My Ranch

Chapter 11: First employee


The texture of the meat is not watery at all, and the firm texture of beef and the slightly tangy taste are just right.

But the meat itself is extremely tender, so you can bite it effortlessly. The front teeth can bite the beef into your mouth and break it along the texture. It does not stick to your teeth or stick to your teeth. Instead, it has a Q The feeling of bounce.

Then the beef entered the back molars and chewed again. It was juicy but not greasy, and combined with the spicy taste of black pepper, it instantly exploded on the taste buds, filling the entire mouth, and Jiang Hai ate it. After one bite, I thought about two bites, and after two bites, I took another piece.

Yes, Jiang Hai could take two or three bites of that palm-sized steak. In the upper class, it seemed very rude to eat like this, but to Robbins, it was Jiang Hai who affirmed his cooking skills. , but very happy.

But to be honest, Robbins-Garcia's craftsmanship, haha, can only be described as average.

The beef he cooked may be for the purpose of roasting it. After all, he knew that Jiang Hai was Chinese, and Chinese people rarely had the habit of eating raw beef, so they usually cooked it at five or seven at most, but for Jiang Hai It's cooked, but it's almost cooked.

The ratio is a little off, and coupled with the relatively primitive seasonings, I can only say that the taste is average.

But the good thing is that his beef is the best. In the United States, meat is very cheap, ridiculously cheap, and vegetables are more expensive.

After all, he was coming here to invest in a ranch, so Jiang Hai had a preliminary understanding of the American Emperor's beef grade.

Meidi's beef is divided into two grading standards, namely meat quality and age. According to the marble pattern, they divide the beef into eight grades: premium, special selection, premium, standard, commercial, usable, chopped and canned. , and according to the time of slaughter, it is divided into five levels ABCDE. Level A refers to cattle between nine months and thirty months old. Level B refers to cattle between thirty months and forty-two months old. , C grade refers to cattle from 42 months to 72 months, D grade refers to cattle from 72 months to 96 months, and cattle over 96 months are E grade, basically in supermarkets The good beef you see inside is all Grade A.

No one will raise cattle for more than thirty months, unless the cattle market this year is not good and no cattle are sold.

But since the US emperor began to provide beef to China and Asian markets such as Korea and island countries, the issue of reducing the number of cattle has not happened for a long time. At most, it is to suppress the price.

The beef Jiang Hai eats now is standard beef, special quality, special selection. This type of beef is not provided to supermarkets or shopping malls. They only have their own specialty stores or only provide it to top-notch Western restaurants. .

Among the beef you can buy in supermarkets, the best ones are only the premium ones, but the premium ones are also the most expensive.

One pound (nine taels) of premium beef costs almost fifty dollars, which is indeed too expensive.

But under the best conditions, the prices of these three types of beef, standard, commercial, and usable, are much cheaper.

The price of standard beef is less than eight dollars per pound, and the commercial version is about five dollars. The usable beef is three dollars. The chopped and canned beef cannot be used directly. The chopped beef can also be sold as meat. The stuffing and other stuff cost about US$1 per kilogram. The beef that was finally canned was actually canned and except for those specially supplied to the military, basically the civilians of the American Empire did not eat it.

They all buy such cans to feed their pet dogs. One kilogram of cans, if discounted in the supermarket, costs thirty to fifty cents. At the most expensive time, it only costs about one dollar.

It can be said that eating beef in the United States is extremely cheap. The beef Jiang Hai eats now is standard beef, which is much more delicious than the beef sold in China. This is not that Jiang Hai worships foreigners, but mainly domestic beef. The slaughtering rate of beef in China is less than 50%, while the slaughtering rate of beef in foreign countries is more than 80%, which is a difference of 30%. It is really a lot worse.

Therefore, in China, this level of beef is basically specially supplied to those who eat steak. The beef you can buy in supermarkets and the tenderest cucumber strips are basically commercial grade in the United States. Even worse, such as upper brain or beef brisket, it is basically usable grade. The cost of living here in Boston is quite high, but usable grade beef can be converted into soft sister coins, which is less than a kilogram. It costs twenty yuan, but in China, it costs more than forty yuan.

But if you buy standard-grade beef for more than 40 or 50 yuan in China, it will cost 200 to 300 yuan in a domestic steak restaurant. This is the difference. Beef that costs 200 to 300 yuan, As long as it is cooked and there is no strange smell, it will naturally be very delicious. And the most important thing is that the meat is not watered, so the meat quality is quite good.

Jiang Hai tasted the fish on the other side and found it was also very delicious. What surprised him most was that the fish meat was actually sweet.

"This is Atlantic cod, which is one of the commercial fish species in the Atlantic Ocean. There used to be a lot of it here. If we want to raise fish in the future, this kind of fish will also be indispensable." Seeing Jiang Hai's satisfied look, Robbins-Garcia He said with a smile on his face.

"Well, this kind of fish is good. If sold to China, it will definitely be very popular." Jiang Hai nodded and said seriously.

This fish tastes very good and is very thin. Maybe because it is a cold-water fish, the meat is sweet and has no spines. After Jiang Hai took a bite, he fell in love with the taste. Thinking about how he raised it with his own ability, The quality of the fish and raised cattle would probably be better. Thinking of this, he felt that he might be able to get his capital back in less than ten years, maybe.

"Haha, it depends on you, boss. We don't have such a way. Basically, we raise cattle and fish and sell them directly to the Animal Husbandry Association." After hearing Jiang Hai's words, Robbins-Garcia lightly He smiled and said to him.

In the United States, when you sell cattle and fish, you don't have to look for a home everywhere like people in the country. Instead, it is similar to the domestic food. When the harvest comes, people from the country will come to collect it. Of course, they will not sell it. To these people, you can also sell it to people from some private companies, but the prices offered by private companies will not be much higher than those of the state, and sometimes the bottom line is not guaranteed.

So basically, these fish farmers and herders will sell these production materials to the state. The state will collect them and grade them, and then sell them according to unified standards, so that the price of livestock will not be too high. .

In the United States, corn, wheat, beef, mutton, fish, and other daily necessities are basically all priced uniformly by the United States.

The situation in different places is different, and the price fluctuates slightly, but it is only a slight fluctuation.

As for vegetables that cannot be transported over long distances, they are very expensive in the United States. A good head of lettuce is even more expensive than standard beef. I guess this is also difficult for people to understand, but if you want to see results, , Selling vegetables is indeed a rare and good way. For example, the vegetables Jiang Hai eats now are all grown by Luo Bin himself. He is reluctant to go out to buy vegetables.

The two of them were talking and eating, and before they knew it, most of the food on the table had been swept away.

Jiang Hai also patted his belly. To be honest, eating here can be described in one word, it’s great!

Seeing Jiang Hai's satisfied look, Robbins hesitated for a moment and then asked Jiang Hai:

"Well, Mr. Jiang, let me take the liberty to ask, what are your plans after buying this place?"

After the words fell, Robbins kept looking at Jiang Hai quietly, for fear of hearing something different from what he imagined.

"I guess it will remain the same. This large grassland can be used to raise cattle and sheep. The fishery over there can also be used to raise fish. There is also red wine, and you can also try to brew it." After hearing what Robbins said, Jiang Hai thought for a moment and said.

"Your choice is very wise. The soil quality of the pasture here is excellent and very suitable for raising cattle. Moreover, the cattle sheds here are all made of reinforced concrete and are very modern. They were left behind by the previous rancher. They are not suitable for raising cattle at all. It needs to be rebuilt. It only needs a small renovation. As for lawn mowers and the like, they are also available here. Everything is very complete. There is also the seaside. The pier is a gravity pier that extends into the sea for 100 years. Fifty meters, it can dock a thousand-ton fishing boat or cargo ship. It will not need to be renovated for at least a few decades..." Seeing that Jiang Hai really wanted to develop agriculture and animal husbandry, Robbins-Garcia here said immediately Standing up, after hearing his words, Jiang Hai also nodded secretly. He had to develop this even if he didn't want to.

What's more, is he still willing to do this now? Therefore, developing these is already an inevitable trend.

"Well, to develop these things, we need to employ people. I wonder, Mr. Jiang, can I stay?" After introducing the advantages here, Robbins changed his tone and looked at Jiang Hai cautiously.

"You?" After hearing his words, Jiang Hai was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help but smile. It seemed that this was this person's biggest purpose.

"Mr. Jiang, I am a senior cowboy. In the Boston area, my level is obvious to all. I have won the cowboy awards in Massachusetts, Maine, and Texas. I have been there since I was a child. I have been doing this for twenty years now. As long as you believe in me, I will definitely become your right-hand man." Looking at Jiang Hai, Robbins began to promote himself. Everyone said that the people of the American Empire were dull. , straightforward, seems to be nonsense, isn't this quite scheming

After hearing what Robbins said, Jiang Hai felt funny in his heart, but he was thinking in his mind that he was right about what Robbins-Garcia said. He really wanted to find some people to help him calm down, whether it was He would have to find a cowboy, a fisherman, or a winemaker. He didn't know if he would be fooled if he went to find it himself. Robbins could gain Phillips' trust and let him manage it over the years. Here, there should be no problem proving this person's character.

Strength can be seen slowly in the future, but character is the most important. Thinking of this, Jiang Hai couldn't help but nodded.

"It's not a big problem, what's your current salary?"