My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 111: It's not me


Luo Xiaotian never knew that one day he would watch him fight like a bystander,

Still so domineering,

A battle of invincibility,

This feeling,

Really... Cool!

His consciousness is extremely clear,

Watching myself leaping high, the long spear in his hand struck one after another with silver spear lights,

Killed those blood sails that were once so terrifying,

The thin red lines all over the sky turned into spring mud and fell on the water,

Every time you step on it,

Blood Sail wailed under his feet,

Every time you jump,

The whistling wind in my ear is so clear,

"Who are you? Is... Li thinks?"

Luo Xiaotian asked silently in his heart, this self holding a silver spear,

It seems to drag his memories back to the past when he fought with the boundless sea of corpses,

The person in my memory, holding a silver spear,

The same is true...

People block and kill, Buddha block and kill Buddha!

Remember that in the base of Xishanju, the sea of corpses of hundreds of thousands of zombies was blocked outside the city wall,

The man was dressed in silver-white armor and armed with a silver spear.

Be firmly in front of the city wall!

What mutant zombies, what giant zombies, were all blocked by a silver spear,

The real one-man...

"Is it you? Li thought? Is it you?" Luo Xiaotian's voice was a little choked.

"I... not... the person in your mouth..." a hoarse voice sounded.

"Understood... It's a pity..." Luo Xiaotian said lowly.

The spear in his hand slammed out,

Nailed a clamoring bow to the bow,

The body leaped sharply,

Fell heavily on the mast,

"Ka Ka Ka"

The mast couldn't bear the force of Luo Xiaotian's fall, and it broke into several pieces.

Step on one foot,

The figure is raised again,

Rushed to the place where the blood sails gathered,


There is a huge sailing ship surrounded by many blood sails!

"Why are you chasing in?" Luo Xiaotian asked.

"I... time... not much... need... once... forever..." the hoarse voice replied.

"So many, I can't kill them..." Luo Xiaotian sighed as he looked at the endless blood sails in front of him.

"On the holy gun... there is... the breath of fear... I... can be used!" Without stopping under his feet, he walked quickly towards the huge sailing ship under the dense blood sails!

"I'm just here to save someone... Don't do such a big thing..." Luo Xiaotian said,

"The bird...I don't know... the building... it will burn..." the voice sneered.

The spear in his hand slammed across the head of a blood ship in front of him,

Lightly landed on the boat and stood with a gun,

at this time,

The Bloodsail Lord seemed to have reacted,

Where is a delicious soul that can be eaten

This is clearly the guy who doesn't have long eyes, who brought a hungry tyrannosaurus back home

Let this big brother kill for a while,

I'm going to become the commander of the light pole!

The Bloodsail Lord hurriedly dismissed all the bloodsails around,

Looking at the many blood sails all around quickly disappearing on the lake,

Luo Xiaotian felt a little regretful but said with a bit of ease: "The blood sails around are gone, and this fight won't be completed, shall we go back?"

"Kill it..." The spear raised up and pointed straight at the huge Bloodsail Lord on the lake not far away.

"..." Luo Xiaotian was a little speechless,

"Leave here! Forgive you for not dying..." The huge sailing boat of the Lord Blood Sail slowly drove to Luo Xiaotian.

A head almost the size of a bloodsail looked down at Luo Xiaotian,

"Haha..." The scarlet eyes under the mask showed a sneer.

"This guy is your prey. I helped you catch it... It's up to you..." The blood sail lord's red tentacles pulled from the side a blood sail with broken arms and gently pushed it in front of Luo Xiaotian.

Luo Xiaotian stepped forward, stepped on the bow, raised his head and looked at the huge head of the Bloodsail Lord.

"You... you know... who am I...?"

"Leave! Mortals..." The Bloodsail Lord suppressed the anger in his heart and roared,

The surrounding mist stirred violently,

As if responding to the aura of the Bloodsail Lord,

"Blood Sail... You... Already... Forget... My name?" Luo Xiaotian's eyes were full of scarlet light.

A majestic aura swept the surrounding mist...

The fog on the entire lake was swept away, exposing an empty surface of the lake,

The blood sails crowded on the shore wailed in unison,

Dakang and the young man walked to the lake where the mist disappeared and looked at the scene in front of them.

The young man pulled off the mask on his face, his eyes filled with disbelief.

"I saw the lake under the mist for the first time... Who is this guy? Blood Sail is so scared? Still confronting the Blood Sail Lord?"

Dakang also muttered dumbfounded: "Heaven and Earth are a conscience... I don't even know..."

In the middle of the lake,

The Bloodsail Lord seemed to remember something, his huge eyes were suddenly filled with fear, and the many huge oars on both sides of the hull began to row desperately.

It wants to get away from the person in front of it as soon as possible,

The huge head of Bloodsail Lord suddenly lifted up, opened his big mouth and let out a silent roar,

A boundless shady suddenly appeared on the horizon, spreading extremely quickly!

"Absolutely dark! The bloodsail leader flees!" The young man yelled suddenly, shaking with excitement.

The rebirths gathered around the two of them squatted down, waiting for the arrival of absolute darkness,

A chuckle came in the wind from the middle of the lake, and entered the ears of several people.

Such an understatement, yet so shocking,

"Using my... means... to restrict... my body? Your... courage... where does it come?" Luo Xiaotian raised his left hand and circled in the air, then knotted a sword finger and pointed in the air.

next moment,

In the shocked eyes of everyone,

The boundless black screen that had been advancing quickly began to twist and deform,

Followed by

The black light curtain turned into a black line to pounce on Luo Xiaotian’s raised left hand like a swallow homing.

Just in the blink of an eye,

Absolute darkness, the boundless black screen disappears without a trace...

This black light curtain is coming menacingly,

Disappeared but made no sound,

"Goooo..." Everyone on the lake swallowed and spit.

The Bloodsail Lord also raised his head blankly, looking at a clear sky,

I don’t seem to understand it yet,

Absolute darkness is an environmental weapon against the sky,


It suddenly lowered its head and looked at the man with the black mask in front of him.

Opened his mouth in horror,

"Green! Green! Master Qing! Forgive me..."

"It's time... It's too late..." Luo Xiaotian stomped on his feet, leaped high, and raised the spear in his right hand.

A huge phantom appeared behind Luo Xiaotian,

"Fuck!! That is, that is the Lord of Fear!!!" Da Kang jumped up suddenly,

"Fear..." Luo Xiaotian lightly waved his spear.

The phantom opened its blood basin and mouthed,

A black mist sprayed out at the Lord Bloodsail.

Countless bone fragments in the fog plunged like countless sharp swords into the body of Lord Bloodsail.

The huge water spray blasted into the huge waves,

The phantom stretched out its huge claws and grabbed the head of Lord Bloodsail.

In its desperate and horrified gaze, it pulled the huge bow down!

Luo Xiaotian’s figure stood on the shoulders of a huge phantom,

Said softly:


The two huge claws of Void slammed together,

The huge head of the Bloodsail Lord suddenly exploded,

In the sky full of bones and blood, a black smoke screamed and wanted to flee.

Luo Xiaotian took out a black and white Rubik's Cube,

The black smoke was sucked into the Rubik's Cube screaming,

"My... mission... is over, blood sail... send you..., take me... crystals... and leave" the hoarse voice whispered.

"Good!" Luo Xiaotian agreed without hesitation.


The remnants of the Lord of Fear can be used to fight,

Lord Bloodsail was so smashing that he would smash it when he said it was broken

Luo Xiaotian now only expects this great god to leave his body quickly...

On the many blood sails squeezed on the shore, the bows of the boats fell from the bows one after another, and one end was loaded into the dark red lake.

Sailing boats are gradually decayed and broken,

Suddenly, the sound of collapse from the lake continued to sound,

None of the people standing by the lake can stand,

All sitting on the ground,

Looking blankly at the huge phantom in the lake that is walking towards here step by step,

The phantom of fear sent Luo Xiaotian back to the shore,

Then it turned into a little black light and disappeared...

Luo Xiaotian’s foot stepped on the ground again,

The people all around sat on the ground and stepped back together for a certain distance.

Luo Xiaotian turned his head and glanced at the young man who took off the mask.

Cold voice:

"Mask... Take it back... I... I want you... fearless..."

"..." The young man turned his head and glanced at Dakang, then passed the mask in his hand.

Da Kang took a step back from his heart, and distanced him from him.

"Boss, this is for you to wear a mask, and it's not me..." (End of this chapter)