My Pet Beast is Super Awesome

Chapter 75: Shuizheng (2/2)


Green seeds squeezed out from the stamens of the antler tree, pulling long light and shadows, hitting the two bald bears and the crowd respectively.

The seeds shattered the moment they touched them, and vines were pulled out and wrapped around their waists, exuding a green light.

The antler flower tree shattered instantly, turning into little stars and dissipating.

Xiaolu fell softly to the ground, and was hugged by Shao Zifeng quickly.

It closed its eyes weakly, and licked Shao Zifeng's big hand with its pink tongue.

"Let's rest first." Shao Zifeng patted the deer's body lightly.

With the continuous treatment of the Seed of Life, the wounds on the two giant bears healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. They let out a loud roar in excitement and fought with the blood-sucking tarantula again.

The students in Class 4 let out a cheer and looked at Shao Zifeng with grateful eyes.

Seeing that the skills worked, Shao Zifeng nodded strongly to the bald head: "Take care."

The bald head was stunned for a moment, his big fist clenched, and he hammered his chest heavily, opening his mouth to reveal a relieved smile.

Shao Zifeng took a general look. The blood-sucking tarantulas here are all third-order, and the number is relatively small. As a fourth-order pet beast, Xiong Er is under the continuous treatment of the Seed of Life. As long as there are no accidents, he can bring everyone with him. Flush out of the sewer.

Because of this, the students' emotions gradually calmed down. Some students are still a little uneasy. At least they won't be so scared that they won't even walk away. By the way, they can let their pet beasts carry out some activities under the protection of Xiong Er. actual combat.

Although the individual power is not enough, the victory lies in the large number, which can help Xiong Er share a considerable part of the pressure.

Seeing this situation, Shao Zifeng relaxed a little, hugged the deer and followed behind the crowd, moving forward slowly.

"Scholar Shao, your sika deer skills are so good, can you add one to my pet beast, so that my little baby can show his hands well." Zhang Shuizheng ran up to Shao Zifeng at some point and looked curiously. Looking at the deer, his mouth is amazed.

The squad leader, Sun Qiang, opened his mouth and didn't say anything. He continued to turn his head and command his little wolf dog to fight. He also hoped that Shao Zifeng could give his pet beast a seed of life.

A few girls pouted, with a trace of disgust and contempt in their eyes.

Shao Zifeng looked at the person in front of him, but he had some impressions. His pet beast seemed to be a first-order leopard cat, and it was a good pet in a place like Sucheng.

But since the beginning of the battle, he has been paddling, and in the end, he simply used the ocelot's injury as an excuse to take the pet back into the pet space.

Shao Zifeng was not used to him being so close, so he slowed down with a detached smile: "Xiaolu's physical strength is exhausted, and he has to maintain the effect of his skills, so I'm sorry."

He didn't say anything. Although Seed of Life is a continuous recovery skill, it has a duration. Therefore, in order to maintain the effect of the skill for a long time, the deer must supply energy regularly.

Although the consumption is not large, it will not be able to release other skills for a while.

After all, it's still a newborn baby.

"Hey, if you don't want to help, just say it straight, what excuses are you looking for, just put a skill." Zhang Shui pouted, then rolled his eyes: "Student Shao, you add a skill to my beast, and I will stay by your side to protect it. How are you, you, a healing war trainer, is very dangerous here."

When he wanted to come to Shao Zifeng and his age, he didn't have the energy to cultivate a second beast.

Shao Zifeng looked at the second-skinned face in front of him, and felt really tired, ignored him, and continued to move forward. If the situation hadn't gradually stabilized, he would not be able to escape for the time being.

After all, I don't owe them anything.

"Hey, I'm talking about you."

Zhang Shuizheng was just about to continue talking when a black shadow the size of a plate suddenly fell from it, and the two sharp forelimbs instantly pierced Zhang Shuizheng's neck.

"Help me"

Zhang Shui was at the back in order to talk to Shao Zifeng. After Shao Zifeng hurried past him, he was the only one left, which gave the tarantula an opportunity to hide.

The abnormal noise that happened later caught the attention of the students in front, and several strong flashlights shone on them instantly.

In the horrified eyes of everyone, the fluffy tarantula suddenly pulled out the front limbs in his neck, and blood spurted out wanton.

Zhang Shui was kneeling on the ground, covering his neck with his hands, and the blood on the aorta could not be blocked. It sprayed from his fingers, sprayed on the wall of the sewer, and then coagulated as it slipped.

He looked at Shao Zifeng pleadingly, and as soon as he opened his mouth to say something, blood poured out of his mouth as if he didn't want money.

This scene happened too suddenly.

Even Shao Zifeng was not prepared at all. He was not far in front of Zhang Shui. The blood sprayed by the boy splattered on his trousers. A disgusting warm feeling made Shao Zifeng very uncomfortable.

"Quick, everyone stand together and call back the beasts." Shao Zifeng shouted, and at the same time he quickly retreated to the crowd.

Everyone woke up like a dream, huddled together in a panic, and recalled the beast that was helping Xiong Er to defend the enemy in front, and nervously illuminated the surroundings with strong lights, for fear that another tarantula would suddenly pop out.

Zhang Shuizheng's breath became weaker and weaker, and he lowered his head weakly.

The tarantula hugged his neck with its hind limbs, stretched its front limbs, and made a threatening sound to the crowd with its teeth and claws.

Different from the time when Sun Wan was killed too far, this time all the classmates could be said to watch Zhang Shuizheng die not far from them.

As the monitor, Sun Qiang was under more pressure than the average classmates. The death of two classmates in a row was even more irritating to him. His eyes were red, and he stared fiercely at the tarantula holding Zhang Shui's neck and showing off his might, angrily said: " Everyone, prepare to attack, don't hurt Zhang Shuizheng's body, the little wolf dog uses the bite."

"Wang u~"

The little wolf dog heard the master's order, leaned down and bared his teeth, and then kicked his hind legs, turning into a black shadow super tarantula and biting away.

The tarantula saw the little wolf dog attack, and a trace of madness flashed in its eight eyes. It loosened Zhang Shuizheng's neck and jumped high. When the little wolf dog was about to pass it, it suddenly stretched out its sharp forelimbs. There was a bloodstain on the little wolf dog.

"Ow~ Wang Wang."

After the little wolf dog fell to the ground, it was unstable, fell to the ground, rolled and slid on the mud, and kept wailing in its mouth.

"Don't be careless, this mutant creature is of the second order." Shao Zifeng was afraid that Sun Qiang would lose his mind, so he quickly reminded him.

Sun Qiang was stunned when he heard the words, and the anger in his heart gradually subsided: "Everyone will attack together, don't fight and grind him to death."

Everyone heard the words, nodded, and began to command their pet beasts.

More than a dozen small pets kept surrounding the tarantula, and from time to time they slapped the tarantula with an attack and immediately retreated.

The tarantula screamed, but there was nothing he could do.

Seeing more and more injuries on the tarantula, his movements slowed down.

There was joy in the eyes of everyone, and the tense mood slowly calmed down.


At this moment, Xiong Da in the distance suddenly let out a painful howl.

The vines on everyone's body flickered violently.

Xiaolu frowned, trying hard to maintain his skills.

In the end, the vine slammed into a spot of light after a violent tremor and disappeared.

It's quite bald to inform me that it's on the shelves, the big guys are asking for help, I love tiger oil, huh~(^з^)-☆

(End of this chapter)