My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 117: Don't drag me!


The person squatting in the cab,

A group of detestable men stood on either side of the door with their weapons in their arms,

at this time,

Everyone tilted their heads and looked at Luo Xiaotian,

With a strangely surprised face,

A strong man next to him turned his gun to aim at him, and asked viciously:

"Where did you come from?"

Luo Xiaotian looked up at the sky,

With a light sigh:

"I said it came from the sky... Are you afraid that you don't believe it?"

"It should be the guy who was left behind during the ship search. Leave him alone and lock it up together!" A man with the appearance of a leader waved his hand indifferently.

"Boss, it's impossible. Just now I took my brothers to search very carefully. It is impossible to be Tibetan..." said a thin and tall man beside the chief.

The leader gave him a sideways look.

Sneered and said: "Then you explain to me where this kid who popped up suddenly came from? Did he jump down from Shangyang Mountain? Coming from the imperial sword?"

"Pop!" A snapped finger,

Luo Xiaotian pointed at the leader-like person and smiled:

"This man, you are right, that's how I came here!"

The leader looked at Luo Xiaotian as if he was looking at a mentally retarded person.

"Don't pay attention to this neurosis, and work quickly!" The boss said, raising the pistol, and squeezing the trigger at Luo Xiaotian.


The boss just felt that there was a flower in front of him, and the neurosis stood in front of him.

Holding a paddle in his hand,

Raising his hand is a paddle patted on his face...

"Puff!" The leader fell to the ground with blood,

Luo Xiaotian turned his head and grinned at everyone, showing his big white teeth...

"Don't move, I'll robbery, sixteen, seventeen, you move a little bit more neatly!"

next moment,

In the eyes of people squatting with their heads in the cab,

An extremely strange and terrifying scene appeared before them,

The wind and wind are everywhere,

Many ghosts suddenly appeared behind many strong men,

Immediately after,

Many brawny men had pale faces, foaming at their mouths, rounded up their arms and slapped each other.

Some people who couldn't find their companions to slap just slapped their heads on the floor.

I only heard a "pop" in the cab,

All the strong men fell to the ground,

"Who is the captain? Help me find two sets of clothes. I have a companion lying on the back deck..." Luo Xiaotian looked around at the people squatting on the ground.

"The captain was thrown into the sea by them... I'm the first mate..." a man stood up and raised his hand tremblingly.

"You take care of these people yourself? I only need two sets of clothes and a room. If it's convenient, take me back to the shore, can you?" Luo Xiaotian smiled, hiding his left hand in his pocket and grabbing a stack of banknotes from the ring. Put it on the platform in the cab,

"No problem! Return now, and we will be able to dock tomorrow morning!"

"Ring Ling Ling!"

A rush of telephone ringing awakened Li Zhaoan.

He didn't care about complaining, grabbed the phone beside the bed and pressed the call button.

"what's up!"

"Juju Li, something went wrong, the head of Shangyangmen was hijacked!"

"Why do you want me to do this? Your first day at work?" Li Zhaoan rubbed his cheeks, suppressing his anger.

"Luo Xiaotian did it..." The man on the phone gave a wry smile.

"Huh? You say it again?" Li Zhaoan suddenly awakened.

"The people at Shangyangmen called the police, Luo Xiaotian did it... The police in one district over there were all out, and it was a mess..."

"...Is the phone located?" Li Zhaoan started putting on his clothes while holding the phone.

"The most outrageous thing is this. Luo Xiaotian's last signal was positioned on the sea 10 kilometers north of Shangyang Mountain..."

"Press all the raids! Pull back all the police from that area!" Li Zhaoan shouted into the phone, sweat leaking from his forehead.

This guy has a halo of chaos, right

Where did the accident go?

"I'll be over here! Before I arrive, you are not allowed to take any action, just press it down! What's the matter, I will carry it!" Li Zhaoan grabbed the car key and rushed downstairs, shouting to the phone.

"Yes! Li Ju!"

On a quiet street,

A car hurried away with a deafening roar,

In the residential buildings on both sides,

Many people with light sleep were awakened by this roar,

He kept cursing at the damn street bombing youth, turned his body and tried to find the ethereal sleepiness again.

I have to go to work tomorrow morning.

This damn street bombing soul is light, it's better to have a car accident and go to another world...

On the Shangyang Mountain,

In a wide hall,

Liu Heyi sat on the futon with a smile,

There is a steaming thermos cup next to it, and a few red and plump goji berries floating on the water.

Liu Heyi picked up the cup and blew it, taking a sip.

"Has the news been released?"

"It's released, the Zhu family is rushing over..." a middle-aged man in front of him whispered.

"Did you call the police?"

"The report is over, but there is news that the original police force has been withdrawn..."

"It doesn't matter..." Liu Heyi took another sip of water and shook his head gently: "Add some firewood to him and spread the news on it. The murderer of the hunter Zhang Man has been found. It is Luo Xiaotian... Let them send someone over."

"Yes… "

Watching the middle-aged man in front of him leave in a hurry,

Liu Heyi had a good meal,

This time, like a divine help,

I didn’t have time to use my own layout,

Luo Xiaotian almost killed himself by playing.

Although I didn’t find every corner of the mountain, I still didn’t find him.

But this time,

Luo Xiaotian and the head are going to die!

Next is the era when I am in charge of Shangyangmen...

Under the recommendation, it's really good, it's worth installing by book friends, and Android and Apple phones are supported!

With the melodious whistle sound,

A returning fishing vessel greeted the pier in Fuyang Town.

What is unexpected is that behind the fishing vessel, there is still a pirate ship towing...

The whole town was a sensation,

This is a group of pirates wandering in the surrounding waters.

I didn’t expect to be dragged back by a fishing boat this time.

When everyone was surrounding the chief mate to ask what happened,

Luo Xiaotian and Uncle Jiu, who had changed two dark blue work clothes, slipped out quietly when the wharf was in chaos.

He didn't dare to take the big road,

Continue along the inaccessible path,

He was not sure what was going on at Shangyangmen,

But 80% should know that he has already run out of the range of Shangyang Mountain, and Old Man Liu will never let go of this opportunity.

I will definitely send someone to find myself, and then lead my hand to kill Jiu Shu...


That guy will definitely let the night watchman join in the hunt,

As for the police, they might have started searching long ago...

Luo Xiaotian had seen a number of police cars whizzing by with their lights flashing in the past half an hour.

It’s just that these police cars are driving in the opposite direction.

Is this an evacuation

Luo Xiaotian thought of Li Zhaoan’s old fox,

He looked down at the mobile phone he was holding, and shook it vigorously. He could still see some drops of water being thrown out of the phone.

"Ugh… "

Luo Xiaotian continued to walk along the path,

Several fierce souls slowly appeared around him,

Floating outside for a long time, their figures faded a bit.

Luo Xiaotian looked at them, frowned, turned his head and looked at the white fish belly rising from the horizon...

The souls cannot go back to the Rubik's Cube,

You have to find a dark place to hide,

Otherwise, when the sun rises, my few remaining subordinates will be wiped out...

Luo Xiaotian gritted his teeth and left the path with Jiushu on his back, drilling into the forest in the distance.


He found an abandoned mine,

There is a dilapidated log cabin,

Luo Xiaotian placed Jiu Shu on a wooden board and checked his condition.

Breathing is fairly steady and there are no other symptoms,

Sixteen and Seventeen got out of the plank, and said to Luo Xiaotian with surprise on his face:

"Master, there are fierce souls in the abandoned tunnel below... Look?"

"Go, you guys go to add something, and then come back..." Luo Xiaotian waved his hand and suddenly said to Seventeen: "Give me an illusion around the wooden house, and then add..."

"Yes, master!" Seventeen smiled sweetly and floated out.

Luo Xiaotian took out the Rubik's Cube and held it in front of him, muttering to himself: "Uncle Nine, Uncle Nine, your old man should come out quickly... It's a mess..."

The voice just fell,

Luo Xiaotian only felt dizziness and a strong sense of fatigue in his head.

This is the great god in the Rubik's Cube who wants to drag himself in!

"Not good! Don't drag me at this juncture!!!" Luo Xiaotian was shocked, he hurriedly wanted to take out a physical booster and give himself an injection.

But I haven’t had time to do anything,

I fell asleep in the dark...

There was silence around the wooden house,

Only the rustle of the wind blowing over the fallen leaves,

After a long time,

One foot lightly stepped on the dead branches,

"Kaba" whispered back **In this abandoned mine... (End of this chapter)