My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 15: Certification (recommendation, collection)


Looking at the four straight people standing in front of him, Luo Xiaotian quickly had a judgment in his heart.

"Soldiers, or law enforcers!" Luo Xiaotian's eyes narrowed, and he came to the door as expected.

"Hello, apart from the spiritualist, we are agents of the Federal Guard. We need you to go back with us for identity verification."

"Sorry, I can't leave here, I still have very important things to do." Luo Xiaotian said, with the door handle on his left hand, ready to open the door and return to the safe house at any time.

"Since this is the case, please wait for a while. We can do the identity verification for you here..." Luo Xiaotian was stunned by the unexpected.

"Is it so easy to talk? Shouldn't I be forced to take me away? I was planning to escape into the house, what should I do now?" Luo Xiaotian waited for the four Federal Guard agents, but a kind of in his heart Weird guess.

"It looks like this spirit eliminator seems to be very popular here?" Luo Xiaotian had a preliminary judgment, but he still grasped the doorknob and asked the four people: "How long will you have to wait?"

"About half an hour or so... The certifier is already on the road." The young man who had been talking to Luo Xiaotian raised his hand and looked at the square device in his palm, and replied apologetically.

"Okay, then I'll take a rest, they will knock on the door when they arrive." Luo Xiaotian said tentatively, and unscrewed the doorknob with his left hand.

"Okay, the spiritualist, we will knock on the door after we are ready, so let's rest first." The young man smiled, revealing a bright smile.

Luo Xiaotian nodded, pulled the door, entered, and closed the door.

At this moment, he only felt a little unbelievable, as if the situation was different from what he had imagined. It seems that the spiritual master here is a very popular profession, respected, and even passers-by will bow down!

This shows that their existing technology cannot solve ghosts like the white corpse! You can only rely on a spiritualist!

The attitude of these agents at the door shows that in this world, there are very few other than spiritual masters! At least not that kind of bad street is worthless!

The need for certification probably means that a strength test is required. I am afraid that there will be a level of a spiritualist that will follow, and the level should be linked to the welfare!

And the reactions of the people watching in the small shop today, the reactions of the female shopkeepers and the reactions of the male shop assistants all show that the people also know the existence of ghosts, but they are unable to resist and can only pray at the critical moment...

The magical world...

Luo Xiaotian figured out these things, and felt calm for a few minutes, subconsciously opened the menu interface and took a look at the points, then sighed and closed the interface again... Only 1 point left.

He looked at the empty room, and suddenly a bold thought popped out of his mind.

"Click"! The door of the wooden house was pushed open, and Luo Xiaotian's head poked out. He saw four agents standing not far away in a regular manner, paying attention to the situation here.

"What's the matter?" The young man came over and asked with a smile.

"I'm hungry, and I just got here, there is nothing in the house, can you help me make some tables, chairs, beds or something?" Luo Xiaotian's expression was calm, his heart beating wildly.

"No problem!" The young man still smiled, pulled the square device from his belt, tapped a few times with his finger, and said: "I need food, water, daily necessities, furniture and facilities, and I will bring it here as soon as possible!"

"Yes! Agent Mu!" A clear voice came from the communicator.

"Thank you! Agent Mu." Luo Xiaotian was determined in his heart. It seemed that what he inferred was basically okay.

"It's a great honor." Mu nodded, suddenly turned to look behind him, and smiled: "The certifier should be here."

Luo Xiaotian followed his gaze, and a man covered in a large cloak was slowly walking towards this side along the gravel path.

Seeing the 5 white corpses following this person, Luo Xiaotian's eyes narrowed, and his pupils tightened slightly.

Closing the door, Luo Xiaotian stood outside the door and watched quietly as the authenticator walked in front of the two people.

"Agent Mu..." the person in the cloak nodded slightly at Mu.

"Mr. Qin, you are here..." Mu Wei leaned forward, nodded to Luo Xiaotian and said, "This is our certifier, Mr. Qin, so please do your best for the next thing."

"Good!" Luo Xiaotian nodded.

Mr. Qin took off the hood of the cloak, revealing a face full of scars. A huge scar was slashed off his forehead, directly blinding his left eye. Now only the one with twisted lines is left. Grim eye sockets.

"Do you start here?" Mr. Qin's hoarse voice sounded, and the remaining right eye was staring at Luo Xiaotian.

"On the beach?" Luo Xiaotian pointed to the beach not far away.

"Okay!" Mr. Qin turned and walked to the beach over there, standing on a relatively flat sand, putting his hands in his robe and turning around to look at Luo Xiaotian.

Luo Xiaotian replaced the camera with a brand new battery a while ago, and walked towards Mr. Qin without any fear. The surrounding tourists had been invited away by Agent Mu early, but they looked around in the distance. People seem to be looking forward to something.

The book kiosk that the book friends used before has been hung up, and now they are basically using \mi\mi\reading\app\\.

"Are there any rules? I don't understand anything." Luo Xiaotian asked.

"Can you see a few white corpses behind me?" Mr. Qin asked, his hoarse voice made Luo Xiaotian get goose bumps.

"Five." Luo Xiaotian said calmly.

"Okay, how many do you choose to fight?" Mr. Qin asked again.

"Five together." Luo Xiaotian took the camera strap off his neck and held it in his hand.

Mr. Qin took a deep look at Luo Xiaotian, and the corners of his mouth twitched. He has never seen such a brave spiritualist... How dare you challenge five white corpses? At most, I can only fight with three at the same time, and the winning rate is only 50%. This kid actually asks for five when he comes up

"As you wish! What weapon do you use?" Mr. Qin shook his cloak, and threw a black metal block on the ground. This metal block emitted a circle of semi-circular light curtains that separated two people and five. All the white corpses were all enclosed inside.

"Crystal of fear! 55 points!" Luo Xiaotian's eyes suddenly lit up, and he couldn't help shouting in his heart.

"What weapon do you use?" Mr. Qin asked again.

"No weapons, let's get started!" Luo Xiaotian wondered how to get the crystal of fear in his hand, and waved his hand carelessly.

Mr. Qin stared with one-eyed eyes, but didn't say anything, turned and stepped away from the light curtain.

"Timed for half an hour, defeating five white corpses, going out of the circle or being knocked down is a failure! It is considered a pass after half an hour..." Mr. Qin couldn't help but remind Luo Xiaotian loudly.

"Okay!" Luo Xiaotian jumped in place. He looked at the scattered white corpses in front of him, thinking that the positions of these guys were too scattered, just gather some!

Agent Mu and the other three people also stood outside the light curtain, their eyes showing a little dignity, and they wondered how they could survive under the siege of the five white corpses for half an hour!

Mr. Qin took a deep breath, raised his hand, snapped his fingers, and pointed his finger at Luo Xiaotian. (End of this chapter)