My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 130: The way to the end of the world


Li Zhaoan sent Luo Xiaotian to the door of the villa, asked him to wait for the news, and drove away by himself.

Luo Xiaotian returned to the safe house for the second time in a short time.

Opened the door,

He dragged a heavy step and stood on the elevator...

"Yeah! Devil Luo, are you back?" Donya sat on the sofa, dangling her feet and smiling.

There is not the slightest worry on his face...

"Um..." Luo Xiaotian stepped into the house,

But I smelled the scent of food...

Shao Ning is ready? Can you cook

Luo Xiaotian was still a little happy,


This happy feeling lasted only 2 seconds,

Because the person standing by the stove turned around,

Yan Huai wore a white chef's uniform on top, a black apron around her waist, and a pair of black and gray striped chef pants. The most outrageous thing was that she wore a pink triangle scarf around her neck. People are full of anger,

"Yeah, master, are you back? In order to welcome you back, I made a few sirloin steaks... no one here knows how to eat them... The outer spine is a cheap one. I went out and bought a bunch in the morning! "

"..." Luo Xiaotian was a little speechless,

Can Yan Huai cook

How does it look more professional than what Shao Ning did

"You... used to... were...?" Luo Xiaotian asked, looking at the beautifully crafted and fragrant steak on the table.

"I used to be a chef, professional..."

Luo Xiaotian nodded, sat down and started eating.

He asked without raising his head:

"Shao Ning..."

"Mr. Shao Niangniang, oh no, Mr. Shao just had some longan and lotus seed porridge, this will fall asleep..."

"Up to..."

"Mr. Dakang also drank some sea cucumber and millet porridge just now..."


"I have replaced my dog food for fighting with a new breed today... It's good for the coat color! I'm going to the training ground to play now..."

Luo Xiaotian raised his head unexpectedly, and looked at Yan Huai carefully.

This special lady is a talent...

He does everything in a comprehensive manner, and he doesn't need to ask anything, he can answer them all

And he cooked a good dish...

Nothing but timid...


Sometimes being timid is not necessarily a bad thing...

As everyone knows, most of the people who drowned by the water are capable of water...

Watching Luo Xiaotian look at him,

Yan Huai bent down slightly, with a professional smile on his face, raised his hand and took a pen from the other arm, took out a notebook from his apron pocket, turned a page and waited for Luo Xiaotian to speak...

"..." Luo Xiaotian couldn't help but grinned.

A steak fell out of his cheek,

The room became quiet for an instant,

The awkward atmosphere began to spread around...

Yan Huai nodded solemnly, reached out and grabbed the steak, and said, "The master is right. This steak is really old, and it doesn't meet the standard of melting in the mouth... The small one is going to do it again, please Please wait."

After that, I turned around and went to the side of the stove to start making steak again. I sighed, "The craftsmanship is unfamiliar. I haven't made this steak. How can I serve it to the master?"

Donya lowered her head, chewing the steak in her mouth, shaking her body constantly... from time to time she would make a low pig cry,

Luo Xiaotian put down his knife and fork, wiped his mouth gracefully, and said, "I'm full..."

After speaking, he walked back to the room and closed the door.

After returning to the room, Luo Xiaotian stood silently in front of the closet, reached out and opened the door of the cabinet.

Leaning forward slightly, turning his face to observe the wound on his face...

Bai Sensen’s gums are exposed, and the muscle tissues on both sides can be seen.

I use my finger to press the muscle that has lost its epidermal protection,

Luo Xiaotian frowned.

It doesn't hurt at all...

Is this going to be a zombie

Although Luo Xiaotian has not cared about his appearance for a long time, but now it is a bit too miserable? Go out in the middle of the night and pretend to be scary without makeup...

Why don't we go out later or bring a mask

Luo Xiaotian sighed, closed the cabinet door, sat down and took out his mobile phone, subconsciously found out the number of Uncle Jiu and dialed it.

"Sorry, the call you dialed is turned off..."

I'm probably busy...

It's probably a mess of porridge on Shangyang Mountain...

Xu Qing told him that Old Man Liu had opened up a seal on Shangyang Mountain and released tens of thousands of fierce souls. This will cause Jiu Shu to catch back one by one and need to re-seal...

When they came down the mountain that day, they met evil spirits, big and small,

Luo Xiaotian asked, just kill it and it's over, why should it be sealed

Xu Qing smiled mysteriously and said that Luo Xiaotian would know about it in the future, now he is still young and doesn't understand...


This product is so shameless that Luo Xiaotian redecorates the house for him. This time he wants a seaside style with white beach and colorful sun chairs and a clear bay, saying that he wants to experience the long-lost romance...

"Romantic ghost, are you romantic by yourself? Or take Ning Bi to the waves?"

Luo Xiaotian threw the phone aside, lay down on his back, and lay on his head, staring at the ceiling and began to ponder.

Wouldn't it really be schizophrenia and created a second personality

Xu Qing didn’t know, and Jiu Shu couldn’t get in touch...

Scarlet... Seems to have been silent for too long

Luo Xiaotian silently called Scarlet in his heart, but still did not respond, as if the machine had crashed...

Open the menu of the red watch,

Scarlet’s points were flipped by himself, and there were 16 points left...

I can't even change the treatment needle...,

The crystals of fear were all incorporated into the isoposition apparatus and turned into time...

The points that the Japanese gave to him in the castle are all in the broken system,

At that time, I was so busy and tried my best to watch how many points, but vaguely remember that there were many zeros...

After thinking about it,

You still have to fix the broken watch first...

Thinking about it, Luo Xiaotian's eyelids are getting heavier and heavier, slowly closing...

Suddenly there was an excitement,

Luo Xiaotian sat up,

can not sleep!

What if I fall asleep and sleepwalking again? Have a big dream three hundred miles again, and then call Lao Li for help. I can't afford to lose this person! !

emmmm, find something to do!

Luo Xiaotian sat at the desk,

Turned on the laptop and started browsing the website casually, flipped through him and found a novel website.

There was a flash of light in my mind,

Registered an author number on it, and started to write out the zombies encountered in the last life. Anyway, I am idle and I am idle, leaving something to prove that I have been in this world!

The pen name is: Luo Luo's Luo Luo! To commemorate today’s steak,

The name of the novel is: Path to the End of the World,

The protagonist, just use Li to think about it. Anyway, that guy told me what happened in the last days, and I will help you process it!

Luo Xiaotian suddenly became energetic, and began to quickly tap the keyboard, and ordered Yan Huai to send him a bottle of Fat House Happy Water, and then began to recall the ups and downs before.

Fright night in the museum,

The besieged city of Shihai at the base of Xishanju,

One-armed giant zombies fighting three battles alone,

And the heavy rain in Jinhai City, and my endless tide of corpses...

Li thinks, who is alone in the role of Wan Fu Mo Kai, and his biological armor Amuro...

Luo Xiaotian polished and processed, added contradictions, and set the rhythm of the **, we must let the readers here see it!

Just as his writing is like a fountain of thoughts and percussing like a god,

The phone rang suddenly,

Luo Xiaotian frowned and crawled to ** grabbed the phone. The caller ID was Lao Li.

"Old Li..." Luo Xiaotian pressed the call button,

"Zhen Song, I found it!" Lao Li's voice came.

"So... soon?" Luo Xiaotian sat up abruptly.

"This matter is hard to say..." Lao Li's voice was low,

"Then... Keep it simple..."

"Zhen Song, we found it, it didn't take much effort! Because he was hospitalized..."

Luo Xiaotian's heart sank suddenly, and the Purifier was only one seedling, so there shouldn't be any trouble!

Hearing that Luo Xiaotian didn't respond, Li Zhaoan sighed and said, "I don't know what you are looking for, but he is in a very bad condition now, and he has fallen into a deep coma.... It's all on drugs to hang his life..."

"What... hurt?" Luo Xiaotian asked in a deep voice.

On the phone, Lao Li took a deep breath and said, "No injury! There is no trace of injury on the whole body! All physical examinations are normal... It just doesn't respond to the outside world!"

coma? Still sleeping

Dakang's figure appeared in Luo Xiaotian's mind for an instant.

"Who sent... to the hospital?"

"Ah? Wait, let me look at the information..." Lao Li obviously didn't expect Luo Xiaotian to ask this question, and was a little confused for a while.

After a while,

Old Li said:

"The information shows that it is a man named Zhuang Ming." (End of this chapter)