My Ranch

Chapter 3: Door of hell


This golden finger is indeed easy to use, but there is a problem. If you want to collect scales, you need to find a place with beautiful scenery and less pollution. But the problem now is that in China, there are many places with beautiful scenery and beautiful scenery, and some undeveloped places. Less pollution.

But these places are basically either inconvenient in transportation or too dangerous. With Jiang Hai's current level, he doesn't want to be a savage, and he doesn't want to get involved in some strange disputes.

So after thinking about it for a long time, thinking about the novels he had read before, it seemed that buying a piece of land abroad would be a good choice.

Now the question is, it’s okay to go abroad, but where will he get the money

Flowers watered with dragon blood are very valuable. The pot of flowers he experimented on was bought by a southern boss and sold for 300,000, but only three dragon scales can be exchanged for one pot. He wanted to go abroad , Don’t even think about it if you don’t have tens of millions. Thirty million is one hundred pots. He has to wait for two years. Can he still upgrade? He doesn't have the patience.

Fortunately, Jiang Hai still remembered the last memory of Dragon Ball very clearly. There were many treasures in the cave where Zulong was imprisoned. Those sparkling toys seemed to be quite valuable.

So he gritted his teeth, sold two pots of flowers, earned 600,000, and left 400,000 for his wife in the room. At this time, he had borrowed money, and also applied for a divorce agreement from the court and signed it. After putting the words on it, he called Qi Li, but unfortunately, he didn't hear Qi Li's voice, but thinking about it, even if he was a stranger from now on, he had nothing to say, so he sat down Got on the plane to Blue Sea Province.

After arriving at the Blue Sea, he basically determined the location of the Ancestral Dragon's Cave based on the location in his mind.

If nothing else, it is one of the legendary dangerous places in China, the Gate of Hell!

The Gate of Hell, a large Death Valley, is located in the Kunlun Mountains area at the junction of Qinghai-Tibet. The grass here is fertile and the water is abundant. Although it cannot be compared with Inner Mongolia, the great place for grazing, it is undoubtedly the best grazing place. location, but these herdsmen would rather let their cattle and sheep starve to death in the Gobi Desert than set foot here! Because it’s really evil here.

Many people once entered here and never came out. The country also conducted scientific research here.

But the results were not very satisfactory. There are three dangers that the country can study and understand. One is that the underground here contains a large number of magnetic fields. These magnetic fields will paralyze all technology, not to mention mobile phones, telephones, and satellites. So, even the compass makes circles. Secondly, these magnetic fields will induce the electric charges in the clouds, causing electric charges to discharge. There are no trees or anything too high here. People walking here are the best way to attract thunder. Needle, it is very likely that the sky is clear, and a cloud suddenly floats over, and a thunder hits the passers-by, which is really scary.

In addition to these two points, the third and most frightening point is that this place is full of swamps and underground rivers. As long as you fall into it, no matter whether you are a person or an animal, you will die. It can be said that this is a natural life restricted area. .

If it weren't for the fact that Jiang Hai could breathe freely underwater now, he wouldn't have dared to come here.

When he came here, let alone a guide, he even wanted to rent a car. When others heard that he was going to the Gate of Hell, they wouldn't even rent him a car.

So he could only walk slowly inside. With the limit of human physical strength, after walking for two days, he finally came to the gate of hell. He looked at the stone tablet in front to warn passers-by. After passing here, there were all the people behind it. It's the boundary of Death Valley.

Jiang Hai walked about five kilometers further in, took a look at the sky, and then looked at the watch in his hand.

China is so big that it only uses one common time, which results in time zone instability. In summer in the east, it gets bright at around three o'clock in the morning and gets dark before seven o'clock in the evening, while in the west It doesn't get bright until after seven o'clock in the morning, but you can still see the light after nine o'clock in the evening. This is the difference between the two sides.

He glanced at the watch on his hand and saw that it was only after five o'clock. It was still daytime here, but the sky in Ice City should have been a little dark. According to Jiang Hai's schedule, he should find a place to rest at this time. .

Holding the hiking pole, he slowly reached forward and found a piece of relatively dry land.

He first pulled out the grass and then sprinkled a circle of insect repellent powder around it. This thing worked quite well. At least these days, he was not bitten by insects. Then he started to set up his own simple tent and waited until everything was ready. , it was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

Then he used flint to light the fire. Along the way, he collected a lot of dry firewood, and Jiang Hai sat in front of the fire.

I took out compressed biscuits and beef jerky from my backpack, boiled a small amount of water, and prepared everything for soaking and eating.

Although the taste is very ordinary, I don't have the time to pay attention to these now. After boiling a large pot of biscuit and beef soup, I ate both the dry and thin ones. Although he is now in excellent physical condition, don't forget , people need food and calories, this is indispensable. After eating the food, Jiang Hai deliberately made some small sticks in the grass in the distance, tied threads on them, and hung bells on the threads. This is also After learning that he was coming here, the local herdsmen taught him how to do it.

The gate to hell, Death Valley, is indeed a dead place, but it is not that no living things can survive here.

Especially after a large number of vegetarian animals are killed by lightning, a lot of charred corpses will be left on the ground, and these corpses are the best food for the wolves in Kunlun Mountain, so when you come here, you must guard against these guys. .

After entering the tent, Jiang Hai got directly into the sleeping bag and placed a machete bought locally beside him.

In fact, the local herdsmen did not say a word. We must not only guard against wolves here, but also guard against people.

However, although Jiang Hai has no experience before, he is not stupid. When traveling, some big cities are okay, but in remote places, it is inevitable to be careful about people! He is not a good person, nor does he have such naive ideas.

Fortunately, there was no talking all night. When the sun rose the next day, he walked out of the tent, boiled some water, washed his face and brushed his teeth, and then walked deeper.

After walking for about two days, Jiang Hai arrived at the place recorded in the Dragon Ball in his memory.

At this time, in front of him, he could see that there was a large swamp. No one knew how deep this swamp was, but what he could predict was that it was definitely not what it seemed on the surface. So peaceful.

"Phew! Let's fight!" He took a deep breath. Although Jiang Hai felt a little unsure in his heart, but with the ability to breathe underwater, he was still ready to fight for a while. The truth is that wealth can be gained through danger. , he still understands.

He added some oil to himself and encouraged himself. Jiang Hai took out the equipment he had specially prepared. It was actually a filtering equipment. Although he could breathe in the water, he could not breathe the mud. He needed to filter the mud. The water inside needs to be separated.

After nailing a rope to the ground, he jumped into the swamp wearing a ventilator and a backpack.

The moment he entered the swamp, he felt that his body suddenly obeyed the orders and began to sink rapidly.

Swamps are the same as water. If you fall into the water, you will indeed sink quickly, but don't forget that water is buoyant, and people can row their hands and legs in the water and swim, but swamps are different. What's inside is mud. In terms of buoyancy, it's more buoyant than water. But the problem is that you can't paddle here. As soon as you step down, the mud coming from all directions will instantly imprison your feet. A strong person cannot escape on his own in a swamp.

Even Jiang Hai, whose physical strength has reached the limit of human beings, is the same. Fortunately, he has been mentally prepared for a long time and does not pay too much attention. He just holds the filter on his face and relies on the weight of his body to push him forward. Take it under the swamp.

Feeling the mud gradually covering his face, and taking one last look at the blue sky, Jiang Hai exerted force and sank.

When the muddy water was brought in front of him by the filtering device, Jiang Hai gave it a try. The filtering device that cost him more than 20,000 yuan was still very good. Basically, what he saw in front of him was clear water, and occasionally there were a few grains of sand. He didn't care, this also made him relax for a while. As the water continued to flow in, he also felt that his body was being pulled deeper into the swamp by gravity. No one knew that this area How deep is the swamp, and the underground river under the swamp is Jiang Hai's goal.

After about three hours, Jiang Hai felt that the mud around him was getting thinner and thinner. He knew that the underground river was coming soon.

Sure enough, less than an hour later, as his body suddenly accelerated, Jiang Hai felt like he was sinking into a pool.

After letting his body sink for a while, Jiang Hai opened his eyes. Sure enough, what was in front of him was no longer mud, but water, very clear water, but unfortunately there was no light at all. What could he do? Can't even see it, untie the rope.

He took out the waterproof flashlight he had prepared long ago from his pocket. As the light turned on, a special underwater world appeared in front of him, because generally speaking, as long as there is water, even in There are also fish in the extremely deep seabed, but there may be fish here, but Jiang Hai didn't see it. He looked down and saw that the bed of the underground river below him was covered with all kinds of fish. There were all kinds of bones, both animal and human. There were only some insects like earthworms burrowing in and out of them. He immediately lost interest in looking at them. Following the direction pointed by the dragon ball, he headed towards He swam forward.


Oh, there are twenty-eight collections, which is very surprising. After all, Xiaofei has never advertised or notified it, so I feel a little timid and happy!