My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 142: Purify them


With Zhen Yutang’s cry,

There was a harsh noise from the laptop speaker, and the picture turned around.

"Boom!" There was a loud bang,

Zhen Yutang seemed to be planted headlong on the black ground,

Then he quickly left the river, hiding behind a black boulder,

The rapid gasp seemed to grip Luo Xiaotian’s heart tightly,

In the picture,

A wave of waves rolled on the originally quiet river, and the paramotor that was out of control in the sky was dragged into the river by a black shadow.

"How can there be anything in the river!! When I came last time, there was nothing in the river!!" Zhen Yutang's voice was a little nervous, he raised his head and looked around in the sky.

The gasping voice became more urgent,

He is scared! What appeared in the river water made him anxious and nervous!

"I won't give up, this wilderness has passed halfway, and I can definitely reach the end of the wilderness!!"

Zhen Yutang began to shuttle among the black boulders,

Straight along the river bank,

In the picture,

More and more black things appeared from the ground around,

"The black boulders are the hiding places of those monsters. They are all attracted to me!" The picture has been shaking violently.

Around Zhen Yutang, dense black monsters continuously poured out, pressing against him like a black sea.

All three people in the training ground held their breath.

They can all feel the despair in Zhen Yutang's heart,

In the endless black wasteland, countless black boulders are spewing black little monsters,

The huge monsters in the dark red river are staring,

The faint black shadow in the sky is still hovering,

The only way to survive is to run!

Keep running,

Until I ran to Zhen Yutang’s safe house...

"Master, is he dead?" Yan Huai asked with ugly expression.

"He didn't die here... He succeeded, he repaired his watch..." Luo Xiaotian sighed.

The three of them fell silent again,

In the following screen, Zhen Yutang never understood that anymore,

Because he has been running, or it is more appropriate to use the word escape!

The huge monster in the river rushed to the bank, and the thick tentacles rolled up pieces of small black monsters and then retracted into the water.

This is their feast...

The dark shadows in the sky swooped down, feasting in the sea of little black monsters,

Then the picture suddenly fell into darkness,

The progress bar is still walking,

"He probably had an accident, or the camera is out of power... The computer is okay!" Dakang checked the computer and came to a conclusion.

"Well, wait and see!" Luo Xiaotian took a sip of cold tea and waited silently.

After ten seconds, the picture flickered in the video.

Zhen Yutang’s face appeared in the picture, as if he was hiding somewhere, holding the camera in his hand.

"I ran out alive, through the black wilderness... and came here... The camera just now was damaged by something in the sky, now I redeem this one!"

His voice was very small, with a slight tremor, and the expression on his face covered with black blood was very tired.

At this moment, he was hiding in a dark house with a window in front of him.

"Here is the world of the dead... Our safe house itself is in this world of the dead!"

Zhen Yutang cautiously moved the camera to the window.

The picture is a gray city. In the gray city, densely packed with people standing still...

Everyone stands there with their heads down, and everyone wears a watch with no light on their wrists.

"They are all born again! They are all dead! Everyone, all..." Zhen Yutang's tone was quick, and the hand holding the camera was shaking violently.

Luo Xiaotian looked at the picture with a gloomy expression, and Da Kang was also clenching his fists tightly, Yan Huai was already dumbfounded as a wooden sculpture.

In the lens, there are countless rebirths standing in this city like a sculpture,

Are all waiting for the resurrection...

Like a puppet at the mercy of others, there is no soul and thought, just standing so lifeless!

Luo Xiaotian felt a little absurd at this time, even ridiculous,

He once felt that he was lucky and had a chance to survive!

Have a magical safe house where you can exchange powerful items!

Living in this peaceful and beautiful world is very nourishing,

But now it seems,

He was also one of the lifeless, soulless puppets before!

There is no goddess of luck, no God’s favor,


It's a naked conspiracy!

They all say game life, chic and romantic,

But if you are the one being played, how do you deal with yourself

Dream, will wake up after all...

"I'm right above the second floor of the safe house, but I can't get in yet!" Zhen Yutang stood up and poked the camera out of the window.

The screen is aimed at a man with his head down,

"This guy should have died, because I just killed him two days ago, grabbed his watch, and burned this bastard who murdered and insulted women to ashes! But! But now he is alive again, or rather , In this world of the dead, come alive again..."

There was a long silence in the picture, only the sound of his heavy breathing,

About ten seconds later, Zhen Yutang reinstalled the camera on his head.

"It's still a minute and a half before the countdown ends. I'm waiting to confirm my guess..." In the screen, Zhen Yutang got out of the window and squatted on the edge of the second floor, staring at the man with the head down.

"If the safe house is reset and everything is restored to its original state, will it be possible to directly repair the broken watch?"

Luo Xiaotian sat up abruptly, his eyes fixed on the man with his head hanging down in the picture!

A long minute passed,

The watch on the man’s wrist flickered suddenly, as if it had been activated, then he slowly raised his head and walked stiffly towards the house in front of him.

In the picture, the person’s face has no expression, his expression is stiff like a doll.

Zhen Yutang jumped lightly from the second floor.

I pulled down the shining watch directly,

The man did not resist, did not struggle, and fell straight after being taken off the watch.

Zhen Yutang walked to the door of the safe house and lightly attached the flashing watch that was just removed to the door.

"Come on, let me try! Is it the way I imagined it!" Zhen Yutang's tone was a little crazy.

The stolen watch originally worn on the wrist also started to flash at the same frequency!

The flashing frequency is getting faster and faster,

Slowly the watch that was completely black started to flicker!

Flashing at a frequency of three long and two short,

This flicker lasted for about a minute, until the frequency of the three watches became three long and two short flickers!

"Click!" The door of the safe house made a crisp sound.

The two snatched watches lost their light at the same time and disappeared into the air!

Only one watch is left and it starts flashing a yellow circle with Zhen Yutang’s breathing.

Zhen Yutang pushed open the door of the safe house and walked in.

"I succeeded! The watch is repaired! My guess is correct!" Zhen Yutang raised his finger to the surrounding environment and said, "My safe house, my points, and everything in my watch is preserved. !"

Zhen Yutang sat on the sofa, put the camera in front of him, the camera was facing him,

His clothes were rotten, and his face and body were stained with blood.

At this moment, he raised his hand and took off the scratched helmet and placed it on the table, his eyes were full of solemnity.

In the picture, a woman wearing a black robe suddenly rushed out and hugged Zhen Yutang.

"Yutang! You're back! I thought you would never come back..." The woman's profile was extremely beautiful. Seeing Zhen Yutang's worry on her face, tears dripped from the corners of her eyes like broken pearls.

Zhen Yutang raised his hand and touched the woman's long hair, looked at her dozingly, and said softly: "I have to restore the safe house for you, look, I am not back now?"

He stroked the woman's cheek lightly and said, "I'm videotaping, let's talk about it later..."

The woman nodded and sat aside well,

The three men in front of the screen couldn't help cursing: "Fuck!"

The woman in black has two eyes one blue and one yellow...

This woman,

It is clearly the black cat! !

"I seem to understand why that black cat is going crazy... This Zhen Yutang is probably stimulated and likes men..." Da Kang said gossiping.

"Mao Niang?? Which man can have such a charm to steal a man from Niang Mao?" Yan Huai said with a look of envy.

"..." Luo Xiaotian looked at the screen, a little speechless,

Zhen Yutang took a deep breath, looked at the screen and continued:

"Although I really repaired the watch, I can't feel happy at all in my heart!"

"Some truths may be better if you don't know it!"

"Grab your watch, reset the safe house... Wait for the erasure program to start in the safe house, and then come out of the safe house! Pass through the black wilderness, and then come to this... the world of the dead!"

Having said this, Zhen Yutang's eyes showed a bit of unwillingness. After he hung his head and paused for a few seconds, he looked directly at the camera again and said:

"All rebirths are the moths of this world! And the night watch with the rebirth as the main body shouldn't exist in this world!"

He looked grim and clenched his fists tightly:

"This world shouldn't be a paradise for their rebirths to dominate the blessing!!"

"It's not their playground!"

"I want to purify them!!" (End of this chapter)