My Ranch

Chapter 18: Recruit troops and buy horses


"Hey, let's go. Old Tony is a good man! He will like you, boss." At this time, Robbins also parked the car, jumped out of his classic car, and patted Jiang Hai's face. Shoulder, said with a smile.

"I hope so!" Looking at Robbins's smile, Jiang Hai also smiled. In fact, he was not worried at all.

After all, he is not the same person now. On land, he possesses the physical fitness limit of human beings. This means that generally ten or eight people are no match for him, and the most important thing is that , he can breathe in water. It can be said that as long as he is not poisoned, if he wants to leave, most people really can't catch him.

This is why, after he signed the contract with Robbins, he dared to believe him. It was because the talented person was bold.

Fortunately, Robbins did not give Jiang Hai a chance to use his extreme human physical fitness.

Following Robbins, the two walked into the bar called Cowboy's Song.

As soon as he walked in, Jiang Hai smelled the smell of alcohol mixed with inferior cigarettes, which made Jiang Hai frown.

Jiang Hai himself does not smoke, because he lives in Bingcheng. The winter in Bingcheng is really too cold, and the trachea inherited from his family is not very good, so when he was in school, he also learned to smoke. It took two years, but when winter came, it was too uncomfortable, so it took a year to quit. Except for people who had a good relationship with him, almost no one knew that he smoked.

That's what smoking is like. If you don't smoke all the time, and you smell the smell of smoke every now and then, it's actually fine. But if you smoke, and you stop smoking, and you smell the smell of smoke again, you'll be a little bit unbearable. Jiang Hai is the same, but fortunately , the current extreme physical fitness of human beings allowed him to quickly adapt to the taste here, and followed Robbins in.

"Hi, Robin, you haven't been here for a while. I heard that Green Forest was sold? Are you here to find a job?" Looking at Robins and Jiang Hai who walked in, an uncle wearing an apron Walking over with a smile from a distance, this uncle looked to be in his fifties or sixties. The hair on his head was also gray. The apron on his body was stained with oil. He was wearing old clothes. He was about one foot tall. He is about 8 meters tall, not much shorter than Jiang Hai, but his big belly can fit Jiang Hai into it.

"Hey, old Tony, I'm not here to find a job, but to give them jobs. Let me introduce you, this is my boss, the rich man from the East who bought the Green Forest." After hearing what this uncle said, Robbins He said to the man in front of him with a smile on his face.

"Oh? Is this the person who bought the Green Forest? What a surprise, young man, I thought the person who bought the Green Forest might be an old man in his sixties or seventies who is about to retire. Haha, I'm glad to meet you. Yes." After hearing what Robbins said, the old Tony in front of him smiled and smoothed things over and shook hands with Jiang Hai.

"Hello, Jiang Hai, you can call me Jiang, or you can call me Hai." Jiang Hai said with a smile while holding Old Tony's hand.

"Boss, please sit over there for a while, and I'll go see if those good guys are here." Seeing that Jiang Hai and old Tony already knew each other, Robbins here also said something, and then walked into the crowd. Among them, Jiang Hai followed Old Tony to a table, ordered a cup of Long Island iced tea, and sat there looking at the bar.

This bar is not big, but it is not too small either. The first floor is about a thousand square meters and is divided into four parts. There are three billiard tables in the left corner. There are many men, Women were gathered around playing billiards.

On the other side of the billiards, there are several dart boards where several young people are playing.

In addition to the entertainment part, it is the main business part. It has a space of about 600 square meters. There are many small tables like the one where Jiang Hai is sitting now. There are quite a few at this time. People were talking and laughing here. On a table in the middle, two big men were wrestling their wrists. Next to them was a wad of money, but the amount was not much. Most of them were one-dollar bills. They seemed to be gambling. For fun, on the other side is the bar. There is a row of chairs in front of the bar, with many people sitting on them.

Inside is a huge wine cabinet, where a bartender is playing tricks, and next to him is a huge TV. At this time, a football game is being broadcast on the TV, and there are some big cowboys who are concentrating on it. sat there and watched.

In the United States, there are four major leagues, baseball, ice hockey, rugby and basketball. Football is also currently under development, but if you want to use the prestige of these four major leagues, it is far from serious.

Boston is a strong sports city. There are teams in these five leagues here, and they are all traditional strong players.

The one that everyone is most familiar with should be the Boston Celtics, seventeen-time NBA champions, twenty-one Eastern Division champions, twenty-time Atlantic Division champions, and the well-deserved first team in the NBA. But to be honest, the status of basketball in the United States Not high.

It's only slightly better than football and about the same as ice hockey. Football and baseball have always crushed basketball.

What's more, Boston's football and baseball teams are also well-deserved giants.

Baseball's Boston Red Sox, twelve American League champions and seven World Series champions.

The New England Patriots of football have three Super Bowl championships and six division championships, and even the Boston Bruins of ice hockey have six Stanley Cup championships and 16 division championships, so this is a well-deserved sports city.

Now is the regular season of the NFL. Every week, it is a civil war in the Eastern Conference. The New England Patriots face the Buffalo Bills. Although Jiang Hai doesn’t know much about these stars, he doesn’t watch the NFL in normal times. , but he has watched a cartoon before, called Lightspeed Masked Man, so he probably has some understanding of rugby.

As for offense, defense, touchdowns, shooting, etc., he still knows it, so he watches it with gusto.

Indeed, this rugby is almost like a fight, the banging and banging makes people warm up and excited to watch.

"What? Jiang, are you also interested in rugby?" At this time, old Tony came to Jiang Hai with a cup of Long Island ice tea and said with a smile.

"It's okay, I can't even recognize the person. It's more popular to watch the NBA over there." Jiang Hai took the Long Island ice tea from Old Tony's hand and started talking with a smile. Hearing Jiang Hai's words, Old Tony sighed. tone.

"Originally I was also a fan of the Celtics, but now they are so disappointing, aren't they? I can understand the trade away of Kevin (Garnett) and Ray (Allen), but the trade away of Paul ( Pierce), my heart is broken. He is the symbol of the team. Do you want me to watch him helplessly and beat us in other stages? I really don’t know what is going on in Anji’s mind!” Speaking of basketball, old Tony couldn't help but talk about it, but when he heard his words, Jiang Hai just smiled.

Everyone knows that China's home team has always been the Rockets. Although Jiang Hai's love is different from others, he also prefers teams in the Western Conference. For Jiang Hai, his destiny is the San Antonio Spurs. For this current team, For the Spurs, playing with people is much more interesting than playing basketball. The only thing that can defeat them is their touch.

"Hey, it looks like you guys are having a great time chatting!" At this moment, Robbins's voice came from afar.

Jiang Hai looked back and found Robbins walking over with a few people.

These people are basically all men. One of them looks to be about forty years old, with a beard that is not too long. He still looks handsome and has a sense of vicissitudes. He looks more like a Hollywood star than a cowboy. .

There is another man, maybe forty? He is a black man. To be honest, it is really difficult for Jiang Hai to judge the age of a black man, because when they are teenagers, they look like forty, when they are in their forties, they still look like forty, and when they are in their fifties, they still look like forty. , without hair, it would be difficult to judge the real age of these guys.

In addition to these two people, there are four people who look young, probably around thirty, or less than thirty years old. One of them has a confident face, and the jeans he is wearing are all gone. The water was slippery, and one look at it made Jiang Hai feel that he was a little too exaggerated. Beside him, there was another one who was similar to him, but he was much more restrained and just walked forward slowly.

Behind these two people, there are two more people. One person looks a little dull, but he is more than two meters tall. He has some beard on his mouth, but his clothes are a little dirty. Finally, there is another person who has never been seen. Talk, just walk quietly at the end.

"Oh, you really brought a few good guys. Okay, I'm going to work first. I hope you find the people you need." After taking a look at these people, Old Tony chuckled. This Robbins He is still very famous around here. When he wants to recommend a job, the people who come are very good. At least who he wants and who he doesn't want depends on Jiang Hai's requirements.

"Hey, brother, I heard you're recruiting people?" As soon as old Tony left, Robbins was ready to introduce these people, but before he could say anything, the man in the clothes looked like a dog, He asked with a smile on his face.

"Shut up." Hearing his words, Jiang Hai frowned. Although he was not a rigid person, he didn't like people who were too familiar with him, and the frivolous look on this guy's face , Jiang Hai didn't like it very much. Maybe he noticed Jiang Hai's frown. The person who came with him over there also shouted coldly. After hearing this person's words, this guy couldn't help but shut his mouth. , but still looked at Jiang Hai with a proud look on his face, as if Jiang Hai insisted on him.

"Let me introduce you. This is Burke Dahler, one of our best cowboys. He has been herding cattle for twenty years. He was once the champion of the Texas Sheep Catching Competition three times. To be honest, just compared to his riding skills, I might Not even as good as him." Seeing Jiang Hai look over, Robbins formally began to introduce him. The first person he introduced was the white man next to him.


The first update today, the second update at 8pm, please support Xiaofei, thank you all!