My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 112: I am really blind


The young man bit his lower lip,

He put on a mask shivering,

The clarity in my eyes instantly restored,

As if all emotions are away from him,

Only deep in his heart, he kept shouting:

"Big guy, please let me go... I'm just a little night watchman. I don't have two flesh, it's not delicious..., next to me, the guy named Dakang is much stronger than me. , It can definitely satisfy your desires, bah, wish!"

Luo Xiaotian watched him put on the mask and nodded slightly.

He strode over, raised his hand and pressed it on his mask, and said in a low voice, "Don't move!"

The young man's body stretched straight in an instant,

It was like a teenager who stood on the playground to practice military posture in the sunset!

A cold breath came from the mask,

colder and colder,

The frozen boy began to tremble,

But he didn't dare to move, he didn't dare to move...


Luo Xiaotian flipped his left hand and took out the Rubik's Cube and stuck it on the mask.

A cyan shadow got into the Rubik’s Cube from above the boy’s mask,

The mask on his face is cracked every inch,

Fried into a piece of powder,

Luo Xiaotian lowered his hand,

The red light in the eyes is gone, and the clarity is restored,

Luo Xiaotian instantly regained control of his body,

He looked down at the Rubik's Cube in his hand,

There have been some changes above,

A small cyan pattern appeared in the center of the cube, and the cubes on this side turned cyan.


what exactly is it

Luo Xiaotian only felt dizzy in his head, and his whole body seemed to be drained in an instant.

The legs are a little soft,

He gritted his teeth,

Take a deep breath,

Now is not the time to fall,

So many people at the scene,

Who knows if these people have other thoughts

The danger has not been relieved...

Luo Xiaotian put away the Rubik's Cube,

Slowly raised his head,

I glanced at the people around me with plain eyes,

Most are the rebirths of orange watches,

Three people are red watches...

These people, without exception, stood on the side in a proper manner, bowed their heads and did not even dare to breathe.

The boy in front of him even opened his eyes wide, his whole body trembling, his cheeks turned blue...

Dakang came over, glanced at Luo Xiaotian cautiously, and said, "Boss Luo, are you okay?"

Luo Xiaotian turned his head and glanced at him, then nodded slowly.

Now he takes almost all the strength of his whole body to make an action.

"Let them... go away... don't get together... here..."

Dakang shivered when he heard the words.

Heaven and earth conscience, this great god hasn't left yet

At the moment he walked to the rebirth people standing aside, and said in a deep voice: "If there is nothing to do, let's go away, lest the adults look in the way...

For help, you can steal book tickets like stealing food. Come steal the book tickets of your friends and vote for me.

Several people nodded repeatedly, bowed to salute, and left quickly.


Dakang walked back to the cold-faced teenager again, raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder, and said softly, "How is it? Brother, are you okay?"

The boy trembled and shook his head, took a peek at Luo Xiaotian with his head drooping, and said: "Me, me, can I go, too?"

Dakang pondered for a moment and asked: "What's your name?"

"Ke Zishi..."

"Take this... Contact me in a month." Da Kang flipped his hand, and a black pill was lying on his palm, reaching out to Ke Zishi.

Ke Zishi's green face showed a bit of blackness, he looked at the pill in Dakang's palm.

There was a bit of struggle in his eyes,

At this moment, Luo Xiaotian raised his head and glanced at both of them, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Ke Zishi made a decisive decision, grabbed the pill and threw it into his mouth, swallowing it without chewing.

Dakang nodded in satisfaction, threw him a business card and waved his hand.

Ke Zishi took the business card, bowed to the two of them, then turned around and staggered away.

Seeing Ke Zishi disappear in the mist,

Dakang turned and walked to Luo Xiaotian, and said, "My lord, everyone else is gone..."

Luo Xiaotian slowly took off the mask,

I sat on the ground softly under my feet...

"Give Lao Tzu... some water and... food, I'm now... my eyes are dark and I'm going to faint... It's over..." Luo Xiaotian said to Da Kang with difficulty.

"The god in you is gone?" When Dakang heard this, he was relieved instantly, hurriedly leaned in and took out water and food.

Luo Xiaotian took the water and drank a bottle, then stuffed two bites of bread.

He closed his eyes and chewed the food in his mouth, then let out a long breath after swallowing.

Then he raised his head to look at Dakang, and said:

"I left when I put away the Rubik's Cube... Just now I was stiff and afraid to faint, I was worried about the people around...",

Dakang nodded his head to express his understanding, and then asked cautiously: "What is the origin of the great god?"

"I don't know..." Luo Xiaotian shook his head, and was stunned.

Then he hurriedly struggled to help Dakang stand up,

"Quick! Go back to that stone room! That boss even asked me to take his stone away!"

Dakang glared at him, held up Luo Xiaotian and walked back, asking, "What stone? That gem on the roof?"

"Yes, that's the thing..." Luo Xiaotian took out a physique strengthener from the ring and hit himself on the neck.

At this time, he didn’t care that the effect would weaken in the future.

In case something happens to that stone,

What should I do if the boss is upset, and he just clicked and screwed it out for himself

"Oh, it's a pity, there are so many oars with blood sails on the lake, it's too late to pick up..."

"Don't worry about it. When I was in the middle of the lake, I saw that the blood sails were rotten, not to mention the oars, even the fast planks were not left..."

"Then how did you get the oars?"

"Break down while Blood Sail was alive..."

"..." Dakang.

When the two returned to the entrance,

Luo Xiaotian has basically recovered more than half,

The two of them got into the blood-red cave and returned to the stone chamber that was almost half collapsed.

The blood-red cave behind them gradually disappeared after the two of them came back.

At this time the gem fell to the ground and lost its original cyan light.

The black silt all around stopped wriggling, and the charred corpses turned into pitch-black pus at this moment, and the whole room was filled with a strong smell of corpses.

"Hurry up... Smoked to death..." Luo Xiaotian grabbed the gem from the ground, wiped it on Dakang, and put it into the space ring.

"..." Dakang watched his movements silently,

I feel relieved in my heart. Whatever I do, I am treating the big boss. I will also have topics to talk about when I meet in the future.

"Hi, boss, I once wiped you...",

Maybe the boss is happy to teach himself a trick and a half.

Two people stumbled out of the house,

The whole house is now filled with a strong smell that is too strong.

Luo Xiaotian even felt that he would be smoked to death if he stayed in this house!

"the host!"


Sixteen and seventeen floated over, their voices full of surprises,

Luo Xiaotian held his nose and beckoned to them, running away from under his feet.

Ran to the outside of the barrier,

When they got to the parking place, the two men stopped.

The sky outside is still blue,

The birds and beasts are still singing freely in the mountain stream,

The surrounding air now looks extremely fresh,

Luo Xiaotian and Dakang put down their hands and took a few deep breaths.

Slowly exhaling a bad breath in the chest,

Looking at the peaceful and harmonious gravel path in front of me,

The two looked at each other.

quite a while,

Dakang gritted his teeth and cursed: "That unscrupulous man rushed to the street! In vain, I still think he is a responsible man! I'm really blind!" (End of this chapter)