth in front of the man, and the splashed sewage slapped the man in the face.

The eight blood-colored spider pupils of the tarantula stared at the man for a while, then hissed and retreated back into the darkness, the sound slowly disappearing.

The man looked at the dead mouse, his sunken face twitched violently a few times, and stretched out his trembling hand to grab the dead mouse.

After a light click, the light bar goes out again.

There was another horrific chewing sound in the darkness.



The next day, early morning.

The morning sun is rising and the sky is cloudless, indicating that there will be a good weather today.

In the teacher's apartment of Sucheng University, a woman with a mature charm was still sleeping, with a bumpy figure, and her messy curly hair was casually scattered, covering most of her face.

The morning light shines on her through the gaps in the curtains, and the tiny particles dance in the sunlight, which has a different kind of quiet beauty.

"Ding dong dong meow meow meow~"

The rapid ringing of the phone broke the silence of the room.

The woman frowned slightly and pulled the quilt over her head.

"Ding dong dong meow meow meow~"

The rapid ringtone was accompanied by a buzzing vibration, and the woman finally couldn't bear it anymore, opened her sleepy eyes, and reached for the phone.

"Who?" The lazy voice was slightly dissatisfied.

"What? Let me find a private tutor for you."

Hearing the answer over there, Chen Yixin woke up instantly, and sat up suddenly from the bed, the pink silk wool slipped onto her legs, revealing the pink bunny hooded pajamas.

She frantically scratched her messy curly hair with a look of disbelief.

After getting Qiuqiu's data yesterday, she was busy all night, and was woken up by the phone shortly after falling asleep.

That's fine, but what did she hear!


Chen Yixin!

Distinguished Professor of Sucheng University!

The leader of the young generation of paleontology in Daxia!

You want me to help you find a private tutor? I really thought I was your nanny!

I even

"Can't you?" Shao Zifeng's smiling voice came from the other end of the phone.

Chen Yixin thought about the man's nasty smile, reached out and took the pink rabbit pillow out of the bed, and clenched her teeth a few times before squeezing out two words: "Yes! Yes!"

Hanging up the phone and throwing it by the pillow, Chen Yixin fell directly on the girly bed, staring at the ceiling with blank eyes, and reached out and pulled Silk Mian over her head.

After a while, a slender, white hand protruded from the quilt and groped around the pillow.

After getting the phone, he retracted into the quilt like lightning.

"Brother, do me a favor"

"Yixin, don't make trouble with my wife."

"Husband~ The baby won't get up until he kisses her."

"Muma, be good."

Listening to the voice on the other end of the phone, Chen Yixin's face darkened, and her originally unbeautiful mood became even worse.

Shao Zifeng hung up the phone and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Two tender green rattan sticks were stretched out in front of him, Shao Zifeng reached out and picked a milky white fruit, and thanked the element egg in the travel bag on the side.

A fruit is eaten, and the soreness caused by high-intensity training is slowly disappearing.

Qiuqiu raised his head and sniffed the fragrance in the air, his eyes lit up, he moved his short legs and ran to the side of the travel bag, dancing and saying something to the travel bag.

Feeling Qiuqiu's approach, the travel bag trembled at first, ignoring Qiuqiu's words.

Qiuqiu ran around the travel bag for a few laps, and finally seemed to make up his mind, spit out a white tooth from his mouth, and was reluctant to hand it to the zipper of the travel bag.

A cane sticks out, taps his teeth, and then makes a finger-wagging motion to Qiuqiu.

Qiuqiu was suddenly unhappy, one paw grabbed his teeth, the other paw pointed at the travel bag, and he didn't know what he was saying to the element egg.

Shao Zifeng looked at the playful little guy, smiled slightly, and did a few simple stretches to relieve himself.

After yesterday's battle, he found that training with Xia Jiba like this had no effect on actual combat except to build muscle.

Yesterday's battle seemed easy.

That's because he killed one with a sneak attack at the beginning, and the narrow alley was not suitable for group battles, so he took advantage of it.

If you change to a spacious venue, even if you win in the end, it is estimated that you will suffer a lot of injuries.

Aside from the fact that his strength speed and reaction are slightly faster, he doesn't know how to fight.

When facing the enemy, you can only use the shady tricks to win, and finally use the gangster to make up for it.

Zang Feng needs to keep a knife, and besides, such a small scene is not worth using.

So he decided to find someone who was proficient in various fighting techniques to train himself.

Then again, Chen Yixin is really a good person.

I just asked tentatively, but I didn't expect that she really agreed.

This also saves yourself the trouble.

After looking at the time, Shao Zifeng picked up his travel bag, shouted at Qiuqiu, who was still vomiting with Element Egg, and left the grove behind the community.

On the path, two aunts in tai chi suits approached, and they came to exercise in the woods.

Shao Zifeng turned slightly to let the aunt go over first.

The aunt glanced at Shao Zifeng, nodded slightly, then turned around and chatted with her companions.

"Hey, have you noticed? There seems to be a lot less mice in the community recently."

"Yeah, I'll just say why I rarely see those damn things lately, thank God."

The two aunts who were exercising in the morning drifted away, and their voices became inaudible.

Shao Zifeng pondered a little after hearing their words, then shook his head with a wry smile, no matter what the news, he was always habitually thinking too much.

The decrease in mice is most likely the result of a cleanup by the Foreign Affairs Bureau.

In this era, rats, as a group of mutant creatures with the highest degree of dependence on humans, exist in large numbers in the shadows of cities.

Because of its terrifying reproductive capacity, cities and regions will conduct irregular cleanings after detecting abnormal numbers of mice.

Although it can't be completely wiped out, it can also control the outbreak of rodents very well.

Of course, there will also be cases like Jiangcheng City, where a large number of mice breed due to negligence, and finally lead to disasters.

But in the end it was only a very small number.


The phone vibrated.

He took out his mobile phone and received a text message from a stranger: "Young man, I'm Qiao Feng, and now I want to teach you a unique martial art. After school in the afternoon, the grove of Sucheng University was there.

Shao Zifeng has a black line.

Snake disease.

Thanks why for the tip.

Skirt size: 594909405

(End of this chapter)