My Ranch

Chapter 68: Reef shark


"There are sharks!" Jiang Hai's current five senses can be said to be at the limit of human beings. The moment the shark's fin broke the water, Jiang Hai noticed it and roared immediately. When he heard his words, Philemon next to him also Startled.

But when he looked at the shark fins in the distance, he couldn't help but sigh and continued to pour the fish. And the shark here, after smelling the fish, also rushed over and started to eat it with big mouthfuls. .

"Uh... it's dangerous." Seeing Philemon continuing to reverse the shark, Jiang Hai couldn't help but froze for a moment and whispered.

"Boss, don't be afraid, that's a reef shark." After hearing Jiang Hai's words, Edward here smiled and said.

"Reef shark?" After hearing what Edward said, Jiang Hai couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then looked at him.

"Boss, in fact, anyone who often sails on sea boats knows that sharks are indeed very fierce, but in fact, there are only a few types of sharks that we mainly guard against." After hearing Jiang Hai's words, Philemon, who had finished pouring the fish, also He spoke with a smile.

There are a total of 368 species of sharks in the world. Of course, this is not absolute, but these are probably the ones currently recorded.

Among these sharks, there are only seven species that will actively attack people.

The most famous are the three major sharks. The great white shark, also known as the man-eating shark, is the largest carnivorous fish in the world and has powerful attack power.

Secondly, there is the tiger shark family, and then there is the hammerhead shark, whose scientific name is the hammerhead shark. These three sharks are known as the three sharks that like to attack humans most. In addition, there are sharks that are still threatening to humans in the ocean. , as well as bull sharks, whitetip sharks, blacktip sharks (blacktip sharks) and sharpnose mako sharks. Basically, these are the only seven sharks that pose a threat to humans in the ocean.

Except for the crazy tiger shark, most other sharks attack humans and more than 90% of them are accidental kills.

Because when humans are surfing on the beach, looking up from the sea surface, they look like sharks' diet, seals.

So at this time, sharks often come out to attack humans, but most of the time, like a great white shark, if the bite feels wrong, it will swim away, so many people are attacked by great white sharks, but they can survive There are many people.

Hammerhead sharks have a bad temper. Although they are not like tiger sharks, they will kill you when they see you, but it mainly depends on their mood. If they are in a good mood, they will just swim away. If they are in a bad mood, they will come and fuck you. This Nothing much to say.

The remaining sharks are not too large. The bull shark can grow to three and a half meters long, the sharpnose mako shark can grow to four meters, the white tip shark can grow to more than two meters, and the blacktip shark is only more than one meter long. Long, so this kind of shark can also be regarded as a pet shark.

In addition to these seven species of sharks, the one that has injured the most people is the nurse shark. But everyone knows that nurse sharks do not eat people, and they have no offensive power. But you will understand if you look at the files.

These nurse sharks actually hurt people when humans dive to harass them. This is just like teasing a dog. A dog will bite you when it gets annoyed, let alone a shark? This is your own suicide, and you can't blame others.

The reef shark Edward mentioned does not actually refer to a kind of shark, but to a general term.

There is only one Caribbean reef shark that is really called a reef shark in the world. The reef sharks in its mouth refer to some sharks that rely on coral reefs to survive, such as lemon sharks, choke sharks, also known as nurse sharks, and wrinkled lips. Sharks, tiger sharks, cat sharks, dog sharks, sand tiger sharks, etc. The shark that is floating now can be considered a type of reef shark. The lemon shark has a decent attack power, but basically it will not attack humans. , especially when people are still on the boat, you must know that although Jiang Hai's open-headed boat is not big.

But it's definitely not small, and it's far from comparable to a shark that's only about two meters long.

"The coral reefs here are very developed, so they will attract a lot of fish. If there are fish, there will be sharks. This is a food chain, so we can't tell what kind of dangers there are underwater. There is no way to go into the water now. , when you can go into the water next year, boss, if you encounter a shark while playing underwater, the best way is to avoid it from a distance, but if this shark wants to attack you, don’t panic, you have some on hand If you have a weapon, kill it. If you don’t have one, hit its nose and eyes with your fists. Once you punch it, the thing will run away. In fact, sharks are very timid, just like their rat sharks, which are more courageous than The mice are not much bigger." Philemon said with a smile while cleaning the fish tank in the sea water.

The lemon shark, after eating the remaining small fish, slowly swam away. Seeing his movements, Jiang Hai couldn't help but remember that the last time he went into the sea, he saw this thing. It turns out that there is no threat to me. It seems that the idea of catching lobsters by myself can be implemented in advance. On second thought, it seems that I have caught a shark about the same size as this.

"By the way, where is the shark I caught? Is it dead?" Looking at the lemon shark that had swam away, Jiang Hai couldn't help but ask Edward. In fact, if he hadn't seen this shark today, he would have died. I almost forgot about this.

"That shark is still alive and well. Sometimes Robbins and I will bring some meat that we don't want to eat and feed it. It is still alive and well in the pool." Edward here also smiled at Jiang Hai and said it.

Hearing what he had done, Jiang Hai couldn't help but nodded. Nowadays, rich people are used to raising sharks. Why don't you get a few and keep them? To be honest, raising sharks is really impressive, and the most important thing is, Now it's easy for him to raise sharks.

You don't need money to buy sea water, and sharks don't need money to buy either. There are not hundreds, but dozens of sharks in his sea area.

Just catch it, the only thing you need to pay is the money for the fish tank, and the most important thing is, if he tame these sharks with blood, then they can play in the sea, how cool would it be, someone else drives a motorboat? Ride the shark yourself, be more powerful.

Thinking of this, Jiang Hai became even more interested in the sand tiger shark on his shore.

As the open-headed boat slowly drove back to the dock, Edward and Philemon also carried out a huge water tank. This was what they sorted out and could eat. As for Jiang Hai, he also had a water tank. He specially picked it up and ate it himself.

It contains sea cucumbers, sea urchins, various kinds of shrimps, and big crabs. They are all good things. However, Europeans and Americans don’t eat sea cucumbers and sea urchins. It doesn’t matter if Jiang Hai eats alone. As for shrimps and crabs, although these people eat them, But they obviously won't compete with the boss for some shrimps and crabs. In their opinion, eating fish is much more delicious than eating these troublesome things.

After placing the sink, they drove their all-terrain vehicles back to the living area. After Jiang Hai returned, he occupied a bathroom in his villa, kept all the things in it separately, and then took them With a large piece of beef, I went to the forest and took a look at the sand tiger shark. Although Jiang Hai had only seen this sand tiger shark once, it had eaten a squid stained with Jiang Hai's blood after all. , so when Jiang Hai went to see it, it clearly knew Jiang Hai, and its speed of swimming underwater suddenly accelerated.

"It seems that sharks can also be tamed!" Seeing the Sand Tiger Shark's obviously excited expression when he saw him, Jiang Hai chuckled, put a drop of blood on the beef in his hand, and then put it on the beef in his hand. The beef was thrown into the pool.

"Bang!" As soon as the beef entered the water, the sand tiger shark, whose sense of smell was much higher than that of a dog, immediately smelled the smell of beef and blood. It immediately jumped out and bit the beef in its mouth. Even He also jumped out of the pool.

The water in the pool was all over Jiang Hai, but Jiang Hai didn't care and instead laughed.

"Stay here well. I will come over to see you when I have time. When the time is up, I will put you back into the sea." Looking at the shark that fell back into the pool and wandered back and forth, Jiang Hai said with a smile. .

Then he filled the bag with a large bag of sea water and returned to his room. He did not forget that whether it was sea cucumbers or sea urchins, they were all sea creatures and needed sea water to grow.

After settling everything, Jiang Hai also received a call from Philemon, telling him that dinner was ready.

When Jiang Hai heard what Philemon said, he didn't say much and went directly to his home. Today was another party, a party mainly focusing on fish dishes. Counting that the cow would be killed tomorrow, it would be another party. A party, to be honest, Jiang Hai likes this kind of life very much.

He didn't have to worry about eating or drinking. He just played all day long and had nothing to worry about. He would get together every now and then. Seeing that his manor was gradually getting on the right track, the smile on Jiang Hai's face became more and more intense. Although he spent a lot of money, But being able to be so sincerely happy is also a rare good thing for Jiang Hai.

However, Jiang Hai is happy at this time, but there are also many people who are upset... For example, in Boston at this time, Skadden Law Firm.

"Mr. Adams, can you please give me five minutes?" Moses Adams, a top lawyer at Skadden Law Firm, is 42 years old. He entered this industry 20 years ago and has been in the industry throughout his life. He filed 912 lawsuits, winning 713 of them. The reason he lost the lawsuits was because of the irrefutable evidence, but it also minimized the losses of the parties involved. Otherwise, he would not have been able to easily become a lawyer in the firm opened by Star in Boston. The third top position, for ordinary lawyers, can reach the average income, which is about $100,000 a year, which is good. But for Moses Adams, his annual income starts at one million U.S. dollars. But recently he took on another big job, a big job given to him by a large manor owner. If this job is done beautifully, it will not only bring a lot of income, but also increase the greatest reputation in the industry. After all, this time, he The complaint was against the police system of the entire state. Although the evidence was somewhat insufficient, he was doing a very good job. In just a few days, there was even news that Massa was talking about the state government and was preparing to take Wen. All the police officers in the Slop Police Department were wiped out and then reassigned to explain to him. This was a big improvement, and naturally many people couldn't sit still at this time.


Today’s second update, sent in a row!