My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 155: Grinning


Luo Xiaotian stared at the figure who was running fast behind him.

That face that was originally familiar, but now it's unfamiliar.

The indifferent expression and the solemn look in his eyes... made him feel a little overwhelmed for a while,

Isn't this my own face

For no reason,

Luo Xiaotian felt terrified at this time.

Just imagine,

Suppose one day you are walking on the way to work or school, and suddenly you find a person who looks exactly like yourself rushes towards you, shouting, "Don't move, you are just my soul!"

How would most people react

It must be a U-turn and run!

This is written into all biological genes for thousands of years to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

Luo Xiaotian ran away,

He turned around and ran, and continued to rush into the gray city ahead!

There is my goal, and the person behind me who looks like me is an illusion!

It must be an illusion!

"Fuck! Why is the soul still running?? Don't run away!" Xu Qing's voice came again.

"What happened just now?" Scarlet shouted anxiously.

"When this fool rushed forward with his head, he was too close to a flower field, and as a result, he was entangled in the red flower..."

Xu Qing paused, as if swallowed and smeared, and then continued:

"Then the soul of this guy rushed out, and the body of this guy is now under my control..."

"You are so good, you can't catch up with the soul?" Scarlet said angrily.

"You fucking come and try!! Just rushed out from the edge of the flower field, I can't use this body now!!" Xu Qing roared angrily.

"What a waste!" Scarlet cursed, and stopped talking.

"I'll try to chase him, I run fast!" The black cat's weak voice came.

"You can't do it, you are about to disperse, and you are chasing him!" Xu Qing scolded.

Luo Xiaotian only felt that his body became lighter and lighter as he ran, and his feet were getting faster and faster!

It seems that the whole person is about to float, and there is only one thought left in his mind.

Rush into that gray city!

"Fool, don't run away, I can't catch up with you!!" Xu Qing's anxious voice sounded behind him.

All of Luo Xiaotian’s consciousness is blurred now, only one forward-throwing consciousness is still thinking about it in his mind.

Rush! !

"Xuanwu, you idiot, if you don't do anything, that kid's soul body will be scattered!! When I rushed out of that flower field just now, I used all the methods I could use. This place is weird!!! !" Xu Qing shouted hysterically behind him,

Luo Xiaotian, who was running, suddenly felt all over his body tight, being held in place by a powerful force, and he couldn't take a step...

Then a warm feeling came from behind, making Luo Xiaotian a little dizzy.

The body sank, and the surrounding feelings returned to the body,

When Luo Xiaotian came back to his senses, he only felt that there was a layer of gray gauze mist in front of him, but his body was still running fast.

"Fool, are you so sober???" Xu Qing's weak voice sounded in his mind.

"What's wrong with me?" Luo Xiaotian blinked blankly, the gray gauze mist in front of him gradually faded, and his body resumed control.

Only the palm of the left hand exudes a faint gray halo, shrouded around him,

"You run very happy? You rushed out with your own soul, and your body was thrown into the sea of flowers, don't you mean?" Xu Qing cursed.

"I'm totally impressed... Just now there was only one thought of rushing forward in my mind!" Luo Xiaotian took a deep breath, clenched his left hand hard, and the gray city on the horizon was in front of him...

"Thanks to the guy Lao Jiu who planted a strand of basalt in your left hand before, otherwise we will be chilled here today... You are a little farther away from the flower field, it's too evil..." Xu Qing's voice gradually weakened. Go down,

"Fool, be careful yourself, I'll rest... I can't use my strength here..."

"Thank you!!" Luo Xiaotian raised his left hand and looked at the gray light. It seemed that the light was gradually weakening, and the familiar feeling of deja vu permeated his heart.

Is this a gift from Uncle Jiu to himself

When did you score in

In that heavy rain on Shangyang Mountain?

It seems that my sleepwalking is also related to the basalt seeds in my left hand...

In just an instant, Luo Xiaotian thought of the scene where he single-handedly killed himself down the mountain that day.

"Uncle Nine..." Luo Xiaotian clenched his left hand tightly, and ran harder under his feet.

The gray city in front of me is getting clearer and clearer,

I vaguely saw countless figures standing on the street,

Gray walls, gray streets, gray sky,

Here it seems that everything has lost its color, only a lifeless gray is left,

Luo Xiaotian rolled over and rushed into the city.

The black shadows chasing behind stopped, wandering on the edge of the city and the wilderness, as if an invisible wall was blocking them, and they were not allowed to enter...

Luo Xiaotian took a long sigh of relief and looked at the black cat in his arms.

I saw her eyes closed, her chest slowly rising and falling,

"Are you okay?" Luo Xiaotian patted the black cat on the head lightly.

"Well, it's just a little tired..." The black cat opened his eyes and responded.

"Do you know how difficult it is for Zhen Yutang to run in?" Luo Xiaotian stood up, glanced at his watch, holding the black cat and continued walking forward.

"Meow..." The black cat yelled softly, tears overflowing from the corners of his eyes.

Luo Xiaotian walked forward slowly according to the instructions of the watch.

He really can't get up fast,

The streets are densely packed with rebirths with their heads hanging down,

Lifeless, lifeless...

Luo Xiaotian clenched his teeth tightly and walked past them...,

From the cliff to here, how thrilling the journey is, people who have not encountered it are absolutely unimaginable.

I was silently hit, and my soul was out of the body. If it weren’t for the seeds of Xu Qing and Xuanwu, I guessed that my soul would have disappeared...

"Xu Qing..." Luo Xiaotian called out secretly.

"What's wrong?" Xu Qing said, he always feels weird in this place.

In that flower field just now, it should have been easy to rush out, but it took a lot of effort. This is not normal...

"I thought about why you are weaker here..."

"Why?" Xu Qing came to the spirit,

"You are an officially certified guardian beast, in other words, you are a high-level NPC, and your identity does not allow you to destroy things here... This should belong to a backstage space."

"Uncle Jiu has not really upgraded to become a guardian beast, he does not have the identity of an official NPC, so he is not suppressed by the rules here... He is just infinitely close to the identity of Xuanwu, but he is still not an NPC, so the ability he left to me is not Suppress..."

"... Indeed!" Xu Qing was silent for two seconds and replied: "We are a group of people chained. It's a good calculation... The most powerful group of people has been suppressed and controlled, and the guys below can still turn it over. What kind of waves are coming?"

"So, this also shows that the person behind the scenes does not fully grasp this set of rules. He cannot be absolutely strong. He can only use this technique to suppress those forces that are infinitely close to him..."

"Why do you say that?"

"Will you put a chain on a group of ants? You won't, because you stomped to death with one foot, this is absolutely strong, but will you put a chain on the Tibetan mastiff? You will, because sometimes, those The Tibetan Mastiff may kill you directly..."

"I see... He is scared!" Xu Qing sneered.

The guy hiding behind the scenes is scared!

"Yes, he is scared! But for some reason, he has to continue to take such risky behavior... This reason is hard to guess..." Luo Xiaotian looked down at his watch and the sign indicated that the safe house was already around. ,

"You don't need to find the reason, just find him and kill him!" Xu Qing made a concluding speech.

Luo Xiaotian nodded, looking around,

Finally he noticed that among the many gray buildings, one building was slowly recovering its color.

And the door of this room,

Standing a person he knew well,

Yan Peng...

Does this guy have been standing here since he died?

Luo Xiaotian looked at him a few times, then stood at the door of the room, raised his left hand and glanced at his watch.

The countdown still has 5 minutes and 40 seconds...

After a long wait, Luo Xiaotian turned his head and looked around.


His gaze swept across a window in front of his side.

The window shows a reflection,

In this reflection, it is Luo Xiaotian and the group of rebirths with their heads hanging behind him.

At this moment,

Behind Luo Xiaotian,

Yan Peng's head was raised up without knowing when, his eyes were straight and straight at Luo Xiaotian.

There was a smirk at the corner of his mouth... (End of this chapter)