My Ranch

Chapter 44: threaten


"Fishing rod, fishing line, fishhook, float, bait, just catch earthworms when the time comes. The fish here are not small, and they probably like to eat these things. There are also chairs, fish cages, nets, soft boxes, well, that's all Well... "Actually, if I don't fish, I really don't know. Fishing is actually a troublesome thing. It's okay to use a hand pole in the river, but in fact, fishing in the sea is even more troublesome.

Jiang Hai didn't know how to fish in the sea before. Now that no one has time to guide him, he has no intention of going fishing in the sea.

It would be too ugly to just return empty-handed, so now he is going to the river to catch freshwater fish.

Generally speaking, when fishing in the river, there are more opportunities to use a hand rod. The so-called hand rod is a fishing rod without a reel.

The length ranges from three meters to eight meters, and it is mainly divided into two types: fiberglass and carbon.

Jiang Hai used to use fiberglass fishing rods. This kind of fishing rod is very heavy, easy to break, but extremely hard. It is called a fighting rod among hand rods. Of course, it does not refer to fishing, but to fighting. It's even easier to use than a baseball bat when hitting.

To be honest, this rod is rarely used except by beginners among beginners who are new to fishing. However, Jiang Hai used this rod before, not because he was a beginner, but because This rod is very cheap.

A five-meter-four pole only costs twenty-five yuan, which is really suitable for him. Besides, they can't catch big fish on the river in Heilong Province. Such a pole is enough. Since they have money After that, he deliberately bought a good pole.

When I came here this time, I also brought a carbon pole, but it was not much lighter than a glass pole, because this pole was very long, eleven meters long. It was specially made by him. It is an ordinary hand pole. There are very few that exceed ten meters, Jiang Hai is an exception.

Coupled with the thickest line and a large fishhook, Jiang Hai put these things on an all-terrain vehicle and drove away from the manor. The exact place where Jiang Hai wanted to fish was Generally speaking, it should be regarded as a location at the mouth of the sea.

It’s just that the flow is not large. There are no big rivers in Boston, and the water flow is not too fast. Of course, storms and snowstorms are not included, because the awareness of environmental protection here is very strong, and aquatic plants grow in abundance.

After about five minutes of riding out of the manor, Jiang Hai saw the river. After walking and stopping, he finally picked a place after about half an hour. There were no big waves and it was relatively clean. , the most important thing is that there is less grass, so it is easy to take care of. After choosing a place, Jiang Hai parked the car and took all these things out of the car.

He took out the small shovel he specially brought and started digging. The American Empire did not pay attention to digging for earthworms, so there were so many of them, long and thick, and they looked like little monsters. However, Jiang Hai arrived I quite like it. Fishing with this thing should be quite enjoyable.

Not long after, he dug out half a box of earthworms. He didn't need to do anything with them. He just squeezed the mud and hung them on the fishhook.

As Jiang Hai prepared everything, he flicked the fishing rod and the fishhook flew out quickly and landed in the middle of the river.

"Hey, it's still so comfortable to fish. Although sea fishing is fun, it's too deceiving." He chuckled and tried the fishing rod. After making sure that the fish was floating upright, Jiang Hai slowly sat down and then Said with a chuckle.

Jiang Hai took a deep breath, put the fishing rod on his lap, and breathed in the fresh air nearby. In fact, in the United States, what he is most satisfied with is undoubtedly the air here, in the city It is better than the air quality in the Chinese countryside, and the air quality in such a rural-like place is almost the same as that in the deep mountains and old forests of China.

There is almost no pollution. For Jiang Hai, this is a good place for natural lung cleansing.

"Bang bang" But just as Jiang Hai was enjoying this beautiful nature, suddenly the fishing rod in his hand also flew forward.

If it weren't for the fact that Jiang Hai's reactions have been much faster recently, he might not be able to react, but now, how can he be polite!

He grasped the fishing rod firmly in his hand for the first time, and then tried to lift it up, but as soon as he exerted force, he was startled.

Because what he imagined, the fishing rod was lifted up instantly, did not happen. On the contrary, it was almost motionless, and the fishing rod suddenly bent up. This shocked him. You must know that the one he was using now was not The sea rod that day was a real hand rod. This thing was easy to break. He was so frightened that he immediately relaxed and tried it. He was sure that the hook was biting because the fishing line was moving but he could not lift it. If you get up, there is only one possibility: catching a big fish.

"It's not possible, is there a big fish here?" Jiang Hai murmured in a low voice while sliding the fish.

Logically speaking, even if it is about three kilograms of grass roots, it is impossible to bend the fishing rod like this. Is it a fish weighing more than three kilograms

Jiang Hai didn't know if there were fish weighing more than three kilograms in the river, but at least he had never seen them.

Driven by curiosity, Jiang Hai slowly pulled the fish over. The great strength and experience here helped Jiang Hai a lot. As the fishing rod slowly stood up, a fish The shadow of the fish also appeared in front of Jiang Hai.

"Is this a carp? Damn, it's a bit too big!" Jiang Hai couldn't help but cursed secretly when he saw the condition of the fish.

At this time, in Jiang Hai's eyes, this carp was very big, really big, about one meter long and very wide. The large scales on its body, even the largest one, were bigger than a child's fist.

Carp is different from other fish. Other fish are larger and have more scales, but carp is different. Regardless of the size of the carp, unless it is injured, as long as it has full beards and full shadow, it has a rib scale, three from the head to the tail. Sixteen pieces. If the fish is big, the scales will be big. If the fish is small, the scales will be small.

The reason why it is called carp is because its scales have cross textures and there are small black dots on each scale.

This carp was an out-and-out big fish, and Jiang Hai's eyes couldn't help but light up when he saw it.

"This fish alone is enough for me to eat." Seeing the fish in front of him, Jiang Hai chuckled and couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva. He couldn't help secretly speeding up the speed of catching the fish. Soon this fish The huge carp was pulled to the shore by Jiang Hai. As soon as the fishing net was lifted, the big fish was lifted directly to the land by Jiang Hai. On the land, the wildness of the fish was reflected. Come out, this fish has no natural enemies in the river of the United States, so it may have been used to being wild since birth. After landing, it started to flop around, trying to jump back into the river. Fortunately, Jiang Hai was very smart and got up. He kicked it and knocked it to the side.

"Damn, this fish is so exciting!" Jiang Hai couldn't help but chuckled as he looked at the carp that was still jumping wildly after being kicked out.

Such a wild fish, if you make a pot of fish stew in an iron pot at night, the taste will be amazing.

Thinking of this, Jiang Hai's hands became faster and he immediately took out the fishhook from the fish's mouth. At this time, there were no earthworms left, only a bare hook, but this was okay. Jiang Hai originally also There is no hope of using the bait multiple times.

I grabbed the gills of the carp and went into the water to clean it. I had to admit that the strength of this fish was indeed great. When it touched the water, it almost shook Jiang Hai into the water. An ordinary person might not be able to do it. He, but Jiang Hai is obviously not an ordinary person.

Forcibly stabilizing his body, Jiang Hai fished the fish out of the river, and then threw it into the fish box that had been prepared. However, when he put it in, Jiang Hai couldn't help but scratch his head, because the fish box was originally It's not very big, only about one meter and two meters. Now that you put a one-meter-long fish in it, it's already full, and there's no room for other fish.

"Trouble!" Jiang Hai sighed helplessly and looked at the time. From the time he appeared until now, it had only taken him less than an hour. Originally, he had expected to spend an entire afternoon here. It seems impossible now.

If he continued to fish, he couldn't fit it in, so he might as well just leave. After thinking about it, Jiang Hai threw the remaining earthworms on the ground, packed up the fishing gear, and prepared to leave.

But before he could leave, there was a sudden roar of engines, and then a convoy came over from Winthrop. To be precise, it was a convoy consisting of two cars and four motorcycles. Originally, Jiang Hai thought that these people were passing by Boston, but unexpectedly, after seeing Jiang Hai's figure from a distance, these people turned the steering wheel and rushed towards Jiang Hai, looking at him. Jiang Hai frowned slightly. His sixth sense told him that these people might be evil, but was he kind? I just hope that these guys can show off their ambitions, otherwise Jiang Hai doesn't mind teaching them how to behave. Just as Jiang Hai's mind was spinning, these cars also stopped.

It happened to be in the shape of a half-moon, and together with He He, Jiang Hai was surrounded in the middle. Jiang Hai also packed up the things inside and put them behind his all-terrain vehicle. Then he raised his head and looked in front of him. of these people.

"Oh, isn't this our mysterious oriental rich man? You didn't bring your dog with you today. You were really wrong." Just when Jiang Hai wanted to see what these people were here for, one of them The door of a car opened, and a man got out. This man was wearing a cowboy hat, but he was wearing some fancy clothes, just like the hip-hop people in the city. When he saw When he saw this person, Jiang Hai understood it immediately.

He was still surprised at first. After he came here, he didn't seem to offend anyone. Why did these people come to him? After seeing him, Jiang Hai understood that this person was none other than the guy who dared to threaten him when he scolded him back in the bar. He seemed to be calling Fa Shidi or something like that. Now it seems , this guy is here to fulfill his original promise.

"My dog talks as if you have seen it before. If you have something to say, just say it and fart quickly. I have to go back to eat." When Jiang Hai heard this person's words, Jiang Hai's first reaction was to be stunned. When the dog came, the first thing he thought of was Xiao Bai and Xiao Huang, but it seemed that these people didn't know their own dogs. Then he remembered that he might be referring to people like Robbins...

But now that you've said it, it's not good to go back, so just be tough to the end!


Today's second update, there will be another update at midnight, after twelve o'clock, please provide various data, please support me!