My Roommate Seems to Like Me

Chapter 5: Chapter 5


Xi Qin leaned down to see that Jiang Zhong's originally white right ankle was swollen and turned abnormally red, and the skin on the outside of his knee and calf was also scratched.

"Go to the hospital." Xi Qin supported Jiang Zhong's elbow and pulled him up.

"Jiang Zhong!" Deng Letian and Xiao Yuan squeezed in and asked anxiously, "How is it? Are you hurt?"

"I twisted my foot." Jiang Zhong tapped his right foot on the ground lightly, his weight shifted to the left, his elbow was still supported by Xi Qin, and he twitched the corners of his mouth at Deng Letian and Xiao Yuan, "I'll go to the school hospital first. look."

"We are with you." Deng Letian and Xiao Yuan said in unison.

"No, no, no," Jiang Zhong said, "We don't need so many people."

Xi Qin kept supporting Jiang Zhong's hand, and accepted Jiang Zhong's words: "It's fine for me to go with him, you stay and continue fighting."

It is very common to drop a hand or twist a foot on the sports field. Deng Letian and Xiao Yuan did not insist, and Xi Qin took the limping Jiang Zhong to the school hospital.

After leaving the basketball court, there were a little less people, Xi Qin let go of Jiang Zhong's hand, stepped forward and squatted in front of Jiang Zhong, and said, "Come up, I will carry you on my back."

Jiang Zhongzhong didn't have one foot still hurting. He would definitely be startled and waved his hands again and again: "No, no, I can walk."

Xi Qin was deadlocked for two minutes. Seeing that Jiang Zhong was really embarrassed, he could only help him to sit down on the next step, and told him, "Wait here for a while."

Then he took out his mobile phone and made a call while entering the school convenience store next to the basketball court.

Jiang Zhong looked thoughtfully at Xi Qin's back, and he probably knew what he was going to do, so he was not in a hurry, and carefully raised his right foot to see where he twisted.

I just walked for a short distance, although I didn’t use my right foot very hard, but I still touched the ground. Now my ankle is red and swollen, and it looks much worse than before. If I don’t touch it, I won’t feel much pain. Hot.

After a while, Xi Qin came out of the convenience store with a plastic bag in his hand.

Xi Qin went straight to Jiang Zhong's right and sat down. First, he took out a bottle of mineral water from the plastic bag, unscrewed the bottle cap and handed it to Jiang Zhong.

Before Jiang Zhong fell down, he ran back and forth on the field for nearly a quarter of the game. At this time, he was really thirsty, and he was not polite to Xi Qin, and just took a drink.

Then Xi Qin took out a few popsicles from the plastic bag, then stuffed the plastic bag containing various snacks onto Jiang Zhong's bent thigh, and said, "Get what you want to eat, I guess you will have to wait a while."

Before Jiang Zhong could speak, Xi Qin turned his body slightly, stretched out his hand and lifted Jiang Zhong's right leg to rest on his extended left leg.

He spread the popsicles in his palms again, and held Jiang Zhong's red and swollen ankles in a ring with his hands.

The plastic bag almost fell from between Jiang Zhong's legs because of Xi Qin's action of pulling Jiang Zhong's right leg, and Jiang Zhong stretched out his hand to hug it reflexively.

The instant the ankle was covered with ice sticks, it felt cool, but Jiang Zhong's heart beat faster and faster.

Jiang Zhong stammered, "You... you... thank you."

Xi Qin didn't speak, but looked down at Jiang Zhong's ankle very seriously.

Jiang Zhong uncomfortably put the plastic bag aside, struggled slightly with his right leg, and said, "I'll do it myself."

"...don't move." Xi Qin whispered.

The atmosphere was awkward for a while.

"Cough." Jiang Zhong unconsciously curled up his fingers and grabbed the legs of the sports shorts, unable to bear the thought of saying something.


With a shout from far and near, accompanied by the sound of brakes, an electric car suddenly stopped in front of them.

Jiang Zhong was a little guilty because of his current posture, his hands trembled in fright from this menacing posture, and he looked up at the person who was calling "Brother" on the road.

"Brother" himself, Xi Qin, was very calm. He put away the popsicles that were applied to Jiang Zhong's ankles, took out a paper towel, and carefully wiped off the remaining drops of water.

Only then did Jiang Zhong's leg get off his own.

"Brother Qin," Peng Siyuan had already got out of the car, and he glanced back and forth between Xi Qin and Jiang Zhong ambiguously, "Is your classmate injured? I thought you called me in such a hurry to take you there What about the hospital?"

Xi Qin gave a soft "um" and introduced the two of them: "He is my roommate, Jiang Zhong, and my friend, Peng Siyuan."

Jiang Zhong stood on one foot under the steps and greeted politely: "Hello."

"Hello, hello." Peng Siyuan looked at Jiang Zhong's face, "I seem to have seen you somewhere."

The first words Jiang Zhongxin wanted to strike up a conversation with were indeed similar, and he said politely, "Maybe I met him in school."

"No..." Peng Siyuan wanted to say more.

Xi Qin interrupted him unnaturally: "Well, let me borrow your car for a few days first."

Sure enough, Peng Siyuan's eyes were diverted: "Use it, use it."

As usual, Xi Qin went to help Jiang Zhong first. Jiang Zhong turned around and picked up the snacks he had just put aside, and handed them to Peng Siyuan with both hands: "Here are these for you, thank you for the car."

"Why do you thank Brother Qin for the car I borrowed?" Peng Siyuan said so, but took the plastic bag with his hand very honestly, "So polite."

Jiang Zhong stepped on the back seat of the electric car and said with a smile, "It should be, it's all bought by Brother Qin."

"My driving skills are not very good, hurry up." Xi Qin reminded in a low voice.

Jiang Zhong quickly grabbed the corner of Xi Qin's waist with both hands, and his fingers accidentally poked the tight waist muscles covered by the thin T-shirt.

Xi Qin tensed his body subconsciously, and after a while, the tram drove out smoothly.

"..." Peng Siyuan muttered in a low voice, "You didn't even say thank you and goodbye to me, tsk, it really looks familiar, where did you see it?"

Jiang Zhong's foot injury was not very serious. After a skilled examination, the doctors at the school hospital told them that it was just a slight ligament and soft tissue strain, which caused local swelling, and it just looked scary.

Xi Qin breathed a sigh of relief, asked about the things that need attention in detail, and prescribed a bunch of medicines for promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis, reducing swelling and relieving pain.

After returning to the dormitory, Xi Qin wanted to give Jiang Zhong medicine, but Jiang Zhong refused to bother him any more, so Xi Qin had to give up, and went back to the rental house to get things by himself after Jiang Zhong settled down.

When he came back again, Jiang Zhong was on the phone, his injured foot stretched out and rested on the desk. From the side view, the shape of the slender and straight leg was clearly visible.

"It's okay, it's not serious." Seeing Xi Qin push the door in, Jiang Zhong turned his head and smiled at him, and continued, "It's just that you can't do strenuous exercise in the short term. You should find another dance partner while it's still early."

When Xi Qin heard the word "dance partner", he immediately knew who Jiang Zhong was calling, and his face changed slightly.

Jiang Zhong was unaware of Xi Qin's change, and talked to his partner on his own.

The dance partner's name is Xu Shanshan. Jiang Zhong learned to dance with her in the same dance studio when he was a child. They played together from childhood to adulthood. They also went to the same school in high school.

After college, Xu Shanshan joined the Art Department of the Student Union. When preparing for the school's welcome party, the first thing she thought of when looking for a dance partner was Jiang Zhong.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Zhong saw Xi Qin packing his things silently, and introduced him, "Xu Shanshan, my friend."

"... Oh." Xi Qin replied.

Jiang Zhong: "What's wrong with you?"

Xi Qin's voice was cold: "Not really."

"Hey!" Jiang Zhong frowned, "You started again!"

Before Xi Qin had time to speak, Jiang Zhong began to complain a series of complaints: "It was like this two days ago. At the beginning, it was obviously fine, but suddenly it was so indifferent! Did I offend you? If you tell me, I will know where it is. You didn't do it right, if it wasn't for me, why would you show your face to me!"

Finally concluded: "Inexplicable!"

Xi Qin: "..."

"Sorry," Xi Qin thought for a long time, unable to express the emotion in his heart, so he had to apologize, "It's my problem."

Jiang Zhong froze and played with his mobile phone without speaking.

"That..." Xi Qin cleared his throat and choked out a sentence, "Are you hungry?"

Jiang Zhong almost laughed out of anger: "So why?"

Xi Qin: "I'm going out to buy food, what do you want to eat?"

"Forget it," Jiang Zhong said discouragedly, "I'll order takeaway."

"I'll go down and get it for you later." Xi Qin said immediately.

Jiang Zhong lost his temper completely.

Jiang Zhong's foot injury was mostly healed the next day, but Xi Qin still asked him for a day off.

Except for Xi Qin's inexplicable attitude towards him the previous two times, Jiang Zhong felt that Xi Qin, as a roommate who had only really gotten to know him this semester, had done his best to him.

He has a good temper, is careful, and can take care of others. How did he think that Xi Qin was "cold" and "unreasonable" before

Obviously very gentle and considerate, Jiang Zhong thought so.

However, soon, Jiang Zhong decided to withdraw this description, and "high cold" and Xi Qin were more appropriate.

On this day, Jiang Zhong went to eat with Xi Qin after class. Jiang Zhong's feet were just right, and he didn't want to show his "legs are not working well" when he was walking, so he walked slowly.

Deng Letian and Xiao Yuan couldn't wait for him, Xi Qin volunteered to stay and wait for Jiang Zhong, and they went to the cafeteria first.

On the way, I met Xu Shanshan who came out of class from the teaching building next door.

Xu Shanshan has the temperament of a dancer, sunny and confident.

Very similar to Jiang Zhong.

The moment Xi Qin saw Xu Shanshan's face clearly, he whispered in Jiang Zhong's ear: "Shall I go first?"

Jiang Zhong looked strange: "Why?"

Xi Qin didn't speak, and only gave him a look of "knowingly asking", Jiang Zhong was even more at a loss.

While hesitating, Xu Shanshan and her roommate had already walked to their side.

After Jiang Zhong introduced each other, Xu Shanshan approached Jiang Zhong and whispered: "Why haven't I seen your roommate before? You are so handsome."

Xi Qin: "..."

Can you not speak so loudly in your whisper

Jiang Zhong glanced at Xi Qin teasingly, and there was a sense of pride in his tone that he didn't realize: "Can my roommate not be handsome?"

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Xu Shanshan asked.

Hearing her question, Jiang Zhong felt a little uncomfortable for no reason, and subconsciously said: "Do you have a girlfriend who is related to you? You are not single."

Xi Qin listened to the "flirting" between the two, and turned cold-faced aside.

He didn't give him another look along the way.

After Xu Shanshan left, Jiang Zhong teased Xi Qin: "You are so cold, I think Shanshan's roommate wanted to talk to you, but you didn't even look at it."

Xi Qin thought, do I not want to see her? I don't want to see you two.

"She praised me for being handsome in front of you, aren't you jealous?" Xi Qin said.