My Ranch

Chapter 106: New preparation


"Hi, boss, how are you? Have they signed you up?" After driving back to his manor, Jiang Hai got out of the car and saw Robbins and the others walking from the warehouse in the distance. It looked like They had just finished clearing the snow. When they saw Jiang Hai, Robbins asked with a smile. Jiang Hai couldn't help but smile when he heard his words.

"They gave me a ten-day short contract. I'm sick. I'm going to sign that!" After hearing what Robbins said, Jiang Hai said angrily. After hearing what Jiang Hai said, Robin here Si and others also laughed. Jiang Hai really didn't need to go.

"By the way, boss, Edward wants to see you for something." After a few more jokes, Jiang Hai prepared to go back. As for Louis and John, they were also going home. Their female companions were still waiting at home. They were waiting for them, but just when Jiang Hai was about to leave, Robbins suddenly said to Jiang Hai. Not long after Jiang Hai left just now, Edward Anderson came over. When he asked him anything, he didn't say anything. Wait until Jiang Hai comes back to call him, it's mysterious.

"Okay, ask him to come to my house!" Hearing Robbins' words, Jiang Hai nodded. In fact, even if Edward Anderson didn't tell him, Jiang Hai probably knew why he came to see him. It was nothing more than two conditions. things, fishing and fish farming.

To be honest, Edward Anderson's current position in this manor is the most embarrassing.

Because others have their own things to do, but he just patrols the fishing grounds every day and has nothing to do. This makes the old fisherman always feel that he has taken Jiang Hai's money but does nothing. He is a little uneasy and can't understand it. .

So he always wants to find something to do for himself. He has to admit that sometimes people are very strange. Some people, he would not be happy if someone paid him a salary all day long and he did nothing, such as Jiang Hai in the past.

But some people must do something after receiving money, otherwise they will feel uncomfortable, such as Edward Anderson.

After Jiang Hai returned to the room, less than ten minutes later, Edward Anderson, smelling of the sea, walked in from outside.

"Hey, boss, I heard that you went to become a player for the Celtics. How are you?" Edward Anderson, who was changing his shoes outside, smiled and said when he saw Jiang Hai. After hearing his words, Jiang Hai threw him a full bottle of beer with a helpless look, and said angrily: "Don't mention it, sit down, what do you want?"

"That's right, boss, I want to ask if you have any plans to raise fish this year." Taking the beer thrown by Jiang Hai, Edward didn't rush to open it, but put the wine on the table. Then he asked Jiang Hai awkwardly.

"Well, I can't say there is none, but it depends on the funds!" After thinking about the money left in his bank card, Jiang Hai rubbed his temples helplessly. When could he say that money is just money? Is it a series of numbers

"It's already January. If the boss wants to raise fish this year, he has to speed up. Of course, if the boss doesn't want to raise fish now, he can also make some income from the fishery." Hearing Jiang Hai's words , Edward Anderson here also sighed. He knew that Jiang Hai had invested more money in the pasture where the profits were faster. The plan on the fishery would naturally be delayed, but now a After listening to Jiang Hai's words, he also felt a little helpless.

"Actually, no one would go against the green Franklin, right? But I remember I heard you say that if we raise fish in our fish farm, it will cost at least tens of millions of dollars. But here, except for four In addition to the monthly tax money, there is only about 10 million that can be used. This money is not enough." After listening to Edward's words, Jiang Hai couldn't help but shrugged helplessly. For him, it can Making a lot of money is naturally great, but the problem now is that there is not enough money, so there is no way. As for taking care of bank loans and the like, Jiang Hai does not have the courage. He is not willing to owe others money, even if it is a political party. - Of the government.

"Actually, if we raise fish, we don't need to raise so many at the beginning. The tens of millions I'm talking about are the price of saturated fish farming. If we only raise fish in non-saturated conditions, it won't be too troublesome. And if you If there is any shortfall in your money, we can make up for it in the sea now." Seeing that Jiang Hai was interested in raising fish, Edward Anderson said immediately.

"What do you mean?" Hearing Edward's words, Jiang Hai looked at him in surprise.

"The most expensive cost of raising fish, apart from the money for fry, is the cost of building a natural environment and food chain suitable for the fry. But in the past few months, I have been checking the situation of our fisheries, and I found that The original food chain of our fishery is quite stable. We only need to plant more seaweed, and then introduce some Arctic shrimps, crabs, squid and octopus, which will be enough to raise millions of cod fry." Look. When Jiang Hai asked himself, Edward immediately said.

If a cod fry grows to adulthood, that is, reaches sexual maturity, it will take at least five to seven years. If it is in the south, it will only take three to four years. But here is the north, so there is no Method.

However, if it only reaches a state where it can be sold for money, raising it for one year is enough. If the annual cod has sufficient nutrition and no natural enemies, it will not be a problem to grow to about 20 centimeters, and such a cod is about one year old. Pound.

The current price of fish is about RMB 2 for a pound of cod. Those millions of fish, the annual income is almost 10 million. Making money is a no-brainer, but you won’t lose too much, and the most important thing is The thing is, this is only the first year, because too much money is spent on building the food chain. In the second year, it is possible to make a profit just from the labor costs and fish fry.

If God opens his eyes and things are calm for three years, he will be able to make a profit.

Hearing Edward Anderson's words, Jiang Hai couldn't help but smacked his lips. If there was no profit from the ranch, Jiang Hai might have listened to Edward Anderson and raised cod. After all, the sales volume of this kind of fish is huge. As long as it is raised, there is no need to worry about sales, and the most important thing is that this fish is easy to raise, has a high survival rate, and is not easy to die. It is the best choice for raising a large number of fish.

But now after hearing what Edward Anderson said, Jiang Hai didn't want to raise this kind of fish because it was too cheap...

Whether Jiang Hai is raising fish or cattle and sheep, what he is least worried about is the survival and quality of these animals, because he has blood as a backing, although he is always bleeding, which makes him speechless. , I hope that this problem can be solved after upgrading in the future, but at least he is not helpless, he has a sure way to kill, so this also gives him an idea to raise more dangerous fish, such as cod, which is safe He doesn't like the fish species because they are too cheap.

"Can we raise some more expensive fish, such as tuna, Atlantic salmon (salmon), rainbow trout, grouper, etc." After thinking about it, Jiang Hai believed that these were the only expensive food fish, so Asked Edward.

"This... tuna cannot be farmed. It spends its whole life running around and will die if it is trapped in one place. Atlantic salmon can be farmed, but this fish is a migratory fish and needs to be in fresh water for the first four years. If we only buy four-year-old half-cubs, the cost will be very high, because four-year-old Atlantic salmon are actually quite valuable. Rainbow trout is the same as Atlantic salmon. We only have sea, not fresh water. Rivers or lakes, such migratory fish are not easy to raise. The last grouper can be raised, but the price of this thing is not high, and it is similar to cod." After hearing Jiang Hai's words, Edward Following Jiang Hai's analysis, everyone in the world knows that tuna is expensive, but no one in the world has ever raised this thing, because this toy, like some sharks, needs to constantly swim to obtain oxygen. , and the most important thing is that this kind of fish lives in groups, that is to say, to raise tuna, you must first have a large enough water area to allow these fish to swim continuously to obtain oxygen, but the oxygen in this water area It is fixed. If you raise too much, they will suffocate to death. It is impossible to get oxygen in the sea. If you raise less, it will not be enough to raise fish. So so far, no one has raised this thing at all.

It is said that the island country is currently raising them, but no one knows the progress of raising them.

As for salmon and rainbow trout, everyone knows that these fish are quite valuable, especially wild ones, but the question is right in front of us, how to raise migratory fish? The cost of directly raising fish that can enter the sea is too high. If you don’t raise such fish, where can you find a river to raise small fish? These are all things... The last grouper, the scope of this thing is too broad.

There are expensive ones, and there are cheap ones. The cheap ones are like gold spot, blue grouper, gentian grouper, pearl gentian, etc. They are all very cheap, not even much different from the price of cod. The expensive ones are like tiger spot. Eastern star spots, these are expensive.

However, Eastern starfish can only be kept in the southern Indian Ocean. It is a tropical fish, and the same is true for tiger stripes, which are tropical fish.

As for the most expensive rat spot, it is not a grouper, it is a member of the perch family, and its scientific name is humpback perch.

Although this kind of fish can be raised, the survival rate is quite low. Now many people keep this fish as an ornamental fish.

It can be seen how difficult this fish is to raise, so Edward Anderson could only smile awkwardly at Jiang Hai's suggestion.

I have to admit that sometimes his boss is really whimsical.

"Aren't these fish good? Hey, although I have no prejudice against cod, this kind of fish is not very fetchable. I think you have also seen and eaten the cows in our manor. What I originally meant , that is, we only raise high-end things in our manor. I have a feeling that the things raised in our manor are destined to be extraordinary. Things like cod cannot be sold at a high price... Hey, think about it, Is there anything that is easier to raise and can be sold at a higher price?" After hesitating, Jiang Hai decided to give some information to Edward. Of course, he would not tell more, as he did not want to be targeted by anyone. .

"It's relatively valuable, can be sold at a higher price, and is relatively easy to raise... It seems that there are some."


Okay, let’s get to the point, oh hehe hehe… Today’s two chapters are delivered back to back!