My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 126: Disgusting


The dwarf shivered and pressed tightly behind Brother Liu.

Brother Liu pushed him aside with a look of disgust.

Just this, what about the hunter? Courage is smaller than a mouse...

Jie Jie’s laughter floated around everyone, suddenly far and near,

Luo Xiaotian frowned and rushed into the rain curtain with Shao Ning on his back.

Brother Liu and other policemen didn’t respond yet.

I saw Luo Xiaotian walking down from behind them again,

In his right hand is dragging a "person" who is yelling strangely...

The dwarf swallowed and spit,

He looked at the guy who was being pulled by Luo Xiaotian's hair and was still changing his body shape, silently mourning for it in his heart.

"Who are you, how can you see me? I'm going to kill you, you let me go!!!" The body of the grotesque guy is like a piece of gray plasticine.

It screams strangely, constantly changing its shape,

One will become a big fat man, one will become a woman, and one will become something like slime,

Water splashes all around,

Hit everyone in the face,

Luo Xiaotian's left hand clasped the man's head fiercely, his five fingers tightened.

It seems that I can no longer bear the strange scream of the "person" in his hand,

Luo Xiaotian gently lifted his left foot and stepped on that guy.


He straightened his body abruptly,

The left hand suddenly lifted upwards!

The whole world is instantly clean...

In the rain curtain,

Everyone swallowed the unknown in their mouths**...

It's so cruel,

It's so cruel...

Luo Xiaotian was still holding the deformed head in his left hand, and a white spine under the head was hanging down on the ground...

The plasticine-like body slowly turned into a puddle of gray mud, washed away by the heavy rain...

There is no scum left,

The rain curtain around seems to have become clearer, and the mountain walls on both sides are not in that fuzzy gray...

Luo Xiaotian supported Shao Ning with his right hand, and dragged the long spine with his left hand. He stepped forward and continued to walk down.

"Keep up!" Brother Liu wiped his face without knowing whether it was rain or sweat, and caught up with Luo Xiaotian's footsteps.

The dwarf remembered the palm on top of his head just now... Ji Lingling shivered, and closely followed Brother Liu's pace.

This time,

Did not see the trash can that was kicked over,

Instead, the steps in front of us have changed again,

The original cyan steps became pitch black,

The rain curtain around suddenly disappeared,

Everyone seemed to walk into an invisible passage,

Just stepped on the black steps,

A gray shadow beside him screamed at everyone,


With a crisp sound,

That shadow was pulled apart by Bai Sensen’s spine, turned into a red and a gray, and penetrated into Luo Xiaotian’s left hand.

Shadows rushed out from the surrounding darkness, screaming at everyone,

Many police officers were a little flustered, and the Three Views collapsed.

A shadow passed through the body of a policeman, and the policeman's complexion instantly turned pale, and he began to shiver uncontrollably.

Luo Xiaotian kept pulling out the white bone whip in his left hand,

Broke up one shadow after another,


There are too many shadows,

Charged at the same time from all directions,

Almost everyone was more or less swept by the dark shadows, their bodies began to chill and trembled...

"Untie my handcuffs, quickly untie my handcuffs!" The dwarf jumped in front of Brother Liu and raised his hands.

Brother Liu glanced at him, raised his hand and opened the handcuffs for him.

The dwarf didn't talk much, and directly took out a crystal of fear from the ring,

A yellow light shade shrouded everyone around,

Finally resisted the attacks of many dark shadows...

Luo Xiaotian turned his head and glanced at the dwarf holding up the mask behind him, and nodded slightly.

He looked down at the white bone whip in his hand, it seemed that it was not so easy.

So he threw the deformed skull on the ground and stomped him severely.

The fragments of white bones fell apart, and on the white bone whip, there was only a hand-sized sharp bone fragment...

Luo Xiaotian squeezed the position of the whip's tail and flicked it twice.

It's comfortable!

"Follow me!" Luo Xiaotian said, looking back at the dwarf who was holding the crystal of fear in both hands.

"Okay, uncle, you go first, and the little one takes the brothers to follow you..." The dwarf bowed again and again, his face turned into a smile...

Luo Xiaotian immediately turned his head and continued to walk forward.

The bone whip in his hand is like a white spirit snake,

Flying around,

Swept away one after another black shadows rushing up!

The dwarf guarded a group of police tightly behind Luo Xiaotian,

Brother Liu looked at the dwarf next to him with complicated complexion,

He was holding the crystal of fear in both hands, carefully observing the surrounding situation, his face was a little excited in addition to worry...

A moment ago, he was a prisoner of himself, but now he is protecting everyone in turn

Is this surrender

The dwarf also noticed that Brother Liu was watching him, and hurriedly smiled at Brother Liu, and said, "As soon as I get to the bottom of the mountain, I will take the handcuffs with me. Don't worry, I will stay in the prison car with peace of mind. I will never trouble you..."

Brother Liu nodded silently.

Is it so conscious

This guy is very smart,

Knowing that it is safest to be a suspect now

At the very least, Luo Xiaotian will not pull out his spine...

However, will there be any conspiracy

Brother Liu raised his eyelids again and glanced at the dwarf suspiciously.

The dwarf seemed to know that Brother Liu would look at him again, so he hurriedly said with a smile: "There is no conspiracy, but I don't want to die. The person who knows the current affairs is a good man. In order to survive, I am not ashamed..."

Speaking of him, he turned to the front and said, "Judging from my Yan Huai's years of survival experience, the lord in front is much more powerful than that of Mr. Liu. This time the night watcher is on the bar with him, hehe..."

Brother Liu raised his eyebrows and turned to look at the people around him.

Without the constant harassment of the shadows,

The faces of the other people gradually improved a lot...

It’s just that the surrounding environment is getting darker,

Only the water-filled steps are still clearly visible,

"Don't look, there must be hallucinations around... We are still walking down the mountain, there must be a more powerful evil spirit doing things around..." Yan Huai looked at Brother Liu who was looking around, and couldn't help but relieved him.

It’s a good news, it’s worth installing, after all, there are many books, complete books, and fast updates!

"Judging from my years of survival experience, this evil spirit is very powerful. Even the rain curtain in the sky and the surrounding environment have changed... Ordinary people are absolutely ill-prepared to fall into the trap, and they are dead..."

The faces of all the policemen became hard to look, and some looked at Yan Huai silently.

Are you comforting others

However, Yan Huai smiled, and continued to speak in front of him.

"But! The man in front of us is not an ordinary person, we will definitely be able to go out with him... That is, if we fight with that big fierce soul for a while, buddy will go to the front to help the uncle, as long as we can get out alive! You are holding this The cube will do..."

"Okay! Go help Luo Xiaotian, we try our best to protect ourselves..." Brother Liu nodded, also aware of the seriousness of the matter.


Luo Xiaotian in front stopped,

The bone whip of the left hand hangs on the foot, twisting slightly...

In front of them,

The steps disappeared,

Countless dense black shadows are tangled together,

Withered arms,

Twisted limbs,

Painful and hideous face,

It formed a huge corpse ball... Slowly rolling up the steps, wriggling,

Luo Xiaotian frowned,

Tilted his head and looked at Shao Ning, who was still sleeping,

I seem to remember that she would be sick with these stumps and broken arms...

So Luo Xiaotian turned and walked towards Brother Liu and the others.

Untie Shao Ning from her body and carefully put it into the yellow mask.

Brother Liu hurried forward and prepared to hold Shao Ning in his arms.

Luo Xiaotian stared at him with cold gray eyes and said: "Don't... hold her..."

"..." Brother Liu felt hairy when he saw him, gently supporting Shao Ning's shoulder, and looking towards Luo Xiaotian.

Luo Xiaotian's faceless cheek showed a grim smile, and left a sentence: "Wait... Wait..."

There was a chill in the hearts of everyone who looked at this smile,

Yan Huai handed the crystal of fear in his hand to the policeman aside. He pondered it for a while, gritted his teeth and endured the pain, then took out one and stuffed it to him, saying: "Put two cubes together, it should be able to last a little longer. Don't let Mr. Shao Ning have an accident, otherwise we will all have to be pulled out of the spine by Uncle Luo..."

The policeman nodded as if holding a baby,

Yan Huai wrinkled his nose and glanced at Shao Ning, who was carefully supported by Brother Liu.

I wondered, is Shao Ning a man or a woman? Why is it so fragrant

Suddenly, he remembered the hand that had stopped above his head again... He stood up resolutely and decided to go out to help.

And at this time,

Luo Xiaotian has dragged the bone whip and swayed towards the slowly rolling corpse ball...

He raised his finger to the corpse ball and muttered to himself in disgust:

"Stump... Broken arm, evil... Heart!"

Yan Huai, who followed him, looked at the spine that Luo Xiaotian was holding in his hand, and the corners of his mouth twitched... (End of this chapter)