My Ranch

Chapter 36: Racecourse


"Huh..." As a wave of heat flashed through his chest, Jiang Hai let out a long breath. Looking at himself in the mirror in front of him, Jiang Hai moved his body and looked at the scales that had grown longer and longer. The corners of his mouth curled up unconsciously.

"Sure enough, it seems that in addition to the abilities of plants and the environment, improving abilities is also effective on the energy of animals." Looking at the newly grown scales on his body, Jiang Hai said with some excitement.

Today is the seventh day of leading cattle to his ranch, and yesterday, the fifteen thousand cattle he ordered also arrived. After inspection by Robbins and others, they found a total of fifteen thousand two hundred cattle. In the end, they kept I bought 14,300 head. Although it is still less than 20,000, there is no need to buy any more. 20,000 is just a rough number. All those that are damaged, sick, and not very active will be taken away. They turned back, which is not uncommon in the cowboy business. After all, when buying cattle, you must be careful.

Jiang Hai didn't understand this, but Robbins and the others, in order to please Jiang Hai, who might be his boss in the future, were very careful and picked out almost all the potentially bad cows.

Lehman had no choice but to curl his lips, but this large commission was enough to keep him alive for a few years.

In the end, before Lehman left, he specially gave Jiang Hai a flock of sheep, a thousand in total. Sheep are not expensive in the United States.

Compared to mutton, American people prefer to eat beef and sea fish. Mutton is not too popular, but in the eyes of cowboys, mutton is very good, especially cowboys like to eat it roasted, and it tastes like roasted whole lamb. , but quite good.

Jiang Hai naturally also likes to eat roasted whole lamb, but in China, the price of this thing is quite high. Just a leg of lamb costs more than 300 yuan. The price of roasted whole lamb is outrageous. .

But here, he can finally have a feast. Here, these one thousand sheep are not for sale, but for eating. It doesn't matter if they arrive. After all the animals are arranged, Jiang Hai discovered a problem.

There is a problem with the scales on his body. These days, when the scales on his body are almost non-existent, he grows three scales every day. He has to spend a drop of blood to dilute and then water the lawn. After these days of hard work, at least Niu The lawn near the shed has been watered. The grass is more lush, grows faster, and contains more and more energy.

The growth rate of the cattle has obviously accelerated, but after all, it has only been a week, so it is not too obvious yet.

As for these new cows, they have become much docile and peaceful after eating the grass there.

But when he had those five thousand cows, Jiang Hai felt that the speed at which he grew scales had increased, from three scales per day to more than three and nearly four per day, but he thought It was just his illusion, but when all the cows and sheep entered the manor, he found that it was really not an illusion. The scales that originally grew one every eight hours now increased every three hours. One scale, that is to say, Jiang Hai now adds eight scales every day.

There are one thousand and eighty scales on the whole snake body. Jiang Hai is increasing it at the current speed. If he doesn't use it, it will only take about 135 days to upgrade. This is just a cow. If fish are also raised, thinking of this, Jiang Hai His eyes couldn't help but light up.

It seems that there is hope for an upgrade! Thinking of this, Jiang Hai couldn't help but grin, but now this is all nonsense.

What he needs to do most now is to change the pasture. This is the most important thing. Judging from the current area of the pasture, it is estimated that it will take another 200 drops of blood to complete the transformation. Two hundred drops of blood is six Although Hundred Scales was a little reluctant, he could only slowly transform it. Even if he felt a little uncomfortable, he still wanted to make money after buying this place.

"Huh." He breathed a sigh of relief, Jiang Hai put on his bathrobe again, walked out of the bathroom, stood in his room, stretched his waist, turned on the TV casually, and then He leaned in front of his bed, where Xiao Bai and Xiao Huang were dozing. When they felt Jiang Hai approaching, the two dogs did not hide, but just changed to a comfortable position and lay down. He turned his head and looked at the 3D TV in the distance, while Jiang Hai was thinking about what he would do tomorrow.

These days, he basically lives the same life every day. He gets up every morning to have breakfast, then feeds the dog, then goes to fetch water, mixes his own blood in the water, goes to water the pasture, and comes back to rest at noon. Watching TV, playing games, playing mobile phones, and playing on the computer at home, he couldn't help Robbins and the others anyway.

If it weren't for the all-terrain vehicles that Robbins and the others now occupied and had jobs, he really wanted to get one and go play on the beach at the seaside. If he had to walk there, it would be too far.

In the evening, I brought back some barbecue from Philemon's house, and after feeding the two dogs, I sat on the balcony, eating barbecue, drinking beer, blowing the night breeze, and looking at the stars. Yes, quite beautiful.

Of course, this is for other people, and it may feel a bit boring, but for Jiang Hai, who was used to being a homebody, there is nothing wrong with it. This kind of life can be said to be the life he dreams of.

"Ding ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. The person below stepped aside, and Xiao Huang ran to the phone, took it in his mouth, and then picked it up. Jiang Hai pressed the answer button.

"Hey, boss, I'm Robbins. I want to ask, when are we going to buy horses?" Jiang Hai came over and picked it up. Robbins over there also shouted. Jiang Hai was stunned for a moment by Robbins' words. If Robbins hadn't mentioned it now, he would have almost forgotten about buying a horse.

"It's ready at any time!" A horse is very important to a cowboy. Although all-terrain vehicles are good, fast, and have strong endurance, they also have many problems. Firstly, there is really no difference in quick response. Secondly, it is too short. Sitting on this thing, patrolling the fence is not bad, but if you want to look at the cows, your vision will be too seriously damaged. Thirdly, this cold machine will also make people very uncomfortable. Jiang Hai has long heard that Bell and others have talked about the horse problem, but recently he has been studying improving pastures, and others don't have time, so they can only put it on hold for the time being.

"Then let's do it tomorrow. There are too many cows coming back here. Although they are relatively docile now, no one knows what will happen to them when they are released. They should stay in the cowshed for a few more days. In just a few days, those Even cattle dogs can be used." After hearing Jiang Hai's words, Robbins here immediately went on to say, if he wants to buy these things, does he care about everything

One is a cow, and the other is a horse, such as a dog or a car. In his heart, he can only sit in the back.

"Okay, let's do it tomorrow!" After thinking about it for a while, he realized that he had nothing to do tomorrow, so Jiang Hai agreed wholeheartedly.

"Then tomorrow!" Robbins said happily after hearing Jiang Hai agreed, and then hung up the phone.

Then Jiang Hai looked at the phone for a while and played with it for a while before going to bed. As for the two big dogs, they also lived in Jiang Hai's room, but they knew that if they wanted to use the toilet, they had to go outside, and they were not in Jiang Hai's room. Eat in the sea room.

The next morning, well, for Jiang Hai, it was very early. He got up at around eight o'clock in the morning, and first went to Mrs. Philemon's place and had a meal of pasta. Jiang Hai originally liked Western food. of.

After all, in China, these things are considered luxuries. Even eating Kaifeng cuisine costs more than a hundred yuan a meal. With his previous income, to be honest, he was reluctant to part with it. After finally coming to the United States, these things are very important. It's cheap, but you haven't eaten enough? So he has been eating these things these days. Mrs. Philemon made them. Although they are not hamburgers or anything like that, the calories are not small. Jiang Hai is not afraid of getting fat. After all, his physical fitness is constant now. Human beings That's the limit.

Now he is a little nostalgic for the tofu puffs, pancakes, fruit, and fried dough sticks that he used to eat. But the problem is that he can't make these things, and Mrs. Philemon can't make them, so he always eats the sour and sweet ones. He couldn't stand the sweet taste.

After eating today's breakfast of pasta and sausage, Jiang Hai left with Robbins who had finished his work.

Because the driver's license was still waiting for him, Jiang Hai could only watch and could not drive. He drove a Ford F750 out of the ranch. This time he did not drive towards Winthrop, but towards Boston. Over there, Winthrop is, after all, a small town by the seaside. There are a lot of fish collectors there, as well as many people selling motorboats and boats.

But the horse sellers did not, because if there was a typhoon or something, it would be troublesome, so the horse sellers basically had to go inland and drive all the way, which took about half an hour. Robins' car , also slowly stopped.

A large pasture also appeared in front of Jiang Hai, but unlike Jiang Hai's pasture where he raised cattle, all the horses were running on the pasture here. In other words, this was a legendary horse farm.

After parking the car in front of the gate, Robbins and Jiang Hai jumped out of the car. At this time, a person also walked out of the manor in the distance.

"Hi, Bob, it's me." Seeing this person, Robbins smiled and waved his hand. The other person was stunned for a moment when he saw Robbins, and then walked over quickly with a smile.

"I thought who was driving the monster to my manor. I thought it was those monkeys from Boston, but I didn't expect it to be you, an old guy!" When they walked in front of Robbins, the two of them beat each other. He touched the other person's chest and said loudly.