My Pet Beast is Super Awesome

Chapter 77: Dead City (1/2)



The manhole cover of the sewer was pushed open, flipped and rolled a few times, and slapped the ground heavily with a loud noise.

Then a small head popped out of the sewer, and the small smart eyes turned around, glanced around, turned back and screamed twice, and then jumped out first.

The location of the sewer entrance is relatively secret, in an alley connected to the commercial street.

After Shao Zifeng climbed out, he didn't stand still, and a burning smell mixed with a strong bloody smell hit his nostrils. He frowned, thinking that it was the smell he got on his body, so he didn't care too much.

Looking down, it seemed that the clothes were no longer available. The blood was mixed with the silt that had been dried by the balls, and there was an indescribable stench.

Now that the situation is urgent, he can't take care of a lot. The most important thing is to go to the Alien Management Bureau for help. He doesn't know how many people are still alive in the sewers.

Turning to the exit of the alley, Shao Zifeng's eyes suddenly widened, only to feel a trance in his mind, looking at the dilapidated street scene in disbelief.

This is a small commercial street, but the scene at this time is like a dead city.

There are various billboards hanging on the old facade, the original transparent glass window is covered with cracks and blood, and a thick layer of glass ballast is laid underneath.

Fires flickered inside the store, and billowing smoke filled the street.

The concrete streets were full of potholes, and the dried and blackened bloodstains exuded a strong smell of rust. Several broken corpses were lying in a pool of blood, and the nerves that were not dead were twitching with broken flesh.

That blood red dazzling.

Shao Zifeng suddenly felt cold all over, feeling unrealistic dizziness, and his hands trembled slightly.

What happened and why did Sucheng become like this.


Qiuqiu looked at the street and didn't think anything was wrong.

He looked up at Shao Zifeng, who was on the verge of collapse. He stood up and hugged Shao Zifeng's thigh, with a worried look in his eyes.

"Yes, mobile phone." Shao Zifeng hurriedly took out his mobile phone and typed in a number printed in his mind with trembling hands: "Sorry, the call you dialed is temporarily unavailable. Sorry."

Shao Zifeng was completely stunned, his pupils dilated, and the cold mechanical sound of the phone echoed in his ears.

Weakly lowered his hand, the phone slipped from his hand, and he stood there without a trace of blood on his face.

Still no signal.

Why is there still no signal out of the sewer.

I don't know how my mother is now, if anything happened.

His mind was like a mess, and all kinds of worst thoughts came to him.


Qiuqiu looked at the silent Shao Zifeng, anxious in his heart, just wanted to comfort a few words, suddenly turned his head and looked elsewhere.

Its eyes are cold, and there seems to be a flash of fire in its eyes, and it looks at a bridal shop in front of it vigilantly.

"Bang!" The glass window of the bridal shop exploded directly, and a figure covered in blood flew out and fell heavily to the ground, coughing blood.

Qiu Qiu was more vigilant in his heart, and took a few steps forward slowly, protecting Shao Zifeng behind him.


With a familiar and unpleasant neigh, a spider leg covered with black hair kicked the remaining glass flying and stuck its head out of the glass window.

The scarlet eyes locked on the figure who was coughing up blood, revealing a ferocious look. The newly evolved it urgently needed a lot of blood to replenish its strength, but it was resisted, and the man was knocked into the air in anger.

I will lose a lot of blood this time, it hurts to think about it.

Suddenly, the blood-sucking tarantula came to a halt, turned his head slowly, and locked on Shao Zifeng with his eight eyes with a ferocious blood color.

Fresh food!



This ugly guy dared to yell at himself, and Qiuqiu yelled back without hesitation.

Shao Zifeng was awakened by two roars, and came back to his senses, looking at the blood-sucking tarantula rushing frantically with eight long legs, a nameless anger suddenly emerged in his heart.

Damn it, it's you again!

All his unease and worry about his mother turned into anger at this moment.

"Ball, save your stamina and don't use expensive skills."

Now that the situation is unclear, and he doesn't know how many blood-draining tarantulas are still entrenched, he decides to keep steady.


Feeling Shao Zifeng's intention, Qiuqiu responded, and a fiery flame suddenly erupted from his body. It grabbed the ground with its four claws and kicked its hind legs, instantly turning into a red flame, dragging a long flame tail.

The blood-sucking tarantula saw the rapidly rushing fire ball, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, and his forelimbs rubbed against each other, stabbing towards the fire ball with an awe-inspiring cold glow.

"Ball, avoid."

Qiuqiu nimbly flashed past the blood-sucking tarantula's attack, rushed under him, turned around suddenly and flicked its tail, and slapped it in the abdomen fiercely.

A charred trace was left on the spider's belly, and the attached fire element continued to erode its wounds.


The blood-sucking tarantula was raised high by a strong belly, and it almost turned over. The continuous burning made the scarlet in the spider's pupils look like real substance.

Before it could strike, another huge force came from below, and the blood-sucking tarantula's eight legs were pulled off the ground, and fell ruthlessly on the ground covered with gravel.

"The spirit of the element, the wood thorn." Shao Zifeng looked at the eight-legged sky, struggling to get up to suck the blood tarantula, his eyes burning like a torch.

"Hee hee~"

The spirit of the elements flew into the air with a playful laugh. With a wave of his small hand, the ground trembled, the gravel bounced, and a thick wooden thorn rushed out from the ground, piercing the fat belly of the blood-sucking tarantula, and green liquid splashed everywhere.


The blood-sucking tarantula was in pain, and its eight slender legs trembled and stabbed at the thorn, as if trying to pull it out.

Seeing this, Qiuqiu jumped up and faced the mouth of the blood-sucking tarantula with a tail, and flew a few fangs.

The spirit of the elements frowned in dissatisfaction, and the big jasper-like eyes gleamed with luster. With a wave of the small hand again, the wood attribute elements converged on the head of the blood-sucking tarantula.

The blood-sucking tarantula felt the elemental fluctuations above its head, and its eyes showed horror, and its struggle for survival was even stronger.


Then a thin and small wooden thorn appeared in the air, which was very different from the thickness of the wooden thorn released several times before.

Shao Zifeng and Qiuqiu looked at the spirit of the element holding out a small hand in mid-air, with a look of surprise on their faces.

So fine.

Even the blood-sucking tarantula breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the wooden thorns suspended above his head.

Gee, it's so thin, it won't be able to stir my big vat.

Thinking of this, the blood-sucking tarantula gave up the struggle, and even opened its mouthpiece, looking at the spirit of the element provocatively.

It seems to say, come on.

Stir my vat.

The spirit of the elements was a little embarrassed at first, and then a little embarrassed. It looked at the blood-sucking tarantula with hatred, and its small face turned green.

Its small short hand pressed down, and the small wooden thorn pierced into the head of the blood-sucking tarantula instantly with a cracking sound. Before the blood-sucking tarantula could respond, the spirit of the elements folded his hands together, and in his crystal clear eyes Big green light.

"Hee" (fourth tone)


A muffled sound.

Several cracks appeared in the head of the blood-sucking tarantula, and then suddenly exploded.

The minced meat was mixed with green liquid splashing all over the place, and the eight spider legs stretched straight, then softly hugged into a ball, motionless.

The Elemental Spirit nodded with satisfaction, showing a smug look, his two big eyes curved into crescents.

It turned around and rushed towards Shao Zifeng, wanting to be praised, but halfway through, it suddenly became unstable and became more transparent.

Shao Zifeng's heart jumped, and he quickly took two steps forward to catch it with the deer. The spirit of the element touched the deer like melting snow, and disappeared instantly.

"It's amazing, take a good rest." Shao Zifeng said softly, stroking Xiaolu's body.

After eliminating the blood-sucking tarantula, Shao Zifeng's anger dissipated a little. He was ready to think about his situation and how to be sure of his mother's safety.

He took out an energy potion from his backpack and handed it to Qiuqiu. Just as Shao Zifeng was about to pick up his phone, he suddenly found that the phone was shaking.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A series of explosions followed.

I saw all the glass of the shops in the entire street burst, and the glass ballast flew everywhere.

A blood-sucking tarantula roared and crawled out of the window.

Shao Zifeng's face changed greatly, and he shouted: "Qiuqiu, run!!"

It will be on the shelves tomorrow. I hope that the big guys who see it can make a first order tomorrow, okay

Skirt size: 594909405

(End of this chapter)