My Reincarnation Cinema

Chapter 271: Three Prologues to the Wraith Hotel


Similarly, in other rooms, there were people doing similar things. They saw a woman feeding a black mouse on the ground with a note on her hand. After the black mouse finished eating the note, she squeaked to the corner of the movie theater, and then weird. A small hole was dug and disappeared.

For a time, the reincarnation cinema was surging, and almost all cinemas already knew the news.

The huge dark wooden coffin in the center of the first reincarnation cinema hall, with a bang, a huge and terrifying figure came out from it. What is very strange is that this terrifying figure does not have a head.

"Congratulations to the chief awakening." All the actors in the hall bent over and shouted feverishly.

"Big brother, you finally wake up." The actor Shi Zhan also smiled.

There are two movie kings in the first reincarnation cinema, one is Wu Tian and the other is Shi Zhan, which is recognized as one of the strongest ancient theaters in all reincarnation cinemas.

And the other strongest theater, the 19th Reincarnation Theater on the Second Theater Line, also has two ancient movie kings.

The huge and burly Haotian looked at the many fanatical actors and made a huge noise in his chest and abdomen.

"The emperor has a hunch that the road to transcendence is about to open, and you are ready for the cross-cinema war. All those who stand in the way ahead will have only one way to go, and that is torn apart."

"Fight, fight." The actors said enthusiastically: "We want to level all the theaters."

Luna looked at the note in her hand and was shocked. She did not expect that Ming Ge, who sneaked into her own theater privately, knew how to quit the Samsara Cinema.

[The second-line actor Ming Ge of the Zeroth Degree Reincarnation Cinema is free to quit the Reincarnation Cinema, and at the same time is suspected to be in control of the Zeroth Degree Reincarnation Cinema. In reality, a theater opened to show the horror movies he shot. Please make preparations early. 】

Only now did she understand why Ming Ge could invade her movie theater without her consent.

It's because this person is very special.

At the same time, she understands that this method of exiting the reincarnation cinema will drive all the movie kings crazy, and it is very likely that this will evolve into a war that will affect all the theaters. She needs to prepare early.

The Moon God looked at the respectful Yue Qingyin and said, "Qingyin, don't shoot this horror movie..."

Moon light tone: "..."

Okay, Lord Actor.

The nineteenth reincarnation cinema.

A huge dark conference room filled with silent actors. The actor Shen Tu, who carried a huge nightmare longbow, said: "The actor in charge of the key to transcendence has appeared. The battle is about to begin. This battle can only succeed, not fail."

Another actor, Yu Lei, said, “This battle may kill many people, but this war is imperative. We can’t avoid it. It’s a pity that our theater does not have an actor who filmed this movie. Otherwise, we can do it through the movie. Control Mingge to achieve the goal."

The cross-cinema war is a war that involves a lot of involvement and affects all theaters.

When the lowest two movie celebrities initiate the cross-cinema campaign, the cross-cinema campaign voting will begin, once all theaters agree with more than half of the votes.

That will open a top nightmare horror movie, this horror movie will pull all the theater actors into it, let them shoot and survive in it.

It can be said that there are no actors who can survive the top nightmare horror movies.

It is worth noting that there will be two votes for the initiating theater, which means that even if the votes are tied, they will use one more vote to determine the final direction of the number of votes.

This is the helpless move of the reincarnation cinema that did not participate in the Overture of the Three Undead of the Undead Hotel.

Of course, this is the last resort. If the zeroth degree actor Mingge can share the secret, then there is no need to start a cross-cinema campaign.

As for those theaters that have actors participating, they are very excited, because no matter how weak a theater is, it still has the ability or objects to control other actors.

The fourth reincarnation cinema.

This is a farmer's theater. The highest chief criminal is the boss of this group. There are also two first-line elite actors and five first-line actors. The other low-level actors are the livestock they raised. These low-level actors have not passed through. For a horror movie, most of the grievance scroll must be paid as a management fee, and the chiefs are basically left to slaughter them.

As for those who didn't pay, they interrupted both hands and feet, threw them into a corner, and let them fend for themselves.

What excites the criminals this time is that this overture of the Three Dead Souls in the Wraith Hotel is actually attended by their theater actors, or the first-line elite actor butcher personally participates. Isn't this a way to give them a chance to withdraw from the reincarnation cinema

"Haha, it seems that even the heavens are taking care of us." The criminal said happily, because the elite actors on the front line are basically invincible because the actor does not make a move.

"Butcher, give me a way to control Mingge in the movie. I want to get all the information in his mind."

"Haha, boss, don't worry, I promise to keep him under control as soon as he enters the movie." A scar butcher with a face full of flesh said confidently.

"Butcher, please be careful not to let other theaters take the lead." The prisoner reminded: "This matter is very important. Don't take it lightly."

… Jingdi Jingdi

Lu Fan, who was ready, sat in his seat and waited for the beginning of the movie. He didn't know that the Samsara Cinema was surging again because of him, but this time, it was accompanied by murderous dangers.

clang! clang! clang!

The bell at midnight in the cinema finally rang!

The movie screen turned on automatically, and there was a bloody light on the screen, and the bloody light twisted and turned into a few bloody characters [The Overture of the Three Undead in the Wraith Hotel].

With a "shuttle", Lu Fan disappeared.

Ming Ge Detective Agency.

"Old guys, this is the end of today's live broadcast." Lu Fan shouted into the computer camera.

"Anchor, won't it be broadcast so soon?" a netizen asked.

"Yes, I just came here."

"Haha, you also know that being a detective is very busy." Lu Fan smiled.

"GodTM is very busy. The anchor is playing live games 7 days a week, 6 and a half days, but it is really busy."

"You don't understand it, live broadcast is just a way to cover yourself up."

Since he has already filmed once before, he is familiar with the live broadcast to make money. As for investigating the case, he said that no one came in and patronized the film in the upper part.

"Husband, why don't you live it live." At this moment, Mu Ruoning, wearing a black professional suit, walked in from outside and asked curiously.

Mu Ruoning looked at Lu Fan carefully, and found that he had changed a lot now, with short silver-white hair floating strangely behind his head, and his eyes turned golden yellow, which was breathtaking.

"Haha, wife, you are back." Lu Fan smiled and walked forward.

"Husband, you must be hungry too, I'll cook for you."

Lu Fan showed a faint smile behind him. In his golden eyes, Mu Ruoning was reflected as a woman with long purple hair with a height of nearly 1.9 meters and a body of perfect proportions.

Lu Fan, a long-haired woman with purple hair, still knows Lu Fan, the actor and actress of the 14th Reincarnation Cinema.

Although he didn't know how Moon God replaced Mu Ruoning and came in as the heroine, he didn't know what her purpose was.

But since Moon God wanted to hide, he would play with her.

Moon God was washing the dishes with a calm expression, unaware that he had revealed his identity.

Of course, she has never worried about the problem of revealing her identity. After all, to see her true body, at least you have to be at the same level as her, and you also need to have nightmare-level spiritual curses related to your eyes. Done.

ps: Thank you for the rewards of a few big guys, yeah.

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