My Ranch

Chapter 53: Dessert shop


"Boss, you'd better go out for a walk first. It's too noisy here." Covering his ears, Edward said to Jiang Hai with an embarrassed look on his face, while Jiang Hai on the opposite side was even more embarrassed...

Because he walked in in a hurry just now, but he didn't notice it. He happened to bump into a man who was bringing something. He knocked the thing everywhere. Although it wasn't an important thing and it didn't hurt anyone, Jiang Hai was good at everything. People who don't understand are here, causing some confusion. It's not like Jiang Hai can't trust Edward, but he seems to have nowhere to go.

"But I don't know where to go." After scratching his head, Jiang Hai said helplessly to Edward. He had only been out for more than forty minutes, and for more than half an hour, he was following a group of little kids. But after finishing the transfer, Jiang Hai really didn't know where to go. After hearing Jiang Hai's words, Edward also fell silent, because he didn't know what to do nearby.

He usually stays at home or in the small town of Winthrop, and he doesn't know the situation nearby.

"Opposite the port is Little Italy City. As you know, there are a lot of delicious food in Italy. After passing Italy City, not far away, you will find the city center and China City. There are many snack vendors there. To you Chinese, it seems to be called a snack street or something." Perhaps after hearing what Jiang Hai and Edward said, Dalton Green, who was counting the materials here, came over and smiled at Jiang Hai. Said, when Dalton said that there was a snack street nearby, Jiang Hai couldn't help but gulp down his throat and glanced at his phone. Although it was just past ten o'clock in the morning and it was not time to eat yet, it was still good to go and take a look. Yes, in line with the principle of not commanding an expert by an outsider, Jiang Hai smiled and left here again.

He can't help much here. This is the most important thing. What's more, he is more accustomed to eating delicious food than listening to noise here. After leaving the shipyard, according to Dalton Green , Jiang Hai walked towards the opposite side of the port.

Not long after walking out of the port, he saw a community with a somewhat special style. According to the directions of passers-by, he knew that this was Little Italy. After walking into this neighborhood, Jiang Hai found that it was quite bourgeois.

Although he has nothing to do with the petty bourgeoisie, he is a very pure Northeastern person, so he has a very rough character. He has always believed in the habit of drinking heavily, eating large pieces of meat, and picking at the food. There is no market.

Going to a coffee shop, ordering a cup of coffee, enjoying the sweet aftertaste, and typing on the computer in the afternoon when the sun filled the hall had nothing to do with him. In fact, Jiang Hai was unwilling to do so from the bottom of his heart. Drink coffee.

But after all, this is a scenic spot nearby, so it doesn't matter if he goes to see it. As soon as he walked in, he felt that the decoration style of the nearby store was not to his liking. He took a look at the menu inside, which was basically the same as Winslow's. Pu's Italian restaurant is similar, but the portions are smaller than Winthrop's, but the presentation is much more exquisite.

As for the price, it’s not too different, and it’s not too expensive. After all, this is Boston, the center of the metropolitan area, not a rural place like Winthrop with the metropolitan area. Walk all the way and see everything. I have to admit that the streets in Boston are indeed quite ugly, because Boston was the first city to be established. Later, it expanded outwards, and the city center was not expanded. Because of the developed water areas, this area is considered the city center. According to domestic terms Speaking of which, this is called the Second Ring Road, and Jiang Hai’s sense of direction was really poor, so as he walked, he suddenly found that he seemed to be lost...

Of course, he could still find his way back, but if he wanted to go to Huaxia City, he would have some trouble.

"Forget it, let's take a rest, have something to drink, and then ask others how to get there." After turning around twice and realizing that he really couldn't find the place, Jiang Hai shook his head and sighed, and happened to find someone in front of him. There was a coffee shop and I walked over.

Although he doesn't drink coffee, the cafe is not full of coffee.

It is already early winter in Boston, so although there are many chairs outside the coffee shop, most people are still unwilling to sit outside and are willing to squeeze in the small coffee shop. Jiang Hai took a look Due to the situation inside, I wisely chose not to go in and squeeze in. Instead, I chose a place and sat down there.

"Sir, do you need anything?" As soon as he sat down, a waiter saw Jiang Hai in the store. He ran over and handed the menu to Jiang Hai. Jiang Hai looked at it. Anyway, he We are going to Huaxia City to eat.

So the main thing here is to drink water, and everything else doesn't matter, so after taking a quick glance, he turned his attention to the juice.

"Well, a cup of watermelon juice." Jiang Hai pointed to the watermelon juice on the menu and said to the waiter.

"Uh, sir, watermelon juice is iced." Hearing Jiang Hai's words, the waiter was stunned for a moment and looked at Jiang Hai with some confusion. He still drinks iced things in the winter. This guy's brain is broken. Bar.

"I know it's iced, that's it, hurry up." Jiang Hai clapped his hands and smiled awkwardly. Like most northern men, he doesn't like to drink hot things, such as beer, even if it's outside. Even at minus 20 or 30 degrees Celsius, they are willing to drink cold drinks.

"Okay!" The customer is God, so the waiter chuckled and walked into the coffee shop.

Not long after, a book of watermelon juice was brought out and placed in front of Jiang Hai. Jiang Hai looked at the watermelon juice with ice residue in front of him and took a sip. He had to admit that his head was really ice-cold. It hurts... but it feels so good!

"Teacher, teacher, look, is that the guy who was following us just now?" At this moment, in this small shop, the sharp-eyed black child pulled the sleeve of their teacher over there with a look of surprise. Face said excitedly.

"Huh? Where? Let me see, hey, it's really that uncle. Didn't he enter the shipyard just now? Why is he here again now?" After hearing the little black boy's words, a little white girl next to him looked surprised. spoke up.

Hearing what the children said, the female teacher also turned around from the bar, and happened to see Jiang Hai's figure.

"Huh? Watermelon juice?" When she turned around, she happened to see Jiang Hai drinking watermelon juice, which made her head hurt. This made the female teacher stunned for a moment, and then turned back to look in front of her. Her brows furrowed even deeper as she drank the watermelon juice. She was already a little angry, but now that she saw Jiang Hai, she felt even more uncomfortable.

According to the original plan, she should have returned to Winthrop with the children now, instead of staying here. If the damn driver hadn't had something unexpected and left her here, she would have died. There was no need to spend such a sum of money to treat the children to food. Of course, she was not worried about the money, but this matter made her very upset. But at this time, she discovered Jiang Hai sitting over there; It's strange that it would be good.

"Louis, Susan, you are responsible for watching over the little friends. I will go out and take a look." American women have very hot tempers. Looking at Jiang Hai outside, sipping watermelon juice, she He was so angry that after saying something to the little boy and girl who just spoke, he pulled up his windbreaker and walked out of the store.

"Sir, if you have anything to say, you can just say it. If you keep following me like this, then I will call the police." The teacher left the dessert shop. Jiang Hai also heard the sound, but he did not Pay attention to that side, because he really didn't know who came out, but this woman was very purposeful. She walked to Jiang Hai's side immediately and said to Jiang Hai.

"Huh? Cough... hello." Hearing the female teacher's words, Jiang Hai also shifted his gaze from the watermelon juice cup in front of him to the side. As a result, he saw the angry female teacher at a glance, which almost stopped Jiang Hai. I was choked to death, and listening to what she just said, it seemed like she had misunderstood herself again...

"I'm not good at all, sir. If you don't want to explain why you followed me and these little friends, I think you would rather explain it to the police." The pair of black eyes looked at Jiang Hai like this , the female teacher said with a serious face.

"Ahem, I did not follow you. I can only say that this is..." Jiang Hai waved his hands hastily and said anxiously.

"Is it fate? Haha, you can also say such clichéd words?" After hearing Jiang Hai's words, the female teacher couldn't help but interrupt him with disdain. The female teacher usually heard many such words.

To be honest, this female teacher is really good-looking. Three-quarters of her body is of Latin American origin, which makes her skin firm and her pores are not as big as those of traditional European and American people. And the one-quarter of European and American origin is , making her much taller than Hispanics, about 1.75 meters tall, with long black shawl hair, slightly curly, exquisite features, tall body, and big where it should be. The small figure in such a small place is really eye-catching.

But Jiang Hai could swear to God that he really didn't follow her.

"It's not fate, it's just a misunderstanding, okay? I never thought that I would meet you twice. Originally, I came here to buy a boat today. My people are assembling the boat in the Ocean Temple Shipyard. I don't believe you can do it. Go over and take a look, and I don’t understand these things, so I’m going to walk around here. Originally, I was following you on the destroyer, but I didn’t mean any harm. This is also the first time I’ve seen a destroyer. You The story was quite good, so I listened thoughtfully, but you misunderstood it once when it came out. This time, I was planning to go to Huaxia City Snack Street, but after walking around for two times, I got lost. I wanted to go there. Have a drink here, and then ask the waiter how to get out, and you come out..." Looking at the girl's obviously angry look, Jiang Hai became even more embarrassed, and immediately waved helplessly while explaining, hearing Jiang Hai Hai's words of explanation and her panicked look made the girl's brows relax a little, but she still looked a little doubtful.


Today’s update, although there is no list to compete for, but I still have to compete for the collection. Haha, if you feel that this book is still in your eyes, please click to collect it. This is the greatest support for the author. , thank you all!