My Reincarnation Cinema

Chapter 258: Life and death crisis


Cui Zhou used an unknown car left by Zhu Menghan to the destination according to the address given by the computer.

"I hope that villa will not be in danger." Cui Zhou looked nervously at the pedestrians on both sides of the road, and could not relax.

This time the script may be his most dangerous one. Fortunately, he is not a rookie, and he has the means to save his life.

"Hey, I had known that I would not be a hero, so I would go to the master with them." Cui Zhou sighed, his expression a little regretful.

After driving for half an hour, the road became more and more deviated, and the scenery became more and more desolate, and there were not many pedestrians.


"Is it here?"

【44 Taiping Road】

Cui Zhou looked at the villa yard in front of him, and the cement on the wall had fallen off in large pieces, exposing the red brick wall inside.

It seems that it has been abandoned for a long time, and over the fence, there is only one dilapidated two-story villa in the yard.

This villa looks like a dilapidated house no matter what, and I don’t know how people lived a year ago.

"This... isn't this a suburban holiday villa built by our company? But I remember it's not on this road."

Cui Zhou looked at the villa in front of him in shock and said, "Even if I use poor materials, it's impossible for me to become like this in a few years?"

At this time, a wrinkled, hunched old grandmother passed by here.

"Old man." Cui Zhou called to stop the old man.

The old man turned his head and stared at Cui Zhou with muddy eyes, his voice hoarse and said: "Young man, what's the matter?"

"Old man, this is the case. I want to ask if this villa was not built a few years ago? Why is it broken like this now." Cui Zhou asked in a puzzled face.

"You said this villa." The old man reacted after listening to it for a long time, and said in horror: "Young man, I advise you not to be curious about this villa. This villa is very weird. Everyone who enters it has never Came out."

Cui Zhou smiled with an ugly face, and said, "Old man, now in a scientific society, how can there be such weird and chaotic things

Besides, this half-collapsed villa, who would dare to enter. "

"Young man, the old lady didn't bluff you. When you can see that the villa is complete, it means that the villa has selected you, and you will involuntarily walk in and never come out again." The old man's cold and quiet words made Cui Zhou full Cold sweat.

But he still resisted the panic in his heart, and continued to ask: "The old man, do you know that strange things happened in this villa, when did it start?"

"What about this?" The old man hunched his waist and recalled hard, "It seems to have been since the death of the girl named Gu Shiqin a year ago."

"How did that girl die!"

"I heard that a trafficker trapped her in the villa. When the girl ran away, a staircase suddenly collapsed. She rolled her head and hit the corner of the wall, killing her."

"The old man, do you know what the trafficker's name is?" Cui Zhou has been listening to traffickers, but there is no information about this trafficker on the Internet.

He thinks this human trafficker may also be an important clue.

"Is she?" The old man thought for a long time, looking at Cui Zhou with muddy eyes, "I can't remember, but I have a picture of her at home, do you need a young man?"

"Great, I need it." Cui Zhou nodded excitedly, and things finally made new progress.

"Then go, I'll take you to get it."

When the old man finished speaking, he bent over and walked forward, Cui Zhou hurriedly followed.

However, what puzzled him was that the front seemed to be wasteland, and there was no house in sight.

However, Cui Zhou quickly understood that the old man’s house was built behind the villa, and it was only a dozen meters away.

This is a thatched house built entirely of mud. There is no trace of concrete. There is a window on the front of the house, which is now tightly closed.

The old man pushed open the wooden door and said quietly: "Come in. The photo is on the altar table in the main room. You can go and see it by yourself. The old lady is still cooking."

After speaking, the old man walked into the back room on his own.

Cui Zhou walked in cautiously, he couldn't help being careless and careful in such a place.

The room was very dark and the lighting was not good. As soon as you stepped into the threshold, a damp and decadent smell rushed over your face. Cui Zhou didn't react much. After all, a lonely old man lived alone, the house would naturally have a decadent smell.

There is an offering table in the middle of the hall, with two incense sticks on it, offering a few pieces of gods.

Cui Zhou walked over cautiously, and immediately found the photo standing on the confession table.

He picked it up cautiously and observed. This is a photo of a couple. In the photo, the two girls are smiling very brightly.

A young woman, one still looks like a middle school student.

This girl with the appearance of a middle school student, Cui Zhou knew that she was Gu Shiqin even if she hadn't seen Gu Shiqin's photos, not to mention that he had seen Gu Shiqin's photos on the computer.

What really surprised him was that another young woman in the photo, this woman turned out to be Yue Qingyin, which he couldn't imagine.

"She turned out to be the trafficker." Cui Zhou said with an incredible face: "Moreover, it seems that he doesn't even know his boyfriend's nonsense."

at this time.

A magic card on the altar suddenly fell.

He was so frightened that he almost took out the contents in his right pocket.

But fortunately, Cui Zhou stopped in time, otherwise he would have wasted an opportunity, and waited thirty minutes, which was almost fatal.

Cui Zhou held up the magic card, but his face suddenly paled after a pause with his hand.

[Granddaughter Gu Shiqin's God Position]

"This... Is this old man?" Cui Zhou said to himself in horror. He clearly remembered that Gu Shiqin's grandmother had been dead for more than a year, and she died earlier than Gu Shiqin. How could it be possible to give Ancient poems set up the memorial tablet.

In other words, this old man turned out to be a ghost.

"What are you doing with my granddaughter's tablet!" At this time, a terribly cold voice asked in the darkness.

Cui Zhou turned around in fright and found that the old man had walked out of the back room without knowing when, standing in the dark staring at him blankly.

"Ha ha."

Cui Zhou gave a dry smile, "Old man, I'm just a little curious, curious, since I have seen the photos, I will leave now, and I will leave now."

"Giggle~" The old man gave a weird smile, "Young man, look at the tablet next to it."

Cui Zhou subconsciously glanced at the magic card obliquely, and his heart stopped for a while in fright.

[Grandma Dong Xiu's God Position]

Moreover, blood was bleeding from above, and a face was looking at him maliciously on the tablet.

She is Gu Shiqin.

Taking advantage of Cui Zhou's distraction, Dong Xiu's ghost disappeared into the darkness, and when it reappeared, the hand with the corpse was already on Cui Zhou's shoulder.


A huge roar sounded in his ears, impacting his distracted consciousness.

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