My Pet Beast is Super Awesome

Chapter 9: Identification report


Hospitality interior.

Luo Feng held the wet towel with a serious expression, and carefully wiped every finger, as if he was wiping the most precious treasure.

After throwing the neatly folded wet wipes into the trash can, he was obviously relieved.

Shao Zifeng was not in a hurry to sit across from him, just looked at him so quietly.

The atmosphere in the room was a little silent.

A little guy who was completely refreshed showed his small dark eyes from his pocket.

Look at Luo Feng for a while, and look up at Shao Zifeng for a while.

Observation in the dark.jpg

After a while, Luo Feng pushed the frame: "Drink something, I have tea and coffee here."

"It will be all right."

He is quite casual when it comes to eating and drinking.

Others say that tea-flavored coffee alcohol is straightforward, but in his mouth it is indeed astringent and bitter.

And he was a little unclear about Luo Feng's intention to find him, but it was definitely right to talk as little as possible.

Luo Feng put two cups of coffee on the table and pushed one of them to Shao Zifeng: "Try my craft."


Shao Zifeng stirred with a coffee spoon and took a sip.

He frowned slightly.

very bitter.

"Although it's a bit bitter, it's very effective for refreshing." Luo Feng apologized, took a sip of coffee and closed his eyes slightly, as if he was savoring the aroma of coffee.

Shao Zifeng put down the coffee cup and looked at Luo Feng quietly.

"Not used to it?" Luo Feng looked at the coffee cup that was put aside: "If you are not used to this, I will make you a cup of tea."

"Thanks, I'm not very thirsty."

Shao Zifeng gradually felt a little impatient with this kind of asking you to come and not talk about business.

Seemingly seeing his impatience, Luo Feng put the coffee cup on the coaster with a smile, then put the coffee spoon neatly and wiped his hands with a wet towel.

"Student Shao is a student of Sucheng University, right?"

Shao Zifeng nodded, not surprised that Luo Feng could guess his identity.

At his age, if he hadn't been in school, he would definitely not have come to the laboratory. After all, it is quite difficult to become a war trainer in this world. Apart from joining the army, he was born in a major.

Those who haven't gone to school, it's too late to make a living every day, how can they come here.

As for how to know that he is from Sucheng University.


Because there is such a university in Suzhou City.

Luo Feng pushed the frame: "Have you considered what you want to do in the future?"

Shao Zifeng became more and more impatient, but still replied: "I haven't considered this for the time being."

"Is that so." Luo Feng nodded and tapped his fingers on the coffee table a few times. The nails on his slender fingers were trimmed very cleanly: "I think it's time to make plans for the future, what do you think, classmate Shao?"

Taking a deep breath, Shao Zifeng felt that he was about to hold back: "So Director Luo just feels that work is boring and wants to find someone to talk about life?"

Luo Feng was stunned for a moment, and then a gentle smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Student Shao misunderstood, I just think that it is more compatible with classmate Shao, just chat casually."

"But since classmate Shao doesn't like it, let's talk about other things." Speaking of which, he pushed up his glasses and added with a smile: "Anyway, the appraisal result hasn't come out yet, classmate Shao won't think I'm nagging, right? "

"of course not."

There will be no ghosts, Shao Zifeng is more and more speechless.

"That's good." Luo Feng seemed to be very happy: "I see that Shao came with a round-spotted viper. I think he likes mutant creatures very much, right?"

"Even pets like the round-spotted viper are willing to sell."

"Let me guess, your pet must be better, right?"

After speaking, he looked at Shao Zifeng expectantly.

Hearing this, Shao Zifeng tickled the corner of his mouth: "Maybe I will disappoint you. I am a student of the Department of Nurturing, and I have no research on mutant creatures."

"Is that so?" Luo Feng frowned slightly, as if he was a little puzzled, but soon turned into that gentle and elegant look: "The cultivation department is also very good, maybe it can cultivate powerful pets. ."

"There shouldn't be any hope for this. I'm studying mutant creature care, so I can also deliver babies by the way?" Shao Zifeng gradually gained confidence, and he looked at Luo Feng with a smile: "If the beasts that deliver babies are also considered my training, it is indeed possible. ."

Now it was Luo Feng's turn to hold back. He looked at the young man in front of him, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

The atmosphere became somewhat silent again.

Luo Feng lowered his head to stir the coffee, and from time to time there was the sound of a coffee spoon rubbing against the cup, as if to hide his embarrassment.

Shao Zifeng massaged the armadillo lizard in his pocket,

When the little guy is not paying attention, quickly rub two hands on its soft belly.

The armadillo lizard who is enjoying is stunned.

His most cherished belly was attacked.

Are you unclean

The embarrassed little guy stretched out two short claws, tightly hugged Shao Zifeng's index finger and bit it with his mouth open.

Shao Zifeng's body froze, feeling that his fingers were wrapped in a touch of warmth.

Gently, softly.

Perhaps because of the fire element, it was still hot and humid.

He couldn't help shivering.

So booing~.

You are still a toothless boy.

"dong dong"

At this time, a knock on the door broke the silence between the two, and a man's voice sounded outside the door, should it be a white coat

"Director Luo, the identification report of the round-spotted viper has come out."

"Come in."

Luo Feng quickly sorted out his appearance and smoothed the folds on his sleeves.

white coat


It is also possible that the second person in the white coat walked in with two pieces of paper.

Luo Feng took the appraisal report and checked it carefully.

Small words are reflected on the lens.

He nodded secretly, it seems that this month's performance is up to standard.

At the same time, Shao Zifeng took over the report handed to him.

[Name]: Round-spotted Viper

[Strength]: The energy fluctuation evaluation is first-order

[Skills]: Skill appraisals include strangulation, venom injection, and tail-back needle.

[Talent]: Toxic

[Quality]: Response speed: S

Physical Strength: A

Physical Defense: C

Toxin composition: Paralysis 24.3%, Corrosion 43.7%, Neurotoxin 22%, Bacterial toxin 5%, Other toxins 5%

[Comprehensive evaluation]: A grade

[Suggestion]: High training value

The official evaluation of the Samsung round-spotted viper is A-level, if this standard is followed.

Shao Zifeng looked down at the little guy who was biting his finger

This guy is at least SSR level.

It is a pity that he has seen too few beasts. According to his memory, he knows that the strength of beasts in this time and space is divided into ten ranks, but he does not know how the qualifications of his plug-ins are divided.

It seems that you need to pay more attention in the future.

"Congratulations, Mr. Shao, are we going to register the contract now?" The white coat staff said to Shao Zifeng with a smile.

"and many more."

Looking at the staff who turned to leave, Shao Zifeng called out to him.

"Is there anything else Mr. Shao?" the staff asked suspiciously.

"Cough, what's the market price of this A-ranked mutant creature?"

Shao Zifeng asked embarrassedly.

(End of this chapter)