My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 13: Parallel world


Luo Xiaotian had a dream in which he went to a weird and terrifying world. In that world, everyone became a phantom. He could only feel that strong fear was controlling his thoughts. In the dark world, he was running desperately, and suddenly he was empty in his feet, as if he fell into the endless void, the feeling of instant weightlessness made him scream!

With this shout, Luo Xiaotian suddenly sat up!

He remembered as if he heard someone say a theory, the feeling of weightlessness that suddenly came in his sleep was that his brain felt that you were dead, and then tried to see if you were dead.

Looking around, he was sitting on the floor of the safe house, his body was cold and his limbs were stiff!

Luo Xiaotian stood up trembling, thinking that he must get a set of furniture first, at least a bed!

The countdown on the watch has become a 22-hour countdown. It seems that I have slept for two hours, so let’s continue with what we had to do before. Luo Xiaotian opened the menu interface, and there was a mailbox icon in the lower right corner of the field of vision showing a number. 2".

This should be a novice equipment, right? Luo Xiaotian pondered, and clicked on the icon. The two boxes floated in the air. He raised his hand and clicked twice on the box. With a bang, the box fell to the ground.

Opening the first box, there is a gray one-shoulder backpack lying quietly inside. A dark gray fabric is very strong to the touch. There are multifunctional bags on the sides and back of the backpack to put things in.

For help, you can steal book tickets like stealing food. Come steal the book tickets of your friends and vote for me.

Luo Xiaotian took the backpack in his hand and opened it to see that there was nothing inside. He curled his lips and put the backpack on his shoulders. After adjusting the camera strap, he raised his hand and opened the second box.

A flashlight, a pair of gloves, a bundle of ropes, and a pickaxe are lying quietly inside

Does it look like a tomb-robbing equipment? Luo Xiaotian scratched his hair and stuffed things into his backpack, while the pickaxe stayed in the safe room.

There is no food and water, although the points can be exchanged, but Luo Xiaotian is reluctant to waste points to exchange for these things. He still doesn’t know what the next task will be. Save some points for a rainy day. If you didn’t sell the fear yourself just now Crystallized, Wan Hang and the three of them estimated that none of them would survive.

"What is the purpose of this weird world and system?" The faintly Luo Xiaotian always felt that there was a big conspiracy behind the whole system.

A weird world, weird and terrifying creatures, the things you can sell are items called fear crystals...

Is a world born around fear? What will the world transmitted over look like

Luo Xiaotian looked at the steps in front of him, the dirt pit at the end of the steps was still there, but this time the position of the door had changed. It was no longer on the top of the head, but on the wall facing the steps. An ordinary dark yellow wooden door.

"Go out and have a look, at least get some food, eat and drink, and better find a way to get some weapons." Luo Xiaotian stepped up the steps, thinking in his heart, gently turning the doorknob and pushing the wooden door open.

The bright sunshine shone on Luo Xiaotian's face, causing him to squint and push the sunglasses on his face unconsciously.

The refreshing sea breeze gently brushed his face, and the endless blue sea was dotted with sails. Layers of waves curled in white foam gently patted on the beach, and there was a sound of "crushing".

Cheerful laughter sounded from time to time around, accompanied by the melodious siren sound from a distance, as if it were an intoxicating piece of music, and instantly calmed Luo Xiao's nervous mood for some days.

This is a peaceful, beautiful world...

Luo Xiaotian looked at the beautiful scenery in front of him, with a smile on his face unconsciously, a peaceful world that had been missing for a long time.

He stretched out his hand to face the sea breeze, feeling the gentle wind passing through his fingers, and turned his head to look at his safe house.

An exquisite seaside cottage! Although it looks a bit weird without windows, it is well located!

Luo Xiaotian stepped down the beach and walked casually along the gravel path. He soon discovered a problem.

Although the people here are black-haired and yellow-skinned like him, but he can’t understand the language they speak, and he can’t understand a word. Since the text is unclear, then they cannot communicate. If they cannot communicate, then they can buy things. How to do?

He is thirsty and hungry now. He doesn’t have a penny on him. He still doesn’t understand his language. It seems that this is a very real and troublesome thing...

"Or, I use points for food and drink?" Luo Xiaotian felt a little headache: "What about the future? Can't you keep eating the exchanged dry food? What about my lollipops and my chocolates?"

He looked at the clean and tidy seaside road not far away, and the shops lined with colorful decorations on both sides of the road could smell the sweet smell from a long distance, Luo Xiaotian felt a little unwilling.

Quietly called up the redemption menu, Luo Xiaotian sat on a bench, carefully looking for the exchangeable things, and opposite him was a small shop that looked like a restaurant, where people came and went. , Very lively...

Luo Xiaotian pondered and the menu, most of which are items with weird names, basically fighting-related items, and the life category is some strange-looking items, he dare not try it lightly...

Swallowing continuously, Luo Xiaotian, who was browsing the menu, suddenly found a person standing in front of him.

He turned off the menu and looked at the man in front of him. He had short black hair, squinted eyes, white teeth, and was wearing a neat blue overalls. He was surrounded by a white apron. With the hot food, he handed it to Luo Xiaotian.

When the man saw Luo Xiaotian raised his head and looked at him, he smiled again, said something, and sent the food forward again.

Luo Xiaotian shook his head in confusion. He could guess that this person wanted to feed him, but he couldn't speak his language and there was no currency on him. God knows what will happen after eating...

The man was stunned, holding the food as if he didn't know what to do, so he turned his head to the small shop behind him.

A woman poked her head out and shouted something at him, her tone seemed a little dissatisfied.

The man didn't get angry either, walked to Luo Xiaotian, took his hand, put the food in his hand, turned his head and walked back to the small shop.

Luo Xiaotian's eyes widened, looking at the man's back, there was an unknown feeling in his heart, the feeling of being cared for by strangers? He couldn't help but think of Li thinking about them again.

With slight heat in his eye sockets, Luo Xiaotian grabbed the food in his hand and took a bite. It was similar to the creamy waffle of the previous world, sweet and creamy, with a good taste.

He carefully ate the waffle in his hand, and unconsciously looked at the small shop opposite.

At this look, he felt cold all over, because he saw a white corpse, standing quietly behind the woman who used to stick out his head and yelled, looking at the woman with cold eyes!

The bloody face of the white corpse was smeared with a sly smile... (End of this chapter)