My Reincarnation Cinema

Chapter 26: Eat


"Cough! Cough!" Lu Fan coughed a few times and said with a guilty conscience: "I told you this, don't blame me, I changed the horror house into a horror-themed cinema."

"What!!! You transformed the horror house into a movie theater."

Wan Yue looked at Lu Fan in surprise, and then smiled without a lady: "Hahaha, I'm so ridiculous, can you have a business in a movie theater in an amusement park? Lu Fan, what do you think? You weren't in school before. Is it smart?"

"Um... Is it so funny?"

Lu Fan muttered in his heart: "Wait until I become a millionaire and watch me slap you in the face with money, and let you know if there is business."

At the same time, Lu Fan was relieved to see that Wan Yuexi was not angry. After all, this horror house was assigned to him by her mother. Although it was already regarded as his, Lu Fan privately transformed the horror house without their consent. The behavior is also very bad.

If Wan Yuexi knew that Lu Fan was going to take money to shoot her cute face, I wonder if she would give him a good lesson.

After smiling enough, Wan Yue said softly: "Lu Fan, have you eaten yet."

"Not yet, I was going to eat it now."

"Then, let's see if you don't have any business here. I'll invite you to have a big meal." After Wan Yuexi finished speaking, she picked up her bag and stood up, beautifully looking at Lu Fan, waiting for Lu Fan's response.

Lu Fan said politely: "It's not good to cost you much."

After speaking, Lu Fan stood up and walked out, while saying: "Then where shall we go to eat!"

Wan Yue looked at Lu Fan in surprise. Is such a shameless person still Lu Fan I know

"Lu Fan, you haven't changed in a month."

Lu Fan touched the stubborn chin, and said, "Is it handsome?"

"No, it's shameless."

"Um... didn't you say you invited me to dinner?"

When he came to the entrance of the amusement park, Lu Fan's eyes were immediately attracted by a flaming supercar.

"Who owns this Ferrari? No one in the amusement park seems to buy a Ferrari supercar."

Wan Yuexi said with a pretty face: "Of course it's mine, how about it, pretty, I bought it for five million."

"It's so expensive." Lu Fan was a little surprised. At the same time, he felt embarrassed when he thought that he would become a millionaire and slap her in the face. He didn't expect the sister-in-law to be so rich, but fortunately he didn't say it.

"It's not too expensive anymore." Wan Yuexi said without paying attention.

Really rich, although he knew that her family was rich, but he didn't expect to be so rich, if it weren't for this Ferrari, he would still be kept in the dark.

At this time, Lu Fan's eyes lit up, and he smiled at Wan Yue and said, "That... that...your original BMW won't open anymore!"

"Um... Stop it!"

Lu Fan rubbed his hands and said with a flattering smile: "Yue Xi, can you drive it for me then?"

Wan Yuexi's small face was full of smiles, and she whispered: "Brother-in-law, why didn't you tell me earlier, I gave it to my cousin Xinxin."

Lu Fan felt sad when he thought of the kid who always laughed at him, and said faintly: "Forget it, I don't like BMW anyway, I still like the feeling of driving Wuling Hongguang to drag racing."

"Puff, lie to you, I put it in the underground garage of my house, and I will drive it over when I come next time."

Lu Fan's face suddenly turned cloudy and clear, and he complimented: "My sister-in-law is kind to me."

Wan Yuexi gave Lu Fan a white look, and said, "Huh, who treats you well, it's not so stinky? I just looked after you in the relationship with my former classmates."

"Hehe, I know, I know."

"Let's go, get in the car, I'll take you to eat delicious food." Wan Yuexi sat in the cab and asked Lu Fan to get in the car quickly.

"Okay." Lu Fan answered, and got into the co-pilot.

Along the way, Lu Fan’s eyes floated uncontrollably towards Wan Yuexi’s long white legs, and finally said a few words silently in his heart: She is your sister-in-law, how could you have thoughts about her? On the roadside building.

After driving for about half an hour, Ferrari stopped in front of a western restaurant named South Beauty. Its original name was in French. The name South Beauty was translated by Lu Fan. It shouldn't be wrong to think about it!

"Here, it's this one. Let's go in. The food in this western restaurant is delicious."

Lu Fan asked strangely: "Then why is its name called Beauty South Western Restaurant?"

Wanyue gave Lu Fan a blank look, and said angrily: "Who told you that it's called South Beauty, it translates to delicious food, so you have nothing to do to learn a foreign language, but you just don't listen."

Fortunately, Wan Yuexi did not continue to question, and walked towards the restaurant with her slender thighs.

"Welcome!" The two French girls smiled at Wan Yue.

"Does the lady have a reservation? If not, I will help the lady find a new position." One of the girls asked, but in French.

Wan Yuexi said in fluent French: "I have booked a seat, my surname is Wan."

"Alright two, please come with me." The receptionist looked at the list of reservation personnel in his hand, and respectfully led Wan Yuexi and Lu Fan into it.

"Mr. Madam, your seat is here. The meal will be served soon. Please wait a moment." The receptionist led them to a long table and said respectfully.

"Okay, trouble you." After that, Wan Yuexi smiled at Lu Fan, "Lu Fan, the French-style baked snails and filet steak here are delicious."

Lu Fan smiled expectantly: "Then I want to taste it."

In a short while, the dishes came one after another.

"Come on, Lu Fan, how about you try this French grilled fish."

Wan Yuexi picked up a piece of grilled fish and placed it on Lu Fan's dinner plate, looking expectantly at Lu Fan.

"Well, it tastes good, it's delicious." Lu Fan took a bite, feeling very delicious, almost catching up with the charcoal-grilled cod he made.

Wan Yuexi smiled and said softly: "If it tastes good, eat more, and call again if it's not enough."

After speaking, Wan Yuexi picked up another piece of chicken and put it on Lu Fan's dinner plate:

"You try this French chicken curry again, it tastes very good."

Unconsciously, Lu Fan ate most of the dish he was on, and Wan Yuexi said that she had a great appetite, so she ate a few bites of vegetable salad and pudding, and then she held her chin and started watching Lu Fan eat. .

On the way back, Wan Yuexi smiled at Lu Fan and said, "Lu Fan, don't worry, I'll beg my sister when I get home and let you come back to live."

"I'm not worried, I'm having a pretty good life now." Lu Fan said without saying anything.

Wan Yuexi blinked her eyes mischievously, and said softly, "This is not good. There are three women in our family. If you have any major issues, you have to have a man."

"Well, when you get it through with your mother, come and talk to me!"

Wan Yuexi's eyes paled with Lu Fan, and she said softly, "What my mother, it's your mother, okay?"

"Hehe, it's my mother."

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