My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 107


Following Zhuang Ming’s roar, Luo Xiaotian looked at the small pits burned out by the black mud.

In the dense black holes on the ground,

Slowly crawled out a few black bugs,

The thumb is thick and the body is slender!

At this time, Xiang Luo Xiaotian was slowly creeping over!

Dakang strode forward and violently raised the warhammer in his hand.



After a few sounds,

The bugs on the ground were smashed into pools of black flesh!

Dakang shook the black blood from the warhammer with a look of disgust.

He clutched his nose and cursed: "What a smelly! It seems like a pile of shit!"

"Let's see if there are any bugs crawling out of other holes!" Luo Xiaotian roared.

Several people looked around and found that only the black holes that killed the souls were worms crawling out.

"These black mud should be worm eggs, absorbed the energy in the soul of the soul and hatched..." Luo Xiaotian pushed his glasses to think, and asked Dakang: "Can you exchange it for any kind of insecticide?"

"Brother, there are all combat supplies in the mall! Where does the pesticide come from?"

"Fire, is there anything that can set fire?"

"I remember there was an incendiary bomb! I'm looking for it!" Da Kang squatted on the ground and began to flip through the redemption menu.

Luo Xiaotian looked at the smaller and smaller wall of the house, thinking about something.

"Sixteen!" Luo Xiaotian threw Sixteen out with a wave of his hand.

"Master..." The Sixteen looked at the place where Soul Shaman died just now with a little fear.

"Go over and see where there are cracks in the black mud. Is there something special blocking it... I suspect there is something that can restrain those eggs..."

"Yes!" Sixteen shivered, but he was still ready to float over.

"Sixteen, be careful, don't touch the black mud, they absorb the soul..."

"Yes! Thank you, Master!" Sixteen nodded and slowly approached the house.

"Yes, incendiary D-128!" Dakang touched out a red cylinder,

"You wait a while before throwing it away, and when the sixteen comes back, I suspect that the cracks in the black mud are not deliberately not covered by the worm eggs, there should be something blocking them..."

The figure of Sixteen cautiously approached the house, swayed quickly and then flew back.

"There are green plants near the crack, like vines, and the black mud is not close to those vines!" Sixteen raised his hand and gestured.

"Take people to look around and see if you can find those vines!"

Nodding at sixteen, he took his fourteen subordinates and started looking for similar vines around the house.

"You said, these things are worm eggs? Absorb the energy of the soul evil spirit body and hatch adult worms?" Da Kang looked at the black mud slowly squirming on the house, his scalp numb.

If it is a worm egg, then all the black mud hatches out, how many worms are there

Bugs regenerate eggs...

Dakang seemed to see the black worms squirming overwhelmingly and drowning everything.

He glanced at Zhuang Ming,

I saw that the young man was completely bloodless at this time, and the hand holding the steel knife was trembling slightly.

"I'm just speculating. I don't know what it is, but if they are afraid of those vines, they can try to save people..."

"This is where the so-called poisonous snakes come and go. There must be an antidote within seven steps, right?" Da Kang nodded and sighed.

"... It was fabricated in the novel. The most effective treatment for a snake bite is to go to the hospital to inject anti-venom. The saying that there must be an antidote is a bit less rigorous. There is a high probability that there may be herbal medicine in the place where the snake inhabits..."

"Lobelia is a herbal medicine. It usually grows in the grass by the river, and there will be snakes in the grass by the river, but you can't say that there is an inevitable connection between the two." Luo Xiaotian stared around the house. Sixteen flying around,

"Then it's not reliable to tie up the place near the wound with a strap, cut the wound to let blood, or use your mouth to suck poisonous blood?" Dakang smashed his mouth.

"Well, it's not reliable. Destroying the wound will damage the nerves, blood vessels and other tissues, and it will be infected, and you have cut the wound. If you can survive to the hospital, the doctor will look at your bloody wound, he can't guess what it is. Snake, how do you treat the serum? Suck blood... Ha ha, tourniquet ligation... Ha ha ha"

Luo Xiaotian pushed his glasses and said plainly: "Taking drug blood can only reduce the toxin content in the body by about 2%, and the ligation of the bandage will cause insufficient blood supply to the limbs, resulting in tissue necrosis. It was okay. The doctor at the hospital will also tell You, cut it..."

Dakang nodded and sighed: "You can't believe anything on the Internet..."

at this time,

Sixteen flew back with people,

Holding a bunch of vines in his hand,

"Master, we found that kind of vine behind the house, not many, only so little... The rest are on the house, we dare not go there."

"Have you tried on the house with the vine?"

"Tried it!"

"Who knows how to knit? Make it an oval ring!"

"Slaves can do..." Seventeen took the pile of vines and began to fiddle with them carefully.

Not long after,

Ning Bi handed a ring made of vines to Luo Xiaotian.

"Dakang, where's your rope gun? Give that window a shot, and then I will try to go directly to the second floor!" Luo Xiaotian pointed to the original cracked place.

Let me just add a sentence, the chase app I'm using recently, cache reading, offline reading!

"Okay!" Dakang drew out the rope gun and walked forward two steps, aiming at the crack in the window for a shot!

The crossbow bolt was firmly nailed to the wall above the window.

Sixteen took the vine ring, floated across the rope, and hung on the four-clawed fish crossbow above the wall.

The surrounding black mud seemed to be frightened, creeping away from the vine ring,

Slowly half of a window appeared on the second floor,

Luo Xiaotian put on the hunter's mask, grabbed the rope with one hand, and said to Sixteen: "You grab this end of the rope and fly and slide me over..."

With the figure of the sixteen and fourteen soul evil spirits gradually flying higher,

Luo Xiaotian slowly slid along the rope to the window on the second floor.

At this moment, he looked at the window in front of him getting closer and closer,

From time to time, my eyes are watching the black mud wriggling on both sides...

He remembered that when he threw the explosive for the first time, a black shadow instantly swept away the explosive.

This time, I don't know if he will react!


Luo Xiaotian noticed that the black mud on the right began to gather quickly towards the middle.

It seems that there will be a tentacle rushing out of that drum bag in the next moment!

Luo Xiaotian decisively grabbed the rope with his hands and violently stopped the tendency of sliding!

The bulge bulging in the black mud slowly calmed down!

"They are sensitive to speed!" Luo Xiaotian hung on the rope quietly,

Waiting for the black mud on the wall to start wriggling unconsciously again,

He slowly grabbed the rope and rubbed forward,

At the same time, his eyes were staring at the place where it used to bulge!

Fortunately this time,

The black mud on the wall has not changed,

Luo Xiaotian just rubbed against the window on the second floor little by little.

"Dakang, don't come in outside, wait to meet us!" Luo Xiaotian turned around and glanced at Dakang, who was standing across the road, and said.

"Okay! Be careful!" Da Kang nodded, holding the incendiary in his right hand.

Luo Xiaotian crouched on the window sill, raised his hand and pushed the window in front of him.

There was a soft "click",

The window was pushed open a small slit!

A strong smell came out of the cracks in the window,

In Luo Xiaotian’s eyes, a cloud of green to black color sprayed out from the cracks in the window.

The color of this smell is almost several times darker than the green that emanates from the surrounding black mud...

Luo Xiaotian sighed.

The situation in this second floor,

I'm afraid it's not optimistic...

Luo Xiaotian opened the window and probed the situation inside.


The black mud worm eggs just cover the outside, and there is nothing wrong with the house.

He jumped off the window sill and looked into the room,

At this time, Luo Xiaotian noticed,

There was a big hole in the ceiling of the room,

A large pile of black mud gushes from the crack,

But it was blocked by a dark yellow light mask,

In the mask, there are more than a dozen people in black lying or sitting,

And Zhen Song, with white hair,

At this moment, I was standing in the mask and staring at Luo Xiaotian,

His eyes were full of horror,

He opened his mouth and shouted in a hoarse voice: "Hurry up and get out of here!" (End of this chapter)