My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 11: Impossible things


Luo Xiaotian looked at a large pool of black powder under the swing frame, and noticed that there seemed to be something hard in the powder. This should be what Xiao Yang had just grasped in his hand.

"Complete the hidden mission: Leapfrogging to kill one Xiaoyang, reward 25 points."

"Hey, 25 points for this thing?" Luo Xiaotian walked a little briskly. He walked over and took out a black metal block from the pile of powder. It was ice-cold and greasy, and it was very comfortable to hold in his hand.

Luo Xiaotian squeezed this metal block, waited for the system to ding, and stood stupidly for a long time, only to find that the system did not respond to him...

He scratched his head, carefully looked at the metal block in his hand, the black metal block in all directions, the metal surface was engraved with complicated patterns, and pads were placed in his hands. Luo Xiaotian put his eyes on the three people in front of him. Body.

Hearing that there was no movement around, the three people put down their hands one after another, and saw Luo Xiaotian standing in front of him. They looked at the black powder that was dissipating under his feet, and his faces showed a little joy.

"Dead it?" Wan Hang leaned forward.

Luo Xiaotian nodded, and looked at his watch subconsciously, only to find that the red triangle logo was still there!

"It seems that this red triangle logo has nothing to do with the hidden mission?" Luo Xiaotian pushed the sunglasses on his face, turned his head and walked into the park again, carefully observing everything around him.

The three people followed Luo Xiaotian step by step and carefully observed the surroundings.

"There seems to be something wrong with this iron ring..." After the four of them went around in the park, Miao Xinnuo suddenly pointed to a black iron ring under the swing and said.

Luo Xiaotian hurriedly lowered his head when he heard the words. This location was where Xiaoyang died just now. After taking the metal block, he turned and looked in the park, completely not paying attention to this place.

The black iron ring is inconspicuous, as if a piece of iron chain on a swing fell to the ground, buried in the charred soil. Luo Xiaotian took a closer look, and the more he looked, the more he felt that the iron ring was like a ring-shaped handle. !

"Safe house!" Luo Xiaotian started to breathe shortly, this iron ring seemed to be the handle of the cover of his own safe house!

He walked over, clasped the iron ring with his fingers and pulled it up!

A sour squeak came, but to Luo Xiaotian it seemed to be the sound of nature!

"I love this sour voice!"

Luo Xiaotian laughed, because the voice of the system sounded in his mind: "Complete the main mission: find the safe house! Reward points 15 and remaining survival time 36 hours, equivalent to 4 reward points..."

"You don't need to survive that long! You can end the mission by finding the safe house..." Luo Xiaotian raised his eyebrows and pushed down his sunglasses.

"The mission is over, the world is about to reset... The teleportation will start in 15 minutes... If you don't return to the safe house within a limited time, the obliteration procedure will be triggered. Novice equipment..."

Luo Xiaotian couldn't listen to the following words anymore. He turned his head abruptly and looked at the three people behind him, who were squatting around and looking at the pit that Luo Xiaotian had opened with a confused expression.

"The world is reset? What do the three of them do? Will they disappear? Or will the three of them return to their original world?" Luo Xiaotian gritted his teeth, his brain running fast.

"Brother Xiaotian, this is your safe house? Is there a tunnel inside?" Wan Hang poked his head and looked inside.

"I thought the safe house would be a house? I didn't expect it to be a basement..." Miao Xinnuo covered her mouth and smiled.

"The safe houses are all basements? This is how to prevent explosions..." Luo Tai knocked on Miao Xinnuo's forehead, provoking her to pouting, and Wan Hang burst out laughing.

Looking at the three people in front of him, Luo Xiaotian felt a little flustered. They believed in themselves, so they followed him out, but now he wants to leave them alone and leave? Even if the world does not reset, they will not survive in this weird city!

Insert a sentence, really good, it is worth installing, after all, there are many books, complete books, and fast updates!

"System." Luo Xiaotian slowly put down the cover and called in his mind.

"Please speak." This time the system responded.

"Can I take the people here together?"

"The world plane is different, this teleportation cannot be performed."

"How to send people here to leave?" Luo Xiaotian changed his question.

"Upgrade the safe house and exchange the transmitter." The system quickly gave the answer.

When the three people saw Luo Xiaotian standing silently beside the safe house, their expressions became more and more ugly, and a bad premonition surged in their hearts. They all calmed down and looked at the little boy silently.

Luo Xiaotian was browsing the upgrade menu quickly. He found the upgrade option. It takes 50 points to upgrade the safe house. His current points are enough. He has 54 points in total and can upgrade the safe house.

but! Even the cheapest teleporter! 35 points are needed too!


not enough!

Luo Xiaotian felt a pain in his heart, and he couldn't save these three people!

"Brother Xiaotian? Why didn't you enter the safe house? What happened?" Wan Hang looked around carefully, and there was silence in the dense fog around him, without seeing any signs of danger.

"Won't I send you another brain-dead task?" Luo Tai leaned over and asked with some worry.

Luo Xiaotian shook his head, his gaze scanned the faces of the few people in front of him, thinking in his mind: "Go back to that crazy woman! Can you grab points? But after going back, the journey is too far, and it must be impossible to make it. Come back, it's impossible to make a back and forth within 15 minutes..."

Sweat oozes from his forehead and his heartbeat starts to speed up. What should I do

Once again, Luo Xiaotian called up the menu interface. He noticed that the time on the watch had become a 14-minute countdown, and the bright red numbers were beating quickly. Just 5 minutes ago, he was still complaining that time was too slow. , But the mood at this time is completely opposite.

Once again, he quickly browsed the exchange interface, constructed countless plans based on the things that could be exchanged, and then was overthrown by himself.

No solution

Luo Xiaotian is not reconciled, there must be a way! He closed the menu and reopened the circular menu, turning his vision to see if there were other things he didn't notice.

Suddenly he noticed that in the lower left corner of his sight, there was a small "1" in the icon of a shopping cart. He had just paid attention to the exchange, but he didn't notice this icon!

The text displayed on this icon is: "Sale"!

Luo Xiaotian's heart began to beat wildly, and his mouth was a bit dry. He looked at the black metal block that he had been holding in his hand! This thing can be sold!

With prayers to all the gods he knew, Luo Xiaotian opened the selling option.

"Fear Crystal, selling price: 55 points!" Luo Xiaotian only felt a little moist in his eyes. The Xiaoyang who had leapfrogged and killed him had 25 points and gave him 55 points of Fear Crystal?

"Sell! Upgrade the safe house! Exchange the transmitter!" Luo Xiaotian pursed his lips and operated quickly. God knows if the system will use another transmitter to cool it down

"Are you okay?" Wan Hang couldn't help but ask again as he watched Luo Xiaotian's face turn from white to black, then from black to white.

"I'm fine, but if you are good or not, it depends on your luck..." Luo Xiaotian pushed the sunglasses, pulled the cover of the safe house again, and made a please gesture.

"Go in and take a rest. I'll tell you what happened in the last 2 minutes..." (End of this chapter)