My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 161: wait for me!


The white-robed man stared at Dakang, his calm eyes were like stagnant water.

"How about two?" Da Kang's smile was a little awkward.

"Then she herself... won't marry again..." Dakang lowered his head, muttering in an unwilling manner, and a few drops of cold sweat flowed down his forehead.

"Why are you so nervous?" The white-robed man walked up to Dakang and looked at him condescendingly.

"I'm afraid..." Dakang told the truth this time.


"You make me feel more terrifying than the old housekeeper... even more terrifying than those blue dragons and white tigers. We can't beat you, I'm afraid of death..." Da Kang's mouth was almost stuck to the floor, and he blew up. Circle dust,

"Oh, I won't kill you, you are the future watchman, you are still useful..." The white-robed man waved his hand, turned and walked towards the door.

"Smugglers, hurry up..." The figure of the white-robed man gradually disappeared, leaving only one sentence in the empty hall.

Dakang kept his head down and knelt on the ground, feeling a trance in front of him.

There was noisy music and noise all around,

It's just that the noise suddenly decreased,

Everyone in the hall looked foolishly at the four people who suddenly appeared.

The old housekeeper stood up and reached out to support Da Zhengqing.

Dakang gritted his teeth and stood up.

He lowered his head and looked at the trembling girl, and sighed silently in his heart.

Two people who didn’t know each other a moment ago,

In the future, he will be considered as a husband and wife... It's really ironic!

Dakang reached out and pulled the girl who was kneeling on the ground, ignoring the shocked gaze of the people around him, pulling up and walking out the door.

Da Zhengqing looked at Da Kang who was walking away, sighed, waved his hand and said to the old housekeeper:

"Let them all go away..."

In the parking lot outside the lobby,

Dakang dragged the girl to a black sports car,

He pulled the car door and pushed the girl roughly into the car.

Dakang got into the car and started the engine.

The tires of the black sports car rubbed the ground, pulling out a cyan smoke, and rushing out of the manor with a roar like a beast.

The girl came back to her senses at this time, she looked at Dakang in a daze, biting her lower lip.

"You are the young master Dakang!"

"..." Dakang was silent,

"Is this your despicable layout?" the girl asked again.

"Shut up... You are annoying!" Dakang said coldly.

The girl closed her mouth and stopped talking,

The speed of sports cars is getting faster and faster,

All the way out of the city, I went straight to Qianyu Mountain on the outskirts of the city.

In the night, there was silence on Qianyu Mountain,

Dakang rushed all the way to the top of the mountain and stopped next to the platform where he usually came to blow the air.

There are still two or three cars parked in the empty parking lot. It seems that Dakang’s arrival has affected the people in the car.

The vibrations of those vehicles stopped unanimously...

A young man pushed the car door cursingly, and jumped down with his pants.

Pointing to Dakang who just got out of the car and cursed: "Do you fucking understand the rules? With the headlights on, do you want to die if you step on the accelerator?"

Dakang walked up to the young man with a calm face.

The young man grinned and took out a switchblade from his pocket.

The dazzling blade shone cold under the white headlights of the sports car,


Dakang kicked the young man out and walked to the side of the car.

He bent over and buckled the bumper at the rear of the car, and directly pulled the bumper down with one hand.

Dakang carried the deformed bumper in his hand, and looked at the young man who had just gotten up...

There was a woman's horrified scream in the car next to her.

"Brother, I was wrong, let's go..." The young man put his hand on his chest, apologized again and again, got into the car and drove down the mountain.

The other two cars also turned on their lights, and disappeared instantly.

"Bang Dang!" Dakang threw the deformed bumper casually.

I took a cigarette out of my pocket and held it in my mouth.

I struck my trembling hand several times, but failed to ignite the fire.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Dakang angrily crumpled the smoke in his mouth and threw it aside.

Father knew that Luo Xiaotian and his party... They must also know that Luo Xiaotian's watch was broken!

If my father sends someone to Chaluo Xiaotian,


Luo Xiaotian will inevitably be handed over to the white-robed man as a stowaway! !

How to do?

According to the style of the night watchman, Shao Ning, Yan Huai, Duo Duo will all die!

Dakang tremblingly took out his mobile phone, turned out Luo Xiaotian's phone, and hesitated.

What should I tell him?

Run away, Old Tie, my father wants to send someone to arrest you and give you to the man in white robe

"Click!" The girl didn't know when she got out of the car, walked to Dakang's side, and lit a cigarette.

The mountain breeze was blowing in her hair, and a pair of eyes in the darkness revealed a bit of unwillingness and confusion.

"Here..." The girl handed the windproof lighter to Dakang.

Dakang nodded and took it, re-ignited a cigarette in his mouth, and took a deep breath.

The pungent smoke is inhaled into the lungs, with a tingling tingling,

The familiar feeling calmed down Dakang.

"This is not a routine I arranged..."

Dakang looked at the brightly lit city in the distance, and said solemnly,

"I know... I can see that you are more angry and unwilling than I..." The girl chuckled.

Dakang was silent, and he squeezed the phone with his right hand, but his thumb seemed to be cramped, and he couldn't press it anymore...

"My destiny is so set? Be your wife?" The girl said flatly, raising her hand to draw the hair on her forehead.

"If I said you weren't, you might be dead right now..." Dakang let out a puff of smoke and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Thanks...Thank you" the girl hesitated for a moment, but she said it.

"What's your name?" Dakang quickly conceived several plans in his mind, and then quickly overturned.

"Du Xuewei..." The girl bit her lower lip.

For love, every girl has a beautiful longing. Who doesn't want the person she loves to one day be able to wear a golden armor and step on the colorful clouds to pick her up

Who doesn't want to have a vigorous love

Qingsitou, the dream of a young man, Xu, a person will live forever and prosper in the world,

However, today I was only accompanying my girlfriend on a blind date.

How could you get married like this

With this man who has never met

I even said on the roof before that she doesn’t want a car with more than a dozen hands...

I slapped my face too fast...

"Du Xuewei..." Dakang nodded, looked at the slightly trembling girl in the night breeze, took her arm and walked back to the car.

This time Dakang did not push her in roughly, but silently opened the car door and waited for her to get in the car.

Du Xuewei sat in and stared at the night scene ahead.

Dakang glanced at her, walked back to the edge of the parking lot, threw the cigarette butt in his hand on the ground, and stamped it out with his foot.

Taking a deep breath, he dialed Luo Xiaotian's phone.

"Little Dazi, the blind date is over? Is there a girl you like?" Luo Xiaotian smiled.

"A girl has been appointed to be his wife. I will take her to your house tomorrow for you to see!" Da Kang also smiled.

"..." Luo Xiaotian was silent for a moment, seeming to be surprised by what he just heard.

"Why? We are not welcome?"

"Is something wrong?" The noise on Luo Xiaotian's side suddenly disappeared, and Da Kang heard the sound of closing the door.

"No? Everything is fine, just let you see my future wife..." Da Kang smiled and wiped the corners of his eyes, yelling: "Let Chef Yan make me hot pot tomorrow!"

"Okay, you are coming for hot pot tomorrow!"

"Wait for me!" Dakang said with a smile.

"Waiting for you!" Luo Xiaotian answered with a smile,

"Beep, beep, beep..."

There was a busy tone to hang up the phone,

Luo Xiaotian frowned and looked at the phone in his hand, feeling a little uneasy.

"Lord, I have another beer, don't you drink it?" Yan Huai opened the door and poked out his head.

Luo Xiaotian waved his hand and motioned to him not to drink.

"Something?" Yan Huai walked in, carrying a bottle of beer in his hand.

"If you have always liked a girl and suddenly your family has arranged a blind date for you, what would you do?"

"Don't go?"

"Can you not go?"

"Go and take care of it?"

"Will you suddenly choose a woman to marry?"

"What's a joke? I'm not sick in my head. It's okay to have a beautiful in-depth understanding. How can I get married?"

"Suddenly married?"

"Hahaha, unless I hold a gun at me and say, if I don't choose one tonight, I will shoot you to death!"

"Dakang just chose a wife..."

"..." Yan Huai. (End of this chapter)