My Ranch

Chapter 108: Naeba


"Hi, Edward, here." This area is not the territory of a fish fry wholesaler, but is home to more than 90% of Boston's fish fry wholesalers. Edward has spent most of his life working with ships. Of course, he was very familiar with this place. Before he came, he had already made a phone call to contact a good person, so after driving in, he ignored the people outside waving and asking, but drove straight inside. After driving for about three minutes, a big black man appeared in front of Jiang Hai's F750 and waved to Edward with a happy face.

As soon as Edward turned the steering wheel, he stopped in front of him. As the two of them opened the door and jumped out, Edward and the big man over there couldn't help but hugged each other, looking very gay.

"Boss, let me introduce to you. This is Tieniu, Porter Anneva, my good friend who died. We went out to sea on a fishing boat to catch sperm whales together. He is the largest private fish fry wholesaler here. Tieniu, this is my current boss, from the mysterious East, Jiang Hai, Mr. Jiang." After hugging the big black man, Edward introduced the two of them with excitement. After Edward's introduction, the big man named Porter-Anneva stretched out his hand first.

"Hello, Mr. Jiang, just call me Tieniu." After shaking hands with him, Jiang Hai chuckled and nodded.

And Jiang Hai was also looking at this guy. He was more than 1.90 meters tall, with a bald head and black shiny skin. Although it was winter, he didn't wear too much. With his huge size, it looked like he was wearing a lot of clothes. It makes people fearful. It's really good to be called Tieniu. On the way here, Edward had already told Jiang Hai about this person's origin.

This black man worked as a sailor with Edward in California, but he was younger than Edward. Later, after the two of them made money, Edward came back to retire, and he opened a fish fry company in Boston. .

Maybe because I am a black man, I was very discriminated against in the early days, but later, with strong methods and really good fish fry, I was able to gain a foothold here. After all, in a capitalist society, those rich people, What matters more is whether you can bring them wealth, rather than skin color. When racial sentiments conflict with dollar bills, dollar bills are often more powerful.

"Although I dare not say that my place is the largest in Massachusetts, I definitely have the most complete varieties. Edward has already told me your purpose of coming. Since you want to choose grass seeds, you need Order the fish first, because different fish eat different baits, and different baits naturally eat different seaweeds." After being polite to Jiang Hai, Tieniu took Jiang Hai and his group away Entered the room behind him.

"The fry here are very complete. I have almost all the fry that can be cultured. The few boxes here are of Atlantic cod. Although you are not going to raise this kind of fish, I still say that this kind of fish is actually the only It's the most profitable, and you can almost make a profit without losing money..." Walking into the grid area behind him, Tieniu introduced it to Jiang Hai as he walked.

The price of the cod fry here is really not expensive, about thirteen cents per fish. Based on the fact that an adult fish can be sold for one dollar and seventy-five cents, it is almost more than ten times the profit, excluding labor costs. There is also bait money. If you raise one fish for a year, you can make a net profit of about 90 cents. One million fish is 900,000 U.S. dollars, and 10 million fish is 9 million U.S. dollars. Raising this fish is indeed It is possible to make a steady profit without losing money, but in Jiang Hai's opinion, the structure is too small and not suitable for his development.

"This is herring, a fish that can be raised with cod, but it won't grow very big. It's like a gift from Santa Claus. It's a surprise how many there are." After passing the most cod ponds, we arrived at some ponds below. The herring fry inside are smaller than those of cod. After all, the fish itself does not grow very big. The maximum is about 30 centimeters. Unlike cod, it can live for a long time and grow big. This kind of fish is basically To match the cod, when raising cod, you will raise some herring. The economic value of this fish is similar to that of cod. It can be sold for money, and can also be used as rations for large cod. It has many uses. Of course, the most important thing is that it is also the sales volume. It’s so big that you don’t have to worry about sales at all.

The price of this kind of fish is eight cents per fish. After all, it is also used as food rations, so it is not expensive.

"This is the pond for Maine lobsters, and this is the pond for king crabs. I brought them here specially from Asian island countries, but they are not easy to raise. This is the bamboo shrimp. I came here with this kind of crab. Yes, although the taste is good, and I heard the price is also good, but also, it is not very easy to grow. Here is the oysters. I have almost all the oysters in the world. These are Galway oysters, produced in Ireland. It is the king of oysters, Ghidorah oysters. This kind of top-quality oysters, if they are good-looking, can be sold for twenty dollars each in a Western restaurant. I heard that they charge about ten dollars. These Damn Western restaurant..." After passing through the territory of cod and herring, a crustacean net appeared in front of Jiang Hai. The things in these nets made Jiang Hai's eyes shine. Maine lobster Needless to say, the species is representative of the Maine and Boston areas.

Although the price sold locally is not high, Jiang Hai has always wanted to breed them, but he has not dived into the water these days, so Jiang Hai does not know whether his own land is suitable for raising these things. If it is suitable, he No matter what, he has to raise a few. Although eating lobsters is despised by others in China and is said to be a nouveau riche, Jiang Hai is a nouveau riche now and he will eat them.

In addition to lobsters, he also saw other valuable things that he had investigated, such as king crabs. King crabs and king crabs are not the same kind of crabs. King crabs actually refer to Kamchatka stone crabs, which are stone crabs. Family, and the scientific name of the king crab is Litura gigantea, which belongs to the family Crabidae. It can also be easily distinguished from its appearance.

King crabs are spider crabs, killer crabs, the kind with extremely long legs that look more like spiders than crabs.

The king crab is an enlarged crab, very big, quite big.

People in Europe and the United States will not eat killer crabs, but they like king crabs very much. However, the price of this guy is also very happy... The average price of one kilogram is about one hundred US dollars, and A grown-up king crab must weigh at least ten kilograms, which means that a crab will cost more than a thousand dollars. This is if you buy it raw. If it is cooked in a Western restaurant, That is more expensive, and this kind of crab is so expensive in China that many seafood restaurants are afraid to enter it.

I am afraid that I will die after entering, or that no one will order it. After all, a crab costs tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands. Under the current domestic background, there are no people with two mouths, and other people who can afford it are indeed Not too much.

Although bamboo shrimp is not as expensive as monochrome shrimp, if grown, it can be sold for about $20 per kilogram.

Among seafood, the prices are pretty good. Of course, the most expensive shellfish is geoduck, which is also available here.

As for oysters, which are very popular among Europeans and Americans, Jiang Hai is a little confused because he also eats them in China.

But this toy should be very cheap. It is smaller in China or sold in night markets. It only costs one yuan or two yuan each. He really can't understand why oysters cost twenty dollars each? Robbery

In addition to these things, there are many other shellfish here, which will also be the fish food Jiang Hai will buy in the future.

All kinds of clams, clams, and razor clams, Xiaorenxian, well, they are not called by this name in the United States.

But the things are the same. Along the way, Jiang Hai is also watching. The things here are indeed very complete, and there are even abalones.

However, for things like abalone, ordinary small abalone are not valuable. They are sold in domestic aquatic product markets for tens of yuan per catty, and larger ones are sold in some seaside cities for more than ten yuan a piece.

The real precious abalones are from the top. The so-called tops do not mean how many heads the abalone has, but how many abalones there are in a pound. The so-called two-headed abalone means that two abalones weigh one pound. Okay. As you can imagine, the price of such abalone is that three-headed abalone is much cheaper than two-headed abalone. The kind that costs dozens of yuan per pound is estimated to cost more than a dozen abalone, and one can cost more than ten yuan. It is estimated that there are seven or eight heads. Such abalone is not valuable.

After passing these valuable shellfish, they arrived at the fish grid box again, but obviously the fish here were much better than cod and herring, and Tieniu also stopped here and gave Jiang Hai Introduced.

"This is Atlantic salmon. The price of this kind of fish is good, but I don't recommend you to raise it. This kind of fish will live much better in the south, because it is too cold here. It is three years old. In name, it is , can be put directly into the sea, but it actually needs to be raised for a while. I heard from Edward that there is no fresh water source there, so this kind of fish is not easy to raise... If you want to raise it directly, I recommend these three species. , grouper, giant grouper and American redfish." Tieniu looked at Jiang Hai and said seriously.

In fact, when it comes to groupers, there are many types, but if it is just called grouper, it is tiger grouper, because tiger grouper is the serious grouper, and giant grouper, also called dragon grouper in China, has the same price as grouper. Almost the same, but much larger than the grouper. The last American redfish is also a fish that Jiang Hai cares about after all.

"Giant grouper takes two years to grow. After it grows, it can be sold for about thirty US dollars per kilogram. The situation of giant grouper is similar to that of grouper. It can be sold after one year of cultivation, but it is only about two kilograms. It takes two years to grow It can grow to about fifteen kilograms, so it basically takes two years to raise and sell them. The price is about the same, about thirty US dollars per kilogram. However, the survival rate of this kind of fish is very low. Not only does nature have to eliminate some of them, but they also They will kill each other, need to eat constantly, and the cost is also very high. The survival rate of the fry is no more than 40%. Of course, I am talking about wild breeding. If it is a cage, it will be relatively higher." Looking at Jiang Hai, Tieniu introduced slowly. Looking at the grid he pointed at, Jiang Hai also hesitated.


Today’s first update, two updates in a row. Sure enough, after returning to the main line, the book review area has become much calmer. I’m happy, haha!