My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 1: Everything starts from the pit


In the dark and silent world, there was a thick mist, Luo Xiaotian walked aimlessly in the darkness here, and there was a blank blank in his mind.

Suddenly the whole world shook violently, a huge, piercing sound broke the silence, and the surrounding fog rolled violently as if irritated.

The dark world was filled with dazzling orange in an instant!

Luo Xiaotian suddenly opened his eyes!

It was dark all around, and what caught your eyes was a dazzling orange red, and the harsh squeaking sound was still ringing in my ears...

Luo Xiaotian sorted out some chaotic thoughts. He was clearly still directing the battle on the battlefield resisting the tide of corpses. A huge black shadow smashed over, and then he lost consciousness, and then he woke up in such a state

what happened

Luo Xiaotian frowned and pushed his glasses habitually, only to find that there was nothing on his face and the glasses on his face were missing.

"That black shadow should be a stone thrown by a giant armored zombie. It seems that he was smashed to death... So this should be hell? Or is he not dead?"

He slowly opened his eyes and looked at the orange circle that was still squeaking desperately, so he raised his hand to take it off.

A weird thing happened, Luo Xiaotian's fingers just touched the orange circle, the squeaking sound suddenly disappeared, and a language that had never been heard appeared in his mind!

What is even more bizarre is that he can actually understand what the voice is talking about!

"The safe house system is activated! Identity verification is in progress... The identity is confirmed correctly, the system host Luo Xiaotian... Is the safe house open?"

"Yes!" Luo Xiaotian lost his glasses, and his raised fingers rubbed back and forth on the bridge of his nose. He couldn't push the glasses and almost made him vomit blood!

"The safe house is open..." With the sound of the system in his mind, Luo Xiaotian's eyes suddenly lit up.

The sudden light made Luo Xiaotian couldn't help closing his eyes again, and he was about to stand up after holding his hands on the ground.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, Luo Xiaotian crouched down holding his head grinning.

He opened his tearful eyes and looked around, but this look made him half dead!

Is this a safe house? This is clearly a pit! Still the worst kind of dirt pit! I can only squat inside, and I can't even stand up straight.

The surrounding walls are full of digging marks. A tungsten lamp that is flickering and dimming in front of his face emits a dim yellow light, and a dark brown wooden cover above his head is pounding with dust.

Luo Xiaotian was speechless while looking at the safe house that could touch the wall with his arms wide open.

"System, is this a safe house?"

"Yes it is."

"This is obviously a safety pit!" Luo Xiaotian raised his hand and rubbed the bridge of his nose, gritted his teeth.

"Since the host activates the safe house for the first time, the novice mission will start in 2 minutes. Please leave the safe house before the mission starts, otherwise the safe house will start the erasure procedure..."

"If it's not a novice task, how long can I prepare?" Luo Xiaotian asked suddenly.

"After completing the first novice task, the preparation time for all tasks is 24 hours..."

"..." Luo Xiaotian licked his teeth, and it turned out to be a pit!

He didn't stay too much. He raised his hand and pushed the plank on top of his head. The dark brown plank made a sour squeak. As a large amount of sand and dust fell, the plank was pushed away.

Luo Xiaotian stood up straight, crawling out of the safety pit with both hands and feet.

"The host comes from a low-level mechanical civilization, and the task level has been adjusted to a low-level mechanical civilization. It is detected that the host's high-level civilization equipment that does not belong to the main body will be removed for the host.

Luo Xiaotian turned his head and looked around. There was chaos around him. Nothing was visible, only thick fog rolled around.

"Clearing completed... 5 points are consumed, 15 points remaining..."

"Do you need to deduct points? That, the safe house system, how can I return to the original world?"

"The host level is not enough to inquire, please work hard to complete the task to upgrade the permission."

"What can the points be exchanged for?" Luo Xiaotian asked again.

"The host can check it on his own on the personal terminal on his wrist, and the task starts counting down 10... 9... 8..."

Luo Xiaotian found out that he didn't know when there was a watch on his wrist. An orange halo on the dial flickered brightly with his breathing.

Before he could take a closer look, the dense fog in front of him seemed to freeze suddenly, and the surrounding chaos turned into a black fragment and disappeared into the air.

Luo Xiaotian stood abruptly in an empty city, with the night falling down and dense fog permeating.

"The novice mission begins. Please stay alive and find the safe house within 48 hours! Attention! The mission area has been limited to the city. Leaving the mission area will trigger an obliteration procedure!"

"To survive?" Luo Xiaotian frowned and walked along the wide road.

"System task? Points, why these elements sound so familiar..."

Without warning, a stern scream sounded not far behind him.

Luo Xiaotian smiled bitterly: "Is this the beginning?"

The surrounding dense fog was filled, and the visibility was almost zero. Luo Xiaotian walked slowly along the sidewalk against the wall, trying to stay away from the screaming place.

The familiar smell of blood came faintly in the air, the smell that had been smelled countless times in the apocalypse.

This smell represents death!

The dense fog around it was still rolling, and nothing could be seen.

An alley in the thick fog appeared next to Luo Xiaotian, and a black shadow suddenly rushed out of the alley and slammed into Luo Xiaotian's body.

The two fell to the ground and rolled into a ball.

"Run! There is a monster inside!" The black shadow got up from the ground, saw a ten-year-old child in front of him, and groaned in a low voice, grabbing Luo Xiaotian's hand without thinking, and dragging it As he ran away, he ran away.

Luo Xiaotian allowed this figure to rush into the thick fog. At this moment, he was too shocked to speak. The moment he fell to the ground just now, he saw the face of this figure, he was clearly Li thought!

His best friend before his rebirth, leader of the Resistance Army, thought Li!

Luo Xiaotian's mind is a little confused at this time! Is Li Xiang also reborn and came into this world? Or is there such a person in this parallel world

And according to Li's temper, he should be roaring, and he rushed up hard when he put on the armor... Will he escape

Suddenly a hint of orange-red light flashed in front of his eyes, attracting Luo Xiaotian's attention.

On the dial of the watch on the wrist, the orange-red aperture that originally flashed slowly with the rhythm of breathing is now flashing quickly, and the orange-red aperture gradually darkens as the color flashes, slowly facing the blood. Red transition...

A piercing squeak sounded intermittently in the surrounding fog!

"It's over! The world is about to change! We have to find a place to hide first!" The man running in front suddenly stopped and slammed into the door beside him with all his strength! The door hasn't moved!

The squeaks all around are getting louder and louder... (End of this chapter)

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