My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 114: Are you cheating me?


Luo Xiaotian opened his eyes again and returned to the room he was familiar with.

Turned his head and looked out the window,

The sky is dark,

There was a loud voice in the yard,

There is also a faint fragrance coming,

Slowly sat up, a burst of dizziness hit,

It’s like being hollowed out...

Mythical beast... Qinglong

Xu Qing? NPC


Luo Xiaotian only felt like a mess and clutter in his mind, but he didn't know where to start...

I tried my best to earn points,

Just to be able to return to the original world,


Xu Qing told him that at the end of the upgrade, PIU became a watchdog

But he has a hub in Scarlet to upgrade,

The hub also wants to return to the original world...


Scarlet is not a hub at all...

Isn't the center that reborn with him

Luo Xiaotian shook his head and stood up.

I was at a loss,

Where is the way forward

What should I do next

Go to Zhen Song and ask about the Purifier

Luo Xiaotian dragged his tired body and pushed open the door.

The sky at sunset is like a fire, and the big clouds are dyed a dazzling red.

A few cool breeze blows,

Sober him a bit,

A round table was erected in the middle of the yard,

There is a copper pot on the table, steaming hot and full of fragrance...

Dakang and Donya are robbing hot slices of meat;

Shao Ning is smiling and mixing tahini;

Duan Lingling still sat blankly on the side;

Uncle Jiu is sipping the wine in the glass while squinting.

Zhuang Ming sat at the table properly, holding his chopsticks in confusion...

It seems that I’m not here, everyone is happier

So, you are the trouble, right

"Oh! Xiaotian, are you awake? You have been asleep for almost a day, you don't know if we get you off the car!" Dakang failed to grab the meat and saw Luo Xiaotian standing in a daze at the door , Smiled bluffing,

"Xiaotian, come! They are robbing meat! If you don't eat meat, you will be robbed!" Shao Ning's eyes flashed with joy, but she soon hid it.

"Brother Xiaotian, you can chase Dakang away! He robs me every day! He stolen all my snacks just now!" Donya pouted and said with an unhappy expression.

Uncle Jiu didn’t seem to see Luo Xiaotian. Taking advantage of everyone’s attention elsewhere, he quietly fished out a bowl of meat slices from the pot and ate with a smile.

Zhuang Ming stood up and looked at Luo Xiaotian with a little embarrassment.

"I'm okay! I'm very tired, leave me some meat!" Luo Xiaotian pushed his glasses, smiled, and slowly walked to the table.

Zhuang Ming hurriedly turned around and moved a stool for Luo Xiaotian and placed it on the table, put the tableware again, and then stood by his hand.

Under the recommendation, the chase app I am using recently, cache reading, offline reading!

"Your master doesn't want you anymore?" Luo Xiaotian joked.

"You saved my master and fellow brothers, I want to repay..." Zhuang Ming bowed and saluted Luo Xiaotian, he was about to kneel down.

"Are you sick? Isn't it annoying to pay your gratitude every day? We don't lack you..." Dakang said uncomfortably.

"But I have no money, no treasure, and I can't find any other way to repay my gratitude..." Zhuang Ming explained anxiously.

"If you are a woman... or if you have a younger sister, you can also bring it..." Dakang snatched the chopsticks and stuffed it into his mouth happily.

"I have a younger sister, but she is still young, only 15 years old..." Zhuang Ming nodded and looked at Luo Xiaotian.

"Cough cough cough cough..." Dakang coughed again and again.

"Starting in three years!" Luo Xiaotian glanced at Dakang.

"Don't make trouble, I'm kidding..." Dakang's face flushed red, lowered his head and began to concentrate on eating.

"You follow me first, and I will see your master in two days..." Luo Xiaotian waved to Zhuang Ming, motioning him to sit down and eat.

Zhuang Ming nodded and sat at the table properly and began to eat.

Luo Xiaotian stopped talking, and started to eat.

From time to time, I would grab a piece of meat just out of the pot with Dakang,

Everyone ate very happily,

Laughter keeps on,

Only Jiu Shu's brows wrinkled slightly,

After the meal,

Everyone is going to clean up and rest,

Luo Xiaotian winked at Jiu Shu.

Uncle Jiu knows,

To Luo Xiaotian said: "Eating hot pot in the evening can't get rid of it. Xiaotian accompanies me to go out for a stroll..."

"Good!" Luo Xiaotian nodded,

The two walked out of the small courtyard,

Strolling aimlessly along the mountain road,

"Something?" Uncle Ji walked slowly with his hands behind his back.

"If the watch is broken, it will be detected by the system and then erased..." Luo Xiaotian's voice was a little melancholy.

Uncle Jiu was taken aback, stopped and looked at Luo Xiaotian grimly: "Where did the news come from?"

"Have you heard of Qinglong?"

"... It's been a long time since I heard from him..." Uncle Jiu twitched.

"Now I have..." Luo Xiaotian said as he took out the Rubik's Cube and handed it to Uncle Ji.

Uncle Ji looked at the Rubik's Cube,

But did not answer,

He pursed his mouth tightly.

Face tight,

It's been a long while,

Suddenly there was a burst of shocking laughter,

"Hahahahaha, Xu Qing, the second one! Has it entered the Rubik's Cube? Hahahahaha!"

"What about your ten-mile peach blossom forest? Is it cheaper for others? Hahahahaha!"

Luo Xiaotian stared blankly at Jiu Shu, who was laughing with tears, with a dazed expression on his face.

Xu Qing's gritted teeth suddenly sounded in his mind: "Let me out! I'm going to kill this old bastard!"

"Is this guy yelling in your mind, let him out?" Uncle Ji wiped his tears, clutching his stomach and continued hahahaha.

Luo Xiaotian nodded,

"If you let him out, I won't mate Shao Ning to you!" Jiu Shu suddenly said with a serious face.

"..." Luo Xiaotian held the Rubik's Cube blankly and looked at Jiu Shu with a serious face.

"Look at your promise! A woman bought you? You let me out, and I won't fight with him! You want a woman, and I will introduce you to my disciple and grandson! How many you want! Hurry up, Ma Liu Yes! Let me out!" Xu Qing roared in Luo Xiaotian's mind,

"Oh, my stomach hurts a bit. Did Xu Qing tell you to introduce his disciple to you?" Jiu Shu sat on the rock by the roadside, holding his belly with his hands, and continued hahaha

At this time, Xu Qing's roar suddenly stopped in his mind.

Luo Xiaotian only felt that the Rubik's Cube in his hand was shaking violently.

The cubes on the Rubik's Cube are spinning fast,

Luo Xiaotian only felt that his brain was not enough.

He lifted the stopped Rubik's cube and showed it to Uncle Jiu.

Jiu Shu's smile instantly solidified on his face,

On the Rubik’s Cube, a gesture with a white square as the base and a cyan square as a pattern...


"Oh, let me go! The surname is Xu, you come out if you have the ability! You see if I can cut you!" Jiu Shu suddenly jumped up and said angrily!

The words on the Rubik’s Cube have changed again,


Uncle Jiu's face turned black with anger, he twisted his eyebrows and stared at the words on the Rubik's Cube, his beard trembled.

The Rubik's Cube trembled again,



This time two words appeared consecutively,

Luo Xiaotian only felt that the aura on the opposite side of Jiu Shu's body was getting stronger and stronger.

The strong pressure almost made him breathless.

Uncle Ji raised his eyelids and glanced at Luo Xiaotian.

At this moment, Luo Xiaotian only saw a flash of gray in Uncle Ji’s eyes.

I was shocked, my mind instantly awake,

Put the Rubik's Cube away when you flip your wrist,


He sadly realized that he couldn't move.

Uncle Jiu stepped forward, raised his hand and pressed it on the cyan pattern of the Rubik's Cube,

Then, in front of Luo Xiaotian, the physical body of Uncle Nine fell straight back.

Luo Xiaotian watched as Jiu Shu knocked his head on the big rock behind him.


Blood splattered,

Luo Xiaotian loosened his body at this time, ignored the Rubik's Cube in his hand, and directly retracted it into the ring.

He quickly ran over and picked up Uncle Jiu's body,

Raising his hand to cover the back of his head,

The sweat on his forehead fell down,

"I'm so old, why are you so impulsive? Come out!" Luo Xiaotian shouted, holding Jiu Shu.

With his roar,

There was the sound of messy footsteps in the night,

A group of disciples who watched the night ran over here carrying lanterns,

"Who? I yelled here at night!"

Luo Xiaotian lowered his head and looked at the unconscious Jiu Shu.

Then I looked at the blood on my right hand...

"Ms. Gan Lin! Uncle Jiu, are you cheating me?" (End of this chapter)