My Reincarnation Cinema

Chapter 60: Escape from the dead


When I heard that Hao Fu was dead.

Wan Yuexi said with a shocked face: "No, Hao Fu is dead, and there are ghosts in the villa, how is this possible."

"Mengyue, don't scare us." Liu Shiyu also looked incredulous.

"What I said is true. Let's go now. The villa is very dangerous now. That female ghost may come at any time."

Li Mengyue held the hands of Liu Shiyu and Wan Yuexi, and her body trembled in fear.

They didn't know that, in the hall across the door, a strange figure stood here, looking at the closed door with a vicious expression on his face.

"Well, Mengyue, we will leave right away."

Looking at Li Mengyue, who was about to collapse, Liu Shiyu planned to listen to her temporarily, regardless of whether it was true or not.

Wan Yuexi also patted Li Mengyue on the back, and said softly, "Okay, let's go now."

Wan Yuexi intends to go out and call Lu Fan up. As for the people upstairs, seeing Li Mengyue's situation, they must be reluctant to go upstairs.

She had another consideration. If what Li Mengyue said was true, then Liang Cai and Yao Lelei in the next room would definitely be too bad.

If what Li Mengyue said is false, then call them and apologize.

Thought of this.

Wan Yuexi opened the door of the room, but she soon discovered in horror that the door seemed to be welded to death and couldn't be opened.

Wan Yuexi and Liu Shiyu looked at each other, and both saw the panic in each other's eyes.

Wan Yuexi's pretty face was a little scared, and said weakly, "Shiyu, why can't this door be opened? It seems that it can't be locked outside, right?"

Liu Shiyu's face turned pale, nodded, and whispered: "Well, there is no way to lock it outside."

At this time, with a "zi" sound, the lighting in the room suddenly broke down, and the room suddenly fell into darkness.

"Ah!!!" The three of them hugged each other in fear.

"Quickly turn on the phone lights." Wanyue was still more courageous, and turned on the phone lights, and the yellow light shone toward the door.

At this time, under the door, a lot of blood began to pour in. The blood was like sulfuric acid, and the furniture melted in the blood wherever it passed.

"Ah! Yuexi, what should we do now?" Liu Shiyu hugged Wan Yuexi in fear, utterly chaotic.

Wan Yuexi was still calm, and said, "Let's step back first, and don't let the blood touch us."

Because Lu Fan was too bored in the room, he walked to the backyard of the villa alone.

Although the sky suddenly darkened and darkened, it had little effect on his vision.

Lu Fan looked at the weird shadows of the surrounding trees, and when he walked slowly to the edge of the ancient well, he suddenly found a mobile phone dropped by the well.

Lu Fan picked up the phone and muttered to himself: "How come there is a mobile phone here."

He pressed the power button, and a picture of a man appeared on the homepage. This man was Liang Cai.

"This phone should have been dropped by Liang Cai when he was fetching water." This made Lu Fan very puzzled, why it has been so long before Liang Cai didn't come back to look for it.

"Why does his cell phone fall here? Is he playing with his cell phone while fetching water?"

Lu Fan felt that this matter was a bit weird, and he looked at the ground again to see if he could find something else.

Not to mention, Lu Fan really found some sex on the ground.

Lu Fan touched his hand, rubbed it, and finally got a shocking news: "This turned out to be blood..."

At this time, Lu Fan's expression was very serious, and he felt that this matter might have been developing in a bad direction.

As an actor who has played a detective role, Lu Fan is very calm at this time, and at the same time he is alert to the dangers that appear around him at any time.

He followed the blood trail and found that the blood had been dripping into the ancient well.

"Could it be..." Lu Fan seemed to have thought of something. He turned on Liang Cai's mobile phone flashlight, and the light shone into the deep well.

In this cold and dark well water, Lu Fan unexpectedly found a corpse floating on the water.

The corpse's face was pale, his eyes wide open, and his face was unbelievable. It was recognized by his clothes and face that this person was Liang Cai.

"Liang Cai actually died, who is the one who barbecued with us."

Lu Fan's hair was horrified when he thought of eating with an unknown strange creature.

"No, Yue Xi is in danger." After Lu Fan finished speaking, he quickly ran towards the villa.

As soon as Lu Fan returned to the villa, he found that all the lights in the villa had been extinguished, and the entire villa was completely dark, looking like a haunted house in the mountains from a distance.

"Yue Xi!"

Lu Fan ran to Wan Yuexi's door, knocked on the door, and yelled at the same time.

It was a pity that there was no sound in the room, and he immediately knew that Wan Yuexi was in danger inside.

Lu Fan kicked on the gate, but it was a pity that the gate still didn't move.

"Really, that's the case again." Lu Fan punched the door with a very angry expression. Are these ghosts nothing new

Lu Fan angrily picked up the stool and slammed it towards the door. With a "click", the stool was torn to pieces, and the door was still safe.

"Ha ha!"

At this moment, a soft laughter sounded in the hall, and at the same time a white figure flashed past.

"What the hell, I have the ability to show Lao Tzu out."

Lu Fan shouted into the hall, and at the same time he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The ghost did not enter, which meant that Wan Yuexi was still safe for the time being.

"Haha! You...we... are... to... die..." a weird and vicious voice sounded intermittently in the hall.

"Don't pretend to be a ghost, let me come out if you have the ability." Lu Fan shouted as he looked around, but it was a pity that he didn't see the female ghost again.

At this time, after Lu Fan discovered his shadow through the ray of light, another weird shadow appeared.

Lu Fan was overjoyed and his thoughts moved. He took out the evil spirit cigarette from the system inventory and handed it to his back.

At this time, there was a "click".

The evil spirit cigarette ignited by itself, and then drifted towards the corner of the hall.

The three of Wan Yuexi in the room were already shivering in the corner by the strange blood.

Liu Shiyu hugged Li Mengyue with a frightened face and said, "Mengyue, thank you for telling us that you have also tired you."

Li Mengyue said softly: "We are best friends, of course I want to tell you."

"Well, we will be girlfriends together in the next life." Liu Shiyu nodded and smiled: "Yue Xi, how about you?"

The fear on Wan Yuexi's face faded away, and she smiled softly: "Of course I am the same. I am very happy to have your two girlfriends."

At this time, the blood had flowed to the only place where they stood, and they closed their eyes and waited for the arrival of death.

Suddenly, the blood stopped a little distance from their high heels, and then disappeared on the floor strangely.

"Hey, there is no blood." Wan Yuexi found that the blood had disappeared, and said to the other two people excitedly: "Shiyu, Mengyue, we seem to be saved."

"Really!" Liu Shiyu opened his eyes and found that there was really no blood on the floor, and he exhaled deeply.

"Haha, Yue Xi, Shi Yu, we don't have to die anymore." Li Mengyue happily threw herself on Wan Yuexi, with the joy of rebirth after the disaster.

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