My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 135: Sweeping monk


Night falls,

On the dark highway,

A bright light pierced the night sky,

The blue business car is driving smoothly along the highway,

Yan Huai was driving,

Luo Xiaotian sat in the position of the co-pilot,

Looking down at the paper with the cipher text in his hand,


"Master, I understand before the cipher text, Yuanjia Temple is a place name, but the three monsters at the back are red? What does it mean..."

"I don't quite understand either. In any case, I have to go to the Yuanjia Temple first! Afterwards, it doesn't make sense to guess now..." Luo Xiaotian closed his eyes slightly.

I felt exhausted,

It’s been 2 months since I was reborn in a blink of an eye. In these two months I have been fighting and fighting again.

Various things followed one after another,

There is no time to breathe,

Only after the castle was busy playing at the beach for a few days was considered a serious rest...

There seems to be a hand that is constantly spurring Luo Xiaotian to keep him fighting.


Fight for what

From the initial fighting to return to the original world, it seems that slowly became fighting to earn points. Slowly, Luo Xiaotian seemed to understand that it is so unrealistic to want to return to the original world

And now it has become that in order to find the way to the original world, it is necessary to find the man behind the scenes who controls everything

And the original goal, farther and farther...

Like fate and Luo Xiaotian joking,

If you want to go east, fate will drive you west.

If you want to return to the original world, destiny will give you all the watches!

Don't be dissatisfied, and continue to scream and fight against fate. Next, Big Brother Destiny will take his life for you, and there will be no scum left!

"Heh, destiny..." Luo Xiaotian closed his eyes and sneered.

As a human being in two lives, his current state of mind is really different from before. Destiny or something,

He is not convinced...

In the previous life, the sea of blood and corpse mountain came over,

In this life, he really has a desire to try to fight against fate...

"It will be interesting..."

Luo Xiaotian closed his eyes and licked the corner of his mouth, whispering softly.

Yuanjia Temple is located in the northwest of Gaoyang District,

According to Zhen Song, this is a small temple and there are not many people who come here on weekdays.

When his grandfather was young, he used to live here for a while,

It is very interesting,

in this world,

Taoism seems to have completely overwhelmed Buddhism. There are so many Taoist temples all over the world, and temples are pitiful...

And the period of global unification was very early,

In the feudal era, the big traverser swept all the surrounding countries, close and close attacks, and in all the income territory of a steady battle,

There was basically no decent resistance,

Because I met that big boss’s enemy commander, he basically died the night before the war,

Really? Beheading!

What intrigue, hard struggle, does not exist,

Push it all the way, technology crushes...

Moreover, it is said that the big man is still alive... Most of the time he will walk around the world, but whenever there is something new, he will run over to show up...

Of course,

There is no sign of rebellion, even a splash of water is gone...

In addition, the people are living very happy now, and no one wants to do such thankless things...

The only exception is the Night Watch and Purifier organizations,

It seems that the big guy looked at them as being born again, and let them toss themselves, never intervening...

There used to be a courageous night watchman leader, wanting to try to change the dynasty,

Then, there is no more...

Luo Xiaotian flipped his cell phone and looked at the history on the Internet with relish. The founding father has been deified...

The deeds of the big guy in the previous life is a wonderful rebirth novel...

The car stopped slowly,

Yan Huai stopped the car and called Luo Xiaotian softly:

"Master, it's here, but people are closed in the middle of the night?"

Luo Xiaotian raised his eyes and glanced at the slightly old temple in front of him, touched his chin and said: "No longer, just go and knock on the door. Did you bring money?"

"No cash, it's all in the card..."

"Knock on the door for a while, saying that the old man wants to stay here for a few days, and things that can be solved with money are not called things..." Luo Xiaotian turned his head and pointed to Zhen Song.

"Okay! I happen to have a card in my hand with more than 100,000 yuan left, and I will donate them as sesame oil money soon!"

Zhen Song looked at Yan Huai, then at Luo Xiaotian, and the corner of his mouth twitched, "Well, I have tens of thousands of cash on my body. You can transfer the money to me. I will give them cash..."

As he said, his voice gradually decreased, his face flushed, and his eyes were a little red.

Yeah, it’s shameful, look at the rebirths of others, and donate sesame oil money with hundreds of thousands of change...

And he dismissed the apprentices,


How can you contend with an organization that is full of rebirths

"How much money do you have in the card?" Luo Xiaotian asked Yan Huai.

"I'm not impressed, there seems to be more than one million..." Yan Huai seemed to understand Luo Xiaotian's meaning.

"I don't like to owe favors. I used Mr. Zhen's intelligence to pay a million yuan, right?"

"The little one came out in a hurry this time. I didn't prepare too much. I only brought one million. Next time I will make up for Mr. Zhen!" Yan Huai took out a card and handed it to Zhen Song with a smile: "6 passwords. 8. Next time I will make up for you and make up 6 million! 66 Dashun!"

"Thank you..." Zhen Song tremblingly accepted the card, but there were tears in her eyes.

Luo Xiaotian sighed, and said to Yan Huai: "Knock on the door, go live in first... You decide what you say."

Yan Huai agreed, opened the car door and walked to the entrance of the temple and started knocking.

Not long after,

Then a sleepy little monk opened the door, asked the purpose of his visit, and hurriedly welcomed the three of them in.

Under Yan Huai’s 130,000 bank card,

The three of them moved into Yuanjia Temple smoothly.

Although the temple looks dilapidated from the outside, the environment inside is really good.

The hall is clean and tidy, and the Buddha statues are solemn and solemn.

Maybe it’s because the world is peaceful and life is happy, so there are not many people who believe in Buddhism in this world...

Buddha cultivated in the next life,

Taoism in this world,

It is a portrayal of the mentality of most people in this world now...

Mr. Zhen lived in a Buddhist room by himself.

Luo Xiaotian and Yan Huai lived in a room,

The facilities in the room are also ordinary, simple and clean.

Speechless all night,

In the early morning of the next day, someone brought monk clothes, and the old abbot took Zhen Song to the main hall to pay homage to the Buddha.

Luo Xiaotian and Yan Huai just wandered around in the temple.

I hope to find clues about the "Three Monsters, Red Na"...

Morning bell,


Wooden fish,

With the endless chanting sound,

A feeling of a buddhist clean place permeates the surroundings,

The two people unconsciously let go of their steps, it's not that they fear God and Buddha.


Although the two of them do not have faith, it does not mean that they are willing to step on the beliefs of others.

Luo Xiaotian took Yan Huai and strolled along the stone road, strolling around at will.

Suddenly, Yan Huai tugged Luo Xiaotian’s sleeves.

Pointed to the monk who was cleaning in front of the back hall,

"I remember that in every novel, the sweeping monk is a magical existence..."

Luo Xiaotian was amused by him, and said to him numbly: "Go ahead and inquire, see if you have any clues?"

Yan Huai folded his hands together, bowed and said, "Master, please wait a moment, the poor monk will come here..."

Luo Xiaotian stood in the distance and watched the two talk.

Then Yan Huai walked back with joy.

He whispered to Luo Xiaotian: "Guess what, master?"

Luo Xiaotian calmly watched him without answering.

Yan Huai scratched his head in embarrassment, and said with a smile: "The sweeping monk said, the back mountain of Yuanjia Temple is really sealed with monsters!"


"There is more than one..." (End of this chapter)