My Reincarnation Cinema

Chapter 252: A weird death


He Shan looked at the selection light curtain in front of him, thinking seriously.

The first option is definitely not available.

A pregnant woman with a terrifying face, coupled with the fact that she was delivered by a single person, and 80% of them would have major problems. He had never heard that only one doctor would be needed for delivery.

Of course, in ancient times, the woman might have been delivered by a midwife.

He was even more afraid to choose the second option.

Where is the morgue? Needless to say, everyone understands. Moreover, there was a horrible noise inside. Wouldn't it be death if it went

The third option, it seems that there is no difficulty, and there are no hidden traps, but you can choose.

The fourth item, just got a job, but asked the bald doctor to change a job, and even asked to change to the dean, how is this possible

He thought and thought, and finally chose the third item.

He Shan said silently in his heart.

Lin Xixi looked at the light curtain that no one could see, and silently chose the fourth item.

She would definitely not choose the first option. Asking a nurse to go to the high-level ward alone, guarding a man whose face was severely burned, was not very safe at all.

The second option asks a nurse to check the abnormal noise in the morgue. This is not the same as sending to death. Choosing this option is better than jumping off the top of the hospital.

The third option seemed to be the safest. She thought about it for a while, but didn't plan to choose. After all, their mobile phones were all turned off for some reason, and they could only use the black mobile phone that appeared suddenly to take pictures. She didn't feel very safe.

It's the fourth option that seems the least reliable, but it perfectly meets all of his requirements. There is no need to work, and there is an excuse to rendezvous with the protagonist.

What a perfect option is that the execution process may be embarrassing and may even be ridiculed by others.

Lin Xixi guessed that He Shan would not choose this option. After all, being pressed by a newcomer, he didn't seem to feel very comfortable.

Ha ha, a man's boring self-esteem.

[Selected successfully, regenerate the script]

In the next moment, the script was filled in their minds again. He Shan smiled at Lin Xixi and said, "Bai Yao, this is the first time we have found a job. Let's take a picture as a memory."

"Alright." Lin Xixi smiled: "Ding Dong, let me take a picture of you first, and then I will take another one."

She guessed right, and He Shan chose the third option.

"Yes, this phone can also take pictures, just use this phone." He Shan handed the black phone to Lin Xixi and smiled brightly, "I'm standing in front of the hospital stone monument, and I must be a stone monument. Take it all in."

Lin Xixi received the black phone with an ominous premonition in her heart.

She shook her head and drove the feeling out.

Maybe I think too much, just take a picture, what can be dangerous.

"Safe Hospital"

Looking at the four bronzing characters on the stone tablet in the camera of the phone, and He Shan who was smiling happily on one side, she always had a creepy feeling in her heart, as if someone was staring at her intently.

Although Lin Xixi felt weird in her heart, she still pressed the camera button on her phone.

There was a "click".


With this sound, Lin Xixi was horrified to find that He Shan's body seemed to have been cut by a laser, slowly falling down piece by piece. Finally, under Lin Xixi's horrified gaze, He Shan became A pile of neatly scratched pieces of meat.


Lin Xixi covered her face and shouted in fear.

She seemed to be unable to accept the sudden death of her boyfriend He Shan, squatting in fright, shaking all over.

"He Shan, you died so miserably, I must avenge you." Lin Xixi raised her head and looked at the blue sky, showing hatred, "I will never let you die in vain."

At this moment, He Shan's terrifying voice came out from the black mobile phone used to take pictures.

"Bai... Yao... You... Actually... I... You... Also... Very... Soon... Just... Come... Accompany... I... Accompany... I..."

Although the voice was full of resentment, Lin Xixi could tell that it was He Shan's voice.

Lin Xixi subconsciously took a look at the phone.


She yelled and found in horror that the background of the phone screen had been replaced by He Shan, which was made up of pieces of meat. He Shan stared at Lin Xixi and roared loudly, his voice as if he was right in front of her eyes.

"Lin Xixi, if you can't escape, you will die, and you will die too."

Lin Xixi was so scared that she lost her phone. She never thought that He Shan, who was already dead, entered the phone and complained that she killed him.

Lin Xixi ran out of the hospital and ran wildly towards the crowded place.

When she ran, she also found a benefit, that is, she didn't even need to execute her own death option.

This may be rare good news in horror, and she has every reason now to choose to meet the protagonist and them.

As for where to meet, she found the electronic map in the black phone early on.

On the other side, Lu Fan didn't wait long, and the other four actors came here one after another.

The two men, two women and four are all second-line actors. To Lu Fan's surprise, there is also a tall, fashionable foreign beauty among them.

She has long black hair, is fair and beautiful, and has a very sexy figure. She is now wearing a miniskirt, showing two long white legs, and two pairs of black high boots on her long legs.

"Are you also the holder of this kind of black mobile phone?" Yang Jun, with yellow hair and pierced ears, and wearing ripped jeans, looked up and asked Lu Fan.

At the same time, he took out his black phone and shook it in front of the sturdy Lu Fan.

Then he also saw Yue Qingyin and Zhu Menghan behind, and nodded imperceptibly to Zhu Menghan.

Unfortunately, Zhu Menghan didn't even look at him, but looked at Lu Fan curiously.

This made Yang Jun feel uncomfortable. There is nothing good about this man, but he is taller and stronger, and the other items can be comparable to him.

You know he is a second-line actor, and this silly, big and talented third-line actor named Lu Fan, what ability can compare with me.

Lu Fan felt the hostility of the yellow-haired young man towards him, so he put his arms around Zhu Menghan and glanced at him lightly. Jian eyebrows picked up rhythmically.

"you… "

Feeling Lu Fan's movements, Zhu Menghan raised his beautiful eyebrows, staring at Lu Fan in surprise, wondering what he was going crazy.

Seeing the goddess he likes being hugged in the arms of others, it made Yang Jun's cheeks jump, and he clenched his fists hard. He couldn't bear this kind of provocation.

That's right, Lu Fan is provoking. Whoever is hostile to me is my enemy.

[Movie Tip: The actor did not follow the script to shoot, deduct ten points of grievance scroll]

Lu Fan: "..."

Is there any mistake? He hated me first, and after I didn't speak, he actually detained my grievances.

The director has the ability to come out and see if I can kill you.

The brand-new short domain name provides faster and more stable access, dear readers, hurry up and write me down: (End of this chapter)