My Reincarnation Cinema

Chapter 10: Li Ling also hung up


After a while, two men came from the bus stop, an old man in crematorium work clothes, and a young man in gray casual clothes.

After the two of them sat firmly, the bus started slowly again.

The old man sat down and said depressed: "What kind of weather is it today? How can there be no moonlight at all."

The young man also followed and said: "Who said no, I couldn't see what happened, and I fell on the road and hurt me to death."

The old man looked at the young man with a blue nose and a swollen face, and said with a look of concern: "Young man, why are you walking so carelessly."

"Hey, I was careless." The young man said depressed.

The bus drove slowly in this way, and the inside of the car fell into tranquility. The dim yellow light shone on, so that everyone was surrounded by a dark shadow.

At this time!

The old man suddenly exclaimed, "Ah, why is my wallet missing."

The three Yang Tian immediately looked at the old man and found that the old man was groping around on his body anxiously, but they couldn't find the wallet.

At this time, the old man grabbed the young man's hand and said anxiously: "Did you steal my wallet? Give it back to me quickly."

The young man shook off the old man's hand and shouted, "Don't wrong the good guy. When did I take your wallet?"

The old man pointed at the young man and shouted: "It must be you. You are the only one sitting next to me, and when I got into the car, I found my wallet on me, but now I lost it. It's not who you took it."

After the old man finished speaking, he reached out and grabbed the young man's hand and shouted, "Go, there is a police station ahead. Follow me to the police station for comment."

The young man said anxiously: "Go and go, whoever is afraid of whom."

"Master, stop," the old man called.

The bus stopped slowly, and the old man grabbed the young man's hand and got out of the bus.

Yang Tian looked at the two people who got out of the car and was very surprised. He didn't know why the old man had to pull the young man out of the car.

Since the two got on the bus, he had been staring at them, and he could clearly see that the young man hadn't taken the old man's wallet at all.

Since the young man sat down, he sat there upright, motionless, and there was no sign of stealing the old man's wallet.

Yang Tian didn't understand whether the old man saw something in the car that made the old man make the decision to get off the car.

Thinking of this, Yang Tian followed the old man’s initial gaze, and found that his gaze was exactly on the couple in the front row on the right. The couple had never spoken until now. The woman fell asleep on the man’s lap, and the man closed. The upper eyes are resting.

Could it be that one of these people is a ghost? Yang Tian thought suspiciously.

"You said, who of them is a ghost?" Li Mu asked, watching the live broadcast in the video.

Zhang Xin tilted her head and guessed: "I think the woman in front of Yang Tian is suspicious. She should be a ghost."

"I also think that the woman in white clothes is a ghost. Originally, I thought the old lady was a ghost. I didn't expect that she would get out of the car." Lu Ming also analyzed by the side.

"I think that old couple are more likely to be ghosts. Look at the white-haired woman who looks like her in her 60s, but she still gives her grandson her breast milk, and her husband looks like a natural one. He must be a ghost. "Wang Lei said.

"Have you not noticed why the old man got out of the car? I think he must have seen a ghost, so he got out of the car." Li Mu said confidently, "So I think that ghost is a woman who has been sleeping."

Lu Fan watched each of the four of them say a ghost, and his face was speechless. Isn't it the same as not saying it

As for who the ghost is, Lu Fan thinks it is the baby. There is no such ugly baby. If my baby is so ugly, I will shoot him back.

The bus started slowly again!

Yang Tian looked at the two standing in the dark, wanting to find some clues in the old man's face.

It happened that the old man also looked at the three Yang Tian in the car. Yang Tian found pity and pity in the old man's eyes. This convinced Yang Tian that the old man had really found a ghost, but he did not dare to say.

"Old man, where is the police station here? You are not lying to me." The young man asked impatiently as he watched the bus go away.

"Go to the police station, boy, I saved your life!" The old man said with a sullen expression.

The young man looked puzzled: "Saved my life, when did you save me?"

The old man said: "I am an employee of the Tomb Mountain Crematorium. All the people in the car are dead. I clearly remember that they were pulled into the incinerator for incineration yesterday. It was my own hands."

"I was not sure just now. I also stared at the couple on the opposite side, and found that the woman who fell asleep was not asleep at all. She noticed that I was looking at her, and she gave me a vicious smile, the blood and blood. Looks like, I'm pretty sure it was one of those incinerated yesterday."

The young man looked at the old man expressionlessly: "Then you see if I look like one of them."

The old man looked at this young man with a broken nose and swollen face in amazement. He didn't know if his head was broken. He made this kind of joke at this time, but as the dark clouds drifted by, revealing the moon behind, he finally remembered this young man. The person was also one of the people who were incinerated yesterday.

"You... it's you!" The old man pointed at the young man and said in horror, and then the old man turned back and ran back.

The young man looked at the old man who ran away, his face slowly decayed, and a vicious smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then he ran after him.

After a long time!


The screams of the old man spread far away, but unfortunately the bus had gone far, and Yang Tian did not see it.

Yang Tian looked at the five people and a baby in the car, very puzzled, not knowing who was the real ghost.

"Xiaoyue, who do you say is the real ghost?" Yang Tian asked Liu Yue in a low voice.

"This... I can't tell." Because the old lady, who had initially thought the most likely, got off the car like this, Liu Yue didn't dare to speculate wildly.

Li Ling was also thinking about who is the ghost. At this moment, she felt a little wet hand touching her foot.

Li Ling was taken aback, and quickly looked down, and found that it was a baby under her feet. The baby was covered in blood. The dark eyes looked at her grimly, and the corners of her mouth split, revealing the blood-red sharp teeth inside.

The baby found that Li Ling had spotted him and rushed towards her quickly.

"Ah!" Li Ling exclaimed in shock.

Her horrified face, her eyes reflected the baby's figure, and she was plunged into the boundless darkness at last, not even reminding Yang Tian that Liu Yue was a ghost.

Yang Tian and Liu Yue heard Li Ling's cry and quickly looked at where she was, but with this moment of effort, Li Ling had disappeared without a trace.

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