My Ranch

Chapter 105: Are you kidding?


Compared with the composition of a large multinational group, the composition of an NBA team is actually not much different.

In addition to the boss and the board of directors, the responsibilities within the club are also extremely strict.

General manager, deputy general manager, scouting department, financial department, publicity department, internal affairs department, legal department, marketing department, human resources department... It can be said that just the people in these peripheral departments formed around the basketball team have to There were hundreds of people.

This does not include the surrounding areas, such as the security inside the venue, the people in charge of surrounding stores, those who manage small vendors, etc. In addition to these non-basketball people, there are many people related to basketball. .

The scouting department mentioned earlier is naturally one and the same. Generally speaking, the scouting department is planned under the general manager or the head coach. It depends on who is the manager or the head coach. The team has more say.

If it's the Lakers, it's probably under the general manager, and if it's the Spurs, it must be under the head coach.

The current Celtics, after all, Brad Stevens is not very old, so this is under the general manager Danny Ainge. As for how many people there are in the scouting department, it is uncertain. .

However, there must be at least six or seven official scouts, plus their assistants. After all, the people in charge of them are also different.

There are those in charge of the NCAA in the Western, Central and Eastern States, there are those in charge of high schools, there are those in charge of lower leagues, there are also those in charge of overseas, Europe, Asia, South America, Australia, etc., for scouting The construction of NBA teams is very important. After all, in this era, what is the most important thing? That’s talent!

In addition to scouts, there are also many nutritionists in the cafeteria, and naturally there are also many assistant coaches.

Just like playing games, a head coach may even have as many as a dozen assistant coaches.

First of all, there must be a first assistant coach who is responsible for arranging and practicing the tactics compiled by the head coach. Secondly, there must be an offensive tactics coach, a defensive tactics coach, and a physical fitness coach. These are the three most basic coaches. Under these coaches, they must also be detailed. Points, shooting coach, basket attack coach, blocking coach, defensive drill coach, etc. Physical fitness coaches are also divided into basic physical fitness coaches, strength coaches, assault coaches, etc. In addition, there are team doctors...

All in all, the NBA club is a huge organization, not as simple as Jiang Hai saw on TV.

With so many people, it is naturally impossible to squeeze together with the players, so they have their own separate office building. Of course, some teams also have their own offices in order to save space, or because the original training center is really big. Work together.

For example, the Cavaliers' training center and the Mavericks' training center are as luxurious as their home stadiums. However, the Celtics, a century-old team, have never been known for their wealth.

So naturally they had to save money wherever they could, and now Jiang Hai and the others came to another building.

Although the two buildings are separate, there are overpasses that connect them together, so walking around outside doesn't have to be so troublesome.

Not long after, Jiang Hai was led outside an office by Avery Bradley, and he knocked on the door respectfully. Not long after, the voice of Danny Ainge, whom he had just met, came from inside. The two of them He also opened the door and walked in.

As for John and Louis, they were very discerning and went to the parking lot to wait for Jiang Hai. It was better for outsiders like them not to be present when discussing the contract.

"Sir, I'm bringing Jiang Hai here." After walking into the office, Avery Bradley said to the old man sitting behind the desk, and Jiang Hai nodded to him as a greeting. .

"Okay, Avery, you go back to training first. I'm optimistic about your performance tonight." Looking at the two people who walked in, Danny Ainge chuckled, and then faced Avery Brad Li said. After hearing what he said, Bradley didn't say much, but turned around and left. Before leaving, he patted Jiang Hai on the shoulder, to which Jiang Hai could only curl his lips.

He probably knows what these people are going to say, but he really has no interest in becoming a professional player. The main reason he plays basketball is to have fun, not to make money, whether it is for money or for leisure. Looking at life or his own situation, staying in the manor is the best choice. Don't forget that Jiang Hai is still counting on his True Dragon Essence to be upgraded.

But now that they are here, let's listen to what they say. Then at his signal, Jiang Hai sat on the sofa opposite him.

"Now that you are here, Mr. Jiang Hai, I think we can get straight to the point. I think our team needs you. This is a ten-day short contract. If there are no problems, I think you can sign it. Sign him, this is an opportunity, if within ten days, we are satisfied with your performance, you will get a guaranteed contract until the end of the season." Seeing Jiang Hai sit down, Dan on the opposite side Ni-Anji obviously didn't have the time and leisure to spend time with Jiang Hai, a little-known kid, to talk more here, so he spoke directly to him. Jiang Hai was stunned when he heard Danny-Anji's words.

"Sorry, what you just said was a ten-day short contract?" Although Jiang Hai has no intention of becoming a professional player, what the hell is a ten-day short contract? With such a strong appearance, he actually only gave himself a ten-day short contract? To use a phrase often seen on domestic NBA forums, Jiang Hai felt insulted.

"Yes, about your situation, I think you know better than us. You are not a registered player of the players union. This requires us to help you register. Secondly, you have not received formal training, and you are now a second-year player. You are seventeen years old and have no potential at all, but since you can sit in front of me, it means you have proven your strength and you can stay. I am willing to believe Brad, so we are willing to give you this opportunity. "After hearing Jiang Hai's words, Danny Anji here said with an unchanged expression.

"Well, maybe Bradley didn't explain things clearly to you. First of all, I'm used to being lazy. I came here today just to test the limits of my body, so I didn't want to join. What you mean is, secondly, even if I want to join, I will not sign a ten-day short contract. Don’t worry, listen to me. I am not an Asian boy with dreams of playing basketball. Living, dying for basketball, fighting for basketball all my life, etc., are not my original intention. I am a manor owner. My manor, just outside of Boston, over Winthrop, is a collection of ranches, fisheries, and wineries. A huge manor." Looking at Danny Anji in front of him, Jiang Hai said calmly.

"I just bought this manor this year for 280 million U.S. dollars. I don't say this to show that I am rich. I know that compared with some famous stars or team owners, , 280 million is nothing extraordinary, but I just want to tell you that I am not short of money, so I think our conversation about the contract can end here." Clearing his throat, Jiang Hai looked at Danny - Anji said seriously. After hearing Jiang Hai's words, Danny Anji here was also stunned for a moment.

This was the first time he had seen such a brilliant rookie. What was this guy thinking

"Although I feel very sorry, the conversation between us may have to end here." But Danny Ainge is not a little guy who has just entered the society. Play tough with him. Can you be tougher than him? Well, he thought Jiang Hai was pretending.

However, Jiang Hai didn't say anything about this. He just stood up, shook his hand, and left his office.

Although he was in a bad mood after coming out, generally speaking, Jiang Hai was quite happy today. At least he knew where his limits were. After coming out of Danny Angie's office, he did not go back to talk to Avery -Bradley, or Brad Stevens said this, but went directly to the parking lot downstairs, where the Turner brothers had been waiting for a long time.

"Hey, brother, how are you? Have they signed you?" John asked Jiang Hai as soon as he saw Jiang Hai.

"No." He shrugged, and Jiang Hai didn't elaborate. It was quite embarrassing. He was a billionaire, and someone had a ten-day contract thrown in his face. He really couldn't afford to embarrass this person.

"That's such a pity, but man, with your physical fitness, it would be a pity if you signed. With your physical fitness, you should play rugby!" Looking at Jiang Hai, John here immediately said, okay, it looks like His true love is football.

"Okay, we should go back!" He opened the door of his F650 and sat in the driving position. Then, with the envious eyes of John and Louis, he stepped on the accelerator and the car sped towards the exit of the parking lot. go.

"That's the car a man should drive!" Looking at Jiang Hai's speeding back, Louis here muttered softly.

"Okay, brother, with your salary, you won't have to think about anything in this life." Hearing Louis' sigh, John here couldn't help but give him a cold drink, and then got into Louis' car with a smile. In the passenger seat.

Hearing his brother's words, Louis couldn't help but smacked his lips, yes, with his current salary, it's better not to think about it!

Reluctantly, he lowered his head and got into the car, then stepped on the accelerator and sped towards the exit.

Just as Jiang Hai and others were leaving, Brad Stevens excitedly walked into Danny Ainge's office with a laptop in the office building. However, when he found that the office was empty, When there was no one around, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"Danny, where's Jiang?" Looking at Danny Ainge in front of him, Brad Stevens asked in surprise.

"Although I don't know how good this person you and Avery are, his character is really not suitable for being a player. When I put the contract in front of him, he was not satisfied and left directly." Shrugging, Danny Ainge said with a smile.

"Oh, who cares? You should keep him, he is the new god of basketball, my God!" After hearing Danny Ainge's words, even Brad couldn't help but swore and dropped his hand. laptop and left in a hurry.

"What about it?" Seeing Brad acting so gaffe-like, Danny Ainge couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly, the new god of basketball? He didn't think that the new basketball god would look like a Chinese. Then he saw the computer that Brad had put down. There seemed to be a video on it. Out of curiosity, Danny Ainge clicked the play button.

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